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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
5/4/2017 11:05:59 AM
[quote]"Wait...why are there?" She whispered, grabbing one of the datapads to look at. "This shouldn't be here..." ---------------- She proceeds to look toward the dead corpse, kicking it multiple times. She looks toward Serendipity. "So...what now?"[/quote] The data pad was Encrypted. Heavily so. How, strong this encryption was, it seemed as if an alliance operative was the one doing the encrypting.... ------------- "We move through the rest of the compound. Raider, take Point." Serendipity motioned towards the door and the Raider nodded, going through the door from which the Bandit had come from Serendipity quickly followed suit, weapons raised.

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  • "Maybe...but why would it mention the Militia, the Deimos, and the Alliance all at once? You think they might have agents there? Should we warn Hackett? I...don't know exactly what to do." Kasumi had responded, thinking of something. "I might know someone who could, though..." she responded, opening up the omni-tool, typing something in it. -------------------- "Must've been weird; dextro women like us joining some crews for different reasons...although...I'd want to be honest here. I was on the Deimos for a little time, before I jumped on the Invictus...I think the turian there actually likes you. Cryark, I believe his name is...soldier, heard a little bit about losing some good people during their war with the asari." Lia explained.

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  • Edited by Royal Blade: 5/12/2017 1:30:48 AM
    "Who might that be? And what exactly are they going to do?" Ghost asked, looking out over the horizon ----------- The ground slowly evened out, and the group entered a prison like area Cells ran down either side of the wall, with a Crimson Raider in each of them as far as any of the group could tell. "Holy shit." Scorch said, walking to the bars of one of the cells and looking in, at one of the Raiders who sat on a bed. The Raider hopped to his feet, running to the bars and grabbing Scorch "GET ME OUT!"

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  • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 5/13/2017 2:33:06 AM
    "Her name...well, I can't reveal it without people coming after her...she knows a bit about the entirety of some 'multiverse' of some sort...maybe she could help." Kasumi had suggested. -------------------------------- "Keelah..." was all Lia could say as she walked with the group, a horrified look on her face at the jailed Raiders. "What these poor Raiders must've been through."

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  • Edited by Royal Blade: 5/13/2017 5:12:17 AM
    "And what exactly is she going to help us with? You think she'll have information on Livro, and Fiora?" Ghost asked, looking at Kasumi ---------- Scorch pulled away from the Raider, drawing a silver hand gun and shooting at the lock of the cell, pushing it open for the Raider The Raider jumped out, throwing his arms around Scorch in a hug "I OWE YOU MY LIFE!" The Raider yelled

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  • Kasumi leans into wherever Ghost's ear was. "She's the Shadow Broker. I'd think she can find some information quite easily..." ----------------------- "This....seems wrong in so many ways." Lia had said to herself, before turning to Maya, "How much further till we reach the two mercs we need?"

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  • Edited by Royal Blade: 5/13/2017 2:45:44 PM
    "The shadow Broker? You mean the person who knows all through technology?" ---------- "The who?" Maya asked, turning to look at Lia with an odd expression "We came to recruit a group of Vault Hunters...." Scorch said, pushing the Raider off of him "You know where they could be?" Serendipity asked, shooting a few other cells open "If you refer to Mordecai, the sniper, he will most likely be in solitary confinement."

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  • "Yeah...talking about could have Cerberus or whoever's running this place go after the Broker. Hell,can't even say it's gender without being in the Invictus or Deimos..." Kasumi had replied. --------------------------__ "Yeah...that's also who we're looking for. Also looking for some 'Vault Huntress' known as Brick. Wait...did I say that wrong? I'm still getting used to a few words that humans say." Lia replied, chuckling at herself.

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  • Edited by Royal Blade: 5/14/2017 9:12:52 PM
    "So.... Any luck with the Shadow Broker so far?" Ghost asked, looking down at the ground and kicking his foot into it, raising some dust ----------------- "Indeed you did. Huntress refers to a female. Hunter refers to Male. Brick is Male." Maya said, opening a few cells "We'll look for Brick after we free this Raiders." Scorch said, opening up a few cells as well

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  • "Let's see...yeah, apparently someone from the Dojo...knows the Shadow Broker." Kasumi replied, searching up whatever she could on the extranet first. --------------- "Keelah, this is almost like re-understanding the English language again." Lia replied, moving forward with the rest of the group.

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  • Edited by Royal Blade: 5/14/2017 9:19:07 PM
    "Someone from the dojo? Who the hell could know the shadow Broker?" ------------ [b][i][u]Chapter Five: Definition of Insanity[/u][/i][/b] From one of the cells erupted a heavily Armoured trooper that shoved Maya into the wall, causing her head to hit it and knocking her out The Armoured man sprayed his rifle wildly, gunning Scorch down and the Hitting Serendipity In the shoulder. Both Invictus Crew Members dropped to the ground in pain, as the Armoured man pointed in his weapon at Lia "WOH AER YUO? WATH WNAT WTHI ME?!" The man yelled, firing a bullet into Lia's chest, then one into her leg. Wait. It couldn't end like this.... Could it? Another several shots found themselves buried in Lia's stomach and chest, but she didn't feel a single once of pain What the hell was going on??

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  • "I don't know. Shadow Broker most likely encrypted such information. Wouldn't be surprised, though. Maybe he moved back to Illium. Who knows?" Kasumi had said. -------------- "What in all of Rannoch is this? A hologram?" Lia asked, looking at the bullets that had hit her. She looked to the rest of them.

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  • Edited by Royal Blade: 5/14/2017 11:23:04 PM
    "He? So it's a man. Interesting." Ghost said with a chuckle ----------- They were gone, and instead of her being in the hallway itself, Lia found that she was in a cell, much like the ones that the Raiders were found in. Serendipity sat next to her, knocked out along with Scorch "Oh, you're fúcking awake. Great timing. Really." Scorch said, getting up off the bed that he sat upon

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  • "No." She replies, whispering into Gjost's ear. "It's a she." -------------------- "Where's the other bosh'tet?" Lia asked, most likely referring to Maya.

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  • Edited by Royal Blade: 5/15/2017 12:42:35 AM
    "Huh.... Nice. Probably an Asari. That race is highly intelligent from what I hear." Ghost said -------------- "Over there." Scorch said, pointing to a cell across from theirs were Maya was lying on the ground, unconscious. Except for the fact that she wasn't alone. A man with a brilliant beard sat on the bed of the cell, and waved at Lia, mumbling something "....everything this freaking universe owes me....." Was All she heard

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  • "You could...say that." Kasumi had sheepishly replied. --------------------- "Oh hi....wait, who are you? I don't think I saw you around here...unless I shot you by accident." Lia had replied.

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  • [quote]"You could...say that." Kasumi had sheepishly replied. --------------------- "Oh hi....wait, who are you? I don't think I saw you around here...unless I shot you by accident." Lia had replied.[/quote] "I won't pursue it any further." Ghost said with a light chuckle --------- "Name's Mordecai." The sniper said "The third vault Hunter we're looking for." Scorch said

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  • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 5/15/2017 10:54:13 PM
    " what exactly do you want to do until then?" She asks, clearly bored out of her mind...which was strange. ------------------------- "So...three down, one to go, right?" She asks, "Something about some form of material you put on a wall?" She was referring to Brick.

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  • "We should try setting up communications with the Alliance. See if they can spare some forces. Or maybe find out where the hell the ship went." Ghost said with a sigh --------- "Two down, sweetheart. I won't be joining you on your crusade." Mordecai suddenly said, looking at the wall of his cell

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  • "Sure. Maybe wonder why the Invictus suddenly 'whooshed' the way it did. See if Hackett could get us some forces out here." Kasumi responded, trying to contact Hackett or the Invictus. [spoiler]Just tell me if either one comes through.[/spoiler] ----------------------- "Wait, WHAT?!" Lia responded...well, couuld've either been angrily or sadly.

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  • Edited by Royal Blade: 5/18/2017 12:19:43 AM
    The comms successfully patched through, Hackett having come through to answer Kasumi -------- "Apologies. I'll be keeping Brick here as well. Someone needs to keep a handle over the Raiders after all." Mordecai continued, finally looking over at Lia

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  • "Goto? Is that you? We've been trying to contact you." Hackett had started. "Yes, its us. We're on Pandora right now." Kasumi had replied, earning a look of thought from Hackett. " that's a name I hadn't heard in years...either way, the Alliance tried to bring support there...we didn't know the coordinates though. Whose with you?" Hackett asked. "Ghost is here...if you'd like to talk to him." Kasumi responded. "Please do so, Kasumi." Hackett replied, before Kasumi used her Omni-tool to make Hackett a human-sized hologram. "Ghost...what exactly are you doing on Pandora?" ------------------------------- "I...guess I could understand that." Lia responded, not too sure what to think of it.

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  • Edited by Royal Blade: 5/18/2017 12:22:54 AM
    "Oh you know the usual. Raiding, pillaging. Mercenary things. Recruiting for our crew...." Ghost said with a light chuckle, looking over the horizon -------- Suddenly, Maya sat up in her spot and the cell door to every single cell in the prison flew off their hinges Maya got up to her feet, dusting herself as she started down a hallway "What the hell..." Scorch said as Mordecai got up and followed "Never seen a Siren mad?" Mordecai asked, going in the direction of Maya

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  • "That's true. Perhaps we may..." Hackett begins to say, before someone next to him yelled out, "Sir, something just pulled itself into the relay..." "Keep track on it." Hackett ordered, before turning back to Ghost. "Sorry; some type of probe was recovered meant the relay. We don't know who it belongs to but..." "Sir, multiple unidentified ships just jumped through the relay!" That same someone yelled out. "Keep track of that thing; order protocol Saber-Three here and any fleet near any of the other Mass Relays!" Hackett ordered loudly. "Yes sir...wait long-range ballistics about to..." [i]Bang![/i] An explosion was seen as Hackett tumbled behind cover. [i]Signal Lost.[/i] "What happened?" Kasumi asked. -------------------------------------- "So...I'm guessing that's how every angry biotic is like..." Lia whispered to herself.

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  • Edited by Royal Blade: 5/18/2017 1:02:31 AM
    "I DON'T Know?! Ghost yelled out desperately, glancing over at where Hackett had been ----------- Scorch and Serendipity hopped to the feets, joining the large group of Raiders that was moving towards the exit

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  • The message immediately closed before an Alliamce broadcast was sent out. [i]"Be advised; Admiral Steven Hackett, as of [SCRAMBLE] has issued a code Saber-One on the following places: Arcturus Station; Benning; Eden Prime; Noveira; Terra Nova. Cerberus armies confirmed to be heavily armed and actively engaging Alliance forces across these locations. Unless otherwise notified, DO NOT head to these planets. Evacuate and regroup at designated zones for further orders.[/i] A second message appeared. It was from one Rear Admiral Anderson...and it was for anyone affiliated with the Invictus or Deimos crew. ------------------------ Lia followed the large group of Raiders, wary about any of them...being insane from solitary confinement, we'll say.

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