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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Inflatablepants: 7/15/2017 8:34:07 PM
[b]Chapter Forty[/b] The group found themselves tucked behind the mountain ridgline so that the rocky face of the mountain face would hide them from the Coldbourne forces. As they looked over the city, they saw that it was now cold and dark. It seemed that Tywin had built factories across the mountains and that the city had expanded significantly, but it no longer had any life to it. The city outskirts were lined with buildings that were higher up on the mountain but still below the group. The city was otherwise very grid based in its design. There was a large area in the centre of it where it looked like people were suppose to gather. This was also where the largest homes and buildings were. The streets went in columns or rows from this point, making it efficient in design. Looming over the city was Coldbourne castle and its massive bridge. Its shadow came down on the populace as a light snowfall began to come down. The palace seemed darker and less full of light with its exterior looking cold and gloomy. The group remained where they were. They were waiting on Falk's word after all. But then, they heard his voice through their helmets. "Alright...time to make some noise fellas." [spoiler]FOR EVERYONE IN TDS EXCEPT CTHULU, ZANE. No order here just do what you gotta do. After some amount of time I'll tell you when your reply chain is over [/spoiler]

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  • It seemed that Falk had hung up on Tubbs.

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  • Tubbs tried to call Falk back as he peeked around the corner. "The lack of description here hurts me... all I know is there are 30 dudes, a dragon, and Hak."

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  • Okay, fine then. -blam!- you. Six men were focused on Hak in a tetrahedron formation. He had cut off a man's arm and blood spewed everywhere as the other men began to be subjected to his torment. The dragon was soaring through the skies like a plane as it circled the area, awaiting tactical strikes. The other men, which made up about 20 now thanks to other attacks, were slightly divided. Ten of them shot at the dragon, while the other ten were focused on Tubbs.

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  • Edited by JealousOrc: 7/21/2017 12:58:56 AM
    Thank you. "Alrighty then..." He opened a portal above one soldier, and another portal by him. He then made the portal suck the dude up and close immediately. When he dropped out. He felt nothing as the suit's blade shot into him and Tubbs picked it back up and put it in the suit.

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  • Tubbs felt more shots hit his armour and four men ran at him firing their assault rifles. The shields he had beeped with a warning. [i]"SHIELDS CRITICAL!" [/i] the suit told him. [spoiler]if you have any abilities you can activate with critical shielding use them in your next reply.[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by JealousOrc: 7/25/2017 1:42:29 AM
    "Welp." He exited the suit. "Sick em boy... actually no that sounds stupid. Go get em tiger. Ew that sounds worse. Ya know what? Just go kill them." The suit shot it's blade at one of the soldiers. But just as that happened, Tubbs 2 appeared behind another and went to snap his neck while Tubbs pulled out Cupid's Bow and shot 3 arrows at yet another soldier's chest.

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  • One, two and three soldiers were taken down in an instant. The remaining three looked at Tubbs with fear, and he noticed that one of them soiled their pants...

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  • He looked at the man in disgust. "Actually, I'd probably do the same." Tubbs threw the bow to Tubbs 2 and tackled a soldier as Tubbs 2 shot at another and the suit just shot the grappling hook at the last one and pulled him over to it. Then the suit just started pummeling the dude.

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  • With the first punch, the suit crushed the man's skull in easily and collapsed it. Tubbs 2 target dropped to the ground after his skull was shot with the bow. Meanwhile, the OG Tubbs was still tackling the man who began to punch at him.

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  • "STOP! STOP PUNCHING ME!" Tubbs was swatting at the man's fist when he went to punch. "YOUR DEATH IS GONNA BE FUNNY! QUIT IT." Tubbs 2 picked up the suit's blade and threw it back over to it. The suit put the blade back in then walked over and stomped on the soldiers head. "COME ON!? SERIOUSLY!?"

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  • The soldiers head exploded, which then made Tubbs find himself covered in blood and brains.

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  • "Son of a bîtčh!" Tubbs looks around for a house so he can go use the shower.

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  • After a moment of thought, he realized that showering now would be really the wrong time to do it. But, the courtyard was cleared out, leaving only Hak and Tubbs. [spoiler]end of chapter 4 u[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]yeah everyone's dead, so let me shower and get this blood off[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]uh... what? Just...finish that kill. Certain hit for that dude[/spoiler]

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  • Haknir started to move towards the city and paused for a second, replying back to him. "There is an open space somewhere down there for me to do some necromantic summoning, right?"

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  • "The city square possibly, but it'll turn into a killzone as soon as things get started!" Falk told Hak as the man slid down off the ridge and into the city.

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  • Edited by Haknir: 7/15/2017 9:12:29 PM
    Haknir started moving much faster towards the city, thinking out loud. "Any chance I can get there before everything goes too crazy? If so, that'll be enough... won't take too long anyway."

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  • "With Tubbs there? I doubt it." Falk told Hak bluntly.

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  • "Ugh, I forgot he's gonna do his thing, well I'll try my best anyway, even if I have to fight a little bit to get in." He drew both his scimitars and prepared to attack while still focused on getting to the square.

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  • Suddenly as he moved through an alleyway, he saw a massive group of guards walking the streets in front of him. They were armed with assault rifles, and one of them was adorned in a massive suit of power armour.

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  • Hak poked around the corner, looking at them. "Well that's just terrrific." He looked up at the rooftops, then back down at his armor and the grappling hook. "Let's see how well this thing works..." He shot the grappling hook from behind cover to the closest rooftop.

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  • The grappling hook immediately hooked onto the surface of the roof and tightened, which yanked Hak's arm up a bit.

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  • "Ooh fancy..." He climbed to the roof quietly and looked around once he was at the top. He grappled to the next roof and continued moving to the square.

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  • As he went from roof to roof, he saw that events were already happening in the square. It seemed that a portal had opened up in the middle and a soldier was sucked right in. Everyone else in the square, mainly the military, was backed away and aiming at the portal.

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