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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Crrowly: 7/5/2017 9:06:06 PM
[b]The Berserker and Death Mage Dojoville, 0730 hours[/b] Early morning in Dojoville was a sight to behold. The streets were empty, and the sunrise would bathe the town in a rich, golden light. Massive, towering clouds would slowly roam across the heavens, creating a vista worthy of an artist's attention. However, good things are never meant to last, and this was proven when clouds moved to obscure the morning sun, immediately smothering the golden light to replace it with a dull, monotone, and lifeless gray kind. Several, loud noises would attract the attention of Dojoville residents to the nearby forest. A bloodcurdling battle cry of rage and agony would drown out the sounds of dozens of people screaming, combined with unnaturally high speed, howling winds and the crackling of flame. Upon looking towards the direction of the sound, one would see a huge forest fire, caused not by natural means. It was a small town that was in the forest. The forest fire was blazing through it, quickly burning down the wooden houses, destroying land and taking the lives of the villagers. Blood stained the ground of the village red, and chaos threw the village into a state of utter terror. What was this chaos caused by? There were two figures in the center of the village that were not the slightest bit scared; the ones causing the havoc. One female, and one male. They appeared very alike to each other, both with fiery, ginger hair, and sky blue eyes. Their fair skin was dotted with a few scarce freckles, while their heights were about average; additionally, both had mesomorphic body types. The male stood at 5'10", and it was clear that he was the one causing the fire. He wore black robes, which swept around black sweatpants and brown boots, while the loose sleeves of the robe revealed pale, slim arms. Held in his right hand was a meter long staff, with an ovular, pale blue gemstone at the top of it; a staff clearly used for magic. The man's left hand was literally on fire; a blazing flame surrounded the hand, somehow not burning his skin. Where he pointed with his hand, flames would appear. Meanwhile, he used the staff to point the gemstone wherever flames appeared; wind was directed there, fanning the flames to make them bigger. This was how he burnt houses down. The female was considerably shorter than the male, at 5'7". She was a lot less flashy than the male; while the man created massive flames to burn homes down, the female simply went around on a mindless slaughter. She wore casual clothing; a once-white tank top, now so drenched in blood that it might as well have been red, and equally drenched, black sweatpants. However, the woman wore no shoes or socks at all; judging by her burnt, blistered, and scarred feet, she probably didn't where them all that much. Held in her two hands were swords, one blade per hand. In her right hand was a carbon fiber katana, slightly longer than a meter in length. The tip was electric blue, the base of the blade navy blue, and the color transfer in between. Meanwhile in her left hand was an thirty six inch long saber made of the same stuff, its color silver. These were the dual weapons that she would use to end so many lives in the village. On her back was a meter long claymore; it saw no use, yet she still lugged it around with her. Her fighting style was completely and utterly offensive; fast, aggressive, and brutal. Each kill was swift, one or two strikes with her dual blades; the force behind each strike was terrifyingly apparent, blades completely penetrating bodies to form massive, gaping wounds that would never heal if their victims survived. Additionally, she went from kill to kill with blinding speed; her individual movements could barely be made out. Eventually, the village was wiped out aside from a single remaining person; the village elder, tied up to a post. The woman sheathed her blades, making her way back to the man, who slowly approached the elder. [i]"I'll ask for the last time,"[/i] The man said in a deadly, low voice to the elder. [i]"Where the hell are they?"[/i] The elder was completely terrified; he shook his head rapidly, barely able to even force a croak out of his parched throat, his shivering and bloody lips. [i]"... thirsty, are ya?"[/i] The man spoke again, with a disappointed sigh. [i]"I'll get you some water."[/i] He made a gesture with his left hand, forming a moderately sized bubble of of water out of the moisture in the air. The bubble was about a foot in diameter, and floated in midair. The man flicked his left wrist towards the elder, and the bubble surrounded the elder's head completely. Immediately afterward, the bubble froze completely, locking the elder's head inside. He could no longer breathe, and would die in minutes. The man looked over to the woman, an apologetic expression on his face. [i]"You good, Roxy?"[/i] He asked, his voice soft. The woman, Roxy, nodded silently, before entering a fit of coughs; near the end, she coughed blood, which splattered onto the already bloodstained ground at their feet. [i]"... just a little worn out, Cael. I'll be alright,"[/i] Roxy reassured the man, Cael. Cael nodded, stowed his staff diagonally on his back, looking away from his twin sister and around at the wreckage they had caused.[spoiler]Open! Keep in mind that your character has no idea if they were slaughtering innocents or not, lol.[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Weeaboo Of War: 7/6/2017 2:40:50 AM
    [i]As smoke and flame poured into the skies of the morning dawn, a solitary traveler appeared upon the pathway thar lead into the burning village, smoldering ashes washing over her armored body and tainting the pure ivory tint of the chassis. Each step carried a power behind it, yet was delicate and composed, a faint rustle of chainmail with each foot brushing against the ground.[/i] [i]The being in general was feminine in posture: though, concerning my characters, unsurprisingly taller, at five feet and eleven inches tall. Her being was shrouded by the durable armor that she had borne: ivory white in color, yet ceramite in the making, with alloyed steel chainlinks underneath. A barbuta helmet covered her head from view, a red plume protruded from it's back while an ancient blood red cape fell from her back, attached to her left shoulder pauldron.[/i] [i]She kneeled down, left knee pressed against the ashy, dirty ground as she felt the crumbling hand of a cauterized man, flames still flickering off of him. Rising up, the woman shook her head, looking upon the perpetrators - and their final victim, with what may have been disgust. Or even a liking, one couldn't tell.[/i] "...There must be good reason, to cause such chaos." [i]Her voice was almost as composed as her posture, leaving no evidence of emotion and feeling. She hid behind the mask of being a questioning, curious individual, yet definitively, seemed to long for peace between herself and the two killers. Not only a serenity, but there was something else: a certainly odd tension around the being: as she had came armored, yet without weaponry..[/i]

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  • [i]"No, we decided to mindlessly slaughter a village for sport. Got a problem, jackass?"[/i] Roxy's reply was deliberate, sarcastic, and slightly rude, and it was evident that the swordswoman was very aware of this fact. Cael turned to give Roxy a meaningful look, and she would roll her eyes slightly, before turning away. Cael sighed, facing Maria warily examining her closely; seeing no weapons, he assumed that the woman was a mage, like he was, however he could never certain. [i]"Yes, there indeed was a somewhat good reason. But firstly, I apologize for my sister's reply... she can be a little rude, at times. Please do not think too poorly of her. ... what is your business here?"[/i] It seemed as though Cael would not be giving any answers or reasons for anything until he determined that Maria would pose no threat to their lives.

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  • "You do not need to apologize, though.. thank you. I took no offense from it. I am Maria Raidriar, arriving from the nearby settlement that is the Dojo and Dojoville, in particular. I was called upon by my sister - she refused to investigate herself, so she relied upon my services to search for survivors. Not that she cared, anyhow.. And now, I am here. With a swordswoman who's coughing up blood, and an apologetic mage. I must say that the destruction is.. impressive," [i]Maria turned her head to view the flaming, collapsing buildings before she returned her gaze to Cael and Roxy.[/i] "~but authorities, and with them, police and roguish, nigh idiotic Dojo members will arrive, seeking to cut you down. You would have a place better suites to speak, I'd hope?"

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  • [i]"We came here to kill bitches and get information, not find privacy. In short, we're homeless, and have no place to speak,"[/i] Roxy replied rather bluntly. This time it was Cael that rolled his eyes, sighing softly. [i]"She said it like it is. We've got nothing. But we do have names, if we're introducing.... My given name was Cael Ellis, and this is my sister, whose name is Roxanne Ellis; we simply called her Roxy. If your sister is wondering, we are not here to mindlessly massacre everybody we see; this is the only place in the vicinity that would even have considered attacking."[/i] Upon closer examination, more details about the siblings became apparent. Decorating Cael's arms were elemental runes, painted in black ink, with elemental symbols seen in their patterns. Meanwhile, Roxy had runes, as well; carved by a knife into the skin of her stomach, abdomen, and chest. The dozens of runic scars that decorated the front half of her torso were seen due to the blood that drenched her tank top, making it slightly transparent. And these wounds were bleeding heavily, further saturating her tank top.

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  • "...My sister wasn't wondering, she seemingly never cares for deaths and destruction - just who's behind it, and whether she can rival their strength, or worse. Though thank you, for the reassurance. ...If you've suffered wounds at all, then.. I do carry elixirs with healing properties. Though the process itself takes around thirty or so minutes, and uses an anesthetic. I trust that your sister is merely bloody?" [i]Maria was intensely studying the markings and bloodied form of Roxy, though she shared her near inquisitive glares with the markings upon Cael. It was not a manner of utmost disgust, but an intentional curiosity, that drove her to carefully studying the two.[/i] "For speaking and resting, there's always my sister's place. It is an interesting local."

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  • [i]"Yeah, it's not my blood. I'm perfectly fine,"[/i] Roxy lied. She didn't particularly care if the lie was believable or not, which it wasn't, but it was clear that she wouldn't be accepting medical attention. Cael glanced at his sister for a moment, before turning back to Maria. He was slightly wary of the intensive staring, and ever so slightly weirded out, however he made no comment. If Maria wanted to check him out, she could check him out. Huehuehuehuehue— [i]"I supposed that your sister's place would be our only option, then. Lead the way, if you're certain nobody would mind two extremely bloody murderers wandering into a place of residence."[/i] He smiled slightly in spite of himself, but the expression soon faded as he awaited a response.

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  • [i]Maria had taken to merely nodding her head in some form of mutual agreement, beckoning the two to follow her as she turned around, her head cape swinging back as she turned her helmeted head to look back at the brother and sister. Viewable within her helmet were two sapphire eyes, filled with a peace yet holding back such an anger and fury, that it was undeniable that Maria didn't seem to have some sort of issues on her own. Perhaps that was why she wasn't judgmental and rude when she first met the two siblings.[/i] "Then come, we must hurry." ——————————————— [i]Assuming that the twins followed..[/i] [i]Maria would lead them to a healthier local upon the outskirts of Dojoville, sneaking them past the guards and Dojo members that had been sent to investigate the flaming village, the sun steadily rising in the distance. With each step, Maria lead them closer, until stopping at a large residence, though it was one building in general.[/i] "Wait here." [i]Maria muttered, knocking on the door.[/i] [i]Answering it was a rather interesting individual, least in looks: a younger woman, shorter than Maria yet perhaps at Cael's height, yet she was thinner and less athletic than the three whom were at her door. A black tank top was upon her body, shorts that reached up to her thighs covering her lower half as a beanie was upon her head, concealing light blue hair. Emerald green eyes studied each of the three, the girl biting her lip as she laid eyes upon Maria and sighed.[/i] Pan: "Maria, what the actual fuсk." Maria: "You specifically told me to bring them here if they weren't hostile-" Pan: "No, the armor. Like goddamn, you need it about as much as I need your scientific explanations for literally everything-" [i]At this, Maria snapped a little.[/i] Maria: "We have no time for your incoherent bitching. I told these two that they could rest here, and damnit, they will. Are you going to let them? Or should I kick you down and use you as a mat for my boots?" [i]Pandora shrugged, looking over at Roxy and Cael.[/i] Pan: "You two got on her good side somehow? Goddamn. Did she prick away at the runes? Lick off the blood for her sаtanic ritual shit? Show off her "holy magic"? I know she does shit like that. Anyway, you sick of standing out here and want in? Just say the word."

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  • Hearing Pandora's comments on Maria, Cael raised an eyebrow slightly. In truth, watching the siblings screw with each other provided some sort of amusement for him, shown by his very slight smile. Roxy, meanwhile, hid herself behind her brother, evidently the slightly more shier of the two. [i]"If you may tolerate our presence, we would gladly accept your invitation,"[/i] Cael replied, making sure to wipe what blood was not dry off his leather boots before entering the house. Roxy did the same with her bare feet, running a hand through her blood-crusted, ginger hair, before following after Cael. In the setting of a civilized house, Roxy and Cael could be compared to feral animals. Their hair was unkept, their clothing bloodstained and torn, their skin torn up, dirty, and even burnt in places. Either they were homeless, which was likely, or had simply been traveling on foot for a very, very long time. Either way, they were in need of a shower and a change of clothing–not that they would willingly accept either of those. While Cael looked around the house with a mage's curiosity, his sky blue eyes twinkling slightly, Roxy simply tried to stay out of the Raidrir sisters' lines of sight. She remained quiet as Cael spoke: [i]"This is quite a nice place,"[/i] He would comment. [i]"Although we wouldn't know. My eyes have not seen the lower half of a roof for a decade, now."[/i]

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  • "[i]Centurion, you're with me. Remember we're Legion - Let the Marines be the nice guys, if anything looks aggressive you give it a third eye. Clear? Good, let's roll." The Legion moved in silence first, village survivors cowered in sight at the coming troops thinking that they had a hand in it as they skulked through the buildings. Those that stayed put would be passed, those that tried to act as a hand of vengeance foolishly had a round of ionised plasma striking into them. The team moved with efficiency and speed, one soldier dressed in cloaks of black entering each of the houses and clearing it in minutes. The one common tactic amongst the stealth crew was their speed and efficiency, none had been near the windows and all moved in complete silence. Those that recognized them knew them by a common title - Legionnaires. And where a Legion patrol went, there was a fair chance that the Grand Legate followed. While his men skulked through the bloodied walls and waded through the indoor corpses, Treyman was occupied elsewhere. His rifle was raised to the pair in he centre of the town and he took cautious steps ahead, the white gun in his hands flickering every so often between the two. Unlike the rest of his men, Treyman didn't wear a black cloak on his body, rather he bore a hooded cape with a black and orange tiger stripe look, with a bronze and gold painted exosuit beneath. From the looks of it, he lived up to the old Roman standards with brass muscles imprinted on the armour. His face remained hidden behind an orange mask, though that was more for the intimidation factor as opposed to the face hiding. He certainly was flashy, but most of his weapons were rather well concealed. "Drop the sword, lass. And cosplayer, staff goes on the ground." [/i]

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  • [i]"Great, your fire attracted the attention of a goddamn army. Thanks a bunch, Cael."[/i] Roxy pulled her sword sheathes off, dropped them on the ground, and grabbed the claymore off her back, setting that beside her other weaponry as well. Meanwhile, Cael sighed, rolled his eyes at his sister, and laid his staff on the ground, following Roxy's example. They would obviously stand no chance against a military, and so the only logical option was surrender. They both raised their hands into the air; in truth, their antics generally attracted much military attention, and they were more or less used to the procedure. As they raised their arms, more details about them became apparent. Cael's arms were decorated in elemental runes, clearly in black ink. Magical symbols of fire, electricity, all forms of water, and many aspects of earth could be seen in the patterns of these runes. Roxy, too, had runes; they could be just barely seen through her tank top, completely drenched with blood. There were dozens that were crudely carved into her stomach, abdomen, and chest via knife. And they were bleeding rather heavily, further saturating the tank top. With their hands in the air, Cael spoke up; he wasn't trying to talk his way out of arrest, as that would only put them in deeper shit, but simply wished to say something. [i]"Before interrogation, I'd like to make something clear; this village was not full of the innocents they may seemed to have been."[/i] With that, he lapsed into silence.

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  • "Interrogation? The -blam!-? When did I give off the vibe that you guys are getting interrogated? I'm tossing you guys in Space Guantanamo." That was around the time that Treyman lowered his gun and brought his hand to the side of his head. One of his men had found s security room for the town and watched a couple of the tapes. Appalled by what he had heard, Treyman mumbled something about a knee wound and gunshots rang out across the city. With that, he looked to Roxy and Gael with a look of curiosity beneath the mask. "Who sent you, a PMC? Government?"

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  • [i]"We currently take orders from nobody, if that's what you're asking."[/i] Cael responded, still keeping his hands in the air. He wasn't saying it as though they were some kind of vigilante duo; in fact, it was doubtful that they had even massacred the place for the reason that the Legion might have seen on tape. The mage looked over his shoulder at his sister, who was gazing passively at Treyman, unsure of what was going on; whether they were being arrested, shot down, or what. And so, her sky blue pupils periodically darted around the village, searching for an escape route if it came down to it.

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  • Treyman took note of the woman's passive eye movements and shifted his gun's barrel slighty so that it was more on her side, though he masked it with a shift from him bringing the hand down to his side to make it look like a natural movement. He did trust that they did all of this for good reason, as his men saw something on the tapes, he just didn't trust that a killing frenzy that large was simply the result of a few vigilantes. "Why'd you do it? Vendetta, justice?"

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  • What the men saw on the tapes were multiple rather... horrifying sights, not for the faint of heart. It was a recording of the village plaza, a week before–a feast of some sort. A feast with naked woman holding silver platters above their heads... and on the silver platters, infants. Human infants, limp and lifeless. The bodies of these babies were placed into a single, absolutely massive pot, which was placed over an even larger fire... and they were cooked. Afterwards, they were slowly eaten by the adults of the village, while those under eighteen were used horribly; as sexual pleasure for the people feasting upon human flesh. Another tape showed the same area on a different date, at a different time; midnight. Men and women stood in a circle, around a demonic-looking, red rune. More dead babies were placed within this circle, and the men and women began chanting. They continued to chant on into the night, and by morning... they had all died, and the babies in the circle had become half demon, half human... things. The list of horrors goes on, but the men likely got the gist of it by then. Meanwhile, it was Roxy who replied to Treyman. [i]"Why we did it? Well, as a brief summary.... This village has been confirmed to have connections to a certain group of people. That group of people has kidnapped a couple of people that are close to us, and so we came here for information. With this group, information is only ever revealed to the most important; in this case, the town elder. Everybody else was a minuscule pebble to be kicked aside, the freaks of nature.... Well, the elder had nothing for us, and here we are now."[/i] Cael did not seek to have any disagreements with Roxy's explanation, remaining silent.

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  • "[i]Void help us... Centurion, take the Auxillaries and take any helpful data from the village. After that, report to the Crusader and prepare the Cleaner Cannon." Treyman shouted to his men in the village as he stowed his rifle on his back once more. He started to slowly walk away from the village, beckoning for Cael and Roxy to follow him with a hand motion as an NTR transport ship touched down nearby. He stepped into the back and took a seat on one of the vessels inner chairs, before the rest of his team boarded after a few moments. The door remained open for Roxy and Cael to enter, though they always had the option to walk off if they so decided to. [/i] [spoiler]Choice: A) Follow Treyman (continue interaction) B) Walk away (end interaction) [/spoiler]

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  • Cael turned to look at his sister with an inquisitive expression on his face. Roxy shrugged, nodded, and the mage sighed. They turned to face the transport ship, beginning to walk over. They quickly boarded the ship, looking around at its interior, before Cael looked to Treyman. [i]"Where might you be taking us?"[/i] He asked. He was, or course, assuming custody, but they hadn't yet been cuffed, so he was curious.

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  • "Hmm well isn't this a lovely sight"says Lola sarcasticly "I wonder why though"says Sylvie "No clue"says Lola [i]the first woman was definitely a lot taller than her companion standing at 7'6" in height. She had gray skin that was covered in strange tattooed markings there meaning unknown. They only covered the half of her face though. She had long purple hair pulled into a braid keeping her hair out her bright purple eyes. The second woman was only 5'2" in height with bluish green scales. She had long black hair pulled into a ponytail. She had a sword on her back that wasn't drawn yet. But girls definitely made an odd pair to be sure. [/i]

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  • [i]"Great, we've been spotted. This all thanks to your flashy flames, Cael."[/i] Roxy poked her brother's side, who sighed. He turned to look over at the two approaching, calling out. [i]"What might be your businesses here?"[/i] He asked.

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  • "Heard the commotion obviously this one's house is close enough hear the screams but deep enough in to where it can only be found if you look hard enough"says lola [i]she gestures at the woman standing next her.[/i] "Yeah she was visting me "says Sylvie

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  • [i]"Okay...."[/i] Cael gave Roxy a look, who shrugged. The mage turned back to the two. [i]"Um... then it'd be best if you turned around and, uh, act like you never saw anything."[/i]

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  • "You act like i haven't seen something like this before a dead body is a dead body. My question is more importantly why"says Lola [i]lola shook her head and sighs. Unlike her companion she really wasn't bothered by it like Sylvie was. [/i]

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  • [b]The destruction was utter, fired still burning, the stench of death fresh in the air. Yes, the scent of death, the most alluring scent for a very special kind of sorcerer. The vilest, most profane kind, a sorcery taboo in every way. It was of course, the scent of death that attracted a Necromancer. The ground split as a strange figure crawled out of it, screams of lost souls howling from within the gash. The figure wire an imposing set of black armor, scratched and worn, but not damaged. Upon the figures back was a very large greatsword. The most startling thing about the man was his face. It was like a rotting corpse, green flesh hanging limply, part of the skull was exposed, an eye hung out of the socket. The beast crawled from the gash and stood shakily, the screams fading as the ground boiled and closed, the figure wiping himself off.[/b] [i]"Okay... what manner of massacre happened here?"[/i] [b]He said idly in a coarse whisper, that most certainly shouldn't have been audible, but was. He didn't seem to notice them as he raised a rotting fist, which became encased with blue fire as a corpse in front of him rose, blue flame burning her eyes away as she reanimated.[/b]

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  • Cael's gaze would immediately turn to the Necromancer; he sensed the presence of a dark form of magic... another user of the Dark Arts, so nearby. The mage's stare was sharp, almost like piercing daggers. The aura around him became detectable; a dark, black aura, one of rotting corpses and death–much like the village. From the corpses of the dead villagers, a black mist would rise. This black mist slowly made its way to Cael, before being... absorbed into the mage, giving him a vast amount of power. When he reignited his left hand, it was in blue flames instead of orange. He raised his hand towards the reanimating corpse, and it would ignite in blue flames as well, similar to how Cael's hand had. The corpse's flesh was quickly and completely burned to a crisp, its blackened, scorched flesh soon burning away, and its burnt bones clattering on the ground. [i]"... necromancy, huh?"[/i] Cael muttered to himself, while Roxy drew her two blades from their sheathes once more, readying herself in battle stance.

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  • [b]The necromancer's gaze snapped to the man, his eyes glowing with an unearthly orange light, a strange sunburst over the one that was not hanging out. His fist was still burning, and he raised it again, this time several more corpses rising around him, mostly just standing there, their eyes, again, burning away in the same blue fire. The flame in his fist dropped off onto the bones, flowing across them, burning runes into them before collecting in the skull, the bones re-animating, held together by ligaments of flame.[/b] [i]" this your doing?.."[/i] [b]The Necromancer asked in the same coarse whisper, carried aloft by an ethereal wind. His fist was no longer flaming, it seems that power was now tied to the skeleton. The Necromancer turned to face them, the corpses around him rallying behind the Skeleton.[/b]

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  • Cael examined the situation carefully, his eyes squinted slightly in concentration. He then proceeded to nudge the shoulder of his sister, whispering something quietly into her ear. She nodded, looking away from her brother and back to the necromancer. Keeping his hand ignited, Cael did not attack any more of the undead, instead replying to the necromancer. [i]"It was us that slaughtered this village. More puppets for your pleasure, yes?"[/i] With that, the blue flames on Cael's left hand seemed to glow brighter, and they seemed to grow–only slightly. Black electricity crackled slightly on Cael's right hand; he was clearly prepared to fight, should it get to that point. Meanwhile, due to the blood drenching Roxy's tank top, it was very slightly transparent. What it revealed was dozens of crudely carved runes on her stomach, abdomen, and chest; sinister looking runes, evidently drawn by the blade of a knife. And they were bleeding rather heavily, however Roxy completely ignored it. Her muscles were tensed, and she was clearly just as prepared as Cael.

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