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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
7/11/2017 5:24:34 AM
[i]"Vio's the name. I think I was actually named after a violin, instead of my eyes or my hair. Pretty stupid, right?"[/i] She shivered, not cause of the cold, but because of the sheer idiocy. [i]"I mean, I did end up learning to play the violin. But still. Stupid. Anyhow,[/i] enchantée, [i]Xeno and Minerva. Can we leave these mountains now? I may not look like it, but I hate the cold. I just hate the heat more."[/i]

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  • [b][i]He shrugs as he gets up looking at her offering her a hand up as he does so. His body shivering a little bit as he gets away from the fire.[/i][/b] "Hey if you can get us out I'll gladly go wherever you want." [b][i]He pauses as his face makes a weird expression as if he's debating about what he said just now.[/i][/b] "Well as long as it doesn't get me killed, you know how that is always wanting to keep the flesh on the bone." [b][i]Minerva rolls her eyes as she trots over to Vio waiting for her response on how they could get out of there.[/i][/b]

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  • Vio appeared to think for a moment, before coming to a realization; an idea. [i]"AHA! I got it. Follow me!"[/i] And thus, she began hiking south. Walking. And walking. And walking. And... and walking.... After a while, she looked back to make sure Xeno and Minerva were following. [i]"Not much farther! I'd say we're about six hundred miles away from the dojo. A nice little hike, burn some fat, ya know?"[/i]

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  • [i][b]He blinks as he is in the middle of the storm now shivering. With a sigh he trudges forward it was to late to go back so might as well go all the way.[/b][/i] "I was hoping for a faster route but I can follow if you want." [b][i]The snow pelting him in the face as he looks down. The wolf seeming to slowly melt away the snow before it hit her or before she stepped on it making a grass path.[/i][/b] "You suck Minerva."

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  • [i]"I mean, I can make this all an easier experience if ya want...."[/i] Vio snapped her fingers, and suddenly, the tall, jagged Ko Rudo Peaks disappeared, along with the snow. Xeno was suddenly in a grassy meadow, with a temperature of 71°F; flowers were everywhere, yet no pestering bugs were in sight. There was only a calm breeze and the sun, partially covered by clouds. Minerva was still beside Xeno, and Vio still ahead of him. Vio smiled at the boy. [i]"Don't get too comfortable, it's an illusion. But you won't be cold until you arrive at the dojo and realize you have frostbite. Anyways, back to it!"[/i] She turned, and continued on her hike.

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  • [b][i]The boy stopped immediately looking around as he seemed not believe his eyes. Following faster now as he lets out a laugh , Minerva close behind him.[/i][/b] "Hey frostbites fine! Besides I won't notice it for a while right might as well enjoy this." [b][i]He said twirling around quickly as some flowers were knocked into the air. Walking with a happier movement in his step and a smile on his face.[/i][/b] "So how did you do... well this?"

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  • A small shadow crossed over Vio's face, so to speak; her smile lessened, then grew again, as Vio continued to remain cheerful. [i]"Studying. Lots of studying! Years of it. And, after I learned how to do it, a lot of practice. Still needs some perfection from time to time, but it's pretty good currently, in my opinion."[/i]

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  • [b][i]He nods as he watches her happy personality continue. Having noticed the sudden change in her face he tilts his head.[/i][/b] "You okay you seemed upset there for a second." [b][i]He says as puts his hands in his pockets as he continues walking. Looking over the beautiful landscape as he does so. Enjoy the warm temperature of the area.[/i][/b]

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  • [i]"Hm? Oh, no, I'm quite alright. Probably a trick of the light... anything can happen once you're inside my illusions, really. Anyhow... you might not realize it, but we're actually almost there. Illusions also have the rather convenient ability to make time almost slow down for you. Wait a mo'...."[/i] She snapped her fingers, and the illusion wore off... and indeed, they were at the dojo. With extremely sore legs and feet, as well as frozen fingers and faces.

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  • [b][i]The soreness and cold hitting them both in an instant causing him to stagger a bit. His eyes going wide as he lets out a quick shiver.[/i][/b] "Okay I am sore and cold in places that I didn't think could be sore and or cold." [b][i]He says as he looks around his body making sure that he hadn't lost a limb or something to the cold. Looking back at her as he shakes his head.[/i][/b] "How about you are you all good?"

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  • Edited by Crrowly: 7/11/2017 3:37:39 PM
    Vio smiled at Xeno. [i]"Yeah, I'm quite alright,"[/i] She replied with a shrug. Xeno had not, in fact, lost any limbs–he was still intact. Vio turned to face the dojo, pulling open the gates. [i]"I dunno if you've been here not, you probably have, but anyways. Welcome."[/i]

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  • Edited by Excelkid: 7/11/2017 3:42:39 PM
    "Actually I have only been once to a friends place didn't really get the tour." [b][i]He shrugs as he keeps walking his eyes gazing over the place. A smile on his face as he looks back at her.[/i][/b] "So do you have a place here? I myself am kinda... homeless I guess you could say." [b][i]He seems embarrassed by the fact that he had no home. Looking over at a cafe as his stomach growled a little.[/i][/b]

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  • [i]"I have a room here. I mean, you could either grab a room in the dojo, rent or buy a place in Dojoville, crash at somebody else's place, or just sleep in the courtyard. ... and don't be embarrassed if you don't have a place. Plenty of people that come here are homeless, after all."[/i] Vio noticed Xeno looking over at the café, laughing a little. [i]"I could treat you to something?"[/i] She suggested.

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  • [b][i]He blushes a little as he looks down. Kicking his feet a little as the wolf seems to chuckle. His eyes gazing back to hers as he looks back.[/i][/b] "Well I mean if you wouldn't mind... but I already owe you one for getting me out of the mountains." [b][i]He seemed to be serious about that last part. An air of needing to repay her as he shook his head and returned to a goofy grin. [/i][/b] "So what is your place like?"

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  • [i]"You don't owe me anything. Here, c'mon."[/i] Vio leads Xeno into the café, sitting herself down at a table. [i]"Order what you like. Anyways... my place? Cramped, messy, smelly. I'm not there very much, it's probably collected dust."[/i]

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  • [b][i]He orders some pancakes and a coffee as he looks at her. A chuckle coming from him as he smiles. [/i][/b] "Hey I bet it's not all that bad I'm sure someone would love it just because you are there from time to time." [b][i]He leans back in the seat looking down at Minerva who was sitting on the floor. Her looking back at him as if they were having a brief mini conversation before returning his gaze to vio.[/i][/b] "And well on the owe you thing it's a personal code kinda deal. Someone helps me out I help them out. Scratch each others back and all that jazz."

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