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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
7/4/2017 2:31:13 PM
An orc breaks rank and walks up grumbling. He pushed the goblin out of the way, "That's not how you do it." The orc slams his battle mace into the DOJO door repeatedly.

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  • The orc shrugs at the lack of a response and retreats back to his position, as does the goblin. The goblin takes position with the rest of his kin. The orcs make a phalanx of pikes in the front, then swords, axes, and maces, and then archers in the back. The Uruk-Hai retreat to their position. The Shadow remains unmoved. A goblin whispers to one of its brethren, "Good thing we made preparations before knocking hehehe..."

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  • The gates finally creaked open, and a man clad in Militia Pilot armour stepped out, followed by two others and a dozen or so Riflemen "Can I help you?" The pilot asked

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  • Edited by MuKoKu: 7/4/2017 7:48:38 PM
    [quote]The gates finally creaked open, and a man clad in Militia Pilot armour stepped out, followed by two others and a dozen or so Riflemen "Can I help you?" The pilot asked[/quote] In the moonless night, a few small flashes of light followed by a controlled flame emerges. It is a torch, held by an unusually well-groomed orc, garbed in red cloak and robe of nobility. The trim is embroidered in gold letters and symbols, flashing in the light of the torch. His head was bald, save for a long tuft of hair tied with a string on the peak of his brow. He approached with one hand on the torch and another hand up, signifying he was unarmed.

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  • "Good evening, I repeat. Can I help you? Do you need a place to stay or anything of the sort?"

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  • [quote]"Good evening, I repeat. Can I help you? Do you need a place to stay or anything of the sort?"[/quote] "My master seeks new territory, and a challenge to taste the worthiness of this world," the orc said in a high society British accent. He was about 15 feet from the group of men and still approaching, hands still raised.

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  • "A challenge? Do you seek a warrior to battle?" The man asked, fidgeting with his rifle

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  • [quote]"A challenge? Do you seek a warrior to battle?" The man asked, fidgeting with his rifle[/quote] "Yes. Well," the Orc paused as he stopped arm's length away from the man he is speaking to, both arms spread out to his sides, parallel to the ground. "My master has been rather bored for the last century or so. He heard of the rep... utation...." he trailed off, head cocked quizzically to the side in confusion as he glanced at all the humans before him.

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  • "This place does have quite the reputation, doesn't it. Well, in any case. It's approaching night time. Why don't you make camp, and you can look for a challenge at the break of dawn."

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  • [quote]"This place does have quite the reputation, doesn't it. Well, in any case. It's approaching night time. Why don't you make camp, and you can look for a challenge at the break of dawn."[/quote] The orc shook his head, "I'm sorry, aren't you going to search me?"

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  • "Why would I? The dojo Is a home of warriors. It is not uncommon for people to have weapons."

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  • [quote]"Why would I? The dojo Is a home of warriors. It is not uncommon for people to have weapons."[/quote] 😐 "So this is what pity feels like," the Orc said under his breath. "Well my good sirs, my master would like to begin the fight now. I bid thee adieu and may Morgoth choose to spare you much suffering." With that, the Orc bowed low and dropped his torch. The flame ignited the very short fuse of a bomb that was previously buried before the gate, under the feet of the orc and all the humans in front of him. An explosion burst forth, surpassing, threefold, that of the one used at Helm's deep.

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  • The explosion blew the pilot up, sending the rest of the human flying backwards into the courtyard. Of course, the explosion did no real damage to the wall or gates of dojo, but that must not have been the target Dojo members that were inside the courtyard turned towards the gate, and soon enough a hail of bullets was sent forth, in the direction of the Orcs

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  • [quote]The explosion blew the pilot up, sending the rest of the human flying backwards into the courtyard. Of course, the explosion did no real damage to the wall or gates of dojo, but that must not have been the target Dojo members that were inside the courtyard turned towards the gate, and soon enough a hail of bullets was sent forth, in the direction of the Orcs[/quote] The Orc was decimated. The front Pikeorcs took the initial barrage of bullets. The rear orcs unleashed a volley of armor piercing arrows into the direction of the gunfire. [spoiler]They seemed to be constantly piercing the armor of the Rohirrim in the movie at least. So that level of armor piercing I guess.[/spoiler] The armored trolls threw their giant drums and drum sticks towards the gunfire as well.

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  • Smoke grenades were tossed out, making most of the arrows go wide of their targets with a few rare lucky ones actually hitting. From behind the Orcs were coming reinforcements, who were firing and lobbing grenades into the orc ranks

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  • [quote]Smoke grenades were tossed out, making most of the arrows go wide of their targets with a few rare lucky ones actually hitting. From behind the Orcs were coming reinforcements, who were firing and lobbing grenades into the orc ranks[/quote] [spoiler]I believe smoke grenades don't work like that. Especially if they were tossed out after the volley. A smokescreen would had to have been set in place to hinder archers [b][u]before[/u][/b] the fired arrows. [/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Well I assumed you would continue firing arrows. Not just a singular volley [/spoiler]

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  • [quote][spoiler]Well I assumed you would continue firing arrows. Not just a singular volley [/spoiler][/quote] [spoiler]Nah, just time for one volley. React accordingly[/spoiler] The smoke grenades were hardly noticed as the smoke started to spew out. The archer line was cut down from the gunfire. The rest of the orcs were blown apart. (Most died but a few survived, though they were incapacitated at the moment.) From undiscovered positions, armor piercing arrows shot out in the darkness towards the ambushing party of humans. The trolls tore chunks of earth and threw them at the gunfire. The Shadow walked over to the Smoke. Its footsteps flowed molten red.

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  • The ambushers, being ambushed, pulled back, retreating into the village while the gates of the dojo were closed, leaving the goblins, Orcs and such outside it's mighty walls

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  • [quote]The ambushers, being ambushed, pulled back, retreating into the village while the gates of the dojo were closed, leaving the goblins, Orcs and such outside it's mighty walls[/quote] The remaining Uruk-Hai, Goblins, and Trolls change position and take cover. The Balrog inhales the smoke and laughs. "They deny me, hehe, out of feeeeaaaarrrr hehehahahaHAAAA."

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  • The gunfire stopped, and the area outside the gates fell into an eerie sort of silence as the troops left, and the Orcs had no way of getting in

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  • [quote]The gunfire stopped, and the area outside the gates fell into an eerie sort of silence as the troops left, and the Orcs had no way of getting in[/quote] A soft but heavy knock was heard at the DOJO gates. A voice like a burning furnace and rolling lava called out. "Please, grace me with entrence and spare me with place within these walls. I seek mercy. I seek repentance. The Balrog's head hung low with the weight of his shame.

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  • "Huh?" A sigh was heard upon the dojo wall, with a pilot looking at the Balrog. "Really?"

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  • [quote]"Huh?" A sigh was heard upon the dojo wall, with a pilot looking at the Balrog. "Really?"[/quote] The Balrog looked up, its skin began to grow as the warmth of a fireplace. "I have been given a glimpse into what lies in wait for me and the end of the road of destruction and fear. Destruction begets destruction. I wish to repent. I wish to exist in opposition to what I have become. To undo, as possible, what I have done. "I have been humbled by the lowest, most neglected, and most abused of my slaves. That man there," the Balrog pointed at the figure behind him, who seemed to be staring blankly into the night in the opposite direction. "I peered into is mind through my shadow, seeing him as he really was. Behold, my lowest slave, whom that figure had swiftly beheaded, appeared before him. Then more beings and creatures emerged, from where I can only scarcely imagine. They were phantoms of the dead. Then hundreds. Then thousands. Then millions more. All grotesque from the effects of destruction at that figure's hand. They blinded him. They weighed him down. They were as a plague to his soul. He struggled against them, powerful as ever. But they were countless. He, the embodiment of destruction, wrought his own defeat: as he destroyed constantly, he was cursed to constantly destroy. He is consumed by his own destruction. How he will overcome this obstacle of mind and spirit, I do not know. "But, I want no part in that fate. I heard the voice of my fallen slave whisper to me in my mind. He... he said I have hope. That I must turn from my destruction and seek out the pure purpose of fire and shadow." The Balrog bowed deeply to the pilot. It's flames died down to liken that of glowing embers. "Please, accept me into your walls."

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  • "Do you swear, not to harm a living soul within these walls, and within the village that borders it?" The pilot asked calmly, keeping his eyes on the Balrog

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  • [quote]"Do you swear, not to harm a living soul within these walls, and within the village that borders it?" The pilot asked calmly, keeping his eyes on the Balrog[/quote] [spoiler]sorry for the hiatus [/spoiler] [i]The Balrog pounded his chest with his right fist[/i] "I swear not to do so out of evil. I cannot do so completely however, for this is a fallen universe, and violence is inevitable."

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