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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
3/31/2017 12:18:00 AM
"Fire!" The Enforcer begins to lay salvos on his targets. One barrage hits the life support system. After a brief shouting, the target explodes violently. The other two's suits rupture, and small jets of ethanol spit from the suits. Bullets immediately begin to rain down on their position, the ground freezing where they impacted. One of the Vulpecula, a femenine form with a massive gold chunk on her back, gave a rallying cry in a harsh language. "OooooohitsambassadorCralessshedoesnotlikeme...Serendepity, now!" Steel began to strafe around the camp as the Vulpecula Ambassador took potshots at him with a massive Crank-action sniper rifle.

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  • [b]Noble fired off two rounds, before rolling to the side and rising up, sprinting around the side of the camp. Serendipity quickly came in for a lateral strafe, doing what was instructed of her [/b]

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  • The Vulpecula began to split their attention between the three. The Ambassador scored a lucky shot on Noble. The round didn't stand a chance against the Spartan's shielding, but he felt a severe temperature drop near the impact point. Several more intelligent Vulpecula grabbed some large, heavy looking weapons. Taking aim at the gunship, massive beams poured from the devices. One made a close graze with the canopy, and frost coated the windshield.

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  • Serendipity: "Shit! I'm pulling up. Gonna round back..." [b]Serendipity pulled the ship into the air and into the clouds, invisible for a short duration Noble went prone once more, shots roaring over his head[/b]

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  • "Oh! The AA lasers. Just use the defroster! It'ssss, uh, three over and one down from the AC. Red square. Don't mistake it for the burgundy rectangle, that vents the fusion reactor." Steel kept unloading salvos into the camp, slowly moving forward. The ambassador climbed onto a hovering motorbike, and whizzed off undetected.

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  • Serendipity: "Alright I pressed it! What's gonna happen?!" [b]Noble moved up, taking down two of the enemy troops with three shots before ducking down again [/b]

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  • "Serendipity, it's a windshield defroster. It clears the frost." Moving into the camp, Steel decapitated a Vulpecula with his siege blade. Reaching the dig site, he looked down into the pit. "It's... It's not here! Crelass! She took it back to some sort of base camp! Seren, get down here! I've found their central computer, gonna need those omni-tools to help download!" Pressing a series of keys on his Datapad, a holographic range appeared on the HMD of Noble and Serendipity. Just in earshot, the rumbling of engines grew louder. "Get the Gunship on the ground! Those are assault tanks, shatter the hull in a second!"

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  • Seren: "YOU COULD HAVE DESCRIBED IT LIKE THAT RIGHT AWAY YA KNOW!" [b]The ship broke through the clouds, and began hovering two feet off the ground. Noble quickly entered the camp, standing by Steel's side [/b]

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  • "Do you not have defrosters on Palaven? I thought it would be self-explanatory." As she got close to the data-point, her omni-tool began to transfer exabytes upon exabytes of data to the LTT. It beeped as it hit maximum transfer rate, even. The tanks crested the ridge of the dig site, immediately opening fire with cryo-lasers. Each time a beam impacted something, a lightning bolt-like effect caused the air around the beam to freeze into solid ice, then promptly burst into millions of razor-sharp shards. As the tanks provided cover, Vulpecula poured into the site, wielding equally chilling rifles. "None of my weapons can get through the hull of those in one barrage! Only a full artillery strike can take one down, and I'm not connected to a network!"

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  • Serendipity: "PLEASE HOLD!" [b]He comms cut off for a moment. Then two moments. When she finally came back, she sounded excited [/b] Serendipity: "One moment!" [b]Above their heads, Four alliance Kodiak soared, firing rockets and cannons at the tanks [/b]

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  • With the tanks spread fairly far apart, the Kodiak's weren't able to take full effect before pulling off. However, twelve of the twenty had exploded in brilliant blue light as their reactors detonated under the stress. "Damn! Beat my record by four! Here, use this one on 'em!" Pressing a button on his datapad, a massive cruise missile launcher (Like maybe 8 feet long) appeared out of thin air next to Serendipity. Some basic instructions popped up in a holoscreen, explaining how to fire the weapon. The Enforcer poked his head out of cover, suppressing the advancing Vulpecula.

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  • [b]The cockpit opened, and she took the missile launcher in her hands, picking it up and firing [/b]

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  • As she pulled the trigger, massive tripod legs extended from the back of the launcher to the ground. Massive spikes implanted into the ground, stabilizing the Turian. The missile on the top sailed out at nearly the speed of sound, impacting one of the tanks. After the explosion cleared, it revealed that the tanks were protected by a magnetic shield, and it had escaped unscathed.

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  • Noble: "Greaaaaaaat. Just great. Protected by a weird shield thing." Serendipity: "WE DO NOT NEED YOUR BULL RIGHT NOW!"

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  • Edited by Monarch Neo: 4/6/2017 1:00:38 AM
    "Hang on, I think I can pull someone into Takati from my world! If I'm remembering correctly, the Harmonizer's energy field is still strong enough for me to send one ping across!" A list of specialists showed up on the two's HMD. [spoiler]Dice (Commando specialist) (Think Kai-leng but not evil) Icebreaker (Seige specialist) Red Menace (Demolition specialist) Trenches (Defensive specialist) High-ground (Fortification specialist) Eyeball (Security specialist) Peanut (Guerrilla specialist) Inkstain (Ranged specialist)[/spoiler]

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  • Noble: "Bring in Red Menace. We need explosives! Badly!"

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  • "On it!" Pressing a series of buttons on his datapad, Steel pointed at the center of the dig site. The air above turned into a swirling mass of energy, which soon dispersed. In it's place was a massive man, reaching seven feet, brandishing an array of grenade launchers, laser cannons, and grenades. In his hands was a bolt action shotgun, of all things. After a brief look around the area, he opened fire on a Vulpecula. Every round that impacted the alien burst into electricity. "What is even happening I am so confused!" He shouted, taking cover alongside Noble. His accent was clearly Russian.

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  • Noble: "Hello! Are you the Red Menace?" [spoiler]is that a fúcking communism reference [/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Monarch Neo: 4/6/2017 7:05:31 PM
    [spoiler]I N D E E D[/spoiler] "Oi! How do you know who I-" He cuts off as he noticed The Enforcer. "Richard! You told them my nickname!? The hell man?!" Richard, who was currently suppressing an advancing squad, shouted back. "It's what I had you as in my contact list!" Red Menace shook his head, looking back at Noble. He held out his trigger hand. "Uh, just a nickname I had while we were younger. I'm Yeong-Ho PGNMB Steel. I'd expand on the abbreviation, but it's a mouthful." He tossed a grenade over the cover.

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  • Noble: "I'm Noble. Is it alright if I stick with Red?" [b]Noble tossed a grenade out to the tanks, ducking down [/b]

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  • "Fine, that works. Here, try this one, should take out the shields. Then I'll hit it with some AT Grenades." He handed Noble his shotgun, which had a massive, 60 slug magazine. Or rather, capacitor magazine. Meanwhile, he unslung one of the several grenade launchers off his belt. "Endzone! Uh... Spiky thing! Keep these foot legates down!" The Enforcer nodded, beginning to draw the fire of the Vulpecula troopers.

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  • [b]Serendipity quickly moved over to Steel, providing assistance while Noble moved towards the tanks and fired [/b]

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  • Edited by Monarch Neo: 4/6/2017 10:08:08 PM
    Whichever tank Noble focused on progressively glowed more blue as capacitors discharged on impact with the shields. Finally, it broke in a massive flare-up, not too different from a Spartan's shield. Red Menace poked his launcher out of cover, firing six grenades at the weakened armor plating. Each grenade detonated twice, filling the highly air-conditioned cabin with molten metal. Gutteral screams came from the inside as the crew literally ignited into blue flame under the heat. [spoiler]hint hint no exploded[/spoiler]

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  • [b]Noble backed up, ducking down into what looked like a dug up fox hole. As the next tank passed him, he jumped out and shot it in the side of the armor [/b]

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