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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
7/15/2017 7:35:44 PM
[b][i]Path towards the Dojo[/i][/b] [b][i]Heading towards the Dojo, dust was seen kicked up on the path. A cloud behind, which could be seen when it got closer, a motorcycle. The man riding it was wearing a helmet, a black motorcycle jacket, and blue jeans. A crossbow rested on his back, a spear on the left of his cycle and sword on the right. He rode to the gates, stopping the cycle as he approached.[/i][/b] [b][i]The man dismounted his cycle, removing his helmet. It revealed his tanned skin, pitch black hair and almost indigo coloured eyes, he took the swords off his bike, sheathing them on his hips, as he shouted, knocking the pommel of one sword on the door.[/i][/b] "Hey, muchacos, anyone here?" [b][i]He says, stepping back from the door, waiting for a response, any response[/i][/b] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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  • "That, that must've been hard on you..." [b][i]He says sympathetically, a few flashbacks in his mind if past events, nothing he was willing to say though.[/i][/b]

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  • "Yeah it was but was able to overcome it. Not mention mia talk how to speak this language and i share a house with her"says Sylvie

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  • "Well, glad to see there's a silver lining to this cloud then."

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  • "Yes there was asnd she's really nice"says Sylvie [i]she smiles happily. [/i] "She really is i have met here"says Sylvie

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  • "Well, sounds better than at least 75 percent of people that I've met on the open road." [b][i]He says jokingly[/i][/b]

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  • "Well she isn't actually normal though she can control spiders at will. they listen to her that's why she rarely leaves the woods. I have seen it."says lizzie

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  • "Well, to be quite honest normal is boring. Have it a try, never really enjoyed it. Reasons I joined the military."

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  • "Yes it is. "Says Sylvie "There's nothing normal about this place."says lizzie [i]Sylvie giggles.[/i] "Ain't that the truth"says Sylvie

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  • "Well, if it's strange around here then I might just fit right in. Damn, that'll be a first..."

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  • "Oh trust me youu will just fine."says Sylvie "Yeah everyone pretty much does."says Talug "Well im gonna go get something to eat im hungry. I don't know about you guys." says Sylvie [i]she was actually heading to get something to eat when talug called them over.[/i]

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  • "A warm meal would definitely beat another night of MRE's." [b][i]He says.[/i][/b] "They got a bar or something around here?"

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  • "Yeah they do actually and they do have food there too. Plus i was heading there"says Sylvie "I hear those things are gross"says Lizzie

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  • "Honestly, they aren't half bad. Get all the calories you need, and in the field a hot meal was more than you could ever ask for. Not the greatest thing ever but it keeps you going. Plus usually comes with candy so that's good too."

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  • "I will take your word for it then."says lizzie "I don't like sweets too much. But im gonna head that way. If you want me to show you the way. You two wanna come with."says Sylvie "Maybe"says Talug "Sure im game."says Lizzie

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  • "If you two ladies don't mind I'll join. Just gotta find somewhere to park my bike and I'll meet you. Don't want anyone touching my baby."

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  • "Well okay then sounds like a plan."says Sylvie "Im pretty there's someplace we can stick it so it doesn't get messed with."says Lizzie "Yeah im pretty that there is." says Talug

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  • "Please if anyone touched it they'd get the answer to the question of 'what happens after death' very quickly."

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  • "I could understand that.''says Sylvie "Well lets find a place for it then."says Lizzie

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  • Edited by Lordbakon: 7/20/2017 2:34:14 AM
    "Alright, give me a sec and I'll go grab it, left it down by the gate when we came to mess with Sleeping Beauty over here." [b][i]He says, gesturing to Lizzie's brother[/i][/b]

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  • "Heh yeah i know im a heavy sleeper."says Talug "Yeah we will wait for you"says Sylvie

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  • [b][i]He walks off, heading to get his bike. A few moments later, the sound of an engine is heard as Leon approached again, on said motorcycle. It was still Army olive green, looking like it had just come out of service. The unit number, ST401-E still on both sides.[/i][/b]

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  • "Nice bike and this way i know of a place we probably stash it."says Talug [i]Talug starts walking towards a spot he knows about it. Its not far either. [/i]

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  • [i][b]He follows on his bike[/b][/i] "Yeah, had this thing for all my years if service. Got sent into battle with this, a shield and a spear. And boy, you should've seen the enemies faces when we got there."

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  • "I bet it was impressive but i typically hunt big monster nothing fancy about that. But your bike should be safe in here no really goes here."says Talug [i]he takes him to a shed that's big enough to fit it.[/i] "People think i own this shed but i dont. But it's great place to put it."says Talug

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  • [b][i]He parks the bike in there, leaving his speak, shield and crossbow with it but taking his swords. He put the keys in his pocket as he exited the shed[/i][/b] "Yeah, thanks for that. Safer than the motel parking lots it usually gets left in."

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