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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
7/5/2017 4:46:53 PM
[b][u]"Just My Job"[/u][/b] [b][u]Dojo Courtyard A1[/u][/b] [b][u]2:55 PM[/u][/b] ----------------------------- [i]BANG! BANG! BANG![/i] [i]The scorching Golden Gun rounds disintegrated the stuffed, straw targets instantaneously: they burnt through the area of impact first, the straw collapsing and catching flame with bright red fire as the targets smoldered and fell to the ground, flickering with an eerie glimmer of Light before fading into the atmosphere as ashes.[/i] [i]The shooter herself was Pandora Raidriar.[/i] [i]As the gun faded away from her gloved hands, she nodded, sighing as she cleaned up the smoking remains of the target. Her light blue hair was caught in the way of her ruby eyes, only reaching down to her jawline in straight, cyan blue lines, which were slightly curly. She had taken to wearing a soft black cotton jacket over a tank top, jeans around her waist and sneakers upon her feet. Truly, a simple sight.[/i] [i]She was.. beyond bored. And expecting combatants, Guardians.. the usual. Or, hopefully, someone to chat with.[/i] ((Open. Sorta bored.))

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  • [spoiler]I want to reply, but I don't want to fight.[/spoiler] [spoiler]*sighs*[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]did you just purposely make it so Orn wouldn't see my reply... boi.[/spoiler]

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  • [i]"Bang... bang bang. Yay."[/i] A few feet to Pandora's right stood Vio; a 5'5" woman, appearing around 20 years old. A head of boyish, purple hair, along with deep violet eyes and a pale skin complexion. She wore a simple, thin black jacket, along with sweatpants and running shoes of the same color. And, she imitated the Golden Gun shots perfectly. Along with straw dummies of her own. Three shots, and three disintegrated targets... only as the gun and targets faded away, it was clear that it was merely an illusion–Vio's speciality. [i]"Fancy stuff,"[/i] She commented lazily. [i]"Anything else I can...[/i] plagiarize[i]?"[/i] She looked meaningfully up at Orn before looking back to Pan.

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  • Across the courtyard Pandora spotted a woman that looked almost exactly like her mother, but with strange glasses with runes on them and a purple cloak covering most of her body. She did seem slightly younger than her mother though and a bit less strong as well. The woman slowly walked by Pandora with her face pointed down at the ground out of shyness. With a closer look the girl could spot a large selection of books underneath a piece of cloth that she held within her arms.

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  • [i]Pandora studied the woman with such a calmness that hadn't been seen in the deathly being for such a while, before the thought arrived to her: she slowly approached the newcomer, stopping a few feet in front of her and beckoning her to look up.[/i] "...Aunt.. Violet? Addy - well, Marcia - talked a lot about you, though she could never meet you. It's a pleasure, it is.. would you like somewhere to sit?"

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  • Violet took a step back and flinched a little when Pandora walked up to her, but when Pan said "Aunt Violet" she looked up with a curious expression. "'re one of my nephews?" The woman smiled and hugged Pandora gently with a giggle. "I've heard a lot about you from your father when he visited me a while back. I can't believe I actually get to meet you now. What are you up to? How are you? Have you been taking care of yourself? What kind of hobbies do you have? Please tell me I'm not the only one in the family that studies magic rather than use it as a weapon..."

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  • "Yeah. You're Violet Rosegold, right? I'm Marci's kiddo - well.. adopted kiddo, to say the least. Maria's her [i]real[/i], biological kid. Anyway, it's great to meet you! And slow down, I'm gonna think up answers to those questions.." [i]Pandora thought for mere moments before replying.[/i] "Regular stuff, training with new abilities, I've been great, thanks for asking, I've been taking care of myself, Maria helps [i]a ton[/i] to be honest- -hobbies include taking photos, usually of landmarks, helping Maria with stuff, looking for Dad, taking care of my few friends, settling stuff with the locals, that thing. And well, I do study magic, in a way. Maria, though - [i]loves[/i] studies, you'd like her. So... wow. Didn't think I'd ever meet you either! I trust that you've stayed safe for quite a while?"

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  • Violet sighed then chuckled a little and nodded with a smile. "Yeah, you may have heard how much I hate fighting from your mother. I've kept myself rather safe because of it, but when I need to go out to discover or study my knowledge of magic makes up for my inexperience fighting." She then smiled a little wider. "Not to brag, but there's no way your mother has a mana pool even close to mine or the understanding I have of magic.... N-Not saying I'd beat her in a fight! Heavens no! Just...anyway... I simply was trying to ask if you wanted to see my library. I have the largest collection I know of and I've written some books and scrolls myself using my research....What do you say? We can talk more comfortably there."

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  • "Heh. It's fine, aunt. Mom doesn't leap into combat without thought, it's.. been a heck of a while since she's gotten into a fight with magic being utilized. And sure, I'd love to see the library. I've barely begun to read, but.. I think that it would be good for me, personally. Maria says so, anyhow." [i]In all honesty, Pandora appeared to be genuinely excited about visiting the library that Violet possessed, her beaming smile radiating the emotion of curiosity.[/i] "Sorry, if.. if I seem too upbeat about this. One of the first times that I've been able to actually relax here."

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  • "It's fine! I used to get extremely upbeat and happy when I finally got to relax at your age too. Relaxing meant reading and no bullies, so..." Violet cleared her throat and gestured for Pandora to follow her as she walked away. "Come! The library awaits and with it knowledge like no other."

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  • "Definitely relaxing. And.. well, I can handle bullies on my own. I don't know bullies, I just know idiots that try to kill me." [i]Whether Pandora was joking or not would have to be reserved for a separate time, as she pocketed her hands and began to follow Violet. A smile had crossed her face, her hand sweeping up to remove hair in her eyes: probably to look better for Violet.[/i]

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  • "That's...good. At least you don't have to suffer the cruelity I did. Let's not focus on my past though, I want to hear more about you." They walked towards a rather unimpressive, old as can be library that looked like it may fall apart.

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  • "Nice shootin stranger"she says [i]the voice was kinda quiet as it came from a tall grey skinned woman that was sitting nearby. She was quite tall standing at 7'6" with a slender build. She had long purple hair and bright purple eyes. She covered in strange tattooed markings there purpose unknown. She didn't look like the fighting type at all. She was wearing tan shorts and a black t-shirt with just barefeet no shoe at all. She was definitely not from this planet at all. [/i]

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  • "Aye, thank ye. Though shootin' 'n judgin' the bad guy's just what I do, ma'am." [i]The younger woman mimicked a cowboy's accent, Southern and rough yet polite, she twirled the revolver before it suddenly faded away, whisking off into the air without a noise.[/i] "But seriously, thanks. Just got it.. pretty smooth."

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  • "Oh i rarely any fighting myself miss if i did it wouldnt be with guns or swords mind. But with literal power of plant life"she says [i]she gives a smirk as looks she at her.[/i] "It makes for good entertainment when you can make any plant come to life and attack. Oh my name is Sylvie by the way"she says [spoiler]i replied to the other one too orn oh and night[/spoiler]

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  • "Interesting, Sylvie. I'm Pandora, or.. well, Death. Sorry if I accidentally bring some plants to an early demise, but.. well, my life is centered around sorting out the souls of the fallen."

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  • Edited by NOTAPUBLICALT: 7/6/2017 9:14:59 PM
    "Oh no worries there i can just always grow more its pretty easy all i do is this."says Sylvie [i]Sylvie simply touches a spot on the ground next to her and plants start to grow where her hand is placed. The tattoos on her arms start to glow a faint blue as a patch of foxgloves grow where her hand is.[/i] "It's so easy i can do it with my feet too thats why don't wear shoes"says Sylvie [i]she giggles as she does as this just a simple feat to her.[/i]

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  • "...Oh. Well, that certainly simplifies things." [i]Pandora kneeled down for a moment, watching the continuous stream of plants being grown at such a fastened pace. Ot was certainly interesting - watching Death, survey the growth of life in such an interesting manner.[/i]

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  • Edited by NOTAPUBLICALT: 7/11/2017 8:31:50 AM
    "These plants are harmless compared too the other plants that i could summon. a useful ability to have nonetheless."says Sylvie [i]she chuckles pulling her hand away from the plants and they stopped growing but they didn't fade.[/i] "You ever get bored of unmoving targets im pretty sure i could make some that could move for you."says Sylvie

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  • Her most recent duel oppenent approached, "Not bad. You're getting used to the Light. Specifically, my Light. Grey Light." The Warlock huffed. She seemed unusually calm. But a bit pissed.

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  • "Grey Light?" [i]Pandora questioned, looking over at Sarah with a faint smirk.[/i] "So you Grey gals, you and your sister.. special bunch, like me and Maria? The daughters of some Guardian, one of them becoming the badass slayer of everything.. and the other daughters, the children of Death himself, one of them taking that title and devouring beings of extraordinary power. ...Sorry. For being such a bitch in that fight. I was furious."

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  • "Yep. My life in a nutshell," she replied, "But me and sis... our Light's different than most. It can't be drained by outside forces too easily. And it regenerates to double of what was stolen." She kicked a pebble.

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  • [i]Pandora studied the flying pebble for a moment, before several more pebbles materialized in front of Sarah, Pandora smiling a little.[/i] "There, for you to kick around 'n all, or crush. Nice to hear about all of the Light stuff, though.. I'm special since my little title of Death and because my dad passed down his abilities. The creation of objects, removal of inanimate and nonbiological objects, telekinesis. ...Didn't think I introduced myself. I'm Pandora. Death. Whatever you want to call me, sensitive bitch is fine too."

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  • Sarah sighed, "I'm Sarah, Sarah Grey. Well you already know that." She sighed, "Listen, I'm engaged to someone. And if he finds out that I got into another risky duel, it won't end well."

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  • "What's so dangerous about you jumping into a duel?" [i]Pandora was silent, before continuing.[/i] "I mean. You're immortal. Basically immortal, anyway."

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