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Edited by BraveCole: 6/9/2017 10:33:20 AM

Collapse: Against The Mountain. (Part 3)

"Wake up!" "Gah! Shit!" I shouted, and I snapped back to reality. And to a staring Lyra. I stared back, before raising an eyebrow. "Can I help you?" I said sarcastically. She blinked. -blam!-ing weirdo. "You mumble in your sleep. It's really intriguing." She spoke, not breaking eye-contact. "What? Intriguing? Me mumbling?" She shook her head. "No. You sleeping." I groaned, pushing her out of the way and standing up. I yawned while giving a rather exaggerated stretch, smacking my lips. "How long was I out?" Lyra shrugged, getting up. "Bout an hour. In your sleepy absence, I heard voices and footsteps coming from deeper inside the complex. Might be survivors." I nearly choked. "And you didn't [i]wake[/i] me!? I could- [i]we[/i] could be dead! Idiot!" I whispered aggressively, shambling to get my belongings to get a move on. Lyra stood there confused. "But they're survivors. They're friendly, right?" She said. "I used to think that same thing, until I ended up dead in the snow with a knife in my back and all my shit gone. I'll never help another soul again, I swear to god." Anger boiled in me as I re-called the event. I walked heavily, but remembered I was trying to be quiet. I heard Lyra follow behind me. "Not all people are like that, Cole. People do what they have to do. You've been given a second chance to do some real good, just try to understand.." I hesistated, formulating a response, but decided to not carry on that particular conversation anymore. I sighed. "Where do you think the survivors headed to?" Lyra hummed. "I don't know. Hmm.. If I had a guess, it would be that they are probably here for scavenging. That, or maybe looking for some files or schematics on some golden age super computer. That's two reasons why I would be here." "Well, come on. Let's beat 'em to the punch, whatever info is here, I'm sure I could use more." I sped up, breaking into a small jog. Lyra gave another annoyed sigh and followed my pace. We ventured deeper into the complex, the rumbling of rusted architecture filled our ears. Place was unbelievably old, I could honestly say that I was surprised that the place had held up. "Soo.. Tell me about yourself." I heard Lyra say from behind me. Here we go. "Why?" I spat back. "It'd be nice to know who the hell I'm traveling with. Who knows, you could be plotting to put a knife in [i]my[/i] back." She snickered. I didn't know if I should've taken offense to that, but damn. She had a point. "I'm just a guy who's looking for his daughter. That's all I want. I've been looking for her ever since the world went to shit." "You mean when the darkness attacked?" "The what?" "You know, the darkness. Traveler's mortal enemy, came and wiped most of humanity out." She explained. "So, the darkness is what you crazies are calling it? Figures. I expected no less from someone role-playing as Gandalf." I said, rolling my eyes. "Hey! I'm not role-playing. I've been over this with you, Cole. I'm a warlock." "I missed the part where I'm supposed to give a shit, Lyra. Slapping a name on it doesn't mean much. You'll still get killed the same out here." I said, looking back at her.  She smiled. Another hour passed, and we finally arrived into a large, old chamber with a bunch of computer screens and monitors. If they stored information in the facility, it would definitely be here. I looked around before I heard voices up front. Panicking, I grabbed Lyra by the arm and yanked the both of us behind a large pillar, that got us out of sight. "Wait, Cole, those are th-" "Shhhh!" I cut her off. "Be quiet! They don't know we're here yet. Let's just see what they're after and wait them out." Lyra raised her eyebrow at me. "Or.. I could ask them." Lyra got up, much to my dismay. "Hey,"  Lyra began as she walked toward the band of survivors. I peaked my head out to observe what would no-doubt be a shit show. There were three of them, all dressed in their best effort of protection. One man.. No, two men, and the third was a woman. I could tell by the body shapes, but as far as faces go, I could'nt really make anything out, not from this far. They all turned their attention away from the monitors and toward Lyra. She waved. "Hello, you three. My name is Ly-" "Shit! Mack!" One of the men screamed. The other one, who I presumed to be Mack, lifted his arms up and lo and behold, he was armed. Really armed. He wielded a massive, belt fed gun that he wasted no time pulling the trigger. The sound of gunshots shook the room as that terrifying gun fired huge rounds that would shred any type of flesh. Lyra was instantly ripped apart and she fell on her back, her body unrecognizable and in a puddle of blood. I hid around the pillar and I started breathing harder than ever. "That -blam!-ing..  Lunatic.. I told her this would -blam!-ing happen, I told her! Now, she's dead.. God dammit, she's gone. Gone, gone, gone. "You just killed her! She didn't even look hostile, Mack! The sound of those gunshots are gonna attract every fallen in this god damn cosmodrome!" I heard the woman's voice shout. "It doesn't matter. We were sent here to get this information for Moutain. What if she was planning to steal it, huh? You know what he said he would do if we did not get this information. He would ki-" "I know, I know." The woman said, agreeing. "But what's the point if we don't even make it back alive?" "Holiday's gotta point, Mack." I heard the other man's voice say. There was silence. I kept listening. "We can contact Mountain. Tell him that we pulled everything out of this old ass computer, and we are requesting evacuation to avoid the inevitable engagements that we will have with the Fallen." I heard Mack say. "I would rather fight dregs than to deal with Mountain, that psychopath. This information is useless anyway, it's just golden age records of old underground bases and colony ships. "Records of colony ships.." I whispered out loud. My heart beat faster. "He said he wanted it. So he's going to get it. Anything, just so he won't destroy our village. I have a family to keep safe." Mack said. I peaked out again to observe. Mack gazed upon his wrist and looked at what I presumed to be a device. He pressed a button, and spoke into it. "Mountain, sir.. We've retrieved-" [b]BOOM![/b] In an instant, Mack's body was sent flying into the monitors behind him, crashing into it and making it a bloody mess of cracked screens and wires. Holiday and the other fellow screamed with terror. The man was dead, just like that. I wondered if his wrist device had mal-functioned, but I was introduced to something else. A man, a hulking man, standing at least nine feet tall and wearing an absurdly heavy set of armor with fur along the edges of his collar and shoulder plates. His arm was extended out, and his fist was smoking. "Did.. Did he just punch that guy into the -blam!-ing wall? There's no way.." I said to myself. I listened as the tall beast spoke, his voice of Australian decent. "I gave specific instructions to not bother me, and yet I was disobeyed. Oh well. What's the reason then, eh?" Holiday was crying uncontrollably as the other man tried desperately to explain. "W-We got the information you wanted, we j-just wanted to make sure we got out of here alive, sir. We heard fallen co- Urgh!" The man didn't have time to finish as Mountain picked him up by the neck and began choking the life out of him. "So you made me come all this way because you blokes were scared of a couple fallen? Is this a joke? You know how I feel about jokes, Lowe." The man's face started turning blue as he grabbed Mountain's arm, begging for his life. "Ah well. You got what I wanted, so I guess I've no need for you. Cheers," Mountain gave a sinister smile before cracking Lowe's neck with his hand and dropped his lifeless body to the ground. He reached down and grabbed what appeared to be a hard drive of some sort, before turning his attention toward Holiday. She began to scream. "No, please! I'll do anything just don't hurt me, please god!" "Hurt you? Oh no, sweetheart, today's your lucky day! You've been personally selected to be a whore at my brothel back at my fortress! Doesn't that sound lovely?" Mountain grinned, picking up the screaming woman by her arm. Anger built up inside me as I watched this. I reached for the pistol Lyra gave me and revealed myself. [spoiler][/spoiler]-continued in comments.

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  • Please stop posting this, it's cringy af

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    13 Replies
    • Edited by BraveCole: 6/9/2017 9:51:53 AM
      "Stop right there, mother -blam!-er." I cursed and aimed my pistol at him. Fear ran through my veins. The last time I tried defending a helpless woman, I ended up dead. I felt that I might repeat that same scenario. "Oh? I don't remember you. Who are you again?" Mountain said, dropping Holiday as he walked toward me. "The guy who's going to put a hole in your ugly mug if you don't hand over whatever information you just took and leave." I said, as threatningly as possible. "Haha! Go on then, by all means. Shoot me. Have at it," Mountain smiled, kneeling his head down, signaling me to put my pistol toward his temple. Feeling disrespected, I drew the gun and fired immediately, and what happened nearly made me pass out. BANG! Mountain stood there, unaffected as he took his hand and felt the side of his head where he revealed a bullet, which was crumpled up like trash. "Hmm. What was that about a hole again?" At that moment I knew. I had -blam!-ed up. Mountain swung his arm and hit me with the back of his fist and sent me flying, where I landed on the floor close to Holiday. I groaned, feeling like I had just got hit with an anvil. I struggled to get up, and I heard an ominous roar. That roar.. "It appears the fallen have decided to join the party. Well, a party I don't want to attend but I'm sure you two will have a splendid time. Don't forget to scream, yeah?" Mountain chuckled. Sick bastard. "Ghost, ship transmat, now." And as quickly as he came, he was gone. I looked at Holiday. "You.. You alright?" I wheezed. She didn't answer back, she just continue to sob. I didn't blame her. I looked at Lyra's dead body and sighed. Before I knew it, Becky, who hasn't revealed herself for a while, flew over to the corpse and began scanning it. And like magic, Lyra's body was reconstructed and she was breathing again, seemingly unharmed. "What.. What the hell!? You were dead! Lyra, you were [i]dead[/i]!" I screamed. "I know! Tactical decision, I'll tell you more in a second. Just protect this woman while I handle the rest, we don't have much time!" Time? What was she.. I looked ahead and my blood ran cold.

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      11 Replies
      • It would be nice if not for writer's block.

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      • [quote]"Wake up!" "Gah! Shit!" I shouted, and I snapped back to reality. And to a staring Lyra. I stared back, before raising an eyebrow. "Can I help you?" I said sarcastically. She blinked. -blam!-ing weirdo. "You mumble in your sleep. It's really intriguing." She spoke, not breaking eye-contact. "What? Intriguing? Me mumbling?" She shook her head. "No. You sleeping." I groaned, pushing her out of the way and standing up. I yawned while giving a rather exaggerated stretch, smacking my lips. "How long was I out?" Lyra shrugged, getting up. "Bout an hour. In your sleepy absence, I heard voices and footsteps coming from deeper inside the complex. Might be survivors." I nearly choked. "And you didn't [i]wake[/i] me!? I could- [i]we[/i] could be dead! Idiot!" I whispered aggressively, shambling to get my belongings to get a move on. Lyra stood there confused. "But they're survivors. They're friendly, right?" She said. "I used to think that same thing, until I ended up dead in the snow with a knife in my back and all my shit gone. I'll never help another soul again, I swear to god." Anger boiled in me as I re-called the event. I walked heavily, but remembered I was trying to be quiet. I heard Lyra follow behind me. "Not all people are like that, Cole. People do what they have to do. You've been given a second chance to do some real good, just try to understand.." I hesistated, formulating a response, but decided to not carry on that particular conversation anymore. I sighed. "Where do you think the survivors headed to?" Lyra hummed. "I don't know. Hmm.. If I had a guess, it would be that they are probably here for scavenging. That, or maybe looking for some files or schematics on some golden age super computer. That's two reasons why I would be here." "Well, come on. Let's beat 'em to the punch, whatever info is here, I'm sure I could use more." I sped up, breaking into a small jog. Lyra gave another annoyed sigh and followed my pace. We ventured deeper into the complex, the rumbling of rusted architecture filled our ears. Place was unbelievably old, I could honestly say that I was surprised that the place had held up. "Soo.. Tell me about yourself." I heard Lyra say from behind me. Here we go. "Why?" I spat back. "It'd be nice to know who the hell I'm traveling with. Who knows, you could be plotting to put a knife in [i]my[/i] back." She snickered. I didn't know if I should've taken offense to that, but damn. She had a point. "I'm just a guy who's looking for his daughter. That's all I want. I've been looking for her ever since the world went to shit." "You mean when the darkness attacked?" "The what?" "You know, the darkness. Traveler's mortal enemy, came and wiped most of humanity out." She explained. "So, the darkness is what you crazies are calling it? Figures. I expected no less from someone role-playing as Gandalf." I said, rolling my eyes. "Hey! I'm not role-playing. I've been over this with you, Cole. I'm a warlock." "I missed the part where I'm supposed to give a shit, Lyra. Slapping a name on it doesn't mean much. You'll still get killed the same out here." I said, looking back at her.  She smiled. Another hour passed, and we finally arrived into a large, old chamber with a bunch of computer screens and monitors. If they stored information in the facility, it would definitely be here. I looked around before I heard voices up front. Panicking, I grabbed Lyra by the arm and yanked the both of us behind a large pillar, that got us out of sight. "Wait, Cole, those are th-" "Shhhh!" I cut her off. "Be quiet! They don't know we're here yet. Let's just see what they're after and wait them out." Lyra raised her eyebrow at me. "Or.. I could ask them." Lyra got up, much to my dismay. "Hey,"  Lyra began as she walked toward the band of survivors. I peaked my head out to observe what would no-doubt be a shit show. There were three of them, all dressed in their best effort of protection. One man.. No, two men, and the third was a woman. I could tell by the body shapes, but as far as faces go, I could'nt really make anything out, not from this far. They all turned their attention away from the monitors and toward Lyra. She waved. "Hello, you three. My name is Ly-" "Shit! Mack!" One of the men screamed. The other one, who I presumed to be Mack, lifted his arms up and lo and behold, he was armed. Really armed. He wielded a massive, belt fed gun that he wasted no time pulling the trigger. The sound of gunshots shook the room as that terrifying gun fired huge rounds that would shred any type of flesh. Lyra was instantly ripped apart and she fell on her back, her body unrecognizable and in a puddle of blood. I hid around the pillar and I started breathing harder than ever. "That -blam!-ing..  Lunatic.. I told her this would -blam!-ing happen, I told her! Now, she's dead.. God dammit, she's gone. Gone, gone, gone. "You just killed her! She didn't even look hostile, Mack! The sound of those gunshots are gonna attract every fallen in this god damn cosmodrome!" I heard the woman's voice shout. "It doesn't matter. We were sent here to get this information for Moutain. What if she was planning to steal it, huh? You know what he said he would do if we did not get this information. He would ki-" "I know, I know." The woman said, agreeing. "But what's the point if we don't even make it back alive?" "Holiday's gotta point, Mack." I heard the other man's voice say. There was silence. I kept listening. "We can contact Mountain. Tell him that we pulled everything out of this old ass computer, and we are requesting evacuation to avoid the inevitable engagements that we will have with the Fallen." I heard Mack say. "I would rather fight dregs than to deal with Mountain, that psychopath. This information is useless anyway, it's just golden age records of old underground bases and colony ships. "Records of colony ships.." I whispered out loud. My heart beat faster. "He said he wanted it. So he's going to get it. Anything, just so he won't destroy our village. I have a family to keep safe." Mack said. I peaked out again to observe. Mack gazed upon his wrist and looked at what I presumed to be a device. He pressed a button, and spoke into it. "Mountain, sir.. We've retrieved-" [b]BOOM![/b] In an instant, Mack's body was sent flying into the monitors behind him, crashing into it and making it a bloody mess of cracked screens and wires. Holiday and the other fellow screamed with terror. The man was dead, just like that. I wondered if his wrist device had mal-functioned, but I was introduced to something else. A man, a hulking man, standing at least nine feet tall and wearing an absurdly heavy set of armor with fur along the edges of his collar and shoulder plates. His arm was extended out, and his fist was smoking. "Did.. Did he just punch that guy into the -blam!-ing wall? There's no way.." I said to myself. I listened as the tall beast spoke, his voice of Australian decent. "I gave specific instructions to not bother me, and yet I was disobeyed. Oh well. What's the reason then, eh?" Holiday was crying uncontrollably as the other man tried desperately to explain. "W-We got the information you wanted, we j-just wanted to make sure we got out of here alive, sir. We heard fallen co- Urgh!" The man didn't have time to finish as Mountain picked him up by the neck and began choking the life out of him. "So you made me come all this way because you blokes were scared of a couple fallen? Is this a joke? You know how I feel about jokes, Lowe." The man's face started turning blue as he grabbed Mountain's arm, begging for his life. "Ah well. You got what I wanted, so I guess I've no need for you. Cheers," Mountain gave a sinister smile before cracking Lowe's neck with his hand and dropped his lifeless body to the ground. He reached down and grabbed what appeared to be a hard drive of some sort, before turning his attention toward Holiday. She began to scream. "No, please! I'll do anything just don't hurt me, please god!" "Hurt you? Oh no, sweetheart, today's your lucky day! You've been personally selected to be a whore at my brothel back at my fortress! Doesn't that sound lovely?" Mountain grinned, picking up the screaming woman by her arm. Anger built up inside me as I watched this. I reached for the pistol Lyra gave me and revealed myself. [spoiler][/spoiler]-continued in comments.[/quote] *loud fart*

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      • This took at least a month to write. Not because of how long it is, but because I had insane writer's block and I'm a lazy sack of shit. Enjoy you guys.

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        18 Replies
        • I just got here. Where do I sign to ban hardwood floors?

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        • Against Gregor Clegane? No thanks.

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        • Is there a part one and two?

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        • This is a very good and interesting story.

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        • great job my dude [spoiler]helllllllll yeah[/spoiler]

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        • I wish my Titan was capable of causing that kind of levolution

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        • -blam!-ing great shit as always. I love you Cole.

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        • Awesome stuff man. Seriously keep writing

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