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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by UltraCon79: 4/14/2017 6:28:45 PM

Get a job... Happy Easter, kids.

You Children without any liquid income are not the target demographic. The sooner you accept this the happier you will be. For "kids" that think that not preordering the game is going to somehow change the quality at release; you do understand that these games were already made years ago and that your purchase does not change them don't you? ●Good games like we had on NES, Sega, PS1 etc. were only complete games without DLC because the Internet had not yet become a viable media for the average consumer. ●It's not hidden. The whole point of DLC is to substitute for lack of subscription fees. Xbox and Playstation already charge you for using your own internet. Bungie needs income to maintain servers and make a profit. ●If it costs 20 million to make a game that means you need to net 60 million to cover the first game to fund it's servers and the next game to stay in business. ○Now you have a widely availibe online environment thanks in most part to the target demographic of working ages 25 to 40 with liquid income that allows Development to expand games from 25 gigabytes to well over 60 gigabytes. ○We in turn purchase these games and Internet subscriptions for you our [i]children.[/i] We buy your PS Network, Xbox Live, and we buy products placed in ads on your home screen that allow you the privilege to call yourself a "Gamer." You act as though there should be some kind of limitation on profit for Bungie, etc. as if there would be any games at all without any profit. ☆ ○Trees will stop being planted when you stop using paper. ○Ask yourself this, "How can I be opposed to preordering while at the same time I buy books, newspapers, or go to the movies?" ●When you don't preorder because you think the game is being cut up like a Pizza you are [i]actually[/i] asking for a game that did not have planned expansion and just because you knew some additional content had already been developed you [u]assume[/u] that it was cut from the original. [spoiler]Start at paragraph 3 and stop here.[/spoiler] You whine and moan about pay to win, but you gladly play all the content it funds. [quote]You can get a good look at a T- bone by sticking your head up a bulls a**, but I'd rather take the butchers word for it.[/quote] I gladly threw my money at my screen because I am an adult. I pay taxes for my streets. I pay taxes to feed the homeless people who live in my streets. I pay people to pump the crap from my toilets under my house. I pay for the guy who collects my garbage. But heaven forbid the company that adds a bit of enjoyment to my life make any profit on my preorder! Put simply if we all stop pre-ordering games today those games would not go to launch and we would never get to play them at all. [b][i][u]GET A JOB![/u][/i][/b] 1500+ Edit Day 3: Are you one of those kids with your hair sticking out from under the front of your crooked "baseball" cap and tight skinny jeans somehow still bunched up in the back? You look like you pooped your pants after a good window licking session. Toejam & Earl edit: people are complaining because I'm editing this post I see this as a live thread. Editing my thread is how I am able to respond to everyone at the same time and borrow other people's good insights in which case I always give them credit inside their original post.

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  • Another SJW. Wow!

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  • I think there is no hate. Simply, peoples want Bungie to be MORE serious about launch a good game. Destiny was good...and is still a bit good. But D2 should be better. I think pre-order will help D2 because Beta is when we provide all the feedbacks. Let's play the game we love.

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  • Edited by Erijian: 4/12/2017 8:21:05 PM
    It's like some people forget you can cancel your preorder. If you don't enjoy the open beta, cancel it. It's not that difficult. Also another thing to point out is that pre orders aren't going to change development on the game. This isn't a kick starter; Destiny 2 is likely finished and being polished currently or they're putting the final touches on it. They're not going to go "well, we didn't get x pre orders, let's cut this part out for DLC. "

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  • Ha! Jokes on you! I'm 16 in tiger years, so that means I'm 130 something. So I'm older than you!

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  • We're all consumers here. We all bought the game which means, yeah we're allowed to interject our opinions where they feel relevant. I'll gladly pay for something i enjoy playing. But dont pretend that Bungie is some developer struggling to make ends meat. They had a massive budget for the 1st game and look at the state it was in at release. At some point as a consumer you have to actually look at the amount you are getting for what u paid. I managed to get it for ~$35 day one which after i played through it felt about worth that. The game was gutted from the start. Neither of the dlc really came close to being worth $20. But you still had to pay if u wanted to play. That or u get blocked out of any relevant gameplay. At the moment there isnt really a reason to preorder Destiny 2. We havent seen anything from it other than a trailer that gives us no details on how the game is gonna run or if it'll b worth it. Its not gonna b sold out and impossible to find day one. The fact that the game is so close to release and we have just been shown anything is a bit concerning

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  • "Children can only start full-time work once they've reached the minimum school leaving age - they can then work up to a maximum of 40 hours a week. Once someone reaches 16, you may need to pay them through PAYE . Once someone reaches 18, adult employment rights and rules then apply." Not saying I disagree but "kids" (which in my eyes, is someone under 13), cannot legally get a job. I know you'll say "oh well if their not 16 then they can be a paperboy" but do you really think they're gonna want a 12 year old as a paperboy?

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  • I think you mistake our intent to not pre-order the game. At least you do with regards to myself. My whole stance on refusing to pre-order the game is less about thinking my decision will change the game at launch and more about wanting to see if the game is even going to be worth buying. I enjoyed the heck out of Y1 Destiny, and as they continued to make changes to the game through Y2 and Y3, I found my enjoyment of the game to be far reduced from when I first bought into the game. Given this, it makes complete sense to sit and wait to see how the game will be at launch before buying into the game. I want to see whether the game is more like Y1 or more like Y2 in terms of foundation. I want to know that doing the endgame will yield the best rewards in the game and they'll actually be worth chasing after (superior to what else is available). I want to know that PVE and PVP are separated so our great gear in PVE can stay that way for the duration of the title, rather than have to endure these stupid nerf cycles with minor buffs that never quite reset the weapons back to baseline, - but somehow, we're supposed to be thankful for them anyways. I want to see how Bungie manages the game with their new engine. They said they'd be able to respond and make changes to the game faster. Is this going to result in an improved gaming experience, or is it simply going to translate into more nerfs FASTER than they were able to pump out the nerfs in Y1? In PVP, are they going to start fighting the very nature of the game, or are they going to embrace a less-haloesque balancing approach and let Destiny thrive under balancing changes tuned for this game, not the game Bungie used to make. These are all things that we cannot know, even on the day of launch. It will take some time to observe how the game is managed. This has largely been Destiny 1's biggest downfall - the poor management of the game. Since we need to observe how the game unfolds both at launch and in the short-term following launch, it really makes no sense to buy in early and pre-order the game. This is doubly true when you consider that veteran players bought in for a premium in D1 and were in no better position than guardians who got a later start at a cheaper price. From a consumer standpoint, it just makes sense to hold back and take a wait-and-see approach.

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    • Edited by Psyggie: 4/12/2017 8:21:52 PM
      Edit: I'm an idiot.

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      • And stay off my lawn!

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        • I have a job, my own apartment, a car, pay for all of my bills, and I think pre-ordering ANYTHING is ignorant as shit.

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          • Hi, I have a job and spending my hard earned money on a half baked game is not a purchase decision I choose to make. Moreover, I am not preordering on principle, not because of employment status. You sir are a moron that makes some pretty huge assumptions. Obvious Trump supporter.

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            • Lol this is my favorite straw man. "You're just mad because you can't afford it" I wouldn't pay extra to eat shit. I wouldn't pre order a movie or song. My criticism of pre ordering and dlc has nothing to do with how much money I make.

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              • Completely agree. I work in a trade and at the end of a long and lucrative work day it is nice to know that some of my funds are actually going to something that brings enjoyment into my life. And being older and not having participation trophies handed to me, I know what WORKING HARD for what you want means. Helping a company that makes me happy I have no issues with at all. I have a PS Pro and Xbox One S both with Destiny. Hoodies, shirts, and other bullshit little things I have purchased that hopefully go to help a game that I want to continue to play.

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              • It costs so much because ppl are greedy. Although games back in the day were not as advanced as they are now, you could get one each week with your pocket money, £1.99 for a codemasters game for the spectrum for example. You could even buy magazines and type in the BASIC yourself for some games and play them for free (after you found the typos, lol). You didn't even need to preordered back then and the games were on a cassette. I don't really know where going with this, I can remember a big jump in price happening when consoles came out. I can honestly say I've never felt so ripped off as I did with destiny, I think it was all the expectation of better things on the horizon so you keep investing your time. I was amazed when a mate said he finished TDB dlc in one night and it was £20 gone. I never minded paying sub's in WoW, there was always something to do. Something just doesn't sit right with me for destiny. I still have that feeling I have been played. The other thing that bugs me is advancement in technology. It is supposed to make things easier, so should be cheaper to do, so why do the costs skyrocket year after year?

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                • Seriously though. People complain about fees as if Bungie owes them something. Things to remember: 1) Games cost way more to fund now then they used to. 2) Bungie/Activision is a company. One of their main goals is to make as much money as possible. 3) It is your choice to buy the product which is in fact a license to play the content not the actual game.

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                • It's your money, use it when you need it

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                  • Yeah man, pre ordering also gets you a cayde 6 figure as well as beta if you pre order in gamestop

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                    5 Replies
                    • I played Pong when it first came out. Not much content for the money. I'll gladly pay $60-$120 for a game that I play for hundreds of hours.

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                    • 14 years old- i pay for my own xbl, bought my own xbox one, all my own games (except i got one for birthday), and buy my own destiny dlc's. I purchase my own controllers and headsets. So this post means nothing to me

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                      9 Replies
                      • You realise you can have alot of money and still make good decisions as a consumer? That you can't grasp this simple concept says alot about you. That you assume you know ANYTHING about running a multimillion dollar business says even more about you. Not disagreeing with your core point, but how you presented your post makes you look like a -blam!-ing bellend which takes away any sliver of credibility you had in the first place.

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                      • No one cares

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                      • One of the best posts I have had the pleasure of reading,hit the nail on the head, All the best guardian, : )

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                      • [quote]Put simply if we all stop pre-ordering games today those games would not go to launch and we would never get to play them at all.[/quote] Was all good until I read that. If you think pre-orders dictate whether a game is released or not there's something wrong with your head. Pre-orders aren't even allowed until a game is announced meaning there has already been time and money sunk into a game. Devs and Pubs would rather release a game with no pre-orders then keep scrapping them just because there is none. I don't care for the whole to pre-order or not to debacle as it's pointless. Do what you want with your money. As for the target audience, you are wrong. Destiny is rated T for teen, it's not directed towards adults. The game is tailored towards kids to want the game so their parents will buy the product. More teen/kid gamers then adults and companies know these. I'm confused, you had some good points but it just seems like you don't know how a company or economics really work. Unless I read your post all wrong, I wasn't reading it entirely but just points. Soooo....?

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                      • Well said!

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                      • Valid points all around. Gaming is an economy. The less money that flows through it, the less product that will be on the market. I am all for getting the best value for my gaming pleasure, but ultimately paying for the games I enjoy help keep them around.

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