Why would you guys be hyped for a crappy reveal? And if it's not crappy and the reveal everything it's just going to ruin the game because there will be nothing that's a surprise. I'm staying away from reveals and spoilers thank you.
"Why would you guys be hyped for a crappy movie trailer? And if its not crappy and the(y) reveal everything its going to ruin the movie because there will nothing that's a surprise. I'm staying away from trailers and spoilers thank you." I can be excited about something....and not lose all ability to look at it critically. YMMV.
Have fun with p2p 4v4. Regressing. That's a great sign 👍👍
What does PVP being 4v4 have to do with the reveal..... ....or the quality of the PVE play experience. Since that's what I'm buying the game for?
Yet here posting about it... Interesting. Enjoy the reveal, bud. We know you'll be watching.
Not going to watch and why would this not be an appropriate place to put my post? You so blind by love for a bad game? Wow dude. Get the dick out of your mouth. Holy Christ.
Edited by theREALliveguy: 5/18/2017 4:28:55 PMYou're that guy that tells all his friends "hey, I'm not going to that party" and everyone says...."cool...." Then you say..."hey...I'm really not going" Everyone else is like.."dude...cool...WE DON'T CARE" You: "I'm serious....I'm not going" Hahahahaha! GTFOH! We don't care if you watch it or not....but you didn't have to announce that your not watching. Just don't watch it. The world will keep spinning without us knowing. Your troll game is soft as baby doo-doo. FOH!
I heard they are going to auction a fresh piece of shit from deej's ass. How much you willing to bid man? 500$ a 1000$?
How you like it so far? We know you're watching.
I'm at work dude. I'm watching a vibration chamber shake a diesel fuel system.
They never reveal everything lol in all their streams they always just scratch the surface of what they add or what's in the update to come. There is so much coming from the new game I highly doubt they will cover even close to everything. You sir are keeping yourself from water in a desert!!
They will cover everything dude. You know why? Because of how shady the original destiny launch was.
Lol fool me once! Shame on you! Fool me twice.... Well let's hope you are right then.
Destiny reveal said we were going to get a massive open world. We got a COD shooter on rails. They took a lot of heat for that. They still are taking heat for it. You think they will go that route again? Nah, they will be transparent as hell now. I'd rather just see some game play footage and a couple stills. But they will go much deeper and ruin the game. How is it any fun to already know what exactly is coming out more than before it does? That's exciting for you?
Well I like to be surprised as much as the next guy I mean I didn't watch or read a single thing for the new Zelda or horizon zero dawn for that reason I wanted the surprise for those games the fantasy to be in the moment. So I won't say it is fun for me to see spoilers. BUT I don't feel like they are going to be spoilers watching a stream of gameplay. Probably because I've lost the hype for this game because of what it's become.
Yeah man. This game turned into a complete shit show.
Then why comment on this thread? Take your negativeness elsewhere.
Nah. I can do whatever I want... fanboy. I'm not falling for this hype train. I just want you to know that destiny sucks a huge hairy dong. I pray that there are aspects to destiny 2 which make the game unplayable for you. 🤗 Xoxoxoxo
Wow, someone is salty about their D1 k/d. Or maybe you are just a negative person.
Did you really just bring up kd? Hahahahaha nice try kiddo. Am I salty? Na
It was a joke
I will eat your babies... Oh a joke. Nevermind... ✌️👍🙏💪
Stephen is that you?
"Eat your babies reference". https://youtu.be/pMTnOZI6mj0
That's an old vid. I've seen it before.