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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
7/15/2017 7:35:44 PM
[b][i]Path towards the Dojo[/i][/b] [b][i]Heading towards the Dojo, dust was seen kicked up on the path. A cloud behind, which could be seen when it got closer, a motorcycle. The man riding it was wearing a helmet, a black motorcycle jacket, and blue jeans. A crossbow rested on his back, a spear on the left of his cycle and sword on the right. He rode to the gates, stopping the cycle as he approached.[/i][/b] [b][i]The man dismounted his cycle, removing his helmet. It revealed his tanned skin, pitch black hair and almost indigo coloured eyes, he took the swords off his bike, sheathing them on his hips, as he shouted, knocking the pommel of one sword on the door.[/i][/b] "Hey, muchacos, anyone here?" [b][i]He says, stepping back from the door, waiting for a response, any response[/i][/b] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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  • "You don't. Now get of my baby." [b][i]He says, the joking tone suddenly gone and replaced by a serious one.[/i][/b]

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  • "Then how will we get it in?"

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  • "Fair enough. And to back t up you literally just get off and roll it back. It's not that hard."

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  • "Oh..." He backs it up. "Wish me luck." He drives in and the defenses don't even activate. "Guess it's cause my doppelgänger is a member here."

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  • "What, you have a twin or something?" [b][i]He says laughing a bit, as he walked over to his bike[/i][/b]

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  • The defenses aim at him.

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  • [i][b]He stopped as they did, stepping back.[/b][/i] "Alright that's a problem."

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  • "There's gotta be some way to shut them down right?" He looks at them. "DOWN BOY! DOWN!" They aim at him. "Ehh... I was just joking around... but you should seriously calm down..." The defenses deactivate.

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  • [b][i]He walks over to his bike, a grin on his face.[/i][/b] "Good. My baby's safe."

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  • "I'm going to go get my horse." He goes out, unties the lasso, and gets on the horse. He then rides in on it. "Now, where's a bar around here?"

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  • "I'd guess wherever would get the most foot traffic."

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  • He looks around. "What about there?" He points at a building with a sign by it saying "BAR" [spoiler]idk what the bar looks like [/spoiler]

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  • "Well, unless you've got anyone who wants to kill you if trust the sign."

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  • He rides over to the bar, and ties his horse to a pole... that was conveniently placed for this reply. "Well, let's go." He walks in the bar and sees just an all out brawl going on. "Good ole' fashion bar fight!" [spoiler]just because why not[/spoiler] He runs in and joins the fight.

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  • [i]the door opens standing there was a very tall woman standing at 8'9" in height with a slightly athletic build. She had lightly tanned skin dotted with freckles. She wore what she considered to light armor to her with light leather padding underneath of it. On the woman back was a sword that was made from the jawbone of a large predatory animal. She was looking down at him with her silverly sea blue eyes with her long strawberry blonde hair draped over her one shoulder.[/i] "Hi stranger what can i do for you"she says

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  • [b][i]The man looks over the woman, taking in the features described, mainly her immense height. He actually had to move his head up to see her entire size.[/i][/b] "I was looking for a place to stay, actually. Being on the road and sleeping on he ground isn't exactly too fun."

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  • "I can agree with you there but yes we have places to stay here though. Im Lizlith Bonebreaker a giant but most around here just call me Lizzie"she says [i]she seemed pretty easygoing for a woman of her stature. Even though most giants were known to have a bit of a temper sometimes.[/i]

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  • "Giant is right." [b][i]He says quietly to himself, before speaking aloud[/i][/b] "I'm Leon Rivas, wandering swordsman, spearman, and silvertongue." [b][i]He says grinning, as he extends a hand to the woman. It was almost strange to see the man's modern vehicle and outfit, but to have sword and spear be weapon of choice[/i][/b]

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  • "Nice to meet you"says lizzie [i]she leans down and shakes his hand. She doesn't use her full strength in shaking his hand either.[/i] "Oh just so you im not the biggest person here though my big brother claims that title he is two feet taller than i am"says lizzie

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  • "Christ." [b][i]He says, pausing for a moment.[/i][/b] "Tallest person I knew was 6'7" and I haven't seen her in a bit now."

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  • "Yeah most are actually taller than me im consider short by giant standards"says lizzie [i]she chuckles a bit and stands back up straight. [/i]

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  • "Well, if they're all as good looking as you I'd love to meet them." [b][i]He says, a soft smile on his face. His voice flowed off his tongue like honey. Then again, he had said he was a silver tongue[/i][/b]

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  • [i]Lizzie blushes a bit and chuckles a bit more.[/i] "I don't know about that not all giants are as friendly as i am. unless you count my cousin and she pretty friendly but she doesn't know own strength sometimes. But she's taller than me too."says lizzie

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  • "I've been known to tangle with the unkind. Wandering swordsman, remember? I know how to handle myself." [b][i]He says, laughing a bit.[/i][/b]

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  • "Thats true "says lizzie [i]she smiles.[/i]

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