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Edited by string24slinger: 7/23/2017 9:45:13 PM

I don't care what the forums or Reddit says

D2 beta is awesome, I'm still getting the game, and I'm still going to love it. Things are different, yes, isn't that what we wanted? New game, new mechanics , different abilities. I swear I love this game but streamers and youtubers have ruined gamer's minds. Stop listening to the internet rant , and make up your own mind. If you don't like it, don't play it. It's that simple. For the rest of us, we will be enjoying this game for the long haul. I hope to see you all starside! Sign if you agree! Edit: thanks for the upvote! This game is going to be awesome! Anyone wanting to join a clan that doesn't stress too much, and doesn't get too sweaty, but still wants to win and raid, feel free to join us. Especially if you're from Tx!

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  • I have really enjoyed the beta so far but I don't think it's as good as destiny 1. I didn't want the mechanics to change, I didn't want the guns to feel so unstable. All I wanted was a great story, great graphics, and new armour and weapons. So it seems I will be happy with destiny 2, but not overly happy.

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    So many people hating on others for liking the game... If someone enjoys it just let them and if you dont like it dont buy the game and move on

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    8 Replies
    • On vacation didn't get to play the beta... but the game still looks amazing.

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    • I agree I am loving it as well.... pvp felt really bad a first but after a while of playing it I'm starting to like it a lot more

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    • Well...people are like least 95% is.....they tend to follow eachothers opinion even tough in the back of their heads they dont fully agree with it....there's only 5 percent of humans walking on this planet that can avoid these flaws and rather stick to their OWN ideas...... D2 is on the right track and i dont care what you peopłe say, leave the sheep to the slaughterhouse and let the humans feast on their baked flesh!

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    • Thats the problem, you don't care about valid critism and feedback, to you its just more whine. So you don't care you don't care. Its this kind of mentality that makes the community worse off and gives corperations an extra inch to push agaisnt consumer interest.

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    • Finally a decent opinion, I also enjoy the new mechanics and the way the game is heading. Way to many whingers in this community who want the game to adapt to them not them adapt to the game!

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      2 Replies
      • I have been gaming for 20+ yrs so i guess i don't see what all the fuss is about?, if a game changes then change with it. Change up your playstyle, and play smarter. In the end it will help you improve and have a better mindset

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        12 Replies
        • I've got over 2000 hours in D1 but I'm a casual. I haven't spent my time trying to perfect tactics pvp or speed running strikes to farm for gear. If something changes in the game then I'll adapt instead of ranting about it. It seems to be the more hard core people who want the game to be built around their playing style rather than them adapting to fit the game. Looking forward to the full game in September.

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          5 Replies
          • I love this game and will definitely be getting it. In fact, I already have the physical legendary edition preordered. And yeah, Don't listen to the haters.

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          • The only person you're trying to convince is yourself. 👍

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            • The beta is boring!! I haven't pre ordered the game..... I'm quite glad about that

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            • I think your ego is getting in the way here. Because you've made the non refundable purchase you need this game to be the best ever. Right now in the beta I played, PvE is a dumpster fire I came to this conclusion on my own. Either your not a fan of the game, and want it to improve, or you don't care enough about making Bungie a better company.

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            • WTF all the streamers love d2, its scrubs on the forums who are moaning

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            • It's not bad I guess idk I just don't like how titans get a shield, warlocks have that buff thing, but hunters can do a! So helpful They looked better with the other upgrades though

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            • Edited by x-MISANTHROPIC-x: 7/23/2017 8:59:53 AM
              Changes are welcome if it improves the game. I don't remember anyone asking to change the weapon system.....

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            • "things are different"... NO I DIDNT WANT THAT... I absolutely love D1 and they changed it... "if it ain't broke" Too many unnecessary changes and the beta (except for the voice acting from the firefly crew) feels NO WHERE NEAR as good as D1...

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            • I am struggling to get a grip on the new supers. But when we start afresh in September this we all become clear as I start and have to gain all these new abilities. Gradually learning each one will be easier. I love the game have tried all 3 really love the hunter but not the pole dancing they way it moves etc. My only critic is the weapons some are really bad the rocket launcher 1 rocket and its pants, the grenade launcher also needs looking at the exotic auto need a buff in fact all autos need a slight buff. Stability on some of the sub machine is crazy. My favourite thing is the countdown mode "I Love It" and Shax would say. BUT something needs to be done to stop people keep leaving it is very annoying. Maybe a timeout for 5 min if you leave a unfinished game? But all in all good one Bungie I for one am very happy with the result so far. Few tweeks and that is great.

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            • +1 for positivity!

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            • Edited by Thane: 7/23/2017 6:54:07 AM
              You cared enough to create a topic about it. "And i'm still going to love it". Who are you getting back at ?? Sheeeesh Reasons are irrelevant. - Some like the franchise/anything with the Bungie label on it. No reason to get upset over those voicing different opinions. - Some are frustrated, disappointed or straight up hate the franchise/anything with the Bungie label on it. Nothing you can do about it (Bungie's problem). - And some find entertainment in shitting all over the franchise/anything with the Bungie label on it. If the game turns out good then you got nothing to worry about.

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              • I agree most part, I hope the super and ability cool downs come back closer to what the original Destiny has. 1 super per match is not as fun, and that's not even guaranteed! Everything else is pretty sweet though!

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                • Signed.

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                • Let people bitch, they are going to do it anyways. If you enjoy the game, great. If you don't, that's great too.

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                  • Completely worth that $60 expansion.. i mean revoutionary new game tag.

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                  • I've not played the beta as much as I thought I would- reason being that I know I'll be cabals deep in the actual game upon release. I've done the story mission with each character, the strike once and each of the crucible modes a couple of times. I'll visit the farm later to see them chickens and then it'll be finishing up other games until D2 is released. The release will doubtless go through many more changes, even before the end of 2017- been on the journey since Jan 15 and it's had me hooked so am genuinely intrigued by the next steps. It's made me smile more than complain and for me, that's the marker. Being a pre-internet gamer- seeing the journey of video games as a whole to the current availability of gaming is amazing. Not a snowflake- there are many similar guardians to me, and indeed many older and of course younger. The negativity doesn't surprise me because there's so much of it everywhere. Gaming is an escape, enjoy or try something else.

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                    18.0 efficiency.

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