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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
4/30/2017 3:52:36 AM
"What the..." Kasumi asked, walking toward the Ghost, hoping to maybe have an 'in-depth' look at the sentient thing. ------------------- "It' the hell didn't the Alliance know about this place? We could've sent support out there years ago, but instead we ignored it, and now look at it." He responds quietly to Eve.

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  • "Yeah I'm here. What the hell happened? Your comms cut off in the middle of a sentence." Ghost replied, the wound was gone. Almost completely so. ----------- "YOU'RE THE ONES THAT SHOT AT ME?" Scorch yelled, getting up to his feet as Serendipity simply got up

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  • "I...I don't know. One minute I'm here, the next...." she couldn't exactly describe in words what had happened...not right now at least. "Where exactly are you?" She asks, continuing to stare at where the wound had once been. ------------------------- "How were we supposed to know that it was you, bosh'tet?" She replies, giving a light punch to the Hunter in the shoulder. It was meant to be playful, of course.

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  • "I'm in a secondary building. Just passed by some machine gun nests, looks like an explosion went off here or somethin..." Ghost commented, and Kasumi thought of the pathway that had led her here ----____---- "Fair point..." He grumbled, falling silent "You seen Prophet or Ghost? I can't seem to get them on the comms." Serendipity asked, also moving out of cover "No, I haven't seen either one. Sorry."

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  • "You're getting close. Just...keep going straight; should see a dining room. Go a little further and you should see the room I'm in. " she replies, looking a quick glance at the datapad before walking out of the room. ------------------- "Damn...wait, do we even know where those people Lilith told us to get were?" She asks.

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  • "I'm going, I'm going. Trying to find it." Ghost said over the comms "Alright, I'm in the dining room. I think I found the data pad's you were talking about." ------_- "No, I haven't been able to find anything. But there's evidence that prisoners are here."

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  • "Oh; right." She responds, decloaking herself in front of Ghost. "Nice to see that you're alive." She responds. ---------------- "Damn!" She replies, as she opened up her comm channel. "Ghost? Kasumi? Prophet? Any of you there?" She asks, hoping to gain some sort of response.

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  • "Yeah, glad to see you alive as well. Have you heard anything from the others?" Ghost asked, picking up one of the data pads --------------- Sure enough, just as Scorch promised, there was nothing but radio silence over the comms "Listen, if the prisoners would be anywhere, it'd probably been in an underground portion, right?" Scorch suggested, crossing his arms over his chest

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  • "Not exactly. Thought you would've gotten any word with them." She says, pulling herself up. --------------------- "Well...that's true. But exactly where would they be? There'd be too many though, unless we somehow knew a way to find the entrances." Lia had thought out loud pacing around the room.

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  • "Yeah, unfortunately I haven't heard from them. Not a peep.. Must be something with this base." He said, putting the data pad down. --------------------- "How the hell should I know? Maybe we should actually look around?" Scorch said, sounding annoyed

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  • "Probably a jamming tower or something. Who knows; I haven't heard of this planet at all." She replies. "So; what's your plan? We're seperated from the rest of the crew, there's mention of some cryptic 'IMC' bulls**t, and all that type of stuff." ------------------ "Um...isn't there a faster way of searching this place?" The Quarian asked, clearly thinking about any alternative solutions.

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  • "Project Fiora, Livro, Raider prisoners, what else could go wrong? Maybe we need to find the jamming tower. Take it down.... Or we could look for more information...." [spoiler]-Find Jamming Tower -Do something else[/spoiler] ------------- "We could always look for a security center, maybe try to find plans for this place?" Serendipity said "Or maybe we just interrogate a Bandit!" Scorch suggested, getting excited [spoiler]-Search For Command Center -Interrogate a Bandit -Do something else (?)[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 5/7/2017 8:43:32 PM
    "Jamming tower. Might as well make sure we hadn't lost anybody." Kasumi replied, her M-12 Locust armed and ready. --------------------- "Maybe we should raid their security center...if they have one. I mean, would make the most sense to take out, as humans say, 'two birds with one stone', right?" She responds.

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  • "So where a jamming tower be? On a roof. Maybe managed from a central hub?" Ghost asked, shifting the blaster in his hands ---------- "I passed a set of blast doors on my way here. That could be the place...." Scorch said, looking out into the hallway

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  • "Maybe. Usually, unless we're in space, I'd think that I'd be on a roof." She says. ------------ "I guess that could be it. Any console on the outside I could hack?" Lia asked.

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  • "Alright, let's head up. Over there." Ghost said, pointing towards the back of the dining room. At the back of the room was a small archway that led into a winding staircase, going up -------------- "Yes Ma'am." Scorch said, gesturing for the two to follow as he turned into the hallway and walked into a deeper part of the facility. He took a turn into a larger hallway, and pointed at the right wall, where a set of blast doors was ingrained into the wall, a console right by it

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  • Kasumi looked toward the archway, following Ghost toward the jamming tower. As she looked toward the staircase, she said, "Well, this.... --------------------- "...seems easy enough." Lia had replied, rushing over to the console and began hacking the s**t out of it. "Just make sure that when these doors open, that you get in cover, in case, you know, giant death machines come out to murder us."

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  • " a straight way up!" Ghost said excitedly, running up the steps of the staircase -------- Surprisingly enough, the blast doors opened almost immediately, and a Bandit flew out of the doorway, crashing into the wall behind them. Serendipity visibly flinched, ducking to the side and glancing into the room, where a woman stood A second Bandit was suspended in the air, and the woman was laughing like a maniac "Gotcha..." She yelled at the suspended Bandit, flinging him into the wall and slowly turning to the doorway [spoiler]-Attack -Do Not Attack [/spoiler]

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  • Kasumi chuckled at Ghost. "Wait for me!" She replies, rushing up the steps with the Mandalorian. ----------------------- Lia yelled out, "HOLD YOUR FIRE, BOSH'TETS...and Serendipity." She walked up past the blast doors to this unknown woman, Glitch's SMG slightly raised in the direction of the woman. "Please don't tell me we'd have to repeat the train..." Lia mumbled to herself. [spoiler]And yes, I know it's Maya the Siren. Or whomever you call her.[/spoiler]

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  • After quite a few moments of running, they emerged onto the rooftop of one buildings that stood above the others. In the middle of the roof sat a large metallic pillarish structure, with wires going into it and down the sides of the building "Any idea how we take down a tower?" Ghost asked with a slight laugh, catching his breath ---------- "Train?" The woman asked, visibly tensing up "You weren't on the train... I know because I was there. Me, Axton, fúcking ninja dude..." She quickly trailed off, clearly referencing a second train possibly

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  • "Explosives, maybe? That always worked when Shep usually wanted to take something down quick." Kasumi had replied, revealing two sticky grenades she had left. -------------------- "Well....I'll admit she's at least open toward the idea of aliens landing on their planet to recruit them." Lia whispered to Serendipity. "I'm going to guess and say you're one of the people we need to recruit, yes?" The unmasked Quarian responded, walking up to the Siren.

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  • "I have two theremite grenades for whatever that's worth." Ghost said, pulling out his own grenades "I'm guessing we have to put them all on one side?" He said, walking towards the tower ---------- The Siren suddenly reached forward, wrapping her hand around Lia's neck and picking the now choking Quarian into the air "WOAH! Calm down! Lillith sent us." Serendipity yelled, raising her hands into the air as she stepped inside the security room The Siren dropped Lia, than looked at Serendipity with a large smile "Well why didn't you say so?!" She asked, looking down at Lia

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  • "I guess. Put it at the base, topple it over, then get the rest of the guys. Unless perhaps we could find more about the whole damn 'Project Fiora' and Militia stuff." Kasumi replied, arming her grenades to the side of the jamming tower. "Maybe afterwards, I could maybe convince Miranda and Noble to actually speed up their relationship." Kasumi whispered to herself. --------------------- "I...*cough* was getting to *cough* that." Lia had replied, trying to regain any type of air from nearly being choked to death, looking up to the Siren. "You're the Siren...*cough*...right?" She asks.

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  • "Heard that." Ghost said with a laugh as he placed his own grenades besides Kasumi's, taking a few steps back "Here we go." He told the thief, as she backed up as well. The grenades exploded, creating a beautiful area of colours that flew into the air. The metallic tower creaked, then toppled over and fell off the side of the building, crashing down below. Comms were on ------- "I'm one of them, yeah. Specifically Maya. What's it to ya?" The woman, apparently Maya, asked Lia, helping the Quarian to her feet

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  • Kasumi looked at the explosions in awe. "Holy crap...wish I had some sort of camera to record this." She responds...before she pulls out her Omni-tool, revealing that she had indeed recorded it. " what. Information, meeting up with the rest of the crew to make sure no-one's dead...up to you, really. I'm not the 'leader' type person like how Shep was." The thief responded, giving a wide grin toward the Mandalorian. ----------------------------- "We were recruit you. Outside Pandora...along with Lilith, and these two other nerve we've been searching for." Lia replies as she uses her Omni-tool to create the Milky Way. "There's a lot more going here than you think." Lia had started to explain, walking around the Siren. "There's a place called the Dojo; a place full of death, people that'll like you, and a bunch of species beyond your own. There's the level-headed turian's, the skinny but smart salarians...biotics, which'll be similar to you and Lilith..." She basically rambled on about everything about the Galaxy, and what she knew about the Dojo. She also briefly mentioned the Militia, and talked about the Alliance...and how Kaidan, a biotic Vanguard (she had to explain that too) almost tried to biotically charge Lilith.

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  • "We go find the rest of the crew of course! Can't do this alone, now can we?" Ghost said, pleased at the explosion. "Invictus Crew, please respond" Ghost said, presumably into the comms -------- After a bit of talking on Lia's part, Maya got fed up and placed her hand over the Quarians mouth. "Why do I give a shit about any of this exactly?" The Siren asked, looking at Scorch at Serendipity "Loot." Scorch said, causing Maya to nod approvingly "I'm in." The last few minutes of conversation suddenly fell null and void to the mention of loot, and Maya removed her hand from the Quarian's mouth "Let's go save some prisoners!!" Serendipity said excitedly, leaving the room

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