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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
6/23/2017 4:57:27 AM
[u]Training Exercises[/u] [u]Dojo Courtyard B2, outside of the Lounge of Blades[/u] [u]5:43 PM[/u] [u]Palatine Victoria, Sole Survivor of the attack upon The Aeternus[/u] --------------------------------------------- [i]Aim. Shoot. Fire.[/i] [i]Approximately six .50 caliber rounds were fired from a Godwyn-De'az Pattern Bolter towards three straw dummies, each inanimate figurine held up by a wooden post planted firmly into the ground by someone some time ago. With the first round fired at each separate dummy, the round collided with their heads, blowing straw and wood to threads and splinters, flying through the air and falling upon the ground like ashes from a flame. The second bullet that planted itself into each separate doll found itself imbedded into the bosom of the straw beings, blasting their bodies apart and shattering the wooden poles that held them up. Merely six shots rang out, shattering the silence and yet, ending quite quickly.[/i] [i]The Adepta Sororitas - or rather, previous Adepta Sororitas - breathed in and out as she lowered her weapon, continuing to clench the weapon tightly as she silently observed the chaos that she had caused: three dolls, their remains scattered across the plain concrete and light green grass. Victoria smiled to herself in an odd sense of enjoyment, shrugging off the brief shock that she had felt from the Bolter's pure force: she knew that the Astartes fired much more intimidating weaponry, but not many soldiers that she had met in these parts could frequently fire a Bolter modified for usage of non-augmented beings.[/i] [i]Victoria was, underneath the charcoal black Power Armor that she had taken to wearing, an entirely normal woman: the armor that the Palatine wore into combative experiences and in her daily patrols and protective watch over Dojoville consisted of primarily ceramite plating for the outer layer, enough to endure regular rounds, and yet would be shattered and ripped to pieces by the forms of weaponry that Victoria was used to. Holy symbols and deep red cloth hung from her armor, decorated with fleur de lis and golden lining. She had taken to wearing her dark grey helmet alongside her armor, which concealed her head entirely: the visor consisted of two slit-like eyes, the glass a gleaming red color while a golden fleur de lis decorated the centerpiece of the smooth helmet. She was above the average female height, although she wasn't abnormally tall, like most of the Dojo's residents and everywhere that she visited - in fact, Victoria was five feet and nine inches tall, with a considerably athletic yet femininely built body, which was partially ideal for her line of work (perfectly ideal would be pure muscle and athleticism, really. Staring upon feminine parts is basically a death wish, at least for Adepta Sororitas and Astartes).[/i] [i]Obviously, the Sororitas Bolter had been described enough, although Victoria still had three more weapons upon her being: two Godwyn-De'az Pattern Bolt Pistols, dedicated to the usage of sidearms if anything, while capable of firing .50 caliber rounds as well, Incredibly impressive (and odd) for a pair of pistols. Yet the weapon upon her back was easily impressive, as it was a mere prodigy of it's own: a sword, strapped and held to the Palatine's back by a dark leather bond. The sword itself was twenty-nine inches long, reasonable for both one-handing and two-handing the weapon, while the golden grip was wrapped with dark leather and finished with a teardrop-shaped pommel. The center of the hilt was shaped into a clear skull, obviously relating to the Imperium, while the twenty-five inch long blade protruded outwards from the hilt, crafted from masterfully sharpened adamantium. The sword was double-bladed and slanted, allowing for capable hacks and slashes, while ending with a slanted point to allow for the piercing and tearing of flesh. There was a unique technology surrounding the weapon, as if it so much more capable than it originally seems.[/i] [i]But, back onto Victoria.. The Palatine sighed, her voice muffled by her helmet as she allowed her Bolter to hang from her hand, sitting down upon a strong, wooden bench next to the Lounge of Blades. She pressed the back of her head against the wooden structure - she needed some form of interaction, some sort of combat, or anything that didn't threat her life. Because then, she'd have to shoot someone. Several, several times.[/i] ((Open post, for interaction, chat, fight.. the usual. A1 has still yet to be fixed, so.. yeah. Hue.))

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  • "I...would know that." Trinity had shyly replied, memories triggering in her mind. [i]Sentients. War minds. Someone telling it'll be alright. The white and yellow walls and buildings of the Orokin all around her. Someone, a female voice, telling her to wake up. A being of pure despair, slashing someone right in front of her eyes. Someone telling her it'll be alright. That same feminine voice, carrying her limp body somewhere. A warrior with her Nikana slashing her, almost impaling her body. The screech of something, as hundreds run to her. A robot, along with a man, walking up to her Warframe, touching and experimenting on it. [/i] "Yeah...I guess I know what it's like to be off here. Two beings had tried to awake me here. I remember...a woman told me that one was a woman and the other was a giant samurai...I think." She says.

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  • Edited by Xeno: 6/25/2017 12:22:33 AM
    [i]Soon after she had rested upon the wooden bench, it still groaned as if something of greater weight than Victoria sat upon it. The wind blew coolly, invading the minuscule openings of Victoria's armor and brushing against her flesh. But the wind held some queer aspect to it. It was almost as if it was blowing in preset patterns rather than merely abiding nature and what was natural. The wind was being manipulated. The wind was changing. Soon, Victoria could sense something preternatural. Something vile. Something of the Warp. Incandescent fingers traced the grooves and shape of Victoria's skull, and incomprehensible whispers sung in a choir of foreboding. Naturally, Victoria clasped her Bolter, but a thought crossed her mind: What could flesh and steel do to a denizen of the Immaterium? The simple answer was through The Emperor, she would prevail. But what has The Emperor and faith gotten her? Thought after thought reoccurred in her psyche, until something else drew her attention. An esoteric sigil was charred into the ground before her, its color the smoldering of a star. She felt a deadly curiosity bypass all rational thought and everything she was taught. Her armored hand traced the outline of the marking. Suddenly, her senses were overwhelmed with what she could only guess to be an sudden explosion, only there was no pain. Only temporary blindness and deafness. As her senses were regained once more, a demigod without a shadow stood before her. First and foremost, it was a Space Marine, the defenders of Humanity and The Emperor's children. But the influence of Chaos was just as apparent as the being's demigodhood. Atop its helm was an ornate crest. At the center of the chest plate was a leering eye that stared into nowhere. Gold trim surrounded royal blue for every piece of armor but the right arm and pauldron, which was crimson lined with silver. The emblem of the Brotherhood of Dust, more recently known as the Prodigal Sons, adorned his right pauldron, while the raven's head of the Corvidae Cult appeared on the adjacent pauldron. Joining the symbols of Chapter and Cult were mystic symbols of power, as well as the Mark of Tzeentch. Once Victoria processed the Astartes's appearance, he seemed to establish chilling eye contact despite there being two layers of glass between the two's eyes. A calm voice overcame Victoria.[/i] +You are of the Imperium. Or where.+ [spoiler]SORRY I JUST HAVE TO SAY THAT I JUST REALLY DON'T LIKE MY REPLY YOU KNOW YOUR TYPICAL WRITER'S SELF-LOATHING SUPER EDGY AND STUFF OK COOL BYE [/spoiler]

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  • [i]As the Sororitas regained focus, and after she finished surveying the being that stood afore her, the Sister of Battle merely returned the gaze to the masculine being, her helmet looking upwards to survey the cold, emotionless face of his visor. Yet she had not aimed her firearm and shredded through his armor, or drawn her sword and struck him where he stood: Victoria knew that the ones who served Tzeentch played games and tortured their prey with tricks and deceit, so she would be forced to commit to the act, else it would result in intense combat, which she was already tense enough to begin.[/i] "Far away from the Imperium, we both are. I originate from the Imperium's worlds.. and I am likely replaced, by another Sister of Battle." [i]Her relatively composed voice rung out from the depths of her tight helmet, while Victoria herself kept calm and quiet herself: in truth, she possessed some amount of anger for her sudden abandonment, as she had not seen a single member of the Imperium scouting for her, or the remains of the ship at all. Likely, it was all dismissed - all of the dead, replaced by more saints and warriors primed for combat.[/i] "...What would bring one of Tzeentch's servants out to this realm, though? Surely, you do not seek a tea party with one of the Emperor's soldiers, would you?" [i]Victoria did not smirk, or chuckle, at her sarcastic remark. The heretic was not a friend, even if she was far from the Imperium's influence and power now. Caution against such a being was beyond necessary to her.[/i]

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  • [i]Yet again did the figure speak not from voice, but of thought.[/i] +There is no uncertainty regarding your replacement. The Imperium and their unyielding hostility makes no room for search parties or rescues. Definitely not for mortals such as yourself.+ [i]The Sorcerer did not speak with a layer of hubris upon his words, as most of his kind would when speaking to such a mundane creature. They did not come off as insults, either. They came off as facts: straight and simple.[/i] +I am before you for one reason: to emancipate any animosity that could come between us. I know your kind does not take likely to Chaos, but one can see you sit at the lip of neutrality, don't you?+

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  • "It is merely because of who, or [i]what[/i], you are, and who you have desired to serve among the pantheon of Chaos Gods. A bloodthirsty warrior of Khorne would have sentenced me to execution, for I am pathetic compared to his might. A desolate creature of Nurgle would have mocked my resilience and told me that nothing matters in the end, and that I would die anyway - merely speaking the truth of death. A cruel servant of Slaanesh would bound me to their treacherous ways, and use me either as a toy of pleasure or another who has joined their ranks, who experiences their feelings. ...And then, there is Tzeentch. The bringer of change, weaver of plots. Unlike the other three, you would not bring despair to me, at least unless your master or plotting demanded it. And so, I shall not bring despair to you - for there is no select reason to, other than the fact that you are a "heretic"." [i]Truly, the Sororitas was a neutral being, especially after the events that had occurred a mere month ago. She had remained sitting for the moment, still looking up at the giant being before her.[/i]

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  • Edited by Xeno: 6/24/2017 4:35:59 PM
    [i]The Astartes tilted his head to the side in an almost childish manner. He wanted to laugh, but composed himself and pushed his thoughts of hubris to the edges of his mind. He was certain that these very thoughts once plagued, and perhaps still do, the minds of his superiors.[/i] +Very well.+ [i]And that was all that was said, before the apparition of the Sorcerer rippled like water and faded from existence.[/i]

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  • "Really wish you would get rid of that creepy doll you carry around with"says a older female voice "No way am getting rid of it"she says [i]the two are walking and talking one being much taller than either of them as she stood at 8'9" ft. She had strawberry blonde hair. She had silverly sea blue eyes. Her companion was a little girl wearing solid black dress with blond hair tied up with black ribbons. On her back she carried a pair of giant scissors on her back. In one of the girl's hands she carries a creepy faceless doll that was very unusual as the girl's short stature and her very young appearance. But her eyes gave her away as someone a lot older than she actually looked.[/i]

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  • [i]Victoria was.. questionable about the existence of the doll, the apparently small child, and the practical giant, although she kept her calm demeanor. She studied the two as they approached, calling out towards them with a lightweight yet stern voice, muffled by her helmet.[/i] "I trust that you two wouldn't be causing any harm to this location? There is enough issues already, with.. current events." [i]Victoria had.. received many interesting reports in the past months, from her cooperators.[/i]

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  • "Oh hi there"says the young girl "Dont worry about that we dont plan causing mischief"she says [i]the tall woman chuckles as she and girl walk closer.[/i] "Im arvira miss and the big lady is lizzie"says the girl [i]she smiles very friendly as she that strange doll of her in her pocket of her dress. The way doll is facing towards the woman but it gives the feeling like its watching her but it had no face.[/i]

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  • "Mm. I see.. ...Palatine Victoria, Adepta Sororitas and Sister of Battle of the Order of Our Martyred Lady. I have served and protected this location for around a month now, from the darkened forces of heresy and evil, although many questions still remain unanswered. However.. it is good to see both of you have remained safe." [i]The Palatine's eyes, although shrouded by the helmet, studied the doll before looking away.[/i]

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  • "Most leave me be but her.... that's a completely different story"says lizzie "Its nice to meet you miss"says arvira [i]lizzie looked down at the small girl. Lizzie was always wary of little girl because its was hard to tell what she was thinking not to mention what she capable of.[/i] "Death doesn't scare me anymore especially since i have died before"says arvira [i]that when she glances at the lady as she rubbed a very nasty scar on her neck that traveled downward past the collar of her dress.[/i]

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  • "You've... died?" [i]Instantly, Victoria's mental "HERESY METER" went off the charts - revival after death? There was obviously some form of dark magic involved, as she was far from Imperium.[/i] "Ma'am. I'm going to ask you to step away from the child."

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  • "What why she hasn't done anything to you"says lizzie [i]arvira was watching Victoria warily now. The child seemed to know that not were very keen about her so she wasn't really moving from where she stood.[/i] "What a matter does the fact that im still alive bother you that much"says arvira

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  • "You are a fuсking heretic - [i]that's[/i] why." [i]While Victoria was far from the Imperium, adopted a small child that wasn't exactly too human, accepted another superhuman-like being as a friend, and had recently spoken to a Tzeentch follower, revival through means of magic was a no-go for her.[/i] "You are a vile creature. Therefore, death is the best alternative to you."

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  • "You should of preached that too the cultists that butchered my entire village and used all the young girls as sacrifices then. Do you know what like to actually die. It hurt especially when they gutted me while i was still awake."says arvira [i]arvira was glaring at her now and sounds very pissed but suddenly her doll speaks the voice that comes from sounds older and angry. "Stupid... humans... if you seen what they did you would have done the same."says the doll[/i]

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  • "You are an abomination - nothing more, and nothing less!" [i]Victoria shouted, her Bolter suddenly propped upwards as she took aim upon Arvira's center mass, her weapon primed for combat. Interference against the Sororitas or even running for cover would be recommended about now..[/i]

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  • "Sticks and stones you old hag"says arvira taunting [u][/u] [i]arvira quickly darts away using Lizzie large body as shield. Lizzie is just dumbfounded as she watches the girl scampering away. She noticed that arvira eyes had turned solid black as she watched the girl shout something in a deepee more feminine but demonic sounding voice. [/i] "You can't kill what you can't catch you ^@$#& !!"shouts arvira [i]the crazy thing is that all while this is happening the girl is giggling like mad as she running away taunting her deliberately. She about halfway across the courtyard.[/i]

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  • Garin and Ian approached her, both seemingly relaxed and at ease. "So... How's it going? I see that you're quite accurate, even with a gun that size and with power armor. Impressive. Most impressive."

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  • "Decent, thank you for asking. My military training has allowed me to utilize my armor and weapon to a near flawless manner. I do not believe that I know either of you. May you introduce yourselves?" [i]The woman questioned, her head tilted as her muffled voice rung from her helmet.[/i]

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