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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
7/26/2017 1:33:14 AM
[i][b]"Inquisitor 6-2, this is Hangar 10. You are clear to drop, over." [/b][/i] [i]It only took a moment for the skies above to be filled with explosions. Flak cannons tore up the alien crafts large enough to be targeted with relative ease as modified NTR Sparrowhawks flew overhead, cloaking the air above with a deep orange and midnight black colour that contrasted themselves against the starry sky. It was no slaughter as the aliens did eventually start to fire back, but the attackers from west of the fleet just seemed to vanish. It was then that the Crusader came from the skies beyond even what the alien armada could stay at, floating in orbit and unleashing fiery payload onto the attacking extraterrestrials. What once looked to be a hazy cloud of midnight sky now appeared to slowly uncloak, sending more units into the way of the aliens. They would be flanked from either side as the original unit of attacking NTR ships came back around and started to hammer the aliens from the other side, while a fresh batch of ships took e side that the other Sparrowhawk squads once attacked. The ground was a bloodbath. Buildings were now the landing sites of stealth paratrooper units, jumping out of transport ships and utilizing a series of deployed flares to hide away their heat signatures while they dropped, only pulling their chutes when they were six hundred meters above sea level. After the units landed, some would get to work planting radio hammers atop rooftops and fortifying the positions with small teams, while others proceeded to sweep and clear the streets and buildings, movi from one block to the next as they liberated the city's heart and progressed to the outskirts. Reinforcements arrived on the outskirts, mounted turrets atop armoured HUMVEE-like vehicles that painted any alien in a coat of their own blood. The man leading the assault would chuckle from the bridge, as he flew down to the combat in a custom transport vessel. It was unlike anything in the design of the NTR, as this ship was sleeker and looked more like it came from fantastical tales of science fiction, it making a black streak across the midnight sky until it cloaked and brought him to the ground in complete silence. The gunfire raged on as he slid out of the loading bay of his ship, which proceeded to fly off into the sky en route to an evacuation zone he was setting up for any survivors of the alien attack. He bore an almost robe-like set of gear, from a thin robe that covered his armour to a cloak and hood overtop with the black and orange stripes of a tiger on it. His weaponry was largely concealed, with the exception of a few different canisters of ammo and grenades on his belt and a sash of magazines for the assault rifle that was holstered on his back. He pulled it from its leather resting place and detached the strap that ran from barrel to stock as he let it fall from his white and purple rifle, which had a hue of energy that encompassed it. He was only a few metres away from Aikido as he appeared to public eye, as he was standing atop the roof she almost fell off. The surrounding area had been cleared by NTR soldiers and they were pushing for the survivors to move to the evac zone, though the tiger-cloaked man seemed to be scouting. [/i]

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  • [i]Akiko never really noticed him though as she was distracted by all the noise around her. Her silver cat ears swivel detecting any and all sound as her bright green catlike eyes gathering in her surroundings. This is however before she had ran off. She could be seen jumping down on to the lower roof landing on her feet without staggering at all. [/i]

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  • [i]Treyman's suit had detected her as she start to run, which had prompted the soldier to start chasing after her. She was headed towards the front lines by the looks of it, and he needed to extract her to a safer spot. [/i]

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  • [i]Akiko didn't notice him still unaware as she was pursued by him as she jumped down one more time into alleyway. She had transformed quickly turning into a snow leopard. She was heading towards the housing district as if she was looking for someone.[/i]

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  • [i]Treyman eventually gave up; It was one civilian's life, he had more to save. From there he would apply himself to other areas of the field, making his way to the residential district but he would surely arrive after her. [/i] [spoiler]He ain't chasing her down, remember that. If you want an interaction then Treyman can't be the only one doing stuff. [/spoiler]

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  • [i]a scream was heard nearby followed by a woman running as fast she can as one the ugly brutes try and catch her. The woman had long black hair, pale skin and blue eyes. She looks terrified as she runs away from it the best she can. it's none other than mia.[/i] "SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!"mua screams [i]she is looking for anyone that can help her as it's quickly gaining on her. Mia can hear its footsteps getting closer.[/i] [spoiler]okay there's gonna be more of my characters that spring too just so you know.[/spoiler]

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  • [i]Treyman always was a slight bit of a show off with how he handled fights, and he always tried to maintain a tough macho-man look to how he handled his engagements. It made him chuckle, and so he started sprinting after the brute. When he caught up to it, Treyman tackled the beast from the side and sent him falling due to the weight of his suit and had the beast pinned. He stood, picking the alien up by his collarbone, before he drove his fist into it's face three times and dropped the now unconscious body. [/i]

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  • [i]Mia had stopped running and she had turned to see him tackle the brute. It was no longer after her but she was still frightened unsure of what was really going on.[/i]

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  • Edited by JayTea: 7/26/2017 3:22:54 AM
    He dropped his plasma rifle at Mia's feet, and without another word he started jogging to the residential district once more.

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  • [i]up ahead is another one but this one was suddenly pounced a upon by a large solid black werewolf standing at 7'5". It's got the brute pinned down by its throat. The werewolf looked like it was protecting some of the members as a pair of twins are seen nearby hiding behind boxes with a small girl is cowering in one the womans arms. The werewolf was clearly more focused on the brute giving the trio plenty of time to sneak past. [/i]

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  • Treyman shook his head in disappointment. He never understood the idea behind stalling for time when you have the dominant hand in the fight, so he simply produced a pistol from his belt and shot the brute twice in he side of the head to kill it.

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  • [i]the werewolf let go of the dead brute and headed towards the sound of more of them before glancing back at the girls then at treyman. It spoke in a gruff deep voice for a second.[/i] "Keira.. kimi take arvira and go where it's safer."he says [i]he then head back towards the sounds of fighting that he can hear. He runs towards the residental area. [/i]

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  • [i]Treyman would arrive at the residential district after a short few minutes of running in his suit, before he analyzed the scene. His men were just pulling into the field behind him, and so he led a charge into the area. Brutes were slaughtered left and right, as the NTR Hunters Legion started taking command of the region by force and with an iron fist. [/i]

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  • [i]any of the brutes were starting to flee scattering like ants in all directions. A couple didn't get far as they turned tail when coming across Talug the giant standing at 10'9" with fiery red hair and a bushy beard. He swung at them knocking over the closest ones quickly finishing them off with a quick beheading. They had been stupid to break in his door to his apartment which hadn't been a wise choice. [/i]

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  • "Tails, always gotta have tails..." Treyman's A.I remarked to him in his helmet, as he stood down. His pistol went back in his belt, and he started sweeping the streets to see if any were left with his men.

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  • [i]he did come across another member and it was Sylvie. She was a foot shorter than brute. She wasn't really the fighting type but she managed to restrain in a bunch vines and roots. It was clearly trying to talk to her as if she could understand it. She looked annoyed at it as struggled laying on the ground as it look one of the ones that was in charge. [/i] "Awqte... jate...lecs...bhda.." it says "Shut up ugly ."says Sylvie [i]apparently she could understand him. She sees treyman approaching. The brute on the ground grumbles with his approach.[/i]

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  • Normally Treyman would have tried to kill the brute by now, though that wasn't the case this time. He grabbed the pistol at his side, and as his armoured hand pressed against the cold grip of the steel weapon, the innards of his helmet lit up to signal his A.I had exited its suit mode and was speaking directly through his earpiece. "Not this one," the resident A.I unit, Viola, said to him. "The girl there seems to know what he's saying, try to have them reason. Please, Jack." Treyman thought it over in his head, countless scenarios in which he killed the alien and twice more where he imagined how the ensuing conversation would end up. He used the jump jets of his suit to quickly get a burst of momentum and send himself into the air ahead of him, a solid foot above the ground though he was descending to the floor as he dragged his fist against the side of the brute's face. As soon as it collapsed, he would draw a small combat knife from his belt, kneel over and lightly press the tip just underneath the brute's head. It wasn't sinking far enough into the bottom of his jaw that it would outright kill him, hell it didn't even draw blood, but it was enough to let it know that Treyman was there. "Listen, pretty woman, I need you to tell me what he's saying. Please?" Treyman asked of Sylvie. Some honeyed words were used in an attempt to make her somewhat flattered, though Treyman didn't mean it. He couldn't see well with the visor on so everything looked like it was coming through security cameras, and he honestly couldn't tell the features on Sylvie's face well enough to determine if he would find her attractive. [spoiler]To be clear, the knife is between the top of the neck and the chin of the alien. That large open space with pretty much no bone or protection is what he's got the knife up against. [/spoiler]

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  • [i]Sylvie looked at him as she saw the brute tense up and growl a bit when it felt press against his.[/i] "yeah i can speak his language but he not saying very nice things though."says Sylvie [i]Sylvie was alien though if seen what she looked with out his helmet on. He would she that Sylvie had light gray skin covered in strange black tattooed markings there meaning unknown. She also had bright purple eyes and long purple hair. She frowns when the brute starts speaking again. [/i] "Wye... tghy.. kalub... sa.. verta.. mu.. na.. nix.. qer... busg..jux.."it says (You im gonna cower before you like a dog think again..) [i]Sylvie shakes her head and gestures to treyman then answers him. She sounds very serious when she speaks to after repeating what he says.[/i] ''Dazx... werg...vxa.. ix.. waf.. czo.. ne..demni"says Sylvie ("You think we're playing around he definitely not so you better do what we say."she says) [spoiler]the parentheses are whats being translated.[/spoiler]

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  • "Tell him to take his scraggly ass back to whatever mother-blam!-in' warship he crawled out of, before I shove [i]my[/i] warship into the hangar bay!" [spoiler]Unintentional sex jokes best jokes. Just to clarify, he means the knife will enter the head. [/spoiler]

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  • "ert... vin.. ju..uka... diem.. hgix.. vcere..."says Sylvie ("Get on your ship and leave before we change our mind and kill you"says Sylvie) [i]she then made a gesture with her thumb across her throat. The brute's goes pale. But says something esle while it's gaze shifts between the two.[/i] "Fgni... gi...vert... dinw..."it says ("Fine i will leave"it says) [spoiler]they always are lol[/spoiler]

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  • "Alright, where to next? Seems like everyone's in trouble in this city."

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  • "Hmm good question but we need to make sure people are okay as well. I wanna make sure if nanos is ok i haven't seen him anywhere."says Sylvie [i]she knew that wouldn't stand chance against these guys by himself. This made her worry a bit.[/i]

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  • "Lead on, then. We'll help your friend."

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  • "Alright then follow me then."says Sylvie [i]she walks along until she comes to his apartment its door was ripped off and there was a trail of feathers leading away as well as a bloody hand print on the door. This makes her really concerned when she sees it.[/i]

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  • "Someone didn't cook the chicken well enough," Treyman said as he noticed the trail of feathers. He Digistruction himself an AntiMatter rifle and started to walk, following the trail of feathers on the ground.

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  • "Those are from his wings there must of been a struggle."says Sylvie [i]she keeps following it until she sees he is being carried by one those brute and he is unconscious with a wound on his head the silver wings on his back hang limply as the slender pale skin man with long platinum blonde hair hangs as well.[/i] "Shit those bastards."says Sylvie

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