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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Monarch Neo: 5/9/2017 1:23:20 AM
[b]Soldiers of ice[/b] [i]Ku-Rudo mountains[/i] In the depths of the mountains, a battle raged furiously. Or rather, a skirmish. Over the past month or so, a small fortress had popped up. Now it was under attack. From a distance, it looked like a sizeable force was attempting to overrun the building. But judging by the lines of fire, and spacing of said fire, it became apparent that only a few people were actually attacking, although it was clearly a very skilled group. [spoiler]Open, new characters[/spoiler]

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  • A dark green painted Huey with a dragon decal on the nose flew towards the fighting. The right side door opened, an M60 being mounted and loaded. Within the Huey, sat seven Vietnam-era US Soldiers. They all carried M16s save for one of them who carried an M60. "Which side do we shoot at?" The door gunner asked.

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  • Near a rather circular cluster of rocks, a single fighter was pinned down. A massive laser cannon was propped over the cover, occasionally setting massive orange beams across the battle field. It's targets were a massive group, platoon sized even, of enviro-suited soldiers. One of the soldiers pointed out the Huey, and a small squad opened fire on it. Each of the Vietnam-era soldiers could feel a significant chilling as the bullets began to fly past them.

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  • The door gunner unloaded on their attackers, one of the soldiers grabbing a charge and hurling it down at them. The charge smacked into the ground, beeping for a second before detonating in close proximity to the attackers. The M60 spat out hot lead at the soldiers, empty shell casings raining down upon the ground.

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  • As each of the soldiers hit their marks, they saw something unusual. Whenever a hostile trooper took enough hits, a massive pressure vent occurred in their suit, almost like it was boiling away. A single trooper pulled out what looked like an alien M-9 bazooka, taking aim at the choppers rotors.

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  • The M60 prioritized the M9 Bazooka, unloading pure bullet hell unto them. The sheer amount of bullets surely would have dealt a significant blow to said Bazooka trooper.

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  • Just a hair late. As the trooper recoiled from the numerous bullets, he fired the device. A laser projected from the end of it, narrowly missing an air intake. Engine number 2 stalled. The lone fighter on the ground popped up, shouting in a Russian accent, "Oi, get down from there! AA-chill's gonna knock you out of the sky!" Turning, he sent a tight pulse of some kind of particles downrange towards the platoon.

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  • The Huey steered steadily down to the ground, where the doors slammed open. Seven troopers piled out, firing off rounds from their M16s at their attacker. Behind them, the Machinegunner clambered out, blasting with his M60. They

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  • Edited by ookshmook: 5/10/2017 3:30:16 PM
    [spoiler]are these PS2 characters?[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Nope[/spoiler]

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  • [b]Eurhrstbrü had been hunting the mountains for the dark relic he had come to retrieve when he saw the battle. The rotting warrior carefully tmcame down the slope and started approaching the battle.[/b]

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  • Among the sound of cracking bullets, the whine of lasers, and the occasional unidentified 'whomph' sound, Eurhrstbru could hear a human voice. Russian, but in a strange accent, "Маня, команда, занимающая воздушную подушку!" After a moment, a massive explosion ripped across one of the bases landing pads. When the dust cleared, Eurh could see that several armored figures had been flung from the explosion site. A loud crack resonated through the air, and a human girl fell from a nearby rock, clutching her abdomen in pain.

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  • [b]Eurjrstbrü jerked to help her but stopped, before breathing deeply, searching for any signs that anybody had died yet.[/b]

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  • The entire area reeked of death, but not in a normal quality. Whatever had died here had died from heat stroke, which was odd for the freezing mountains. As for the girl, she was still alive, but that could change at any moment. A slight shifting in the snow would catch his eye. What came out of the snow was a massive figure, heavily armored, with a massive refrigeration unit on it's back. Not noticing Eurjrstbrü, the figure grabbed a small handle from it's belt. Flicking it's wrist towards her, the device extended a massive whip that wrapped around the girls neck. Twisting it's wrist once more, the whip extended small barbs of ice that dug into the girls flesh. Small frostbite burns began to extend from the contact points, and blood trickled at the barbs.

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  • [b]He was disappointed. Heatstroke victims made terrible mummies that were fragile, but no matter. He dig deep within himself and began the summoning, the ground churning as the dead rose from their resting places, crawling forth in a wave of skeletal and partially rotting remains, creating a newfound army of his own. He strode forwards calmly, struggling against his giant armor, however.[/b] [i]"Greetings, soldier. Now, do me a favor and release the whip, if you would kindly."[/i]

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  • Eurjrstbrü would be pleasantly surprised to see that all the heatstroke victims were mysteriously pre-dried, and encased in a similar armor to the large figure; the figure meanwhile simply looked at him, making a noise that sounded like a scoff. The whip visibly tightened around the girl's neck, beginning to choke her. A small voice, the same one from before, sounded through her communicator, "Посол! Прикрывайся! Маня? Маня?!" It was clear that the girl would fall to the whip if no interference was made.

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  • [i]"Why don't people ever do a rotting knight a favor and do what I ask?"[/i] [b]The knight gestured with a hand and the undead started moving in, as the knight came within punching distance of the soldier, before throwing a right-hook at him.[/b]

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  • The whip shut off for a moment; the girl gasping for breath, convulsing on the ground. The figure turned to the knight, unleashing the whip at him. Wrapping it around his hand, the flesh on Eurjrstbrü would come to a complete freeze, before the figure delivered a massive blow to his head.

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  • [b]The hood fell off his face and his neck snapped at an odd angle. Except with a horrible cracking, it reverted back to it's original position. And he saw why. The knight' face was... rotting. Like a corpse come back to life. Green flesh was hanging limply from the left side of his face, and his eye was almost hanging out of the socket. Part of his skull was exposed and cracked. But he was... alive. The knight grinned with yellow teeth and rotting gums.[/b] [i]"Wowee that was fun. How about left this time? I've had this terrible ache in my neck and I think going left'll help it."[/i] [b]He undead hoarse closed in and started grabbing the man's arms and legs, starting to lift him and pry his arms.[/b]

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  • The suit of the massive figure began to tear open at the seams. A massive wave of heat overcame the area as the refrigeration unit began to enter an overdrive state. After a few moments, the unit ground to a halt, and the figure let out a massive howl as small wisps of ethanol began to leak out of the seams. Rearing back it's head, the figure tried to kill him with another blow to the head.

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