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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
7/11/2017 2:44:03 PM
[i]"The Lonely One" Outside Dojoville, A Random Field[/i] A field...simply full of flowers. Different types, forms, and colors of said flowers. A young woman, most likely around 25, was smelling them. You'd think she'd enjoy being in a peaceful field like this, trying to be somewhat distant from the other members of the Dojo. In reality, she hated it. The only reason she was even there in the first place would probably be because there was nowhere else she could've gone...least in her mind. Then again, Sun-Rei's mind was only full of wanting to burn her enemies and watching them turn into ash and dust. Which would explain the flamethrower attached to her back and the various incendiary grenades attached to her belt. Well, that and the fact that there were hints of old Scorch marks on her clothes, specifically on her vest and brown shirt. Not much on her black jeans, or on her shoes. She was waiting for someone, whether to just enjoy some time with...or perhaps to just burn. [spoiler]Open. :p[/spoiler]

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  • A ways in the distance were two entities; a bison, and a female. The female appeared to be around 20 years of age, stood at 5'5" with a mesomorphic figure, with a head of a short, boyish purple hair, and deep violet eyes. Her facial structure was angular, her skin complexion pale. She wore a thin, black jacket, unzipped and sleeves rolled up, with a purple t-shirt underneath. Below that, sweatpants and running shoes the same color as her jacket. The bison was a massive bull, its back almost reaching Vio's chin in height. Vio was just behind the wild animal, only an inch or two away, however the bison seemed... preoccupied. By nothing at all. It seemed to be trying to head butt open space, as though there was a person there, although there obviously was none. And behind the bison, Vio was laughing uncontrollably.

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  • Sun-Rei looked to the bison...and starting silently chuckling with Vio, standing up and walking to her. Of course, she was trying to push back the idea of burning the bison and eating it as a meal, considering she WAS interested in burning anything. Instead however, she walked up to Vio, and pulled out a random notepad...for some reason.

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  • [i]"... oy. I'm not a specimen for your examination... that's this bison over here."[/i] She snapped her fingers, and the bison suddenly stopped trying to attack nothing, and looked around confusedly. Vio smiled sweetly at Sun-Rei, before turning tail and sprinting away until she was about 100 yards, or 91 meters, away. That was when the bison turned towards Sun-Rei....

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  • She widened her eyes, hands slowly making her way to the flamethrower. Clearly, she thinks this'll go south real quick.... She, of course, put the notepad away, knowing that she wouldn't need to talk for what she thought was a hostile encounter.

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  • And of course the wild bison, seeing a figure so close by, would charge at Sun-Rei, aiming to headbutt the woman and maybe manage to stab her with its horns. Vio giggled slightly, snapped her fingers again. The bison suddenly slowed, evidently confused. It looked to its left, then to its right, and seemingly couldn't see Sun-Rei any longer.

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  • The woman was clearly confused, flamethrower now in her hands, clearly ready to burn the damn animal to charred bits. She looked around for where Vio went, allowing her focus to leave from the bison, and to...wherever she went.

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  • Vio was still in the meadow, still approximately 91 meters away from the bison and Sun-Rei. And laughing her ass off at both Sun-Rei's and the bison's reactions. The bison snorted, shaking its head and continuing on its way, roaming off and eating grass.

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  • Of course, considering she had no long range weapon, Sun-Rei literally looked almost menacingly at Vio, before turning back to the bison. She pointed the flamethrower at it in case it tried to unexpectedly charge her again.

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  • The bison was now simply minding its own business, while Vio slowly approached Sun-Rei, having stopped her laughter, but still wearing a smile on her face. [i]"Oh... sorry 'bout that,"[/i] She said as she entered earshot.

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  • The pyromaniac turned to Vio with a strange look of confusion, mixed in with some controlled rage and...was that a little bit of happiness you could see in her? Much or less, she pointed to the bison and then turned to her, trying to say how it was possible for the bison to be controlled by Vio.

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  • [i]"... what're you, mute? Cool. Uh... if you're asking how I did that, I used illusions. Showed the bison stuff that might not have been 100% true."[/i] She shrugged, smiling slightly at Sun-Rei.

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  • She most likely either seen wierder...or was trying to hide whatever emotion she had, as she proceeded with a shrug. She proceeded to type something into her thing. "So...I guess we're friends?" She asks.

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  • [i]"What? Uh... sure? Anyways, what is that?"[/i] She pointed at the thing she typed into, curious.

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  • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 7/12/2017 3:50:40 AM
    "Voice releaser. Only way I'm allowed to speak to you." She responds via wrist thingy, typing more into it. "Vocal chords got burned when on a mission."

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  • [b]She had sat there for some time when a strange little light appeared in the air nearby. It was like a little spark of purple energy. Or, more accurately, like a three dimensional hole. It wriggled and wormed, shaking as it steadily grew in size.[/b]

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  • She was clearly confused by it, slowly walking up to the hole. Sure, this risked her being sucked up in it if it was akin to a black hole, but she had her weapons on her. She could survive. Unless the thing was made form fire.

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  • [b]It wriggled wider, and peering in was confusing. Inside was an endless expanse of space, with clouds of purple smoke floating through it. The weird part was how there were structure, floating around, changing shape as the moved. Intersecting themselves at strange angles. One even resembled a house, except it was like all the rooms had be thrown together in a jumble of angles and shapes. But, then a guy's face popped up , peering out like you were peering in.[/b] [i]"Oh, hello. Could you step back?"[/i]

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  • She silently nodded, getting a few steps back. Of course, confusion entered her mind, wondering why exactly there was... THAT behind a hole such as that.

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  • [b]He grabbed the edges of the hole, if there were edges, and pushed, tearing it even wider until he could slither out. As he emerged, you could see behind him was a large and very angry man-octopi thing, storming after, but the moment he was out of the rift, it closed. Remember how I said he slithered? Yeah, y'see, his top half was perfectly normal. Brown hair and eyes, blue t-shirt under a thick tan jacket, a nice leather knapsack. Looked around 25. From the waist down however, he was some sort of long, slimy snake thing, it lacked scales and was deep purple in coloration, with lighter spots scattered along it. The tail was easily triple his body length, and wrapped up around itself in a coil, on which he 'sat' [/b] [i]"Howdy."[/i] [b]A spark, similar to Before started opening, but he quickly grabbed it and crushed it inbetween his hands, like it was a crystal.[/b] [i]"Sorry, dad's trying to follow me."[/i]

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  • She was simply...well silent. She took out a notepad and began writing on it, before showing it to the slithering man. It said "Hi. Who are you and what exactly was that I just saw?"

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  • [i]"Oh, how rude of me. I'm Vel'noi, zilma ei Valinrous ien Xinrhobia. Katour ei zlaminas, Retnugr ei shla Zizixgy, Zizizgy Tarvimsr, Sevimor ei Drami'vla, shla Ziziygy flaino ximator. Xevimor ei shla Zizixzy. Please call me Vel and spare us both you trying to speak Zizizxyr. If you... can speak?"[/i] [b]He tilted his head curiously.[/b] [i]"If you're mute this conversation is going to be very one-sided."[/i]

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  • She had a deadpanned face, writing once more in the notepad, before showing it to Vel. "My vocal cords got burnt during a mission. Hold on for one moment." It said, before she put the pad away and began typing into something on her wrist. A robotic female voice within the wrist things asked, "Is this better?"

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  • [i]"Probably. Anyhow, what you just saw was a tear in spacetime into the Void. I was doing a little hop across it. Dad knows when I go in and out though, and he does not approve of my little jaunts across it. I don't like it either, but I'm not risking the Abyss."[/i]

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  • Sun-Rei typed something else into the wrist device, a questioning face on her now. "Why dosen't your father approve of this. Is he one of those guys who're overprotective?" The woman's device asked.

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  • [i]"Uhh, no. It's because first off all Im a Xevimor ei shla Zizizxy, or Outcast of the Below, and I'm not really supposed to go into the Void, Abyss or the Deep. Secondly, it's my dad's job to make sure I don't go into them. He's getting fed up with it but if I'm quick he can't stop me."[/i]

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