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7/26/2017 8:25:08 PM

Poised on the precipice; What happens when/if Destiny 2 fails?

With the internet rife with severe discontent over how the Open Beta played out, what would Bungie do if all those reports of "not buying D2 after the Beta" and "played the Beta, promptly cancelled my pre-order" end up being a stark reality? If true, what I'll be very interested to watch is: how does Bungie handle their first real failure? Think about it. With the entire Halo saga, most every title sold and performed better than the title before it. Even if you're one of the players who despised Reach, there's no argument that it was a smashing success. Every Halo title sold and performed in ways that made other development teams jealous. With Destiny, Bungie was able to ride the coattails of that Halo success; and even if you despise the decisions Bungie made over Destiny's 3-year lifespan, there's no doubt that it was a success sales-wise if not by continued player population count. But many, many people were very alarmed by the path that Destiny took after Y1. Their reputation began taking regular and severe hits, to the point that much of the Gaming world is now throwing around words like "incompetent", "blatant liars to their players", and "inept". The vitriol was, and continues to be, very real. But many players were looking to the Destiny 2 Beta to see how the game would play. They were going into that Beta to use it as a litmus test to see how the game feels, even if the characters were set at predisposed levels and power. What we got, was a steaming pile of shit, that makes players feel so weak, slow, and ineffectual, that it makes the [b][i]worst[/i][/b] days of Destiny seem like a dream vacation. The internet is rife with discontent. These Forums, Streamers' broadcasts, even the vaunted Reddit sub-threads that Bungie places so much trust in; even all of those places as well as their Facebook and Twitter accounts are rife with stories of Player's discontent with what they played. The reports from people over and over who've cancelled their pre-orders are legion. There are just as many tales of people who said that they were waiting to pre-order D2 until they got a taste of it in the Open Beta, and then after playing it are reporting that they are definitely NOT buying D2 as a direct result of what they played. So; Bungie is poised on the precipice of suffering their first real "loss" since they first started as a development company. So, what do we think Bungie will do when the reality of all of their malicious subterfuge hits them where it hurts the most? Do they finally admit that they were indeed not listening to their Players? Or in some cases, that they did the exact opposite of what people wanted due to arrogance and pure stubbornness and consternation? Or do they do exactly as they did during Destiny? Power on as if nothing were wrong, claiming that D2 is a huge success even as sales plummet well below Destiny and player populations drop off a cliff? What does Bungie do when faced with their first real failure?

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  • I believe that Destiny 2 will be the franchise killer, and that it's failure could very well lead to Bungie's dismantling. The net result would be a win for gamers, as the industry would have to wake up to see that we aren't going to continue to buy half-baked AAA releases based on little more than shiny hype. Well, at least, not as many of us. POWER TO THE PLAYERS!

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    8 Replies
    • Edited by Bung1eIsSoLame: 7/30/2017 4:37:24 AM
      Bungie will never admit failure, they will flat out fabricate a story about the wild success of D2. Even though we can track sales of the game ourselves, they'll spin us a fairytale of huge sales numbers. I don't know how well it will do, fanboys will buy it of course, but it definitely will not come close to D1 sales and that is a failure.

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    • Your concerns are totally valid. Anyone saying otherwise is closed minded. However while it will be a failure in some players eyes in the end it will sell like hotcakes and make the money needed to continue the franchise. That being said I think sitting and saying nothing doesn't help anything, so I'm glad you stood up and made your thoughts known. People often say they Bungie doesn't listen, and I suppose in some ways they don't and other ways they do, but there would nothing to listen to if we didn't speak our mind.

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    • Imo whether the game is a failure or not it will not be admitted by Bungie. Futhermore they will give stats the focus on the successes of the game instead of shortcomings that may or may not exist. Personally I hope this game does real well. From the things I have been hearing lately, it has given me a more optimistic outlook on what the game will be when it is released. For myself there is really no game out right now that I want to play. Destiny 2 will be the first game in a series of games that has caught my interest for the rest of the year. If the population declines greatly when other mainstream games release i.e. cod, shadow of war, battlefront 2, etc... to me that will be one of the greatest factor in whether this game is successful or not. Amount of people purchasing a game does not mean it is successful. I played less than a week of Infinite warfare and never touched it again.

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    • Even though I hated the beta I know it will still sell really well. I have noticed that people now a days don't think and just buy any shit that comes out. Look at the switch. Sold like hot cakes.

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    • Edited by Flawless : 7/31/2017 2:21:32 AM
      If it actually failed because of gameplay or mechanics then they'd fix it. Destiny is too big for Activision to let completely fail now. Kinda like EA and Bf4 at launch. It's not like cod where they can just release a new one next year. But if you're actually concerned then just don't buy it until after a weeks past launch

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    • Not feedback. Barely even a meta-thread. And you're coming at this from the assumption that a) Bungie is an unethical developer, and b) most people think so. Neither is true.

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      3 Replies
      • Spent some time thinking about that myself. [url=] Pretty sure I've got it all figured out.[/url]

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      • Regretfully as much as we think this game will fail it wont. Because, there is reality and then there is the internet. People have been waiting for the Call of Duty franchise to fail . According to the internet it fallson its face yearly. But it hasn't gone away. The thing with Destiny is . In concept its a an amazing idea. The deployment has been subpar. There are games like Warframe that do the co-operative shooter experience so much better than Destiny, but it isnt an FPS. That's the catch. This is the only FPS of its kind. With no one coming close. Destiny won't fail, money wise. It will continue on. I have no love for the game, or the franchise. After playing the Beta i'm pretty sure i'll keep a close eye on the hundreds of changes they'll make to attempt to get it right. This game is going to ship unfinished, and broken. We all know it. The problem is, people will buy it. Probably not near the numbers as the first. But it will make Bungie -Activision a very good profit.

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      • I'm guessing if it were one of those options, it would be this one: [quote]Or do they do exactly as they did during Destiny? Power on as if nothing were wrong, claiming that D2 is a huge success even as sales plummet well below Destiny and player populations drop off a cliff?[/quote]

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        • It won't. There are thousands of players waiting for launch, and only hundreds of forum dwellers bitching. Just saying.

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          • I think D3 will be put on a faster track than D2 was. Bungie is big enough to survive a bad game and I seriously doubt they will not make money on D2. I don't like D2 at all but the game will sell. I just don't think the longevity with D1 is sustainable with the design of D2. I fully expect D3 to go back to what made the game fun with some tweaks.

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          • It's not going to. End of discussion

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            5 Replies
            • [quote]Even if you're one of the players who despised Reach, there's no argument that it was a smashing success. [/quote] LOL! I thought I was the only one.

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              3 Replies
              • Hey Nox, been a long time. Like what you said, and been wondering that myself. I've been reading a lot of the forums, reddit and other posting places too. doesn't look very good. As far as the "cancelled their pre-orders," many people won't be able to cancel, even if they wanted. I wish everyone of them the best of luck, but like PS doesn't offer refunds/cancellations except under certain conditions and often wont do it then, so Bungie will still get their money. Others, like with D1 dissatisfied people, sold their copy to places like Game Stop, which only allowed someone else to create an account - giving Bungie fodder about how many people have accounts for the game. I would have liked to try the beta, but there was no way I was going to pre-order. That is nothing more than a marketing ploy to help them with sales, knowing that a good majority won't be able to cancel and get a refund. They know people want to be excited, and are wanting to try the "new" game, so they "pre-order" so that they can try it out. A real beta is one that allows people to try it out without purchasing. A company that allows people to try a beta without the added clause of pre-ordering actually believes in their product and are sure that they have something that people will want to buy.

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                3 Replies
                • I've given Bungie hell through y1-2, gave up y3. I enjoyed the beta. I didn't feel weak. Even managed to solo the strike. The two primaries felt like a return to a more right tool for the right job weapon approach. Granted heavy weapons, other than fusion rifle, felt weak. I'm excited for the D2 launch. Maybe I've started to just careless and willing to put destiny on a shelf after I get to a point of feeling frustration. So many games out this year feels silly to just focus on 1 game. Plus now that there's no gjallarhorn equivalent anymore the routine feels less required. If it fails. I'm sure we'll see some sort of midstream shift to try and get people back. But tbh. I'm starting to take this "whole internet" to really mean "vocal pockets".

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                • Well, this is a great example of you reap what you sew or was it you make you bed and now have to sleep in it. I mean either way it looks bad. I more look at the numbers. Vanilla had some 16 million or so players. Most of everyone on my friends list were gone before the end of TDB. Far more were gone just after HoW dropped. Now it's just actual friends in know IRL. There has been a steady exodus of players from the 3rd month after release. On any given day there are 150k players logged into the game. A few months ago I logged in and either the tower was empty or had 1 or 2 players in it. Nobody on patrol, maybe a random soul every now and then. Getting dropped into strikes alone. I mean it's pretty sad but also expected. It's a long time in the making.

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                  • I doubt it will fail. Too much money earned up front. May flounder after that though

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                  • The game is going to sell. This forum is a minor amount of people, compared to the people that play Destiny. That said, I know several people that won't be playing Destiny 2, that pre-ordered the first. It would be crazy to think that Destiny hasn't ruined a bit of Bungie's reputation among gamers, and it didn't help itself with the way it handled DLC either. I know many people (myself included) that weren't happy when the TTK decided to leave behind everything from year one. That said, I still enjoy the game, and still play. I have friends that hardly play anything but Destiny. I am willing to give them another chance, if I find when year 2 roles around (By then Anthem will be just around the corner) that they try the same stuff they did with D1. I won't be sticking around.

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                    • Bump.

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