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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by BondyMilk: 6/3/2017 6:00:23 PM
[b]Transgressions of the Past Chapter 2[/b] [spoiler]Chapter 1: [/spoiler] [b]”Every day I am reminded how I failed to be a hero. Especially hers.”[/b] [b]From the pages of Cylus’ log.[/b] [b]Dates and Locations have been changed for discretion.[/b] I didn’t realize that I was screaming until Vector kicked the back of my head. “[i]Shutup![/i]” he demanded as he rubbed his hands together. “It’s time to unveil the man behind the mask. The man that has caused me so much damn trouble! I have to give it to ya, it’s been fun to have this little rivalry. But all good things must come to an end..” he said with a grin. I struggled against the ropes, trying to get at him, but they were too tight. I only had one choice. To submit. When Vector watched as I settled down, he kneeled before me. “No more fight, huh? I’ve killed your friends, your family, and now your girl. You surely want to kill me, don’t you?” he said, grabbing me by the jaw and looking into my visor. He reached under my hood to the back of my neck and found the lock, switching it and unhinging my helmet. Removing it slowly, he stared into my eyes. “Impressive stuff you’ve got here. Some of my men claim to have shot you square in the head with no effect. How?” He asks, taking a closer look at the helmet. All I could do was chuckle. He had no idea that he had walked into my trap. I jerked my head forward as to let my hood cover it, and activated my failsafe. Little did Vector know, I literally carried a timebomb on my head. If any mission went South and it was the only choice, I carried enough explosives in my helmet to end it all, as well as take down anyone within the immediate vicinity. I shut my eyes and waited for detonation. … All I heard were the noises of the explosion and Vector’s deafening scream. In the chaos and confusion, I removed a concealed blade from the bottom of my boot and cut myself free, diving to Rachel’s body. Removing the bag from her head, I began sobbing as I saw the single gunshot wound in her temple. Clenching her hair in my fists, I held her body close, burying my face in her shoulders. And then I heard him. [b][i]“KILL THAT SON OF A BITCH!” [/i][/b] … That’s when I snapped. The blast didn’t kill Vector, but it was enough to mortally wound him. I looked up and saw him clutching the right side of his face, barking orders to his men as he rushed to his car.  Coward. I didn’t know it at the time, but this was the first time my bloodlust ever consumed me. When Vector’s second in command stood behind me, aiming his gun at my head, I made my move. I spun around, catching him off guard and grabbing the barrel of his gun. Pulling it away from him, I turned his weapon on himself and delivered a single punch to his jaw. Feeling it shatter on contact, I still wasn’t satisfied. Holding the pistol in hand, I shot two rounds into his forehead, and then turned to his men surrounding me. In a blur, they had all fallen, and I dropped the gun from my hand. Vector had already escaped, so I stood there alone, surrounded by bodies. And at my feet was Rachel’s, the last person I had ever loved. And now Vector had taken her from me. He would pay. ... Cylus took a breath and stopped writing. He had written his portion for the day and was needed elsewhere. Standing up, he stretched and put his log on the back of his belt. Walking outside, he picked up the pace to meet his friend for drinks, and didn’t even see the person right in front of him until he had nearly knocked them over. [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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  • "Oh yes please, I haven't heard from Carly in a while. How's the project coming along?"

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  • "Both Carly and Vaughn have become a little occupied with the arc, but progress Is coming along nicely. We've figured out a way to drain only certain amounts of power from the arc, and transfer it to a Titan or ship. So we might not need those Titan batteries anymore! This is a huge step, considering how those Titan batteries could be pulled out in battle."

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  • "Versatility. I like it!" Cylus says with a smile lighting up his face.

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  • "Though, we'll need to expand on our Titan Manufacturing to incorporate the new generation. So you might see some action soon. Might even be the first pilot of the New Generation Titan." Marker said with an air of happiness, clearly glad of the improvements

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  • Sounding like a child, Cylus looks up in thought. "Oh boy, I like the sound of [i]that![/i]"

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  • "Maybe. You'll have competition. Myself." Marker chuckled, patting Cylus' shoulder [spoiler]Will there be a chapter 3 of Cylus' story? Or can I make the next post? [/spoiler]

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  • "Competition? I'll believe it when I see it."Cylus jokes [spoiler]There will be future entries, but not all of them will be open posts. Only about 2 or 3 more tops.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]SO, will you be taking the next post? Or may I? [/spoiler] "Confident. For someone that doesn't know a thing about piloting, you sound like trouble." Marker laughed again, shaking his head slightly

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  • "All fun and games now, but you'll see!" [spoiler]My next post will be a follow up entry and it won't be an open response, so you can go ahead and make yours. In still waiting on a few other things[/spoiler]

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  • "Uh huh, I'm sure. We'll do some training for you before we take any steps towards putting you in action though. So let me know whenever you're ready to start with it." [spoiler]Got ya, thanks [/spoiler]

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  • "Well I've always got time on my hands, so just give me a call or swing by. You know the place now, and you're welcome at anytime." Cylus motions to the awning outside. "You can just let yourself of you need."

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  • "Very well. I'll swing by in the next few days. Lots of things lay ahead, my friend. Many things."

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  • And with that, Cylus saw his friend out the door as they went their separate ways. Turning, he went back into his room and flopped onto the bed, exhausted from his run in with the crazed baker. Sleep crept over him and soon enough, he had passed out where he laid. [spoiler]end![/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]"Some of my men claim to have shot you square in the head with no effect." So... every CoD player ever[/spoiler] *The person who he ran into stepped back, looking at him through his dark hood. His face is entirely concealed under it, but something says Cylus shouldn't look to find out. Doesn't help that he has a wicked looking metal crossbow on his back, it being augmented with a massive bayonet* Hm? Oh, sorry there sir. You okay?

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  • [spoiler]It's Cylus' helmet lol, check out his new bio and you'll unserstand, I posted a new one yesterday[/spoiler] Cylus looked at the man in front of him, bewildered by the sight of the hooded figure and the large crossbow he carried upon his back. Patting the man on the shoulder, he says "No worries, I was just rushing. Didn't see where I was going."

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  • *When he pats the shoulder it feels skeletal and cold, like there is no flesh or skin at all on it* Yeah, we all have days like that. Just make sure you don't bump into someone... not as friendly.

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  • "Well then I should be off then, sorry once again." he says, taking his hand back. Cylus departs, leaving the man to himself. At his feet was Cylus' log, which Cylus had dropped in the collision. The black leather clad book laid on the floor, waiting to be picked up. [spoiler]Pick it up, the only way to find out who it belongs to is to read.[/spoiler]

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  • *He picks it up, flipping through it* hmm...

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  • [i]You open the front page. [/i] It simply reads [i]If you happen to be reading this, this log belongs to none other than Cylus, and its pages contain his story. My story. From vigilante to literal dead man walking, here I am to tell the tale. My only wish is that these words can be seen beyond my own eyes, and my tale be told when I am long gone. But for now, I am here, writing in this small leather book, waiting... Waiting for the day that my name is remembered, and I will know I have done something greater than myself. -The one and only Cylus [spoiler]The first two entries are chapter 1 and 2, which are both above [/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Vigilante to literal dead man walking... Sounds like the character I'm using right now[/spoiler] *He sighs, reading through the book* Why is it the good ones lose the most? *He begins to walk in the direction Cylus was going, to return the journal*

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  • [spoiler]what character? Maybe they could meet sometime[/spoiler] As the man heads off in the general direction that Cylus earlier disappeared in, he comes closer and closer to one of the central courtyards. Full of srores, restaurants, and crowds, one might think it would be hard to find a single person here. Unless that person was Cylus of course. Sudden shouts from a nearby cafe ring throughout the courtyard, attracting people's attention. It was hard to hear what was going on, as there were multiple voices and the crashing of furniture. [spoiler]investigate or something[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]The one I'm using right now[/spoiler] *He sighs, taking his hood off, hoping to be a distraction to whoever is doing all of this. Under the hood is a bleached white skull, with no other form of organic material in or on his head. The two eyeless sockets look around the room as he enters* What the hell is going on here?

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  • Just as he steps in, a flying cake whizzes past his head followed by more shouts. "Shit man! You said I was worthy last time!" The voice belonged to Cylus, and a large orcish creature lumbered towards him. Surprisingly, the creature wore an apron and a bakers hat. [spoiler]Character credit to ooshmook[/spoiler] Picking Cylus up by the leg, the orc threw him against a nearby wall. "You must prove verthy everthy time!" it shouted with a heavy accent. Cylus simply kicked off of the wall and landed on his feet, quickly going into a defensive stance. "Fine then," he said as he pulled out to escrima sticks, ready to charge. [spoiler]you may watch it play out or intervene[/spoiler]

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  • *He sighs, putting his hand to a small white machine to his thigh. Suddenly an arrow materialized from hardlight to solid matter, it was a dark tipped arrow with a cherry stained frame. He loaded it onto his crossbow, aimed at the back of the orc's neck, and fired*

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  • Edited by BondyMilk: 6/13/2017 9:36:46 PM
    The arrow embedded itself into the orc's thick skin, stuck in the outer layer. Because the orc's skin was tough like armor, it did little except to distract the beast. Plucking the arrow out, he turned around to see who had shot him. With his back now turned to Cylus, he provided his opponent an opportunity. Charging the orc, Cylus drop kicked it in the back, pushing it over a table. As soon as it turned around, Cylus was once again on top of him, forcing him to submit. "Are we done here?" Cylus simply asked. As the orc nodded, Cylus got himself up and helped himself to a slice of cake behind the counter, leaving a couple dollars behind. As he passed the orc laying on the floor, he simply scoffed. "No tip for you sir" he says as he walked away. As he passed through the crowd, he saw the skeletal man from before, this time the crossbow from his back was drawn. Nodding for the man to follow, he walked out into the courtyard.

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