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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
3/21/2017 3:34:33 PM
Jace, clad in his smouldering armor, walked towards the crowd He unsheathed his Hollowslayer's Greatsword, and walked a little faster "What's the meaning of this?"

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  • [i]arvira didn't see him just yet cause had teleported randomly and ended up behind him. The crowd of people still hot on her heels. But they stopped when they seen him with his sword drawn. Arvira realizing that they were no longer following her turns around and sees him. She watches a man approaching from the crowd wearing a pastor clothes carrying a bible under one arm. He had deep voice as he spoke. "Hand the abomination over let me purify her tainted soul. She's possessed by demons"says the man Arvira hid behind the man clearly terrified about being chased and didn't want to exorcised. "Dont let them take me"says arvira She looks up at the man as she hides behind him.[/i]

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  • "Demons? Go back to your homes, she is no demon." He sighed "I have seen demons, I have seen gods. She is neither, which is a good thing, else you would all be dead."

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  • [i]"she is though dont let her fool you"[/i]

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  • "I suggest you leave my sight before you see a true horror." He said with sudden venom and malice, taking his sword with both hands

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  • [i]angry murmurs spread through the crowd as they all started to leave. "You will come to regret your decision sir make my words demons are nothing but trouble..."says the man He then turns and walks away mumbling to himself.[/i]

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  • He turned to the girl "Are you okay?"

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  • "Yeah im fine thanks for getting them to go away. I couldn't given them slip like i normally can"she says [i]she was still a little uneasy about the whole ordeal. But it was surprising though how young the girl looked because she looked no older than six. She was a lot smaller than him as she looked up at him.[/i]

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  • He sheathed the sword "Don't you got a ma and pa to go back to?"

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  • Edited by NightBloomsFell: 3/21/2017 8:30:05 PM
    "I did...but im a orphan now"she says [i]she looks down at her feet and didn't really expect him to believe her at all. But she did speak that truth. [/i] "Im always on the move cause people don't like being around a girl who possessed by demons..."she says

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  • "So you are a demon? You don't seem so bad." He got on a knee to be level with her "How long have you been on your own?"

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  • "A couple years now i dont stay in one place for very long because of other people..trying to get rid of the demons reside in me..."she says [i]she had been alone for along time since her parents were killed always on the move never really staying anywhere longer than a month.[/i] "I mostly keep to myself but im never lonely cause i n hear them and sometimes they possess my doll then talk to through it"she says [i]she holds up a very creepy faceless doll that she had in her pocket.[/i] "Im not fond religious people they aren't nice"she says

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  • "I could take care of you, if you want" He offered

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  • "Are you sure though i dont wanna burden you mister everywhere i go trouble follows"she says

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  • He laughed "I've faced worse. You'll be fine" he offered his hand, lifting up the visor on his helmet with his free hand so she could see his face " does it sound?"

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  • "Yes I guess that it couldnt hurt my name is arvira"she says [i]she looks at him the eyes when he raises his visor.[/i]

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  • He smiled, his blue eyes gazing at her "I'm Jace Thrane. Pleased to meet your aquiantance" He still held out his hand

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  • "Its nice too meet you jace"says arvira [i]she then takes and holds his outstretched hand with her small one. [/i]

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  • He clasped her hand gently "I don't really have a place to live besides a room I'm renting in an inn nearby, is that fine?"

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  • "Yeah its better than where i was normally sleeping."says arvira [i]the last place she had slept was in a pile of leave on the ground. Its a while been since she slept inside.[/i]

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  • He smiled, and pulled her onto his back piggy-back style. It was a bit awkward with the scabbard on his back, but he smiled "So, how are you?"

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  • [i]she surprisingly light when she gets pulled on to his back piggyback style. She hangs on though scabbard on his back not really bothered by it.[/i] "Im good despite being chased earlier"says arvira

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  • "Good. Would you like something to eat?" he started walking towards town

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  • "Yeah im kinda of hungry"says arvira [i]her stomach growled loudly soon after she mentioned that she was hungry.[/i]

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  • "Alright" He stopped outside a Cafe, and deposited her into a chair "What do you want?"

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  • [i]her feet didn't really reach the ground at all when she in the chair.[/i] "A peanut butter and jelly sandwich please"says arvira

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