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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
7/12/2017 10:54:30 PM
They eventually made their way the doors of the church, and Vio slowly pushed open the massive doors, Cathedral of the Deep style–UGH FUСKING CATHEDRAL OF THE FUСKING DEE– Within the church, all was dark. The stench of rotting corpses filled the room, and the benches were people would normally sit were all gone. There was a long, red carpet that led up to the church podium thing. Lining the edges of the carpet were the bodies of decapitated children, ranging from infants to twelve, thirteen year olds (no, Ike wasn't among them). Some of the bodies, most notably the older ones in age, appeared freshly killed, and still had a good amount of blood in them. Behind the podium was, ironically, a Satanic ritual circle, painted with blood. The floor was carved out between the lines of the ritual circle, the depression about two inches deep.

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  • "Oh this is fúcked up..." Royal whispered, looking over the bodies of the dead children in sadness. He closed his eyes, actually mumbling a prayer for the fallen

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  • "...Just ignore it. It'll be fine, just.. carry on." [i]Olivia muttered with a voice that resonated with a burning hatred. She did not pray or whisper for the fallen, her fist tightening as she continued onwards.[/i]

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  • [i]"Alright, so I'm willing to bet a couple bucks that that ritual circle over there has something to do with the deity."[/i] She walked up right to the edge of the ritual circle, examining it. [i]"But how do we 'activate' it?"[/i]

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  • "Blood sacrifice." Royal said simply, looking up from his prayer. "If anything is true, it would be worth a shot. Just a small cut somewhere along your arm. See what that does."

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  • "...Then I'll be the sacrifice. Fine, fine." [i]The left glove to Olivia's armor folded back into her set of armor, before picking up a stray piece of debris from the earth. Bloodied and jagged, it was, and terrifyingly knifelike. She raised it up and sliced open her palm, preparing for the very worst.[/i]

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  • Blood slowly dripped into one of the depressions between the rune's lines, and the blood seemed to glow a small bit; however, nothing else happened. [i]"... seems like we're gonna need a lot more blood."[/i]

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  • "Guess it's kinda a good thing we're surrounded by Dead kids than, isn't it?" Royal said morbidly, looking at the bodies

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  • [i]Olivia didn't waste time, her gauntlet folding back into place as she picked up one of the lighter bodies, dragging it to the runic symbol and slicing it open. Blood and vitals poured out, as Olivia was merely emotionless in her gruesome act. [/i]

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  • Vio imitated Olivia, dragging bodies and cutting them open rather violently with her chainsaw. Blood poured into the ritual circle, further causing it to glow; however once the circle's depressions were full, it still had not activated. [i]"Great, now what?"[/i] Vio sighed.

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  • "Maybe there's a prayer we have to say or something? How the hell should I know? I've never summoned a psycho Deity before." Royal said, shaking his sword around to clean some of the blood on it

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  • "Vio, you wouldn't happen to know the name, would you? A true "deity" would have to answer his or her people's calls and sacrifices, wouldn't they?" [i]Olivia pointed out, emptying one final carcass upon the blood sacrificing rune before allowing the body to be placed upon the side, a soft sigh leaving her mouth.[/i]

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  • [i]"Its name is 'Velskud'. Although personally, I think this deity is a budget wannabe."[/i] She thought for a moment, before saying a silent prayer to the deity. Nothing happened. [i]"Y'know..."[/i] She murmured, looking at the palm of her hand. [i]"Only one of[/i] us [i]has offered their blood...."[/i]

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  • Royal drew a knife, cutting they palm of his hand and letting the blood drip into the rune. "There. Two people!" Royal said, shaking his head

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  • "Well, Vio.." [i]Olivia sighed a little, motioning for the illusionist to carry on with the sacrifice. It scared Olivia, but she was durable enough to hide that fear.[/i]

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  • Vio looked at her chainsaw, placing it on the palm of her left hand, and debated turning it on and seeing what would happen. She chuckled slightly, and decided to be safe and just making a small cut on the palm with the razors on the chain. A droplet of blood splashed into the ritual circle, and its glow brightened greatly. Now, things started happening. The church shook, and a being took form. As it solidified, a health bar appeared over its head; 'Velskud, the Light-Eater'. The grotesque... [i]thing[/i] stood at about eleven feet in height, 12 and a half feet in width. It reared back and let out a roar, deafening in volume and destructive in nature; its force was powerful enough to completely destroy the roof of the church, allowing rain to pour into the now destroyed building, allow with rubble from the roof.

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  • "Well shit." Royal said, with a [i]whump[/i] ensuing. He dropped from the sky, falling onto the beast's back and stabbing into its back

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  • [i]Olivia had taken to dodging the rubble, immediately taking to entering Velskud's line of sight, staring down it's gruesome head. If anything, she would be drawing the monster's attention, while Vio and Roy.. did their things.[/i] [i]Her javelin drawn in one hand, with her round shield formulating and folding out upon her left hand, the woman was quite seeable, and would've probably drawn in Velskud as bright lights glimmered through her armor, royal purple in color.[/i]

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  • The beast would indeed notice Olivia, but instead of attacking her, some sort of purple mass formed above its back. It changed shape to form a platform that floated just beneath where Royal was falling, causing him to hit that instead of the beast. The platform then reshaped to form a midair catapult, proceeding to launch Royal straight at Olivia with a lot of force. Meanwhile, Vio revved her chainsaw, first making an illusionary copy of Olivia. The boss seemed to be less affected by this than a person would be, and so instead of attacking the illusion, it would look confusedly at it. Vio knew that the illusion probably wouldn't fool Velskud for long.

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  • [spoiler]The whumps signify his shadow moves. And he can only use 3 every 5 Replies. [/spoiler] [i]Whump[/i] Royal stumbled to the ground besides Olivia, rising to his feet and brushing himself off "It's got shadow powers." Royal said, shaking his head "Shit."

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  • "So it probably has illusions, fire, and electricity.. [i]wonderful[/i]." [i]Olivia muttered, electricity flickering off of the spear that she held as she kept to the side, merely jamming the spear into where one of the creature's feet met it's leg. Y'know, that.. whatever. [/i]

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  • The beast let out a roar as the spear was jammed into its... joint? However, it didn't do much damage, only brining its hp down to 98%. The beast raised its leg thing, kicking out to send Olivia staggering back a bit. Either they'd need to find a new way to damage this thing, or it was just the tankiest boss ever. Knowing Caz, it was probably the latter. Vio run towards the thing, going underneath it and striking a titanium-plated leg with her chainsaw. It made some small dents, but not much damage. She was quickly kicked but the leg she was attack, and staggered back slightly. The beast opened its jaws, revealing a mouth that obviously had flesh within. But between its jaws, it began forming an orb of the questionable purple mass, aiming at Royal.

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  • [i]Olivia gritted her teeth as her literal being was forced back, sliding back and clearing a pathway. She circled back to the opened mouth, lightning formulating within her left hand as she threw a compacted bolt of electricity at the inside of it's mouth, hoping to cause an explosion as it met the purple orb.[/i] ((4700))

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  • Well, the lightning bolt sure [i]did[/i] cause an explosion. As it exploded, Roy was both struck by a bolt of lightning and hit by the resulting explosion of the lightning striking the orb, sending Roy to the ground. The explosion also caused some pretty good burns in the beast's mouth, sending its HP plummeting to 90%. Vio couldn't do much besides cast an illusion on Royal, making him think he was perfectly fine, not in pain, and full with energy; additionally, she made it so his wounds would not appear to him. It would look like his skin was unblemished. She ran up back to the leg she had attacked, slamming the chainsaw into the exact same she managed to dent, attempting to saw away at the titanium.

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  • Royal rose to his feet, stumbling to the side before standing tall, laughing "I FEEL LIKE I ALMOST DIED THERE!" He said in between laughs as he flanked around the side, slashing at the beast joints in an attempt to incapacitate it

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  • [i]Olivia's eyes widened in terror, though as she studied Royal's oddly calm demeanor, she simply shrugged and carried on.[/i] "You're fine-!" [i]She yelled, attacking another joint and driving her spear into it.[/i]

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