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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
7/5/2017 9:24:49 PM
[b]The destruction was utter, fired still burning, the stench of death fresh in the air. Yes, the scent of death, the most alluring scent for a very special kind of sorcerer. The vilest, most profane kind, a sorcery taboo in every way. It was of course, the scent of death that attracted a Necromancer. The ground split as a strange figure crawled out of it, screams of lost souls howling from within the gash. The figure wire an imposing set of black armor, scratched and worn, but not damaged. Upon the figures back was a very large greatsword. The most startling thing about the man was his face. It was like a rotting corpse, green flesh hanging limply, part of the skull was exposed, an eye hung out of the socket. The beast crawled from the gash and stood shakily, the screams fading as the ground boiled and closed, the figure wiping himself off.[/b] [i]"Okay... what manner of massacre happened here?"[/i] [b]He said idly in a coarse whisper, that most certainly shouldn't have been audible, but was. He didn't seem to notice them as he raised a rotting fist, which became encased with blue fire as a corpse in front of him rose, blue flame burning her eyes away as she reanimated.[/b]

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  • Cael's gaze would immediately turn to the Necromancer; he sensed the presence of a dark form of magic... another user of the Dark Arts, so nearby. The mage's stare was sharp, almost like piercing daggers. The aura around him became detectable; a dark, black aura, one of rotting corpses and death–much like the village. From the corpses of the dead villagers, a black mist would rise. This black mist slowly made its way to Cael, before being... absorbed into the mage, giving him a vast amount of power. When he reignited his left hand, it was in blue flames instead of orange. He raised his hand towards the reanimating corpse, and it would ignite in blue flames as well, similar to how Cael's hand had. The corpse's flesh was quickly and completely burned to a crisp, its blackened, scorched flesh soon burning away, and its burnt bones clattering on the ground. [i]"... necromancy, huh?"[/i] Cael muttered to himself, while Roxy drew her two blades from their sheathes once more, readying herself in battle stance.

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  • [b]The necromancer's gaze snapped to the man, his eyes glowing with an unearthly orange light, a strange sunburst over the one that was not hanging out. His fist was still burning, and he raised it again, this time several more corpses rising around him, mostly just standing there, their eyes, again, burning away in the same blue fire. The flame in his fist dropped off onto the bones, flowing across them, burning runes into them before collecting in the skull, the bones re-animating, held together by ligaments of flame.[/b] [i]" this your doing?.."[/i] [b]The Necromancer asked in the same coarse whisper, carried aloft by an ethereal wind. His fist was no longer flaming, it seems that power was now tied to the skeleton. The Necromancer turned to face them, the corpses around him rallying behind the Skeleton.[/b]

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  • Cael examined the situation carefully, his eyes squinted slightly in concentration. He then proceeded to nudge the shoulder of his sister, whispering something quietly into her ear. She nodded, looking away from her brother and back to the necromancer. Keeping his hand ignited, Cael did not attack any more of the undead, instead replying to the necromancer. [i]"It was us that slaughtered this village. More puppets for your pleasure, yes?"[/i] With that, the blue flames on Cael's left hand seemed to glow brighter, and they seemed to grow–only slightly. Black electricity crackled slightly on Cael's right hand; he was clearly prepared to fight, should it get to that point. Meanwhile, due to the blood drenching Roxy's tank top, it was very slightly transparent. What it revealed was dozens of crudely carved runes on her stomach, abdomen, and chest; sinister looking runes, evidently drawn by the blade of a knife. And they were bleeding rather heavily, however Roxy completely ignored it. Her muscles were tensed, and she was clearly just as prepared as Cael.

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  • [i]" must not understand necromancy my boy... now, before we try to kill eachother, why have you killed these innocents... they have told me their side... now tell yours..."[/i] [b]The necromancer waves the skeleton off and the corpses disperse slightly, one brings over a flaming log, which the was promptly extinguished by the Necromancer's magic as he sat down upon it. It was visibly hard for him to do so. He must be so rotten his muscles are incapable of supporting his armor efficiently. Once he sat he seemed less strained. He removed a sliver knife, very finely polished, with an ivory holy wrapped in gold wire, hanging by a fine chain from his wrist. The object was pristine, seemingly too nice for this filthy Necromancer. But, to Cael, who could feel the waves of energy that was magic, This object, out of all the objects on the necromancer's body, was the vilest, most profane of them. It radiated something worse than dark magic. It radiated a magic of trapped souls within the blade, of thousands of souls bound to forever writhe within the blade of this fine dagger.[/b]

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  • [i]"Bullshit,"[/i] Cael whispered to himself under his breath, before speaking up; however his voice was low, slightly shaky... almost unstable. [i]"If they had told you their side, if they had told you their side... like you say, then there'd be no reason, absolutely NO GODDAMN REASON–"[/i] He was cut off by a punch to the temple from Roxy, whose knuckle had struck him, causing him to stagger back slightly and lapse into silence. He stared at the ground for a moment, and Roxy sighed, looking over at the necromancer... and stuck up her middle finger up at him. Evidently, the necromancer having called the villagers 'innocents' had triggered something. Roxy's eyes were filled with rage, and Cael was visibly shaking, barely managing to control himself. However, a few moments later, Cael had calmed, taking a deep breath, and looking back at the necromancer. He was smiling a smile that did not reach his eyes, his face a mask that depicted politeness. And, he spoke once more, his voice infinitely more stable. [i]"Well, having heard 'their side' of the story, I suppose that no more explaining must be done. We'll be on our way now, unless you'd try and stop us."[/i]

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  • [i]"... you make assumptions boy... the undead are soulless... they retain only imprints of personality... they are shadows of people... if those people were not honest, they are not honest... they have simply told me you came here and massacred them because they did not have the information you wanted... do you wish to defend your honor, or let these husks taint it?"[/i] [b]The Necromancer spoke calmly. He wasn't angry at the aggression, he rather just sat there, polishing the knife. [/b]

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  • [i]"Hah, we don't care about honor. It hasn't meant anything to us for our entire lives. ... but if you must be so nosy, I shall inform you with a brief summary. We've confirmed this village to have explicit relations with a group of people. This group of people kidnapped two individuals... two individuals very close to us. Now that you've received your information, may we be on our way?"[/i] The two siblings were clearly agitated.

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  • [i]"...does their deaths accomplish anything?..."[/i] [b]The Necromancer sheathed the knife and looked at them.[/b] [i]"...I am a Necromancer... but I am also a knight... I cannot let the deaths of so many be in vain..."[/i] [b]He grabbed his broadsword, unsheathed it, and planted it in the ground.[/b] [i]" please, why are their deaths justified by association?..."[/i]

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  • [i]"Because fuсk them all, fuсk all of these freaks of nature, these monsters, emotionless, inhuman[/i] things[i]–" "Roxanne."[/i] Cael placed his hand on Roxy's shoulder, who had become furious. She stopped momentarily, but couldn't seem to hold herself back from continuing. [i]"–you're an idiot, y'know that? You've got some sorta idea that you know everything about these bitches because you talked to their corpses. I'll tell you why the hell they deserve to be corpses; actually, this was a reward. They deserve to be slowly rotting away in a dark, underground torture chamber, for all they've done. They take human infants and cook them in a pot. They then proceed to eat them while rаping the children of the village. They use babies in demonic conversion rituals, where the come out as half demon, half human[/i] things[i].... They reproduce with their own brothers and sisters, and whether the baby lives or not depends on if they are able to consume the reproductive organ of a dead sibling or not–" "ROXANNE. STOP."[/i] Roxy went completely silent, looking at her brother's expression. It might've looked normally angry to the necromancer, but one looking into his eyes, and Roxy would back off, no longer speaking.

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  • Edited by BraveKinkajou14: 7/6/2017 5:03:20 AM
    [i]"...and who are we to judge them for that? you yourself have just murdered them all... is it not so that others would condemn you for that? I am a Necromancer. the vilest art of sorcery there is... many a cleric would smite me on sight... but I ask you, what have I done to warrant that type of aggression simply because of the way I am?"[/i] [b]The Necromancer stood shakily, the corpses collapsing around him.[/b] [i]"...I do not defend these people... but I defend the right of humans to live their lives to the fullest... this is how they lived theirs..."[/i] [b]He removed the sword from the ground and replaced it in the scabbard.[/b] [i]"...I wish you to reflect upon your actions... but for now, you seem to require information on where your friends are?"[/i]

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  • [i]"What you've done to earn aggression? By acting like some kind of goddamn know-it-all, with all your 'defend their rights' bullshit; well, they lost any chance of mercy from us the moment they affiliated themselves with the jackasses that kidnapped our parents, got that? They have no rights. They're nothing but disgusting, parasitic vermin. ... and you, for defending them in any way, are the same. Vermin. But as long as you don't interfere and cause problems for us while we search, then there's no need for us to beat you into the ground."[/i] With that, Roxy sheathed her swords, turning tail and storming out of the village, towards the direction of the woods. Cael watched his sister go in complete silence, before sighing and turning back to the necromancer, expression now apologetic. [i]"... that was too far, and I apologize in my sister's stead. She can be a tad bit rude at times. This is why I generally try to do more of the talking, but nothing ever works out correctly for us. Yes, information as to where our parents are is currently what we seek, if she hadn't made that clear enough already."[/i] He forced a laugh, but it did nothing to lighten his expression.

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  • [i]"Do not apologize for your sister. I have lived three millennia, words are of... little concern... now, we're going to summon the elder's spirit back up from the depths. Spirits tend to be more... cooperative... we're going to need a smooth surface however... dirt is not the most cooperative of surfaces for rituals like this..." [/i] [b]The Necromancer unsheathes the knife again, and proceeds to use it to gut a corpse, removing the heart, still full of blood.[/b]

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  • [i]"I can create a smooth surface."[/i] Cael raised his right hand in a smooth, liquid-like motion. Moisture in the air along with water from the ground began grouping together in midair, until a massive bubble of water was formed. It began to change shape, forming a round table, before completely freezing over to become ice. The ice table sat itself down on the ground in front of the necromancer, reflecting the sun. [i]"That's sadly the best I can do. If the reflectiveness is bothersome, I can create a table of a different substance."[/i]

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  • [i]" will work as long as it does not thaw."[/i] [b]He took out the knife from before and began carving an intricate pattern on the table, a summoning circle, but with some very, very dark runes imbedded in it. He finished the circle, and poured the blood from the heart into the grooves. He approached the dead elder, and with a few swift cuts from his knife, removed a chunk of the ice around his head and extracted an eye. He placed the eye in the center of the summoning circle, in a large groove that fit the eye like a socket.[/b] [i]"... if you wouldn't mind, I am a bit drained from the journey here... would you kindly help with the incantation?"[/i]

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  • Cael looked rather hesitate; yes, he had dabbled in the darker part of magic, however he was not too willing to do any more. However, this was rather important... and so, he nodded with a sigh, preparing himself accordingly. He placed his staff down on the ground, closing his eyes for a moment, before reopening them. [i]"Ready whenever,"[/i] He said to confirm his involvement.

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  • [i]"Echo me. Do not deviate or we... well you, end up in the underworld."[/i] [b]He raises his hands, fists alighting in the same blue flame. He then spoke, but in a deep, guttural voice, not his coarse whisper.[/b] [u]"Nec shrla gopa namous slivintu avrinti zefphros da kla framinit sha. Oosha langa abinni nec ros ma. Lah manous refah!"[/u] [b]He continued the chant, the flames on his fist progressively deepening in shade.[/b]

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  • [i]"... nec shrla gopa namous slivintu avrinti zefphros da kla framinit sha. Oosha langa abinni nec ros ma. Lah manous refah!"[/i] Cael echoed the necromancer with pinpoint accuracy. As he chanted, absolutely nothing aesthetically special happened. After all, he was merely providing aid for the necromancer as they chanted the spell.

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  • [b]The eye animated, swiveling around as the blood began to boil. As the incantation continued, the blood came alight with flame, the eye moved up out of the groove and hung in the air at head height. The blood boiled even more violently, as an awful black and red smoke rose from the flame and condensed around the eye on a large ball, eventually a large Column reaching the table. Brü finished the incantation with a large clap towards the smoke, which split the large column, blowing away smoke to show a hazy outline of the elder, not clearly defined but recognizable. His left socket contained the eye, hanging there.[/b] [i]"...state your name..."[/i] [b]The Necromancer commanded the spirit in his normal whisper.[/b]

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  • The spirit replied in a hoarse, raspy voice, deep yet old and frail. [i]"... my name is E'entul Lee, necromancer,"[/i] The elder's spirit replied. It looked over at Cael, who had obviously stopped chanting and stood their, stone face. Rage formed in the spirit's left eye. [i]"And you... you should be the one dead, and rotting in hell, you accursed...[/i] thing[i]!"[/i] The elder's voice grew in volume, and a look of annoyance appeared on Cael's face. [i]"Be quiet, you dead old man, and do what this necromancer says before I tear the eyes out of your dead child's head and feed them to the man-eating rats.... Rat food. What all of you should have been born as."[/i] The elder fell silent, looking back at Eurrjsjsbrbru.

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  • Edited by BraveKinkajou14: 7/10/2017 2:54:04 AM
    [i]"...E'entul Lee. by the vile art of which I practice, I bind your spirit to thine own eye."[/i] [b]And with that, he plucked the eye out from the smoke, leaving it eyeless.[/b] [i]" cannot leave this realm till this eye is no more. I place this anchor upon you against your will, and of mine own suffering. I bind this eye to mine own, so that thou may not leave. I do this against your will and of mine own suffering."[/i] [b]He gently pulled on his eye that was hanging out, stretching the connecting tissue enough to shove the eye into his own socket, where it started swiveling of its own accord.[/b] [i]"...thou art mine now. Thou shalt answer the boy's questions or face continued existence in this realm."[/i] [b]He turned to the Cael.[/b] [i]"ask your questions"[/i]

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  • "yo bitch whaddup. i got dat honk kong soup up in da hooood. fam. i gotchu." cael murders eurjrjdjsbru and gets some soup for the elder end jk.

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  • [i]"I can create a smooth surface."[/i] Cael raised his right hand in a smooth, liquid-like motion. Moisture in the air along with water from the ground began grouping together in midair, until a massive bubble of water was formed. It began to change shape, forming a round table, before completely freezing over to become ice. The ice table sat itself down on the ground in front of the necromancer, reflecting the sun. [i]"That's sadly the best I can do. If the reflectiveness is bothersome, I can create a table of a different substance."[/i]

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  • "Yes."[spoiler]Jk, I'll edit and add more WHEN I'M ABLE TO.[/spoiler]

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