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6/21/2017 2:19:07 AM

The Guardian Thief Ch. 16: A House Divided

All of the Eliksni watching the fight began cutting the chain-link fencing, then swarmed into the arena with Aviksis and Avilon. Harkon even waltzed in, twirling his re-forged knife, 'Alex'. Avilon kept an eye on him most of all. "Hey, Bright Eyes. Remember me?" Harkon said in a high pitched, squeaky voice as he waved the knife in front of the exo's face. "I'm the knife you killed... Well, guess what. I'mmm baaack!" Harkon went to jab the knife into Avilon's chest, but the hunter pulled a dreg in front of him. Avilon turned and ran out of the arena through the hole in the fencing. "Bring them in! Bring them all in!" He shouted into his comms system. The remaining Eliksni began chasing the false god through the Den, but Aviksis and Harkon still stood in the arena. "I grant you the honor of killing Avilon," the Eliksni said. "Kill? Ha! Where's the fun in that?" Harkon pulled the tooth-lined hood of his ragged cloak over his blue face. Now hidden in darkness, only the Awoken's eyes could be seen. Avilon ran for the hanger, and to his skiff. [b]Boom![/b] The ship exploded, sending debris in all directions. Avilon skidded on the metal flooring, trying to turn and run the other direction. He saw a captain carrying a scorch cannon walking up from behind him. The captain fired another superheated rod of solar energy, but Avilon picked up a piece of tin, from the skiff, to catch it. He, then, threw it at a couple of vandals before it exploded. Avilon whipped out his shock pistol and dagger, then shot at the angry Fallen. A dreg ran up to Avilon, but the exo jabbed a knife into its jaw, then threw it over the railing and down the face of the mountain. The hunter grabbed a vandal, shoved his pistol in the Fallen's face, then shot and killed it. He used the dead body as a shield from the incoming arc bullets. With one of his free hands, he pulled out an arc mine and held onto it. [i]"Three... two... one..."[/i] he thought. The hunter dropped the grenade, then ran away before it detonated. Some shanks were destroyed from the initial explosion, but the Eliksni were simply stunned by it. That was still enough for Avilon to get away. The Eliksni finally chased the exo down, but the large group stopped and stared. Three skiffs, loaded with Avilon's followers and armed to the teeth, were waiting for them. "Fire!" Avilon yelled. The skiffs shot at the crowd, killing two or three each. Then, they began unloading the troops. "Now, it's an even fight..." Avilon said as he led the counterattack. Many of the rebel Eliksni retreated back into the caves before anymore could be killed by the air support. Avilon laughed as he, and his army, steadily marched forward after the traitors. Kolrisi gave the exo a new shock blade, which he used to finish a wounded captain trying to crawl away. A Void mine exploded, sending tethers out to capture several of Avilon's troops. They were stunned and unable to move. They tried to break free with no success. "Yoo hoo!" Harkon shouted. Avilon turned to see the Awoken clinging to a flagpole. In his other hand, he was holding something. A body, also tethered. Avilon followed the Void cord from Harkon, over a large gorge, through some iron rails, and onto his allies. The exo looked back at Harkon as he began to understand what he was looking at. Harkon dropped the body, then laughed as he watched captains and vandals get yanked against the railing. They stared down the mountain, then started to pray that the railing wouldn't break from their weight. Aviksis pushed forward, slicing the throats of Avilon's dregs. With his free arms, he tossed the bodies into vandals, even knocking some off of the cliff-dwelling Den. Avilon ran up and clashed blades with the Eliksni. "Your Kellship has come to an end, Avilon!" "Not yet," Avilon looked to the sky as the Terabiks-Fel ketch punched through a dense cloud. It opened fire, breaking structural supports, holding the Den up. "I will see this House die before I surrender..." Avilon said as he and Aviksis were shaken by the impact of an arc torpedo. Parts of the Thieve's Den began plummeting down the mountain, taking both Aviksis' and Avilon's Fallen with them. In fact, a catwalk the two Kells found themselves fighting on, began breaking loose. It swung far out, over the world below. Another torpedo hit the mountain, causing the catwalk to shake violently. The two opponents knew it was going to fall. They caught their balance, then continued to clash swords. Surprisingly, the long beam of metal hung together. Keirvik ran through the chaos of the Eliksni battling it out. Bodies tossed everywhere, blood and ether filled every crevice, ammo scattered about. He tried to weave through it without drawing much attention to himself. Keirvik was not one for up close and personal fighting like this. "I need to do something about that ketch..." [b]Boom![/b] The mountain shook again, and more Eliksni fell to their deaths. The archon rushed to the skiffs that Avilon had called down. Keirvik looked around frantically for a familiar face. "Can anyone fly these?!" He cried out. "Wayne can," Harkon answered in Eliksni, as he jumped down. "Who's Wayne?" The Fallen asked. The Awoken simply grinned. Keirvik waited in the back of the skiff. Harkon was up in the cockpit, laughing maniacally, as he held a knife--'Wayne'--to a dreg's throat. The terrified dreg hastily flew the skiff up to the ketch. The skiff skidded across the hanger bay of Terabiks-Fel. The Eliksni and Guardian ran to the bridge, where Keirvik once worked. He kicked open the door to see the servitor, Terabiks, hooked up to wires all throughout the cabin. "Terabiks?" The archon asked. "What have they done to you?" He asked as he rubbed his hand across the plates. "I am to destroy the House of Thieves unless directed otherwise by Avilon, Kell of Thieves... Any attempt to tamper with my programs will cause this ketch to self destruct..." the servitor replied. Without a second's thought, Harkon shot the ball with Thorn. "Nice to meet ya; wouldn't want to be ya..." Keirvik looked to the Guardian and snarled. Suddenly, the ship began beeping repeatedly. The two began running back to the skiff in the hanger. The ship sped through the air, just as the ketch exploded behind them. Keirvik, who was piloting the skiff, looked to the back of the cabin. Harkon was nowhere to be found. All of the sudden, the Guardian had appeared in the cockpit window. Keirvik turned back around to see the smiling Awoken, then jumped out of his skin. Harkon had climbed onto the hull of the skiff. Aviksis had grabbed Avilon's hands with his upper arms, then shoved his two swords into the exo's chest. Avilon dropped his sword, then snatched onto the Eliksni's hands too. Aviksis tried to free his hands, but saw that the exo was letting his body fall off of the catwalk, pulling him with it.

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