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7/9/2017 9:15:23 PM

Genji is the worst

Now I understand this is just an opinion and a lot of people are just gonna say "git gud," but Genji is just the worst character in Overwatch. No matter what, what's annoying about Genji is that there is ALWAYS one. Who cares if you're attacking or defending on whatever map or whatever the team comp is, that guy is gonna play Genji. When a Genji is on my team, he is usually useless as a teammate and doesn't play the objective enough or just dies. When an enemy plays him, they're a Genji main that have the timing of everything down and probably has 30 hours as Genji and 1 hour as their second best character. He's also so small and agile that it is impossible to hit him, even with characters like Winston or Symmetra at times, and he will just run and jump circles around me and pick me apart. Now let's get down to the specifics of his abilities: I despise his dash. Genji has a better teleport than Tracer (another character I hate, but admittedly not as much), because he does damage with it and can do in any direction he looks, including straight upwards. And God forbid be gets a kill because he gets it back immediately. And as if hitting him wasn't hard enough with his double jump and fast movement speed and small body, he can just dash right through you or dash away to safety. It's just frustrating and annoying to deal with a good Genji. His deflect is annoying. Sometimes you're about to wreck a Genji and he his a button and suddenly he defects all that damage back at you. As if that wasn't annoying enough, he can start attacking you before you even realize he's done defecting. I swear he can attack while his animation is still going. He'll deflect you attacks, dash through you, and finish you off by throwing shurikens at you. His ult is ridiculous at times. It can two-hit 40% of the heroes. So of course what Genji's do once they build up their ults so quickly is drop in and swing like crazy to get healers and weak heroes, then harass everybody else trying to kill him. He is just the counter to every character in the game. I mean with a lot of characters, there's at least one other that you just can't do anything against, but nothing is safe from Genji. A lot of people say Mei is a good counter, but Genji can just dash away without freezing or hop around so much it's hard to freeze him quick. If you're unfortunate enough, he can just snipe you with his shurikens (which is great that he has a long range attack like that). I know I'm not alone in this and I've read and heard other people saying they want him nerfed or something, but of course it's all opinion. People like playing him and that's good for them, but it's annoying that he is just the all around great character for any situation when you like to play him enough to get good at him. Honestly I'm waiting for him to get an update that lets him heal himself like Reaper does.

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  • IneedhealingIneedhealingIneedhealingIneedhealing

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    Genji or Lucio sole healer = throwing comp games.

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  • Mercy not a tilted ana main

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  • Winston. That is all.

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  • The only character I hate playing against is Tracer. I HATE TRACERS.

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    • Oh look a whiner that's bad at the game

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      • My problem with genji are the following: >When someone on my team chooses him everyone just immediately begins to throw the match and choose hanzo and widow. Then spam that "we need a healer" bullcrap. Like okay, dont throw and then demand the other players play like normal players >When genji is deflecting I swear everyone on my team hears it and focuses on the deflecting genji. I wont be shooting at him yet I'm still getting every other bullet on the map back in my face. >Don't get me started on how cocky they are. You could kill them 20 times in a match, and they'll kill you once, teabag and say "hello" like they're a pro genji. >One trick hero genjis are the [i]worst[/i]. Instead of working with the team, they expect everyone to work with them. We [i]could[/i] have a Reinhardt or Lucio, but no, we have defense genji. We could have mei or, but no we have defense genji. Which leads to the following... >asking a genji to switch immediately triggers some sorta anger issue in the child playing him. They immediately get mad, start backtalking, and then hide and spam hello or try to make friends with the enemy team. Even when they see the enemy team has symmetra, zarya, and Winston, nothing clicks in their mind "maybe genji won't be effective." >genji mains are the most common player I've played with that pushes too far, gets killed, and then blames the team when we told him to group up. >Genji mains demand a zarya on the team just for the ult combo. What is even worse is when they see someone choose zarya, they can't help but switch to genji. Even if they are pharah or tracer. [i]Gotta choose genji.[/i] >Speaking of which when a genji does get his ult and he has multiple chances to use it because zarya is only at 30% charge, they won't use it. They never use their ult, in situations where it would provide a great distraction, do tons of damage, and keep the enemy team backed up for a second, if there's no zarya ult, there's no blade. >Literally every genji main has watched YouTube videos on playing genji, and instead of practicing the stuff in quick play, they test it in competitive, not once, not twice, but multiple times no matter how many times it fails. >When you're a mercy main, not only is the teammate genji a massive asshole, but the enemy genji is a massive asshole as well. Neither will leave you alone. Be it for healing, or solo ulting. Which leads to massive criticism from your team. >Genji players make bronze player's situational awareness look like professionals. They're too busy bouncing around and wondering when someone will ult that they don't even pay attention to the map, their health, the enemy team composition, where everyone on the team is, and more. >They demand healing and nano boost, thinking they can carry the team with one ult but then a bastion or roadhog kills him, making two ults get wasted. They also won't shut up about it until they get it. "MY ULTIMATE IS READY" over and over.

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        1 Reply
        • I agree with you, but the only character I truly hate is pharah. All you have to do to be a pharah main is to fly up and use your hover and fire missiles down below you at the enemy team. Literally takes no skill to use whatsoever. It's the only character I would actually take out of the game.

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          2 Replies
          • No. Genji is one of the harder characters to use actually. Which is why a lot of people are useless with him. If you seriously can't kill one as Sym or Winston, there's a problem with you. Not the character

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            • I've killed a some Genjis as Mei. I don't think Genji can deflect the frost spray, and if you freeze him he's pretty much dead.

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              • Have you ever heard of a magical character named Winston? He isn't affected by the deflect and his jump has a caster cooldown than the dash.

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              • Hanzo mains are the worst

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                3 Replies
                • As a Genji-ish, all I have to say is he is a high skilled cap hero(meaning he hard to play.) Plus he is in every pro Overwatch game and in the meta comp, so..,

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                  • When I pick Genji, you must prepare yourself for the most average gameplay ever. [spoiler]The luckiest seven you will ever meet[/spoiler]

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                  • Genji: "I shred tanks." Me: *Hook intensifies*

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                    • The most fun I've had in Overwatch is playing Orisa on mayhem and I was fighting a genji while away from my team. It was so funny to watch him try to get away while I kept pulling him back and slowing killing him and he refused to fight back lmao.

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                    • There are no good or bad characters in Overwatch, only good or bad players who know how to use a particular character or not. Some Genji players are capable of carrying teams and hitting 60+ kill gameplays with gold damage every game while other Genji players may only land one shuriken all game. It all depends on who's wielding him.

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                    • The only problems genji has is the wall climb is just at odds with maps and his reflect hitbox is the size of reinhardt's shield. Which is stupid obviously, but to put it into perspective, I can not prioritize a target past genji else I just get hit. Otherwise he is pretty fun to fight or play. If you can't deal with him as a beam character there's no helping you honestly.

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                    • I only finds his double jump to be a problem. Saw something somewhere that said the character designer(or whoever) regretted giving him double jump in game.

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                    • Mad cause stuck in silver?

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                    • You sound like you're not very good at this game.

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                        It's pretty simple to counter him. Use any character that has a beam and you're good to go.

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                      • But genji needs healing :(

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                      • Is that a pro G E N J I ?

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                      • I reckon Zarya does quite a good job against that jumpy little bastard

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                      • [spoiler][quote][b]I N E E D H E A L I N G[/b][/quote][/spoiler]

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