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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
4/28/2017 12:27:47 AM
Kasumi ended up activating her comms and began to talk to Glitch. "You want me to stab some sleeping pill on her? Kinda starting to remind me of Jack." The their whispered to the comms. "Personally, I don't want to piss her off more. I'd say belay that order." Kaidan whispered to his comm somewhat angrily, before yelling out, "Fine, we'll get your people out!" His body was flaring his biotics, a massive blue glow surrounding him. He looked like he was gonna biotically charge the next hung that moved.

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  • Ghost broke through the doorway of the main building, throwing a grenade into the hallway and then stepping out Screams came from onside as the grenade went off, creating an eerie silence. ------------- "Somewhere safe." Noble said, looking down

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  • Kasumi uncloaked, slowly going through the window. Lia went with Serendipity, wherever she was. --------------- "Maybe the Dojo? Or maybe we could take to the Citadel? Or Arcturus Station?" Kaidan had said, thinking of safe places to go.

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  • Kasumi entered into a barracks like area. Two bunk beds sat against either wall, and a few sleeping bags lay on the ground around the room. All of them were mostly empty, so she would be clear to go to the door which was on the far wall Serendipity moved around the side of the building along with two Raiders, moved towards a secondary entrance into the building. Though, Lia noticed a glint in of the windows, possibly an enemy position ----------- "We'll take her to the Citadel. I'm not sure about Dojo's healing, they're a destructive place after all." Noble said, moving towards the exit "Come on. We'll drop her off while the others are on planet."

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  • Kasumi walked through the door, weapon raised. "Please tell me there isn't anyone who wants to kill me through this door. --------------- Lia widen her Quarian eyes, launching an Incinerate to the glint. -------------------- "I'll notify them where to go. I'll also get someone at Huerta to find some private room to keep them in." He replies, searching through his Omni-tool.

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  • The door opened up into a hallway, to the right Ghost into a separate doorway, and on the left was a door at the end of a hallway ------------ The window Shattered downwards, and the glint disappeared as the Bandit ducked behind cover. Serendipity gave a thumbs up as she up to the window, gunning down the Bandit inside ---------- "Yeah. Come on, you might get a better signal from the Galactic map room." Noble exited the med Bay, moving towards the galaxy map

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  • "Well...maybe I'll go exploring." Kasumi thought, moving to the left, cloaking herself. ------------ She proceeded to enter cover on the wall, checking to see for anymore Bandits within the area. "Clear?" She asks. -------------------- Kaidan ended up getting a better signal, Miranda appearing on the holo-screen on his Omni-tool. "Alenko? Noble?" What's going on?" She asks. [spoiler]-Let Kaidan talk -Let Noble talk.[/spoiler]

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  • The door at the end of the hallway opened into a large small pathway. Walls ran down this pathway, all the way to a separate building with large open archways every few feet, with machine gun nests sitting at each archway Then, at the end of the pathway came yelling, a few bandits being seen. ------------ "Clear." Serendipity said, clambering into the room, and examining the inside of the room -------------- "Heyyyyyyy Miranda... We need a little favour. One of Crew members, Glitch, was shot and is now paralyzed from the waist down." Noble said, gesturing to Kaidan "He'll tell you what we need specifically, I'm needed in the cockpit." He nudged Kaidan, limping off towards the Cockpit where Iseph was

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  • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 5/2/2017 11:04:47 AM
    "Oh great...just my lucky day." Kasumi said to herself, slowly tip-toeing past the machine gun nest, while still cloaked. She was hoping there was some turret or something she could hack...or anything. --------------------- She jumped past the window, and looked for anything that might be...important. "You know, I'm still wondering why us people at the Migrant Fleet never heard of Hyperion. Maybe whoever knew about them outside Pandora was killed." She replied. -------------------- "So, I have to Lazarus her spine like I did to Shepard?" Miranda asked. Kaidan scratched his head with his other hand, before replying, "Um...yeah, you might have to do that. Get Chakwas to come with you; we're headed to the Citadel to keep her safe. I'll also get the salarians on board." "Alright...long as I'm being paid." Miranda sarcastically replied, before she chuckled, cutting comms with the Alliance Spectre. He cracked his head and began to contact the salarians, in hopes to get someone to help.

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  • Unfortunately, there weren't. The turrets were pointed towards the outside of the archways, and there was no way to move them as they were stuck in place. She passed by a few bandits who sat behind the nests, using the manchine guns as cover ---------------- "Do you think it might be because of -" Before she could finish the thought, the door leading into the room was kicked open by an Armoured figure The figure held a handgun, firing it twice into the chest of one of the Raiders, who promptly fell downwards. The second Raider turned his gun to the Bandit and fired off a number of shots, only for them to ricochet off of his armour

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  • She nonchalantly threw a sticky grenade to the middle of where the bandits were, before continuing to move toward the door at the end of the pathway. -------------------- "Keelah...." Lia gasped, before jumping into cover. "What's our plan; I'd say blow the bosh'tet up!" She replies.

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  • The grenade went off into an explosion and the bandits began yelling. Kasumi quickly reached the door, which opened as Bandit reinforcements came through it ------------ "AGREED!" Serendipity threw an Omni grenade, which stuck to the Bandit's armour. The explosion sent the Armoured man flying into the wall, and yet he got up

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  • Kasumi simply brushed pass the reinforcements, placing a sticky grenade on the back of one random bandit before proceeding through the doorway. -------------------- Lia threw two of her sticky grenades toward the enemy bandit, leaving her with just one more remaining. "Take that, you bosh'tet!" She yells out.

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  • The doorway led into a dining room like area, with several tables scattered throughout the room The grenade went off behind her, causing a panick through the Bandit ranks as some entered through the doorway, passing by Kasumi ---------- The grenades went off, and it was followed up by a third explosion from one of Serendipity's grenades. The Armoured man fell to his knees, than face first into the ground

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  • "These people can be idiots sometimes." She whispers to herself, searching for anything of importance. ------------------ Lia fired a second Incinerate to the man, following it with a full clip of Disruptor Ammo from her hacker friend's weapon. She sighs, as some sort of alert appeared on her helmet. [spoiler]Do you remember on how some Quarians ended up being able to take off their masks because of the Geth freeing them?[/spoiler]

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  • On one of the tables, were a few... Data pads? What were they doing here? There wasn't anyway that kind of tech could be here...right? --------- "HEY!" Serendipity yelled, lowering Lia's hand. "He's dead... Can't you see?" [spoiler]Yeah I remember [/spoiler]

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  • "Wait...why are there?" She whispered, grabbing one of the datapads to look at. "This shouldn't be here..." ---------------- She proceeds to look toward the dead corpse, kicking it multiple times. She looks toward Serendipity. "So...what now?"

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  • [quote]"Wait...why are there?" She whispered, grabbing one of the datapads to look at. "This shouldn't be here..." ---------------- She proceeds to look toward the dead corpse, kicking it multiple times. She looks toward Serendipity. "So...what now?"[/quote] The data pad was Encrypted. Heavily so. How, strong this encryption was, it seemed as if an alliance operative was the one doing the encrypting.... ------------- "We move through the rest of the compound. Raider, take Point." Serendipity motioned towards the door and the Raider nodded, going through the door from which the Bandit had come from Serendipity quickly followed suit, weapons raised.

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  • She looked at it, taking it from where it was, and began to encrypt it. "Alliance coding? Could someone have known about this place before us?" Kasumi thought in her head as she encrypted as much as she could from it. -------------------- Lia followed suit, Glitch's SMG in her hands, as she looks at the notification with...a bit of excitement. She looked to Serendipity, then back at the notification.

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  • The coding was advanced, And she was only able to pull out bits and pieces [i]For Pandora............. Kill...... Deimos.......... IMC........ MILITIA AND ALLIANCE NEGOTIATIONS SUCCESSFUL............ Concerns... Project Fiora.......... Livro....... [/i] That was all Kasumi could get before the data pad's screen fizzled, and turned black, wiping the whole thing ---------------- "You coming?" Serendipity asked from the hallway she had entered, peaking her head through the door

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  • "Oh crap." Kasumi had said to herself, activating her comms whilst uncloaking. "Ghost? Noble? Kaidan? Serendipity? Any of you there?" She asks, whilst checking the other datapads. ------------------------------ Lia looked to Serendipity. "Oh!" She ran to the Turian, as she stared at the notification. "I can finally do it." She said to herself.

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  • "Ghost here. Is that you Kasumi?" The Mandalorian's voice came over the comms, a bit quiet The other data pads contained various items: [i]2,000 Credits: 5,000 Credits: 1,500 Credits: 25 X 76 Y 160 Z: 12,000 credits and finally, a second note "..... Livro is at the head of Project Fiora....... bandits can be hired out?...... [/i] -------------- "Do what?" Serendipity asked, having heard Lia

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  • "Um...I think I may have found something that you might want to hear. Something about the Militia, Alliance...and some 'Project Fiora' stuff." She responds. "Something about this place feels...wrong." She replies through comms. -------------------------- "When the Geth gave sentience to all of us, some of the Geth were willing to sacrifice themselves; to allow us to breath air similiar to humans, or turian's. I just got the notifications that I can..." she responds, sounding like she was about to cry.

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  • "Project Fiora? What the hell.... I'm with you. I don't think this place is just a Bandit base gone wrong. Something's brewing. Is there anything else?" Ghost asked, a blaster being heard in the Background It was clear that he was in the middle of something, perhaps too busy to discuss anything important.... But then again he deserved to know, right? [spoiler]-Mention the credits and "Livro" -Mention only credits -Mention only Livro -Keep it to yourself(?)[/spoiler] ------------- "You can... Breath?" Serendipity asked, Clearly curious

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  • "Yeah, they also mentioned something about a "Livro" character. Possibly their head of the Project. Also got some credits, but I think there were coordinated strapped to them." She responds, walking around the room. ---------------------- "Y...yes!" She responds somewhat. She regained her composure, however. "But killing the bosh'tets is first. [spoiler]Just a heads up here: The picture I'm gonna show of her unmasked is basically fanart of Tali unmasked. She was never unmasked in the game and I couldn't find any other Quarian unmasked. However, it'll be close to what she looks like.[/spoiler]

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  • Ghost fell silent over the comms, most likely in deep thought. It took him a few moments, but he finally responded. "Coordinates? Might be worth checking out. Maybe there's more to this mystery than meets the eye..." ------------- "You sure want to wait that long?" Serendipity Asked, placing a hand on Lia's shoulder

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