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Edited by BondyMilk: 7/9/2017 2:37:51 AM
[b][i][u]Transgressions of the Past. Chapter 4[/u][/i][/b] [b][u]Dojoville 21:00 hours[/u][/b] [b]Gunshots. Screams. The stench of blood and gunsmoke.[/b] Three figures stood in a room, one dead on the floor. An entire warehouse was torn up by the stray bullets and explosives, police already on their way. Now only one man would make it out alive... Or none of them would. [b][i][u]2 days prior...[/u][/i][/b] "There's a reason why I'm here, Q." [quote]*Excuse me?* Q asks[/quote] Cylus had just awoken from a nap in his armory, the images of a certain fateful night flashing through his dreams. "I've been having these dreams, Q. About the night I died. There's a reason I came back. There has to be..." [quote]*Well, if you really feel that way, why don't you go find out? I'm the only one who can show you how it ended after you passed, so why not let me show you?*[/quote] "Ah? What are you getting at?" [quote]*The simulation room. I've heard about it, and I wouldn't have a problem recreating the events if the night.*[/quote] "Why not just tell me?" ... [quote]*Some things are just better to be experienced.* [/quote] [b][i][u]Present day... 25 minutes ago.[/u][/i][/b] Cylus approached the doors of a the building dubbed the simulation room. Ignoring the signs, he pushed the doors in and entered. "Any injuries sustained herein... Yada yada yada. Let's get this over with." He says. "Let's kill that son of a bitch all over again." He was wearing his oldest suit and carrying identical weapons, as to replicate the night exactly. This was long before he met Marker and the militia, and long before he even knew anything outside of his Earth. Back to the basics. A mechanical female voice droned through the speakers in the room as Cylus prepared himself and stepped into the pod. [quote][b]Simulation Loading... %75... %99... Loaded.[/b][/quote] With that, the world around him seemed to melt before rebuilding into a familiar sight. [b][i]Earth, Year 20-- ---------- City, Warehouse District 00:27 hours.[/i][/b] Now crouching atop a building near the docks, Cylus observed from afar as Vector's men patrolled the area. His breath steamed in the chilly air, a thin layer of snow coating the ground. Swinging a bag off of his shoulder, he unzips it and begins assembling its contents. Moments later, he had put together a sniper rifle, holding it and aiming it at the men below. [i][b]Pft. Pft. Pft.[/b][/i] The silenced shots sped across the courtyard, the bullets embedding themselves in the skulls of various men. The bodies dropped one by one, small coats of blood marking the otherwise white snow. He had looped the security camera feeds so that nothing would seem suspicious, and when each body was laying dead on the floor, Cylus made his move. He dropped from the roof of the two story building and landed with a thud. Jogging over to the East face of the building, he located the external circuit board and cut all the power. The sky went dark and shouts of confusion could be heard from inside. Cylus snuck his way in, using the dark to his advantage. Executing each man that he came across until he made it to the second floor. Someone was smart enough to find the circuit board and reboot the power. With that, all hell broke loose. Cylus was exposed and all the men turned towards him, spraying their assault rifles at him and sounding off. Obviously, this didn't work, and Cylus used the confusion against them. Pulling his two handguns, he fired at the surrounding crowds. When he ran out of ammo and couldn't reload, he charged them with knives. From the floor above, Vector and his two closest men waited. [b]"He's here! Kill him, NOW!"[/b] Vector shouted. "You two, stick with me." Half of his face burned and scarred from his last encounter with Cylus, Vector armed himself with his weapons and waited, the three men standing alone in the room. ... Below, Cylus stood in a crowd of smoking bodies, blood staining the walls, floors, and his suit. He was yet to shed a drop of his own. He wasn't dumb enough to walk through the front door, so he jumped out the window. Using his grapples, he swung around until his feet met the wall and he was able to climb to the roof. Cylus made his way to the glass sunroof above Vector and his two men, shouting as he rained death from above. Landing on the man to Vector's immediate left, Cylus embedded a knife in his skull and fired a bullet in his back before kicking Vector over and turning on the other man. [b][i][u]Present...[/u][/i][/b] They stood in a triangle, guns raised. It was down to two versus one. A crime lord and his right hand man versus a bloodlusted vigilante with nothing to lose. ... [b][i]As Q played controlled the simulation, he was notified of another person entering the room. Scanning, he found the observation deck and located another person sitting in a chair, watching as the events played out. He sighed as he could not get distracted, so he merely played on. Cylus could deal with them when he was done.[/i][/b] [spoiler]Open, finish the simulation!!![/spoiler]

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  • The surroundings in the chamber changed into a large room filled with stasis pods. Most of the pods were occupied. And as the last one was occupied. Mark-54 wasn't in his armor. No, he was wearing civilian clothes. He stood next to another Exo. It looked female, who was also in civilian clothes. She had grey base plating, yellow eyes and a yellow stripe down her face. Mark slammed his first into a nearby pillar. And for the first time, the memory wasn't silent. "Mark...." The other Exo said, "Calm down, dear." "Molly...." Mark told her, "It's just.... frustrating. Rasputin and the other warminds shut down. Charlemange whispered to me and told me to go into stasis. Now Matthew and Morgan are in the last two stasis pods in the system."

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  • Cylus watches the screen and turns to Mark. "Is this... Before?" he asks

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  • Havoc looked to Cylus, "Yes... He has never heard the conversation that happened in that memory." Molly sighed, "Let's get home. Back to Earth. If something is coming for us, perhaps we should say final goodbyes to our friends, both Human, and Exo." Molly reached for Mark's hand. The memory blinked. Then flashed to another. It appeared to be in a ship that was going to crash. Mark had rushed to the cockpit, to bring the ship out of autopilot, and to correct its path. It crashed through Mars's semi-thick atmosphere, into the sands, and everything in the memory went black.

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  • "What's happening? Why did it change like that?" Cylus asks curiously. He stares at the monitors closely, taking in every possible detail.

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  • "That must have been the last clear memories before he died," Havoc said, "Q. End the simulation!"

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  • With that, Q cuts the screens to black. "So what was that? You crashing on Mars certainly has something to do with you being a guardian..." Cylus says

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  • Mark stepped out of the pod, "I died on Mars. But there's so many questions that are unanswered."

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  • "Do you think that where you were discovered? You said it yourself, Guardians [i]are[/i] on Mars fighting the space turtles." Cylus asks He turns to face havoc with a curious look. "Where did [i]you[/i] find Mark in the first place?" he asks the ghost

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  • "Mars, near a crashed ship," Havoc said.

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  • Cylus looks at Mark. "So if that's where Havoc revived you, what does that mean for your other memories?" he asks. "And wouldn't you have memories of your own?" he asks the ghost

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  • "Yep. But honestly the first two centuries is me looking for Mark," Havoc replied. "Man, it was a pain to get the sand out of my armor," he remembered.

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  • "Well." Cylus says. "That's a start." "You've got anything else?"

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  • Edited by Splashback77: 7/11/2017 4:07:27 AM
    "That Exo... Molly... she must have been close to me before I died. I mentioned two people, Matthew and Morgan. Who are they, and how do I know them?" Mark wondered. Someone busted in. A woman. Wearing a black, V-neck leather jumpsuit. She didn't wear gloves with them, odd enough. And on her middle finger was a ring made of silver, and motes of light replacing diamonds. A Ghost followed her, with a Light gray shell that had moondust stick to it. She had golden-brown hair that tumbled past her shoulders, and hazel eyes that were soft. She had an hourglass build, was 5 foot 10, and had strong leg muscles. She had ammunition on a belt around her waist. And two holsters, one for her Havoc Pigeon, the other for her Wormwood. "Sarah? What are you doing here?" Mark asked, startled. "Don't keep your comm channel open," she told them, "Lunar and I were listening in. Honestly, I wanted to know what you were doing. I know, the whole espionage deal is Mia's freelance thing, but I decided to give it a shot. I heard the word [i]simulation[/i] and figured, might as well test out a prototype."

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  • Cylus reached for and aimed his gun as the woman bursted in. But as he realized she and Mark knew each other, he lowered it slowly. "You going to introduce me to your friend?" he asks. "Another guardian, I presume."

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  • "Yeah, I'm a Warlock," she continued, "I'm Sarah, Sarah Grey." She studied Cylus, "Who are you?"

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  • "The name's Cylus." he says, shaking her hand. He looks back at Mark. "What's a warlock? That like a hunter?"

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  • Cylus could see the ring on her finger. Mark explained, "Guardians are split into three groups depending on why they manipulate their light. Hunters, Titans, and Warlocks. Hunters manipulate it their light yo survive. Titans to protect the Last City. And Warlocks in pursuit of knowledge." Sarah added on, "And mostly by the armor they wear. Hunters wear light armor, for agility and speed, and cloaks as a symbol of their free spirit. Titans wear bulky and strong armor so they can tough out long fights. Warlocks wear robes as a symbol of knowledge on the battlefield. And I am not wearing my armor right now." Mark whispered to Cylus, "I used to have a huge crush on her until recently."

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  • "This is vital information." Cylus nods his head. "I'm a pilot, one if the highest ranks in the Militia. Second only to commanders and captains." he says. "Mark and I were going over some simulations of our past. How we died and what not."

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  • "Interesting... because I know how I died. And how s***ty my life was before that," Sarah muttered. "Mind if I use this simulation room?" She asked.

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  • Edited by BondyMilk: 7/11/2017 5:07:53 AM
    "Sure. Q, get outta there." [quote]*Will do.* Q replies, echoing throughout the room.[/quote] Lights on his suit blinked as Q re-entered iy, and Cylus gestured for the Sarah to step forth.

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  • She did, sighing. "Lunar, load up simulation 007. Vex Level 1," she asked. "Will do," her Ghost replied.

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  • Cylus raised a brow at Mark "This the girl you were moping about before?" he asks. "Well, let's see what she has for us."

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  • "Well, I got over it," Mark whispered. "Lunar... make sure I don't damage the pod down there, alright?" She requested. "Yes, ma'am." She went down into the simulation, where 20 Vex units were simulated in. Goblins to be specific. "Music?" Lunar asked. "Yes," she replied. Immediately, [url=]a song[/url] came on. "Simulation begins in 5.... 4.... 3.... 2.... 1..."

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  • "Those the evil robot things you spoke of before?" Cylus asks upon seeing the vex. "The ones other than the space turtles and the pirates?"

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  • "Yes. The Vex..." Mark noted. The simulation loaded in and the Goblins were firing at Sarah. She dodged the red projectiles and pulled her sidearms out of their holsters. She jumped and kicked one of the Goblins, and shot another in its radiolaria.

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