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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
7/16/2017 8:06:05 PM
[b][i]Pleased To Meet You, Hope You Guess My Name Dojoville Ruins 9:47 PM[/i][/b] [i]It was raining lightly, the charred rubble and scattered debris soaked, charred splinters of wood floating in small pools along the streets. Deserted, the old busy places echoed only the litter patter of the rainfall, and the rumblings of distant thunder, warnings of an oncoming storm. That, and the splashing footsteps of the lone man wandering the ruined Main Street. He wore a soaked-through overcoat, underneath a white, long-sleeve cotton shirt, and black jeans, with boots strapped to his feet, the bottoms of the jeans covering their top. However, the apparel and accessory that would draws most people's attention, were there any, was the leather strap across his chest, left waist to right shoulder, that supported a leather sheath. Out of the top poked a strange sword hilt, one comprised of bone, and wrapped in worn leather. His face was haggard, a ragged and bushy beard covering it, with wild long black and grey hair to match. His piercing electric blue eyes wandered the remains of the village lazily, half-closed. Absentmindedly, his left hand rubbed over a strange symbol emblazoned on the outside of the sheath. The stranger stopped, suddenly caught in a tense calm, a practiced and experienced state, combat ready. Without any movement or erratic behavior, he spoke out, a deep, ancient voice, one of primordial authority,[/i] "[b]I don't know who you are. I don't care, either. Just know this: If you step away, back off, and leave me to my melancholy walk through this arbitrarily granted life, I shall allow you to live. Should you speak, I'll give you a conversation. But, if you should begin an attack on my persons, I'll have no choice but to give you what I have, and I assure you: you do not want what I have.[/b]" [spoiler]Open; Character Intro.[/spoiler]

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  • [i]It began with rapid footsteps, then a crash as a being fell from an overhead being. Rushing past Cain was a feminine figure, her entire being bloodied and scarred: tattoos of demonic origin scattered her deeply tanned body, alongside brutal tears and wounds within her dirtied flesh, soaked with deep red blood. The girl was young, yet bore the same madness of a crazed lunatic that had escaped their prison at last: her deep brunette eyes stared at Cain for a moment-[/i] [url=][i]-Bonded to her neck was an odd, foreign symbol, hung by a thin string and in a square shape. Engraved into it were lines that formulated the symbol itself, as if literally carved in, dried blood being sunk into the engravings themselves.[/i][/url] [i]The Khornate took once look at Cain before raising a bloodied, jagged machete of a weapon, screaming[/i] "[b]Blood for the Blood[/b]-" [i]until-[/i] [b][i]BANG![/i][/b] [i]The fanatical young woman fell forwards to Cain's feet, blood spewing from the stump that remained of her leg as her screams interrupted the night. She attempted to thrash, before her body went still, blood still spewing from the wound - either she had bled out, or passed out from the pure pain.[/i] "...Apologies for interrupting your stroll, sir." [i]The muffled voice of a younger woman spoke up, as a hulking being, yet humanoid and at a regular height still, descended from the shadows: within pure black ceramite armor, removed of all symbols and decor, was a female, her helm's two glowing lens looking upon the older man and the briefly twitching woman. A tattered, velvet red cape was attached to her shoulder and hung from the pauldron, filled with holes from battle and combat. Within her left hand was.. a massive gun, the barrel literally smoking, while she tightly held a gladius-like weapon within her right hand.[/i]

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  • [i]The man scratched his beard with his left hand, allowing the symbol on the sheath to be viewed clearly, then lightly tapped the woman with his fight boot. He nodded satisfactorily, then addressed the armored hulk.[/i] "[b]Well...that was interesting. Perhaps a bit dramatic, but, all's...well, I wouldn't say that's all's ended well, considering her.[/b]" [i]The hand stopped scratching to point down at the girl lying footless on the ground. His gaze lifted then, inspecting the stranger with wary appreciation, evaluating her as a threat to his peace.[/i] "[b]Now, why you killed her, I don't really care. What I'd rather know now is your continued intentions, and whether or not I have a place in them.[/b]"

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  • "If anything? She's in shock, not dead. Yet." [i]As the grisly being of a man touched the immobile body of the female, she briefly twitched, the remnants of bone escaping the wound as well as dark red liquid. The armored being kneeled next to the still body before receiving a brief pulse, nodding as she held out her left palm, after holstering her giant pistol: vibrant green flames left her palm, scorching the wound and cauterizing it so that the blood flow would stop.[/i] "My intentions here are.. completed, if anything." [i]The Sororitas responded, lifting up the heretical Khornate's body simplistically and allowing her to rest still against a destroyed bench.[/i] "If anything, I shouldn't pose a threat.. unless you are another Khornate? Forgive my inquisitive behavior. You do not seem like the lunatics whom would slaughter me on sight."

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  • "[b]Oh, I doubt anything here could slaughter you on sight. Quite the opposite, in fact. Though you do not need to be forgiven for your natural tendency to question. Part of humanity, I guess.[/b]" [i]The stranger approached her with a practiced ease. A relaxation that spoke of a caution beneath, a duality of character and purpose.[/i]

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  • "You would be surprised. And part of humanity? You're not another god, are you? I hope not, personally. You seem too experienced for the likes of the Dojo's deities." [i]From the tone which the Sororitas had decided to speak, it was clear that she had a certain distaste for those whom possessed limitless powers, or at least seemed godlike.[/i]

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  • [i]The man's face splits in a sudden bark of laughter, harsh in nature.[/i] "[b]Yes, yes, I am human. One could say, in fact, that I AM humanity. As for godhood, I am only addressed as such by a few deluded individuals.[/b]" [i]He still smiles as his hand absently rubs the pommel of his sword.[/i]

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  • "...If you are humanity - you must represent the impurity of the human mind. Sin. Personally, I am not a worshipper of the Bible and the Lord, so you must inform me if I am incorrect." [i]The woman didn't seem too bothered by her admittance to not choosing a religion, though each sophisticated word that was spoken, each movement made by her.. it certainly gave away the aspect of one whom may have once been "holy", or attached to religion in a sense.[/i]

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  • "[b]To some, I am sure that is true. To most, though, I am merely a fratricidal stain on their bloodline.[/b]" [i]He smirks, bitterly aware of his reputation among certain folks and religions, and also aware that this hint would perhaps prove to be the last required for one such as her to understand.[/i] "[b]Now, please explain to me, why does her religion dictate that I must die? And why does yours dictate that you must...apprehend her?[/b]"

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  • [i]"Yes, because tellin' people to f*ck off and not fight you is totally the best way to avoid direct confrontation." It chuckled, it walked, and it stopped in front of the wanderer. An amalgorithm of metal and flesh in a seamless but imperfect blend, all hidden away by the sloshing of a rain-soaked cloak of brown and black chars blocked his path, with the dark blue spheres within it's face staring down the wanderer. He didn't look armed for a fight, with the exception of a few revolvers that lay in tan leather holsters and twin belts, pounding away at the thighs through his faded blue rancher jeans. The most notable weapon on him was the pair of arms he had; Prosthetic, a gateway of potential. He had a cigar between his lips, a plume of gray smoke extending from the brown cigar that had faded to the same colour as the beard on his face. He smiled with a grin look, one of wariness mixing with a cocky exterior and that said it all. He wasn't here to fight of course, he knew how to pick his battles like a buzzard picked bones, but he did enjoy probing around strangers for their knowledge. And he was this townships protector, as a Marshal he needed to be sure the stranger was no threat. [/i]

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  • "[b]At least I can then say I warned them. And what of you, Cowboy? Do you just let strangers approach with unknown intentions, and do not warn them? I doubt that.[/b]" [i]The man's hand lifted to rest on the pommel of the bone sword, not in a threatening manner, but more out of a drive for comfort.[/i]

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  • [spoiler]IS DOJOVILLE IN RUINS OR NOT?![/spoiler] [spoiler]Triggered as f*ck[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Yes, that's what I wrote. I was going with what I'd been reading in the latest posts.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]I hate people being inconsistant...[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]That sounds like a personal problem. Admins should probably make an official statement on the current state of the Dojo/Dojoville.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Make a post about that, my fam.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]I dunno. Probably.[/spoiler]

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  • There was a slight shimmer in the air, about five meters away from the man, like a heat haze The shimmer grew and grew until everything behind it was distorted to the point of being unrecognisable. Then a cyan tricorn appeared in the shimmer, slowly surrounded with the rest of an otherwise dull grey helmet, and then grey downwards, revealing a grey and purple suit of armour, scaled as to look like a komodo dragon's skin "Most impressive. That was thermo-optic camouflage, invisible to most sensor arrays, let alone the naked eye." It's voice was hard and synthetic, with a slight trace of an accent. "So, what brings you here?"

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  • "[b]I thought I made that obvious. I'm taking a walk.[/b]" [i]The man turns in place to face the newcomer. His gait and general attitude indicate that he cares not for how impressive the tech was. The boredom the pervades from the old man is nearly palpable, verging on tangible. The left hand had lifted in the turn, and now rested lightly on the pommel of the sword.[/i]

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  • "Next to a crater, frequently patrolled by stormtroopers? Somehow I find that difficult to believe."

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  • "[b]What you believe does not matter to me. I am simply trying to get peace, and generally, one finds that in ruins of once busy villages. Does this explanation not sit well with you, either?[/b]"

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  • "Seeking peace in an area frequently patrolled by forces hostile to anyone that at least appears to be affiliated with the dojo? Would you accept that as a statement?"

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  • "[b]Yes. No place I visit is completely peaceful. One eventually finds disorder, every time. And why do you care about what I do, and why I do it? Is it important that you are aware of the hobbies and reasonings of an old man? Do you take pleasure in it?[/b]" [i]The boredom of his voice had begun to transition to a bitter aggravation, his aggravation becoming more apparent with each reply.[/i]

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  • "It's insanity, then." The figure stepped backwards, and faded away once again into the landscape.

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  • "[b]And a pleasure to meet you, too.[/b]" [i]Turning, he once again walked down the street, the rain lightly falling on him in his walk to peace, wherever it would lead him.[/i] [spoiler]End.[/spoiler]

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