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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
7/26/2017 1:33:14 AM
[i][b]"Inquisitor 6-2, this is Hangar 10. You are clear to drop, over." [/b][/i] [i]It only took a moment for the skies above to be filled with explosions. Flak cannons tore up the alien crafts large enough to be targeted with relative ease as modified NTR Sparrowhawks flew overhead, cloaking the air above with a deep orange and midnight black colour that contrasted themselves against the starry sky. It was no slaughter as the aliens did eventually start to fire back, but the attackers from west of the fleet just seemed to vanish. It was then that the Crusader came from the skies beyond even what the alien armada could stay at, floating in orbit and unleashing fiery payload onto the attacking extraterrestrials. What once looked to be a hazy cloud of midnight sky now appeared to slowly uncloak, sending more units into the way of the aliens. They would be flanked from either side as the original unit of attacking NTR ships came back around and started to hammer the aliens from the other side, while a fresh batch of ships took e side that the other Sparrowhawk squads once attacked. The ground was a bloodbath. Buildings were now the landing sites of stealth paratrooper units, jumping out of transport ships and utilizing a series of deployed flares to hide away their heat signatures while they dropped, only pulling their chutes when they were six hundred meters above sea level. After the units landed, some would get to work planting radio hammers atop rooftops and fortifying the positions with small teams, while others proceeded to sweep and clear the streets and buildings, movi from one block to the next as they liberated the city's heart and progressed to the outskirts. Reinforcements arrived on the outskirts, mounted turrets atop armoured HUMVEE-like vehicles that painted any alien in a coat of their own blood. The man leading the assault would chuckle from the bridge, as he flew down to the combat in a custom transport vessel. It was unlike anything in the design of the NTR, as this ship was sleeker and looked more like it came from fantastical tales of science fiction, it making a black streak across the midnight sky until it cloaked and brought him to the ground in complete silence. The gunfire raged on as he slid out of the loading bay of his ship, which proceeded to fly off into the sky en route to an evacuation zone he was setting up for any survivors of the alien attack. He bore an almost robe-like set of gear, from a thin robe that covered his armour to a cloak and hood overtop with the black and orange stripes of a tiger on it. His weaponry was largely concealed, with the exception of a few different canisters of ammo and grenades on his belt and a sash of magazines for the assault rifle that was holstered on his back. He pulled it from its leather resting place and detached the strap that ran from barrel to stock as he let it fall from his white and purple rifle, which had a hue of energy that encompassed it. He was only a few metres away from Aikido as he appeared to public eye, as he was standing atop the roof she almost fell off. The surrounding area had been cleared by NTR soldiers and they were pushing for the survivors to move to the evac zone, though the tiger-cloaked man seemed to be scouting. [/i]

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  • [i]it didn't take them long to settle their affairs and leyla decided to stay behind with her kids. Sylvie decided to help more.[/i]

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  • [i]Wherever Sylvie went next, Treyman would follow, his Legionnaires were silently taking out key Brute chieftains and generals whilst the rest of e men focused on finishing off any brutes in the city and evacuating them to he evac zone, so he needed to basically boost his men's morale through fighting in the city. [/i]

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  • "There's one more place i definitely need to check just on the fact that she's alone that and she's leyla older sister serenity. just like leyla she's got youngsters too."says Sylvie [i]Sylvie was heading towards where leyla's older sister lived she was worried that they might try and uses her youngsters against her. She had gotten about halfway there when a woman's scream pierces the air followed by sounds of a distinct struggle prompting her to break into a dead run not knowing what she was going to find. The woman still screamed but it sounds a lot like serenity and she sounded distraught. [/i] "GIVE ME BACK MY CHILDREN YOU MONSTERS!!!"Screams serenity [i]when Sylvie reaches where serenity is it clear to see that one of the many brutes that were there had her kids. Serenity was pinned down on the ground by one them as her kids were wailing and crying for their mother. The only reason she hasn't turned into a dragon and killed them was because they had her kids. Sylvie knew things were bad indeed and she had to act quickly. The brutes had not noticed Sylvie approaching just yet. [/i] "Shit... this is very bad."she mumbles

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  • And around that time, Jack's armour would engage it's cloaking functionality. He was nearly invisible to the naked eye and moved between the brutes, and each of their heads were popped off with a simple [i]VOOSH[/i] noise and a flash of red. He un cloaked moments later to approach the beast that was atop Serenity, before he drew a combat knife from his belt and drove it into the side of the beast's neck. He pulled the brute off of her as he used the dagger like a handle, before pulling it from his neck and sheathing it once again.

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  • [i]serenity got up once the brute was off of her. Her terrified kids run over to her and she hugs them tightly as they all clung to her unsure of what killed the brute because they could not see him but they could smell him. Sylvie had jogged over to them a look of worry on her face. Serenity looks up and sees her running over. She speaks but her voice sounds hoarse from all the screaming. [/i] "Sylvie did you..?"says serenity "No not i treyman did it.''says Sylvie [i]serenity was still holding her four kids protectively it clear though their not related to her. But in truth she had adopted them because they were her late best friend's children. She had two boys and two girls. They were at the moment just quietly hugging her as serenity looked at Sylvie. [/i]

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  • [i]Oddly enough, there was no scent. The smells of flesh and blood were replaced by just the metal and wires of Treyman's armour, since he kept it so tightly insulated. Or perhaps he didn't possess those, and had some other substance coursing through his veins? Regardless, Jack uncloaked his armour near the doorway of the room, where he waited on Sylvie. His forces were nearly done, just cleaning up any stragglers now. [/i]

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  • "I don't think there's many left now most have been wiped out." [i]serenity had watched appear she was grateful of his help. [/i] "Thank you i wont forget this."she says [i]it may have sounded cliche but serenity meant those words.[/i] "Im pretty sure mia's spiders will wipe out the rest. There quite large."says Sylvie

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  • [i]Treyman simply activated his radio and informed his men across all platforms on the ground that the spiders were friendlies, before he shut it off an waited. [/i]

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  • "They wont harm your men so no worries their only target are those aliens and yes they probably will eat them too. Gross i know."says Sylvie [i]sure enough though large spiders of unnatural size appear quickly and start bringing the rest of them down. These ones could very easily bring down a full grown cow with ease so the brutes had no chance. The brutes sceams carried for certain distance letting anyone know nearby of their demise. None were left on the field as the spiders had dragged off the bodies with ease heading back into the woods.[/i]

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  • "Alright, my men are sweeping the city once more before they get back to their ship." Treyman didn't say another word, rather he just walked out of the house, his tiger-striped cloak making him stand out amongst the corpses and soldiers that made them. He was a Legionnaire,cues, but with his status he needed to stand out.

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  • [i]Sylvie left right around when he did. She was glad that they wiped them out as she stepped over bodies of dead brutes.[/i] "And to think these were the very same aliens that wiped out my planet."says Sylvie

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  • "Soldiers, burn the bodies. Can't have any Afflicted taking even one of their forms!" Treyman shouted to his men over a radio, before deactivating it. He turned to face Sylvie. "What's their military's status?"

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  • "Their called the wevaux a war driven race their kind invades weaker planets and wipe them out. They did that to ours over a disagreement over a peace treaty they did not like the king's answer. I was there when it went down. I tried to stop it but i wasn't strong enough. They are lead by a brute named merdurx he's there king and a savage."says Sylvie [i]Sylvie seemed pretty serious when told him all that she knew but yet. It was like she was hiding something though a key peice she left out. [/i]

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  • "Right, now the rest of the information?"

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  • "Well i dont if it matters or not but they were parents my merdurx killed. He dislikes not getting his way. One the terms was an arrange marriage to his eldest son Dervu. But then the king learned that was a murder plot against her and her parents. I am that daughter and he won't stop til im dead. "Says Sylvie [i]she looked nervous telling him this. She gazed downward averting her gaze.[/i]

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  • "Run me through that again, please? This time use proper English."

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  • "Their leader merdurx killed my parents and now that he probably knows that im alive he'll probably come back seeking to murder me. I was very close to the king and queen of my old planet. i was their daughter."says Sylvie [i]Sylvie looked at him she no longer cared for her old titles on her old homeworld. Cause all it ever did was bring her nothing but trouble. A good reason why she probably never mentioned it anybody.[/i] "I wish that they never came here cause then wouldn't have known i was here now. I gonna have to go into hiding."says Sylvie

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  • "Get a gun, you're coming with me to fight him. And that's an order, do you understand?" [i]Treyman no longer sounded like the caring, chill and overall relaxed man he normally did. When he put on the armour, he was a commander and would lead with an iron fist, no matter the cause. He needed Sylvie as bait and had to quell the enemy forces quickly so he could return to combatting the Afflicted, so he would try to do what he could. [/i]

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  • "Yes understood."says Sylvie [i]she had a feeling that she would be used as bait. But Sylvie did know on thing that this would get very interesting as the fight would be taken to the actual leader of the brutes. Which made her just a tad nervous as she knew she need to find a gun.[/i]

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  • "Would you prefer a pistol, rifle, sniper, shotgun...?"

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  • "I would prefer a pistol."says Sylvie [i]even though Sylvie never really carried weapons herself. She did know how to use firearms surprisingly enough. Although they probably different to what she was use to but sge would manage. [/i]

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  • "Burst fire, .45 ACP, three shot bursts with a fifteen round magazine. Five bursts and you reload," Treyman said as he drew a pistol from his belt and handed it to Sylvie.

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  • "Okay then seems simple enough." Says Sylvie [i]she was ready to go all they had do now is track the guy down. Which shouldnt be too hard.[/i]

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  • "Then lead on."

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  • "Okay i got the feeling that the guy is probably in one those ships that circling the planet although i got a hunch he on the biggest one. He probably waiting for one them to check to say that they found me. We can use that to draw his ugly arse out. I need one the bastards com links."says Sylvie

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