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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
6/28/2017 3:50:09 AM
[url=]Just outside the Dojo[/url] [url=]17:00[/url] Traci, a young still rather innocent girl, sat in the middle of an open field. It was a hot summer day so she wore a white tank top and small jean shorts to combat the warmth of the bright sun. What was really getting to her was the boredom. She only had a small rubber ball to entertain herself, which she threw up into the air and caught repeatedly to attempt some fun. Traci ended up just going into deep thought about recent events such as her parents separating and some of the lessons WM rebels had been giving her. The girl’s lips pursed as she thought of how her life wasn’t really leading anywhere. She was just stuck in a constant rut, she thought. Traci wasn’t wrong, she had no current goals and most of her time is simply spent messing around. The only productive thing she ever does is get help from the WM rebels, but that rarely happens. She really enjoyed her encounters with the rebels recently. She had gotten rather close to a few of the teachers she had been given despite never seeing their faces. [i]“Don and Ralph…”[/i] Traci simply smiled upon saying their names, happy memories racing through her mind. That smile vanished when she heard a twig crack from the treeline surrounding her small open area. She sat up and looked around quickly, now aware of her surroundings. After a few seconds of seeing nothing she slowly began to stand up only to hear a “THWAK” and suddenly feel immense pain from her knee. She collapsed to the ground, clutching her almost completely shredded knee. Blood covered the wound so she couldn’t get a good look at it, but fear overtook her as the worst case scenarios ran through her head like a wildfire. [b]“That was too easy.”[/b] Out of the trees Archangel Gabriel walked into the open, the sun shimmering on his new armor. He carried a giant, futuristic rifle of some sort which he slung behind his back while pulling out a machete with a glowing blade. [b]“Come on, lil girl. Let out that inner killing machine and make this at least somewhat exciting.”[/b] Traci grunted and cried in agony as she tried to stand. Gabriel sighed and began to walk towards the child, catching the grass on fire as he dragged the machete across the ground. The wounded Traci eventually got on her good leg and started to try and hop away. [i]“L-Leave me alone! Please!”[/i] [b]“Oh, crying for mercy won’t work, lil one. Come on, hit me!”[/b] [i]“Help! Help! Anyone!”[/i] [b]“I’m already tired of your screaming…”[/b] The large man faded away and reappeared in front of Traci. His hand grasped Traci’s neck and pulled her up into the air. He simply smirked under his mask as he saw the life start to drain from her eyes. [b]“Too easy…”[/b] Suddenly Gabriel saw a small red light flicker in Traci’s eyes and he smiled even wider, laughing at the fact he pushed her to fight back to her fullest. [b]“There ya go, b*tch! Bring i-”[/b] Gabriel was stopped when he felt Traci stab a large dagger into his armpit, causing him to let out a screech that would cause most people’s ears to bleed. He let go of Traci and she didn’t waste anytime. Her face now showed pure rage as she formed a giant longsword in her hands and swung at Gabriel’s neck. In the blink of an eye Gabriel barely deflects the attack to the side with a weak swing from his machete. [b] “Come on! Hit me!”[/b] The armored man yelled at the angry girl half his size. Traci happily obliged as she swung and thrusted her blade at incredible speeds that most people couldn’t hope to react to. Gabriel was clearly not as fast as her, but he predicted her movements well enough that she didn’t land a single blow. He chuckled before slicing her across her right arm, burning the flesh and leaving a horrible looking burn. [i]“F*ck!”[/i] Traci fell to her knees, clutching the arm with tears running down her face again. Her eyes clenched shut from the pain coursing through her body as Gabriel sighed. [b]“You’re such a disappointment. I thought you were supposed to be stronger than your mother...I guess they made a mistake.”[/b] Gabriel kicked her onto her back and shoved the machete through her already injured arm, pinning it to the ground painfully. Traci squirmed and wept as her arm went limp. [b]“No worries, lil one. You’ll be back in WM’s hands soon enough. We’ll fix you right up and make you even stronger. Won’t that be fu-”[/b] He coughed up black blood as a spear punctured him from the lower back and up through the chest. His hands grasped onto the spear while he fell over onto the ground. Traci grabbed the handle of Gabriel’s machete and pulled it out of her arm with a scream before chucking it at its original owner. The machete cut through Gabriel’s armor and punctured his chest right beside the spear. The man coughed up more blood as Traci stood back up, clutching her arm again. [i] “M-My parents wouldn’t l-let that happen even i-if I lost to you…”[/i] [b] “You…*coughing fit*...think you won?”[/b] Gabriel quickly stood back up and ripped both weapons out of his chest. Both wounds healed in a matter of seconds and he laughed. Traci stared with wide eyes, scared and trembling. [b]“Stupid girl….”[/b] An eerie black mist emitted from his hands before he suddenly lunged at Traci faster than she could react. He grabbed her by the shoulders and headbutted her, knocking he unconscious instantly. He laughed again while he started to drag her into the forest. [b]“Good thing you have no memory or else you might’ve killed me there.”[/b] (To Be Continued….)

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