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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
6/23/2017 4:57:27 AM
[u]Training Exercises[/u] [u]Dojo Courtyard B2, outside of the Lounge of Blades[/u] [u]5:43 PM[/u] [u]Palatine Victoria, Sole Survivor of the attack upon The Aeternus[/u] --------------------------------------------- [i]Aim. Shoot. Fire.[/i] [i]Approximately six .50 caliber rounds were fired from a Godwyn-De'az Pattern Bolter towards three straw dummies, each inanimate figurine held up by a wooden post planted firmly into the ground by someone some time ago. With the first round fired at each separate dummy, the round collided with their heads, blowing straw and wood to threads and splinters, flying through the air and falling upon the ground like ashes from a flame. The second bullet that planted itself into each separate doll found itself imbedded into the bosom of the straw beings, blasting their bodies apart and shattering the wooden poles that held them up. Merely six shots rang out, shattering the silence and yet, ending quite quickly.[/i] [i]The Adepta Sororitas - or rather, previous Adepta Sororitas - breathed in and out as she lowered her weapon, continuing to clench the weapon tightly as she silently observed the chaos that she had caused: three dolls, their remains scattered across the plain concrete and light green grass. Victoria smiled to herself in an odd sense of enjoyment, shrugging off the brief shock that she had felt from the Bolter's pure force: she knew that the Astartes fired much more intimidating weaponry, but not many soldiers that she had met in these parts could frequently fire a Bolter modified for usage of non-augmented beings.[/i] [i]Victoria was, underneath the charcoal black Power Armor that she had taken to wearing, an entirely normal woman: the armor that the Palatine wore into combative experiences and in her daily patrols and protective watch over Dojoville consisted of primarily ceramite plating for the outer layer, enough to endure regular rounds, and yet would be shattered and ripped to pieces by the forms of weaponry that Victoria was used to. Holy symbols and deep red cloth hung from her armor, decorated with fleur de lis and golden lining. She had taken to wearing her dark grey helmet alongside her armor, which concealed her head entirely: the visor consisted of two slit-like eyes, the glass a gleaming red color while a golden fleur de lis decorated the centerpiece of the smooth helmet. She was above the average female height, although she wasn't abnormally tall, like most of the Dojo's residents and everywhere that she visited - in fact, Victoria was five feet and nine inches tall, with a considerably athletic yet femininely built body, which was partially ideal for her line of work (perfectly ideal would be pure muscle and athleticism, really. Staring upon feminine parts is basically a death wish, at least for Adepta Sororitas and Astartes).[/i] [i]Obviously, the Sororitas Bolter had been described enough, although Victoria still had three more weapons upon her being: two Godwyn-De'az Pattern Bolt Pistols, dedicated to the usage of sidearms if anything, while capable of firing .50 caliber rounds as well, Incredibly impressive (and odd) for a pair of pistols. Yet the weapon upon her back was easily impressive, as it was a mere prodigy of it's own: a sword, strapped and held to the Palatine's back by a dark leather bond. The sword itself was twenty-nine inches long, reasonable for both one-handing and two-handing the weapon, while the golden grip was wrapped with dark leather and finished with a teardrop-shaped pommel. The center of the hilt was shaped into a clear skull, obviously relating to the Imperium, while the twenty-five inch long blade protruded outwards from the hilt, crafted from masterfully sharpened adamantium. The sword was double-bladed and slanted, allowing for capable hacks and slashes, while ending with a slanted point to allow for the piercing and tearing of flesh. There was a unique technology surrounding the weapon, as if it so much more capable than it originally seems.[/i] [i]But, back onto Victoria.. The Palatine sighed, her voice muffled by her helmet as she allowed her Bolter to hang from her hand, sitting down upon a strong, wooden bench next to the Lounge of Blades. She pressed the back of her head against the wooden structure - she needed some form of interaction, some sort of combat, or anything that didn't threat her life. Because then, she'd have to shoot someone. Several, several times.[/i] ((Open post, for interaction, chat, fight.. the usual. A1 has still yet to be fixed, so.. yeah. Hue.))

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  • "Mom... did you just kill three people?" [i]The voice was soft, male–one that Victoria would recognize. He sat a few feet behind Victoria, staring up at his adoptive mother with wide eyes. Said eyes were a pale, icy blue, while his hair was a pale blond. His skin was also very pale, from a life within a laboratory. He wore simple clothes; a pair of blue jeans, white t-shirt, along with no shoes. These were clothes very recently bought; before, he had worn nothing but rags. Ike was only around thirteen years of age, and yet he had the eyes and posture of one who had seen and felt countless horrors. Eyes and posture similar to the man who sat a ways away from Victoria, simply watching her train. The man was also one Victoria would recognize. He had a head of shaggy, black hair, along with green pupils, filled with sorrow and sadness. His skin complexion was fair, as he had spent much more time outside than Ike had... but they had similar upbringings. Vance wore clothes different from what r usually did; casual attire, a black shirt along with black sweatpants. However, he still wore his usual black combat boots. Ike didn't seem to trust Vance nearly as openly as he trusted Victoria–because as far as he knew, his father was long dead, so he obviously wouldn't assume Vance as a fatherly figure.[/i]

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  • [i]Victoria almost jumped as she heard Ike's voice, though she remained collected as she turned her head towards Ike, her face hidden by the dark grey helmet upon her head, though the intimidating bits of red glass looked upon Ike. She placed her Bolter upon the ground, as she removed her helmet and placed the piece of armor upon the light green grass, rising up and approaching Ike.[/i] [i]Victoria hadn't tended to her appearance in a bit, though she still looked decent: curly snow white hair expanded outwards after the helmet's removal, sapphire blue eyes shooting over to Vance as she lightly smiled at him, nodding her head in a welcoming manner. She kneeled down to Ike, looking up at her.. son, her adopted son, and speaking calmly.[/i] "Ike, those weren't people.. those beings were targets, set up so that I could practice my marksmanship. It's so I can protect you and Vance."

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  • [i]Ike blinked at Victoria, then squinted his eyes at the dummies she had shot. After a few moments, he shook his head.[/i] "I can't tell a difference," [i]He said with a slightly crestfallen expression. Meanwhile, Vance nodded back at the Sister of Battle, although his expression was distant, his consciousness elsewhere.[/i] "... they all look the same," [i]Ike said after hesitating for a moment.[/i] "Their faced are blurred... also, what's marksmanship? Can I practice, too?"

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  • "...Marksmanship is utilizing a gun. Due to your sight.. I'm sorry, Ike, but I don't see you becoming a sharpshooter in the future. Unless it's fixed. Though I could teach you how to use a firearm.." [i]In truth, Victoria was worried sick about fixing Ike's impaired sight: what if he realized that she wasn't his real movie? Either way, she would do her best to be the parent that he needed, and that included helping him with shooting firearms.[/i] [i]Obviously, she didn't start off with a Bolter - but instead, left Ike and found a semi-automatic AR-15 rifle hanging upon the wall, taking the foreign firearm and studying it extensively. She then nodded, taking the gun and then walking over to Ike.[/i] "I'll have to teach you gun safety, first.."

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  • [i]Ike did not hesitate as he accepted the AR-15, cautiously holding awkwardly in his arms. He held it as he saw other people hold guns, for the moment not aiming anywhere in particular. He didn't seem to question the fact that Victoria was a sharpshooter and his real mother wasn't - and, even if his eyesight was to be repaired, Ike had never seen his real mother's face. The only motherly figure he would ever see if he had normal eyesight would be Victoria. The boy looked down at the weapon in his hands, before looking back at Victoria, his expression inquisitive. After all, he knew nothing about guns; he was bound to have questions.[/i] "How do I use it?" [i]He asked simply.[/i]

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  • "The important thing isn't how you use it, it's the way you hold it." [i]Victoria said, leaving once more (she had hoped that Ike didn't switch the safety off and fire upon someone) as she fetched a pair of earmuffs, placing the pair upon Ike's head as she began to explain.[/i] "You need to get into position, firsthand," [i]She said, moving and shifting Ike with her own hands: it wasn't forceful movement, as she allowed the rest of the gun against his shoulder.[/i] "You'll have to turn off the safety in order to fire the actual weapon. Now, aim down the sights.." [i]She positioned his head to where he would be aiming down the sights, at a .[/i] "And pull the trigger when you're ready."

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  • [i]Ike would immediately pull the trigger with conviction–not hesitating for even a moment. It seemed as though there was a certain... mental resolve within him, that made him wish to master the gun. He, of course, was not ready for the recoil. The gun kicked back, staggering Ike into Victoria. Meanwhile, the bullet soared off into the sky aimlessly. Vance snapped out of his stupor, finally noticing Victoria teaching Ike how to fire a gun.[/i] "... hey, Vic?" [i]He called out.[/i]

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  • [i]Victoria immediately steadied Vance when he fell back, grabbing his shoulders and holstering him upwards once more. She smiled briefly, patting the teenager on the back encouragingly as she then looked over to Vance, the soft grin still upon her lightly tanned face.[/i] "Yeah?" [i]She questioned, preparing herself to catch Ike if he fell back once more. She looked.. happy, even proud, as the boy tried to fire the rifle.[/i]

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  • [i]Ike smiled at his adoptive mother; it was a strange smile, not one of happiness or malice. A smile that might've almost been considered eerie or creepy, if it didn't come from Ike. He faced away from Victoria once more, firing another shot into the sky. This time, he was ready for the recoil, and didn't get fuсked over by the AR-15. Meanwhile, Vance asked Victoria a question out of the blue.[/i] "... wanna go kill some heretics?" [i]He asked; while usually, the word 'heretic' would not have been the one he would have used, after learning a little more about Victoria, he realized that he might as well refer to Contractees as heretics when conversing with the Sororitas.[/i]

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  • [i]While Victoria would have usually been drawn to Ike's shooting and would have congratulated him.. she stopped to look over at Vance, her mouth hanging open slightly in confusion, while the smile still remained. As a joke, she wanted to yell "I love you!" - although she knew that she would get into turmoil for that, so she held back her joy.[/i] "...Oh, erm." [i]Victoria sputtered out, embarrassingly.[/i] "...I mean - sure. Yes, definitely. Ike, kiddo - do you remember where the safety was?" [i]Victoria looked down upon the boy, smiling still. She was testing him, hoping that he would remember the location of the safety.[/i]

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  • [i]Ike simply nodded, switching the AR-15 to its safe mode, before putting it away by stowing the barrel within the pocket of his jeans; whether this was smart or not was not something Ike was aware of. Vance looked a little confused by Victoria's sudden stuttering, but decided not to mention it. He stood up, pulling a pair of leather gloves from his pockets to wear over his hands.[/i] "Alright. Well, recently I found a decently sized group of them hiding in an old shed somewhere in the Dojo woods... we probably shouldn't bring Ike. ... and it'll probably be similar to last time, if not worse. Just thought I'd mention."

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  • "I figure, yeah.." [i]Victoria sighed, as she then recalled the previous situation that she and Vance had been within: if she could, she would spare the lives of those who did not pursue violence, or those whom had surrendered. She had to teach the Contractees that she and Vance weren't monsters: perhaps that would be the best way to have peace. If not? She'd do what she usually do.[/i] [i]Victoria began to pack her things, placing her helmet upon her head. For a moment, she touched the bruise upon the back of her head from where Ike had once slammed a club onto her, back in the village. It didn't hurt anymore. She raised up her Bolter, nodding to Vance as if asking for him to lead the way.[/i]

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  • Edited by Crrowly: 6/25/2017 6:27:12 PM
    [i]While Ike silently went back to learning how to operate the AR-15, he wandered through the dojo. Meanwhile, Vance led Victoria out of the dojo, down the mountainous path, and eventually into the dojo woods. All was eerily silent; there were no birds singing, no insects buzzing. It was... ominous, and the setting sun that painted the sky orange did not help the setting. After around twenty minutes of trekking through the woods, the two eventually arrive at the shed shown above. It was moss-covered, dilapidated... and just as eerie as the silence of the forest. No sound came from within the shed, and by now it was too dark for them to see through whatever small gaps on the shed's worn-down walls. The only way to see what was inside was to open the door. Vance paused after reaching the shed, looking over his shoulder at Victoria, to see if she was ready.[/i]

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  • [i]Victoria was incredibly silent, odd for a woman who was trained and bred for hardcore combat. Her armor was hidden within the darkness, though the red gave her away, while she kept her Bolter raised high, it's stock pressed against her shoulder.[/i] [i]Victoria merely nodded towards Vance, clearly prepared for the inevitable combat against the Contractees - heretics, he had referred to them as. She hoped that children weren't involved. Then again, nothing worked out for her.[/i]

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  • [i]Vance nodded back at Victoria, before turning towards the shed. His right hand ignited in green flames, although he purposefully hid this from Victoria with his torso. She would still know the flames were there, on his hand, but at least she couldn't see them. Using his left hand, Vance creaked the door open. Inside the shed was... no floor. Instead, a massive pit replaced the floor; the bottom of the pit could not be seen. There was a spiral staircase in the center of the shed, and a small path leading from the doorway to the staircase.[/i] "... hope you don't have acrophobia," [i]Vance called out to Victoria, before cautiously making his way down the staircase.[/i]

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  • [i]Victoria quietly sighed, closing her eyes underneath her helmet for a moment as if she was previously tensed up. Clenching her Bolter still, she followed Vance quietly, stepping upon each stair and taking a second or two before she took another step forwards within the spiral. In truth, she absolutely hated it, though she held back and conserved that anger.[/i]

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  • [i]After what felt like hours of walking, their feet finally struck flat ground. The ground was made of stone, riddled with various puddles. It was pitch dark; there was absolutely no sources of light within the room. Vance ignited his right arm in flames once more, providing a small amount of light... and on the ground were the corpses of dead, cannibalized humans–more accurately, Contractees. They had pieces of flesh torn off them, blood drying their torn clothes, and bones showing from underneath eaten or rotten skin... and they piled upon the ground, swarming the floor with dead bodies.[/i]

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  • [i]Victoria had seen plenty of gory, disgusting things that would disturb the minds of many: torn-apart victims of an Ork brigade, the remains of fellow Sisters and Astartes scattered about the battlefield, after being sliced open and defiled by Slaanesh daemons, and especially after the assault on The Aeternus..[/i] [i]One could say that she reacted well, studying the bodies before silently motioning for Vance to keep going through the sickening area. Whatever had done this - Contractee or not - was too dangerous to be kept alive.[/i]

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  • Edited by Crrowly: 6/28/2017 1:39:02 AM
    [i]Vance raised his ignited arm up high, looking upwards; they were inside a massive cavern, its roof extending up at least a hundred feet. Just then was a loud sound... that of something feasting upon flesh. It was a savage, animalistic sound, almost feral. Vance lowered his ignited hand, using the flame as a flashlight as he slowly walked towards the sound. Eventually, the green light of his fire would shine upon the source of the noise; something, hunched over in a crouched position, facing away from them. As it stood, candles began rapidly lighting all around the cavern to lighten it up, however it was still dim. The [url=]thing[/url] turned around, standing at its full height of ten feet. Clutched tightly in its right hand was the corpse of a dead child... its head entirely bitten off. Bloodstains at the side of the thing's mouth were suggestive as to where the head had gone. A health bar appeared above the thing's head, include its HP and name; 100% with 5 bars, and "Kalahan, the Cannibal".[/i]

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  • [i]Victoria felt it coming.[/i] [i]The memories. Smoke and ash flooding her view, mangled screams of fellow Sisters and the followers of Nurgle screeching within the distance. She stepped over the shredded bodies of those who stood next to her, who called for their line of defense to be held..[/i] [i]They were retreating. The battle was lost, with the remainder of the daemons tearing through the Sisters. As Victoria took one last look upon the small settlement, she found her eyes upon a giant Greater Daemon - a Great Unclean One, cackling as pus and blood issued from it's body as it dove down to consume and devour more of her-[/i] "[i]DIE, FIEND[/i]!" [i]Victoria suddenly yelled, returning to reality after the flashback as she pressed onwards to the cannibal. She raised her Bolter, unloading round after round into the monster's right leg, around it's knee area - specifically, ten rounds were fired, in total.[/i]

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  • [i]As the bullets were pounded into the cannibal's leg, they exploded with brutal force; the thing staggered backwards slightly, its HP dropping to 90%; in other words, half of his first HP bar. The cannibal reared back, raising its right arm as though preparing for a crushing blow. But as the beast brought the attack down towards Victoria, it seemed to use some sort of ability with its left hand... three, yard-long stalagmites were hurled at Victoria from the opposite direction. Vance was caught off guard by Victoria's sudden entrance to the fight; he quickly infused his left arm with black electricity, forming a shape similar to a Sunlight Spear; only black. With that, he hurled the spear towards the beast; the lightning strike was powerful enough to stagger the beast's melee feint, however there were still three stalagmites flying at the Sororitas. Its HP dropped to 85% from the bolt, or 1/4th of its first HP bar.[/i] ((8500 MP))

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  • [i]Victoria was forced to fall back, taking cover as the stalagmites slammed into her armor: if anything, the jagged points shattered against the ceramite, breaking through some parts yet meeting the adamantium underneath. Victoria fell back, blood pumping through her in her sudden adrenaline as she roared, backing away and bothering to fire five more rounds into the cannibal's leg. Her goal? To cripple it.[/i]

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  • [i]The bullets slammed into the same spot, and once again exploded, tearing the leg off. Its HP dropped to 70%, halfway through its fourth health bar.... And that's when shit began. Lumps began growing on its back, before wings sprouted from its back; imagine those motherfuсkers in the beginning of the Road of Sacrifices. While it was crippled, the cannibal took flight within the cavern, and without warning dive bombed Victoria like a maniac. During this dive bomb, more stalagmites would be hurled at Victoria from an unseeable source; this time, however, two of them were made of titanium, while the rest were still stone. There were 5 total, this time. Vance used the arm that was on fire to strike a couple of the rock stalagmites before they made their way to Victoria; with each flame punch, the flames... exploded on contact, annihilating the stalagmites they struck. He managed to destroy two rock ones, making room for Victoria to attempt to dodge that way.[/i] ((7800 MP))

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  • [i]Victoria reacted quickly, immediately throwing her Bolter to the ground and rolling to the side that Vance had cleared specifically for her - she would have to thank him later. Her mobility was not hindered by her intense armor, as Power Armor within the Warhammer universe is utter bullshit - erm, built to be agile and durable, especially suits worn by Sororitas.[/i] [i]As she rose up, she reached to draw her Power Sword, retrieving the weapon from it's sheath and brandishing it with both hands, her fingers tightly wrapped around the leather handle as she awaited the creature's approach, if it came.[/i]

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  • Edited by Crrowly: 6/28/2017 12:04:56 PM
    [i]As Victoria had dropped her Bolter on the ground... the cannibal literally slammed into it, ending the dive bomb with a crushing blow to the weapon, rendering it useless for the remainder of the fight. (It'll be repaired afterwards, dw bby) Three remaining stalagmites stopped in midair right before striking the cannibal, and it immediately launched itself back up, out of its opponents' reach. Vance used this time to create and launch an orb of fire towards the stalagmites; the green flames managed to destroy the final rock one, however the two titanium ones remained. The two titanium stalagmites would prove annoying. They turned to face Vance and Victoria, launching themselves towards them. Meanwhile, the cannibal let out a bloodcurdling screech from above. The dead, rotting corpses around Vance and Victoria began to stir... and they rose from their eternal slumber, beginning to stagger towards the two.[/i] ((6700 MP))

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