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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
6/8/2017 8:21:51 PM
[i]a very loud roar fill the air belonging to something quite large. Whatever it was it was heading this way quickly. It quickly spotted though as a solid jet black dragon appears on the horizon. Clearly its not alone as a second dark blue one appears roaring as well as they quickly heading this way. It was clear that they were on his side as one the blue hits the soldiers on the ground with icy blast of ice freezing some almost instantly other were only froze halfway. The black dragon starts attacking one of the airships grabbing hold of it and starts tearing it open without any mercy. [/i]

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  • [i]"Contact! Contact! What is that thing! Need reinforcements!"[/i] [i]A soldier yells into his comms. More ships begin to head for the giant beast ripping them apart. They begin to fire rockets at it. Mute takes cover and opens fire on the troops below.[/i]

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  • [i]the blue dragon makes a noise that sounds very much like laughter as it flies a little faster clearly going after the other grabbing hold of it. This one goes for the front of ship ripping it open revealing the inside of what would the cockpit. The black dragon gets hit but it only knocks a small hole into its armor. Before it takes off into the air it goes for one its engines keeping it airborne and tears into it before taking off into the air. [/i]

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  • [i]Mute takes aim and fires at some of the ships. Five remain from the reinforcements called. While distracted, a soldier runs up to Mute. Mute attempts to fight him off, but is stabbed in the chest. Putting his life on critical condition.[/i]

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  • [i]Apparently as the two dragons are busy attacking and bring down ships another joins the fray. Its in the form a wolf but its much bigger than a normal one cause its four times the size. It was solid black with glowing red eyes. It had jumped over mute going directly for the soldier he was trying to fight off. It clamps it large jaws down on the soldier's shoulder tearing into as it bites down pulling him off mute while growling aggressively. When it pulls the soldier off it quickly bites at his neck snapping it. It then goes after the ones that remains. [/i]

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  • [i]Mute barely stands, he slumps over to cover to reload his rifle, then fires at the four soldiers remaining. Once they've all been killed. Mute begins to fire on the ships, who are distracted by the dragons.[/i]

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  • [i]The wolf doesn't go anywhere after the soldiers are killed as it sat nearby in a non threatening manner. The two dragons continued to attack the remaining ships trying to bring them down. [/i]

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  • Edited by Jäger: 6/9/2017 11:23:54 AM
    [i]"Ground troops are down, we can't fight them anymore!"[/i] [i]The ships begin to retreat. Mute fires on them with his rocket launcher, taking out two before running out of ammo.[/i]

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  • [i]the black dragon manages to bring one more before they fully retreat. The blue dragon circle overhead of mute before landing nearby. It takes a couple steps closer looking him over clearly with its very large two different colored eyes one being blue grey and the other bright green. When it speaks it voice is very feminine sounding. [/i] "You okay there human? "she says

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  • [i]Mute shakes his head.[/i] "Not good." [i]Two pools of blood lay on his chest, one from the sniper and another from the knife. His armor stained in red. He was gasping for air as he spoke.[/i]

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  • "I can heal you"she says [i] before he can say anything she says a couple words in dragon and his wounds start to slowly close.[/i]

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  • "Thanks." [i]Mute says, still gasping for air due to a punctured lung. But it was healing.[/i] "We gotta get out, of here. They'll come back, soon." [i]Mute says as he attempts to stand.[/i]

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  • "No problem but if the are coming back for you we might just have to hide you somewhere they can't to you then"she says [i]she looks over to the black dragon that just landed nearby this dragon spoke in more a masculine voice as it spoke.[/i] "Well if we are hide him then i have idea where he can hide. We will need her help though"he says "Agreed but it will be quicker if you hop on the wolf's back she will take you to arvira she be able hide you safely"she says [i]the wolf had walked over to him and laid down allowing him to climb on to her back.[/i]

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  • [i]Mute gets on.[/i] "Are you sure we'll be safe? These guys won't stop until I'm dead, and they have every tool in the book to find us. But, I have no other ideas, so lead the way."

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  • "Oh dont our little friend short now she has her own way from being discovered now go quickly now"she says [i]the wolf with out much urging breaks off in to a light jog before breaking off into a light run. The wolf was heading towards the one person that would able to hide him. The dragons were flying fast overhead as the wolf jogged into very dense looking wooded clearing. A very young sounding voice is soon heard as a little girl dressed in black dress with matching ribbons and lace. She had blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She had walked up to the group addressing them while holding a very creepy faceless doll in her left hand. she also carried a giant pair of scissors on her back.[/i] "Hello Lola, Talath and Aiyanna i sense that he is in trouble ?"says the girl

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  • "Yeah, guess you could say that. We pissed off a giant group mercenaries, now we're gonna have an army at our doorstep soon." [i]Mute says as he gets off the wolf's back.[/i] "Once word gets out, ships will be swarming the dojo, and they won't give up until I'm dead. I stole extremely classified data, and they aren't very happy about it."

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  • "Oh im not scared of them plus they can't find what they can't track cause you know why cause you can't track this.... "says the girl [i]she pulls out a strange little cube with intricate symbols scrawled over its metal surface. She giggles as walks over to a open area and sets it down. She skips away from it as it gets bigger then she speaks again but this time her voice sounds more mature and her eyes are now a different color a solid black. She laughs as speaks for the first time as walks over to the large metal box.[/i] "Listen and listen well this box is special one of a kind it can do many wonderous things; But it can hide many things keeping its contents safe from harm."says the girl [i]the short girl pushes on a spot and a hidden door opens revealing a whole drift plane entirely that had grey skies, grasses, trees, etc. It even had wildlife roaming around.[/i] "Quickly enter but do not worry because i can let you out again. But do not worry because this place in this box can't be tracked"she says

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  • "Wait, so I'll hide here while you do what?" [i]Mute sounded surprised by the plan.[/i] "Are you sure they cannot track?" [i]His tone sounded severally doubtful.[/i] "I need to know, what are going to do while I'll be in that box? Because I need to get this info out to the right people, and knowing these guys, they'll be monitoring everything."

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  • "Oh you doubt me human? I can assure that no human alive can track anything in this box. Plus why would i lie?"says the girl [i]the girl hand was still on the box's side. The voice the came from her was definitely demonic in origin.[/i] "You just have to trust me okay?"she says

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  • "I don't trust that this will work. I don't think these guys will stop fighting and looking around for me. But why not." [i]Mute sighs, and enters the box.[/i] "Now what?"

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  • "oh it will it always has. Oh i will let you out in a bit but dont worry about my pets that are in here they will protect you too"says the girl [i]the girl gave him a strange ominous grin that gave awful chills. She definitely was a mystery.[/i] "This will interesting"she says [i]the door then shuts sealing him in but she would let him out.[/i]

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  • "Oh god this is bad, this is bad, this is bad." [i]Mute says, his voice sounding stressed.[/i] "I can't believe it, all that shit, and now this. There is no way I'm going to make it." [i]Mute says panicked. He tosses down a device, which unfolds itself into a chair. Mute takes a seat, and simply waits.[/i]

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  • [i]as he talked to himself the same wolf as before had followed him in and was sitting quietly. It was weird because it seemed like it could understand him as it scratched at its collar. [/i]

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  • [i]Mute looks up and sees the wolf. Suprised at it's presence.[/i] "Oh, it's you. This is just great, isn't it? Now, the entire plan has gone to absolute shit." [i]Mute doesn't know the wolf understands, he just keeps talking.[/i] "Now, once I get out of here, an entire -blam!-ing army will be turning this place upside down to find me. All I needed to do was get this data to the right people, now I'm trapped in the box."

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  • [i]what happens might cause to question he knows as soft feminine voice echos in his mind. But where its coming from is the wolf. -its ok those guys will get those the people that following you go away.- Outside of the box ... its been shrunk back down as the girl carries it safely in her pocket of her dress as she waits for them to come. As lola and talath wait nearby. The girl could very easily wipe out a lot people but it was more fun for her in some twisted way to make them come to her. [/i]

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  • "Wait, is that you talking? If it is, how the hell are they supposed to defeat such and army?" [i]Outside the box, multiple ships fly above the dojo and around the entire planet. Troops had set up camps woth patrols in many places. A large ship hovered above, supplying resources and refueling ships.[/i]

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