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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
6/8/2017 2:08:55 AM
[b][i]Mute's intro...[/i][/b] [i]A carrier ship hung above orbit, seemed normal. However, inside alarms blared, red lights flashed throughout the corridors. Gunfire was exchanged back and forth for what seemed endless. Mute was the one causing this, attempting to steal data from the ship. His plan was going well, but as he finished downloading files, an unexpected soldier had decided to foil Mute's plan. Once Mute shot, the entire ship had all soldiers after one man. [/i] [b]"All hands on deck! This is a level 3 intrusion! Do not, I repeat, do not let him escape! This is not a drill!"[/b] [i]The loud voice boomed over the intercoms. Mute was held up near the armory, taking cover to reload, he pops back up, taking out two soldiers with ease. He knew if he could easily steal a escape pod and get out, after fighting a few more guards, he took off. Using holograms to distract the enemies.[/i] [i]"Sir! He's going for the escape pod." [/i] [b]"Then put them on lockdown, if he leaves, we're all screwed. I'm not going to allow this to happen, at any cost."[/b] [i]"I can't, he's jammed our systems, nothing will work."[/i] [b]"Prepare the fighters for launch, we can track that pod. I want dropships with troops ready."[/b] [i]The captain had no choice, the data Mute stole was too valuable to use. He spook in a booming voice as his second in command began to direct forces to certain areas. However, Mute was able to reach the pod. Quickly, he launched it, changing its trajectory if needed. Mute landed on the fields near the dojo gate. The door of the pod opened as Mute ran for any cover, fighter ships were right behind him and he was nowhere safe. The dropships landed as troops sprinted to stop Mute. A single sniper shot rang out, Mute attempted to return fire, but was hit before he could. Mute stood still, blood began to stain his armor. One of the soldiers spoke.[/i] [i]"You have something that belongs to us, give up and you won't be shot!"[/i] [i]Mute remained silent, there would be no way to take on the two fighter ships hovering above, along with the twenty, heavily armed soldiers with their weapons trained on him. [/i] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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  • [i]"What the hell? Someone, please tell me you know where they are?"[/i] [i]The remaining soldiers stand their ground. Keeping an eye out for them. One of the ships begin to fly above the dojo, trying to fond them from above.[/i]

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  • *However, all visual and radar scans show nothing of Mute and the figure.* *When Mute awakens he is in a dark room, the walls emitting a dark mist off of them. The figure stands in the corner, cleaning his weapon of choice*

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  • [i]Mute looks around. Confused on what happened.[/i] "What the? Who are you?" [i]Mute says, still clutching the wound on his chest.[/i]

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  • Let's just say that... The less you know the better. *He slowly walks up to Mute, putting his Crossbow against the wall*

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  • "Where are we?" [i]Mute asks. His tone sounding confused. [/i] "Where's everyone I was fighting? They dead?"

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  • No. I don't start killing until I know the whole story. As for our location... Let's just say it's a place no one will find. Ever.

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  • "Good. Before I forget, thank you. That shield was about to fall, I would have been dead. Name's Mute, what about you?"

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  • Don't thank me too early. I need information as to why you were hunted down. The whole thing. I've grown to distrust Military organizations, with the SHG and all, but if you ARE someone I should worry about, I WILL kill you. Understood? *He seems to be dodging an introduction of himself, rather keeping it on Mute*

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  • "Well, if you insist. These guys are a large organization or mercenaries. Word was that they had been developing highly illegal weaponry. Problem, no one can prove it. So, I infiltrated their ship, stole a lot of classified data. Now they won't stop until I'm dead and they have their data back."

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  • *He stares right into Mute's eyes, listening to every word uttered from his mouth* What kind of weapons?

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  • "Mass destruction type." [i]Mute replies quickly, concern in his voice.[/i]

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  • Oh. Well I've dealt with many of those before, a friend of mine is one. *He pauses a moment* Tell you what, you can stay here a while

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