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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
7/9/2017 3:22:06 PM
[b]Chapter Thirty Nine[/b] The Dojo began to feel the warmth of summer, but still a cold wind came down from the Ko-Rudo mountains. The sky became a blizzard for only a few seconds before it faded away, and those who observed assumed that the world wide prison cell had taken another life. The group of the warriors who committed themselves to the cause of fighting Tywin Coldbourne, emperor of the Coldbourne Empire, now gathered around the war table that was positioned in the courtyard of A1. Falk stood at the head of the table, resting his tired hand over its oaken wood as his eyes were baggy and sleep deprived. That being said, he had a fire of determination within him that came from when he spoke. "Alright people." Falk started. "Let's have a recap before we get into this. Felix has been killed, therefor the armies of the dead will have no place in our fight. This also means the crown prince is dead and that title would naturally go to the next eldest son. But, Faolin is also dead, and because of that the entire Coldbourne military has been cut down to a fraction of what it was. Diana is also dead, meaning we don't have to watch our backs for the Tokage clan. That being said, the two youngest siblings are alive. Cain and Lilly..." [spoiler]Open to everyone in Darkest Solstice group. The order for this COMBINED POST will be: Cthulu-Orn-Hak-Zane-Royal-Tubbs-PowerKnight-Cannon Do not reply to a post until I give the go-ahead. Because I may slip in to reply to someone between transitions of posting. PM me if you have questions.[/spoiler]

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