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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Crrowly: 7/5/2017 9:06:06 PM
[b]The Berserker and Death Mage Dojoville, 0730 hours[/b] Early morning in Dojoville was a sight to behold. The streets were empty, and the sunrise would bathe the town in a rich, golden light. Massive, towering clouds would slowly roam across the heavens, creating a vista worthy of an artist's attention. However, good things are never meant to last, and this was proven when clouds moved to obscure the morning sun, immediately smothering the golden light to replace it with a dull, monotone, and lifeless gray kind. Several, loud noises would attract the attention of Dojoville residents to the nearby forest. A bloodcurdling battle cry of rage and agony would drown out the sounds of dozens of people screaming, combined with unnaturally high speed, howling winds and the crackling of flame. Upon looking towards the direction of the sound, one would see a huge forest fire, caused not by natural means. It was a small town that was in the forest. The forest fire was blazing through it, quickly burning down the wooden houses, destroying land and taking the lives of the villagers. Blood stained the ground of the village red, and chaos threw the village into a state of utter terror. What was this chaos caused by? There were two figures in the center of the village that were not the slightest bit scared; the ones causing the havoc. One female, and one male. They appeared very alike to each other, both with fiery, ginger hair, and sky blue eyes. Their fair skin was dotted with a few scarce freckles, while their heights were about average; additionally, both had mesomorphic body types. The male stood at 5'10", and it was clear that he was the one causing the fire. He wore black robes, which swept around black sweatpants and brown boots, while the loose sleeves of the robe revealed pale, slim arms. Held in his right hand was a meter long staff, with an ovular, pale blue gemstone at the top of it; a staff clearly used for magic. The man's left hand was literally on fire; a blazing flame surrounded the hand, somehow not burning his skin. Where he pointed with his hand, flames would appear. Meanwhile, he used the staff to point the gemstone wherever flames appeared; wind was directed there, fanning the flames to make them bigger. This was how he burnt houses down. The female was considerably shorter than the male, at 5'7". She was a lot less flashy than the male; while the man created massive flames to burn homes down, the female simply went around on a mindless slaughter. She wore casual clothing; a once-white tank top, now so drenched in blood that it might as well have been red, and equally drenched, black sweatpants. However, the woman wore no shoes or socks at all; judging by her burnt, blistered, and scarred feet, she probably didn't where them all that much. Held in her two hands were swords, one blade per hand. In her right hand was a carbon fiber katana, slightly longer than a meter in length. The tip was electric blue, the base of the blade navy blue, and the color transfer in between. Meanwhile in her left hand was an thirty six inch long saber made of the same stuff, its color silver. These were the dual weapons that she would use to end so many lives in the village. On her back was a meter long claymore; it saw no use, yet she still lugged it around with her. Her fighting style was completely and utterly offensive; fast, aggressive, and brutal. Each kill was swift, one or two strikes with her dual blades; the force behind each strike was terrifyingly apparent, blades completely penetrating bodies to form massive, gaping wounds that would never heal if their victims survived. Additionally, she went from kill to kill with blinding speed; her individual movements could barely be made out. Eventually, the village was wiped out aside from a single remaining person; the village elder, tied up to a post. The woman sheathed her blades, making her way back to the man, who slowly approached the elder. [i]"I'll ask for the last time,"[/i] The man said in a deadly, low voice to the elder. [i]"Where the hell are they?"[/i] The elder was completely terrified; he shook his head rapidly, barely able to even force a croak out of his parched throat, his shivering and bloody lips. [i]"... thirsty, are ya?"[/i] The man spoke again, with a disappointed sigh. [i]"I'll get you some water."[/i] He made a gesture with his left hand, forming a moderately sized bubble of of water out of the moisture in the air. The bubble was about a foot in diameter, and floated in midair. The man flicked his left wrist towards the elder, and the bubble surrounded the elder's head completely. Immediately afterward, the bubble froze completely, locking the elder's head inside. He could no longer breathe, and would die in minutes. The man looked over to the woman, an apologetic expression on his face. [i]"You good, Roxy?"[/i] He asked, his voice soft. The woman, Roxy, nodded silently, before entering a fit of coughs; near the end, she coughed blood, which splattered onto the already bloodstained ground at their feet. [i]"... just a little worn out, Cael. I'll be alright,"[/i] Roxy reassured the man, Cael. Cael nodded, stowed his staff diagonally on his back, looking away from his twin sister and around at the wreckage they had caused.[spoiler]Open! Keep in mind that your character has no idea if they were slaughtering innocents or not, lol.[/spoiler]

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  • [b][i]He comes closer next to the two now as he pauses. The bird seeming to calm down as it looks at the two. Thinking to himself he smiles back at them.[/i][/b] "How about this... instead of silence I help you look for said kidnappers. I may not know the whole story but the people they took must mean a lot to you two." [i][b]He looks back at the wounds as he takes off his jacket. The bird flying up before landing back down on his blue shirt. The boy holding it out to the girl.[/b][/i] "The bleeding won't stop until your calm right? Putting pressure on it and having something over it may not stop the bleeding but it should help." [b][i]He turns back to the man as he keeps the jacket out stretched. Seeming to stretch a little himself. [/i][/b] "So you get any leads off the townsfolk?"

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  • As the man offered his jacket to Roxy, she would glare at him with her sky blue eyes, refusing the offer. [i]"He[/i] did [i]just say that I would be fine, correct?"[/i] The question was rhetorical. In truth, aside from the bleeding from her torso, she looked completely fine; her stance was fine, her skin tone was normal, and her eyes were clear, aware. Not clouded by pain or blood loss. Cael gave Roxy a meaningful look, before she looked away, and Cael returned to the man with sigh. [i]"She can be a bit rude at times. Don't think too poorly of her. ... I appreciate the offer of your aid, but I must decline, for now, at least. It's... quite a bit of a personal matter, however... however... how....[/i]" Cael cut off, wincing in pain; from what, was unseen. He rubbed his temples with his thumbs, shutting his eyelids. That was when Roxy turned back, and seeing Cael's state, continued his sentence for him. [i]"... however we might need help sometime soon,"[/i] She finished. [i]"And yes, he's alright. Minor headache, happens often."[/i] It was pretty obvious that she was either not telling the full truth, or blatantly lying; it was also obvious that she would refuse to speak any more of that matter. Cael soon lifted his head once more, the whites of his eyes having gone slightly bloodshot. He smiled at the man, acting as though nothing had happened.

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  • [i][b]He paused as he put the jacket back on. The bird now hovering next to him. His eyes gazing over the man as he shrugs.[/b][/i] "You know the jacket wasn't only to stop the blood. Your shirt kinda... shows a lot thought you might not want others to see the runes." [b][i]He pauses as the bird pecks him gently as if annoyed at him. Rolling his eyes he looks back to the two.[/i][/b] "Well if at some point you are going to need my help I might as well get this out of the way. My name is Xeno and this is my partner Minerva." [i][b]He points to the bird as it goes and flys near the girl inspecting her. His eyes trailing as he turns back to the man.[/b][/i] "As for being rude I don't mind trust me I have met much worse. I'm just happy I didn't have to fight my way out of something this time."

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  • Edited by Crrowly: 7/6/2017 1:08:46 AM
    At Xeno's first sentence, Roxy looked down at her torso–and surprisingly, blushed. She angled her front slightly away from Xeno, averting her gaze. [i]"Er... I don't care what people see,"[/i] She said matter-of-factly, holding her left upper-arm with her right hand, her forearm covering her chest. At this, Cael let out a laugh, lightly punching Roxy on the shoulder, before the smile faded once more. [i]"Well, if we're doing introductions,"[/i] The man began, turning back to Xeno. [i]"My given name is Cael. My twin sister was named Roxanne, however we simply called her Roxy."[/i] As the bird flies to inspect Roxy, she looked at her with surprise, jumping back; drawing her saber from its sheathe blindingly fast and pointing the tip at the bird. [i]"Get that devil away from me, you demonspa–"[/i] [i]"Roxanne."[/i] At Cael's interruption, Roxy went silent, the grip on her saber visibly loosening. [i]"It's just a bird. Just... just a bird. A... a bird...."[/i] At that point, Cael was reassuring himself more than Roxy. The more he looked at the bird, the more clouded his eyes became, until he was mumbling mindlessly under his breath. Roxy stared at her brother for a moment, then clenched her fist, deliver a swift punch to his temple. He let out a cry, startling out of his stupor. As he shook his head slightly, he forced a laughed, smiling at Xeno. [i]"Heh... that bird, Minerva, seems rather... special, does she not?"[/i]

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  • [b][i]The bird will go higher into the sky as it seems to have a teasing grin. Flying back to Xeno as it pauses turning back. In a flash a voice enters the three people's minds.[/i][/b] "Well I'm not technically a bird... but I am no demon spawn. I guess if you had to call me anything call me a spirit." [b][i]Xeno blinks as he looks down at her. His eyebrow raised as he shakes his head. A little confused on why now she decided to do this.[/i][/b] "You freaked her out can you at least apologize?" "I am sorry, I was merely curious about the runes inscribed on your body. However if we are talking about apologizes you were checking her out the whole time." [b][i]Xenos eyes go wide as he swipes at the bird. The two seeming to give each other a look as he blushes and looks away from them.[/i][/b] "So yeah this is us... just your ordinary boy and his spirit."

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  • [i]"It talked, Cael, it talked, it talked, it talked... it talked, it fuсking talked...."[/i] Roxy was now backing away from Xeno, her pupils darting around, searching for a way to escape; she was clearly using a human's more primitive instincts, an animalistic need for survival. Cael quickly grabbed Roxy's wrist, whispering quietly into her ear. She seemed to calm down slightly, at least to the point where she wasn't backing off. After a moment, Cael turned back to Xeno, his expression apologetic. [i]"Apologies. Despite our lives being so entwined with the supernatural, there are certain things that trigger memories... and other things. If I am to be honest, I have a minor case of schizophrenia; I hallucinate, and hear voices that don't exist. Almost constantly, however there's no need to act different accordingly."[/i] Cael smiled, while Roxy looked at him questioningly.

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  • [b][i]Xeno smacked Minerva on the back on of the head the spirit seeming surprised as he does so. [/i][/b] "I know you like screwing with people but now is not the time for it." [b][i]Minerva seems to want to say something as she pauses. Reverting her gaze to the two of them going silent once more. Xeno seeming a bit apologetic for being so harsh to her as he looks back.[/i][/b] "Sorry we don't mean to scare you. I can understand how the supernatural can cause that effect. Rest assured we wouldn't use our powers to harm you in anyway." [b][i]He looks around debating something in his head as he shakes his head. Small beads of sweat coming down from his face as he does so. [/i][/b] "Is your sister going to be alright?"

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  • [i]"Fuсk you."[/i] Roxy pulled her wrist from Cael's grasp, managing to do so rather easily due to her much greater strength. She turned, storming off deeper into the bloodstained village to be in solitude. Cael watched her go with a slightly saddened look in his eyes. With a sigh, he turned back to Xeno, forcing a laugh. [i]"Once again, I apologize for her behavior; despite her age, she acts like a troubled teenager around others–completely rude, cold, and brash. Get to know her, though, and she's a completely different person. No matter. To answer your question, she'll be alright.[/i]" Cael lightly rubbed his temples, shaking his head very slightly. [i]"Anyhow, we should probably be leaving this place. Do you know of any places where we might be able to go to... clean up? Without being arrested and question, due to all this blood?"[/i]

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  • "Yeah follow me and Minerva. There's a waterfall not to far away. No people no crowds." [b][i]He looks down a little apologetic as he follows the way Roxy was going. Motioning to Cael to do the same. Minerva taking flight and surveying the area from the air as he moves forward. [/i][/b] "Hopefully having to be with us isn't to much of a problem. As for her being upset it's fine. I am pretty sure Minerva's pissed at me as well." [b][i]He sighs and scratches the back of his head looking forward in the town before turning back to see if Cael is following.[/i][/b]

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  • Cael was indeed following, his eyes not on Xeno but examining where Roxy had gone off to, hoping to catch a glimpse of her to signal her where they were going. He did not manage to be able to, and sighed, hoping she would show up soon. [i]"Sounds great,"[/i] He commented, looking back at Xeno and Minerva. [i]"In truth, we could use some company, or Roxy could, at least. The voices in my head are good enough company for me."[/i] He laughed, poking fun at his own mental disorder. [i]"But Roxy... she's lonely. Despite her rudeness, she wouldn't mind company at all. Anyhow, where is this waterfall you mentioned?"[/i]

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  • [b][i]He looks back with a slight smile. Knowing he is making fun of his own disorder. Looking forward as he points outside the village in front of him.[/i][/b] "It's a mile or two forward out of town. Then we go behind a cliff and boom it's there." [b][i]Minerva looks down from above as she hovers close to Xeno. Her eyes darting around as if looking.[/i][/b] "She couldn't find your sister. At least I'm sure that's what she would tell me if she was talking." [b][i]He turns around walking backwards. His pace a little slower as he wasn't completely used to it.[/i][/b] "So you say your sister is lonely? Does she have any friends she can talk to?"

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  • [i]"We haven't had time to settle down anywhere and make friends,"[/i] Cael replied with a sigh. [i]"It's always just been lead after lead, village after village, massacre after massacre... we obviously haven't been able to form any relationships at all. Although, Roxy would have a hard time getting close to people, either way."[/i] As they continued towards their destination, Cael examined their surroundings closely. If any trouble arose, there were many trees to burn down and turn into power, and so a reaction plan was formed for if something happened. [i]"It's just been a little difficult this past decade, is all. I'm sure things will work out."[/i] He smiled to himself, and it looked as though he was reassuring himself rather than Xeno.[spoiler]Time skip till they get there?[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]sure works for me[/spoiler] [b][i]Xeno walked forward through the forest as the sound of running water was now prevalent. The water crashing down from a cliff side into a basin below. Turning back to Cael he gives him a slight smile.[/i][/b] "You know if you two need friends we don't mind being one. We are... fairly new here ourselves. Although you would have to pardon the well.." [b][i]He points to Minerva as she swoops down under some trees out of sight. Raising an eyebrow Xeno shrugs as Minerva comes back. A wolf now with a black and red coat. Her yellow eyes scanning the area as she smells.[/i][/b] "Well us being able to do stuff like that." [b][i]He chuckles as he sits down placing himself against a tree trunk near the waterfall. Looking over at the man to make sure Minerva didn't freak him out by the change.[/i][/b]

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  • [i]"Shapeshifting is not something I am unused to. The supernatural has much greater of an affect on my sister, who has had some bad experiences with it; you've noticed the runic scars on her torso? Yeah, well... she wasn't exactly given them willingly. But that's a story for another time, and for her to tell. More importantly is what we will be doing in this area... but I may as well get cleaned up first."[/i] Cael sighed, taking his mage robes off; the blood had dried, making the robes rather tough and dark red in appearance. The mage climbed upwards to the top of the waterfall, where he would begin washing the robes thoroughly. As Cael cleaned himself up, a shuffling sound was heard somewhere behind Xeno; this was about ten minutes or so after their arrival. From where Cael and Xeno had arrived was Roxy, who was staring upwards at the waterfall, watching multiple tons of water cascading down. She was clearly more wounded than she had been before she had left. There were countless, moderately sized cuts all over her arms, and so much blood that the entirety of her arms were painted red. Her ginger hair, too, was drenched with blood, and was plastered to her head. Her saber was in its sheathe, however katana still in her right hand. Its blade's original color could barely be seen, for it was covered in just as much blood as the rest of herself.

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  • [b][i]Xeno pauses as he looks to Minerva, the wolf nodding as it becomes white. Entering his body as a tattoo is formed on his left arm. Flames burning his arm forming a symbol of a Phoenix as he does so. Moving forward towards Roxy a flame wraps around her arms. Not burning her but seeming to close any wounds that were able to be closed.[/i][/b] "Look I know I can't heal the blood and wounds from the runes. But this is the least I can do. Besides if you bleed to much you will leave a trail and someone will find you." [b][i]He turns back to the waterfall as the magic flame still dances on her. A warm feeling passing over the afflicted area where it was working on before it vanishes.[/i][/b] "If you want some privacy while cleaning up the water at the base would hide you best." [b][i]He shrugs as tattoo seems to peel off his skin. White light connecting the symbol and creating the wolf once more.[/i][/b] "But like you said it doesn't bother you so I'm not sure why I'm saying that."

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  • Roxy was silent as she stared at the waterfall, and seemed to register Xeno's words a little late. A few moments later, she blinked, shaking her head. [i]"Huh? Oh... alright. Uh, thanks."[/i] She looked at the now healed wounds on her arms in surprise, then back at Xeno. Her face was surprisingly blank, emotionless and thoughtless; it was as though her consciousness was elsewhere. She sat down a few feet away from Xeno, not bothering to get herself cleaned up. The bleeding from her runes have appeared to have stopped for the time being. After a few short moments, she spoke, half to herself, half to Xeno. [i]"... why must bloodshed always surround us? Why is death always so certain.... Oh, never mind."[/i]

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  • Edited by Excelkid: 7/6/2017 7:50:35 PM
    [spoiler]it double posted ugh[/spoiler]

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  • [i][b]Xeno looks over draping his jacket over her. Using it to cover some of the blood as he sits down next to her. Minerva moving towards the water keeping an eye on Cael.[/b][/i] "That's just a part of life... blood, violence, death. It happens to everyone, some of us it follows more than others. But that's why some of us stay with others that understand. So that we don't feel so alone in this death filled world." [b][i]He looks at her face and looking into her eyes before turning back to the falls. His eyes closing as he lets out a relaxed sigh.[/i][/b] "But it's also people that have death follow them that can appreciate the beauty of things." [b][i]He can feel the grass in his hand as a slight breeze hits him. A smile on his face as he shakes his head.[/i][/b] "Anyways we should probably at least clean up your hair. I'm sure it would be a pain to get out if it sets in for to long."

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  • [i]"Give me some privacy, ya god-forsaken, perverted bird!"[/i] Cael yelled indignantly; he was hidden away from Xeno's and Roxy's line of sight, but what the bird probably saw was Cael trying to clean himself up. Meanwhile, Roxy let out a sigh, running her right hand through her blood-crusted, ginger hair. She nodded at Xeno's suggestion, standing up to slowly dip her head into the river, allowing the running water to wash away the blood that stained her face and hair. After a few moments, she withdrew her head, soaked with river water. She gently dried her face off with her shirt, before sitting back down, rubbing her eyes slightly. [i]"Th-thank you,"[/i] She stammered out, averting her gaze. [i]"And sorry about... earlier."[/i]

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  • Edited by Excelkid: 7/9/2017 11:14:05 PM
    [b][i]Minerva came back sitting on a branch. Looking around the area as she looked back at Roxy and Xeno. Giving them so privacy as Xeno smiles looking at her. Looking at the blood stained clothing as he points at his jacket on her.[/i][/b] "You should put that on. Until you can you can zip it up and cover the blood." [b][i]He smiles as he looks towards the water stretching. Blinking as he processed her thank you. Looking back at her he nods at her.[/i][/b] "Anytime, and so you know it's okay it happens." [b][i]He gently pats her on the back as he smiles looking down with a tiny bit of a blush.[/i][/b] "A-Anyways keep the jacket so if you ever need to cover up blood you can. And if you need to ditch clothing you can use it to cover up."

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  • [i]"O-okay,"[/i] She murmured softly, slowly putting her bloody arms into the sleeves of the jacket, then zipping it up. It covered all of her upper body, where blood was most noticeable, and after she had cleaned her face she could almost pass for a civilized human behind if it weren't for her torn, bloody sweatpants and dirt-covered, bare feet. She slowly leaned back on the trunk of a tree, staring upwards at the sky. It was a little past noon by now, and the sun had risen quite a bit since the slaughter of the village. Roxy closed her eyes and sighed, doing her best to relax in the warm light of the sun. After a short moment she opened her eyes once more, turning her head to face Xeno. She spoke softly, not as though she was scared of being overheard, but simply because she didn't have the energy to continue being loud and rude. [i]"... why are you so... nice? Even after I was a jerk to you."[/i] It seemed as though she was actually aware of her own rudeness; thus probably meaning it was deliberate.

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  • Edited by Excelkid: 7/10/2017 11:21:18 PM
    [b][i]He looks at her with a smile before leaning back against the trunk with her. His eyes gazing up into the sky as he closes his eyes enjoying the feeling. [/i][/b] "You were stressed out it happens to everyone. Even if you were meaning to be rude to me that doesn't mean I should be the same way." [b][i]He keeps his eyes closed his hair swaying as a gently breeze washes over them. A peaceful look on his face as he opens his eyes once more.[/i][/b] "Me and Minerva... we are what's know as Soul Devourers. Although the title sounds horrible it isn't what you would think. We find spirits or monsters or well.. people going crazy. We beat them and offer them an option. They can either die where they stand or..." [b][i]He pauses looking at his hands as if debating if this was alright to say. Shaking his head he lets out a sigh.[/i][/b] "Or there soul can live in Minerva forever. They get to live in a Spirit realm and we gain there powers. I'm new to the field work part of it but..." [b][i]He takes his hand rubbing the back of his head. A look on his face as if he knows he's rambling on.[/i][/b] "I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't know if I'll always make it back. So might as well be kind and make the most out of the time I have. So it's just... I don't see a point in getting upset with others when I can just let it slide. Just makes the time I have here easier that way." [b][i]He glances over blushing a small bit as he smiles happily at her. Looking at her face as seems to become a little more shy. [/i][/b] "Besides how could I hold a grudge against someone so beautiful." [b][i]Turning his head away quickly he looks back towards the water. As if trying to pretend that would some how make him seem less embarrassed.[/i][/b]

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  • Edited by Excelkid: 7/6/2017 4:46:38 PM
    [b][i]Xeno pauses as he looks to Minerva, the wolf nodding as it becomes white. Entering his body as a tattoo is formed on his left arm. Flames burning his arm forming a symbol of a Phoenix as he does so. Moving forward towards Roxy a flame wraps around her arms. Not burning her but seeming to close any wounds that were able to be closed. Making sure that it didn't freak Roxy out.[/i][/b] "Look I know I can't heal the blood and wounds from the runes. But this is the least I can do. Besides if you bleed to much you will leave a trail and someone will find you." [b][i]He turns back to the waterfall as the magic flame still dances on her. A warm feeling passing over the afflicted area where it was working on before it vanishes.[/i][/b] "If you want some privacy while cleaning up the water at the base would hide you best." [b][i]He shrugs as tattoo seems to peel off his skin. White light connecting the symbol and creating the wolf once more.[/i][/b] "But like you said it doesn't bother you so I'm not sure why I'm saying that."

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