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2/27/2017 1:57:46 AM
RJ: Come on guys, we need a battle cry! Dawn: f-For what exactly? LusciousCookies: WHY, FOR OUR CRUCIBLE TEAM! SHOW OUR OPPONENTS WE MEAN BUSINESS Dawn: Oh! Um..... Ok! I will start to come up with one? Ventis: I think I have one that will satisfy everyone. I can't translate Traveler into Latin, but let's go with it anyway! [u][b]DEUS VULT![/b][/u] Everyone: [b][u]DEUS VULT![/u][/b] Is that an acceptable continuation?

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  • Edited by lusciouscookies: 3/3/2017 1:50:37 AM
    *10 minutes into the match* RJ: "Hey Prof! Check out my sweet double kill!" Lusciouscookies: "WELL DONE, GOOD SIR! AN EXCELLENT EFFORT!" Ventis: "But sir, all he ever does is just sitting on this tree with a sniper rifle." Lusciouscookies: "ANY EFFORT TO THIS BATTLE IS ALWAYS WELCOMED, YOUNG VENTIS! A GUARDIAN ADAPTS TO THE BATTLEFIELD, TO ACHIEVE VICTORY!" RJ: "Yeah! You tell that floofer off professor!" Lusciouscookies: "AH! BUT RJ, GOOD SQUIRE, SURELY YOU YOURSELF, HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN MY WORDS SO SOON?" RJ: "What are yo-" *His head explodes, as it was simultaneously pierced by 3 different snipers!* "AAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGHHH!!! IT HUUURTS!!!!" RJ yelled through his Ghost. Lusciouscookies: "NEVER FORGET, YOUNG SQUIRE! THAT AS SURELY AS YOU ADAPT TO THE BATTLE, SO TOO, SHALL YOUR OPPONENTS!" Ventis: "Sir! Those shots came from that building over there!" Lusciouscookies: "AN ASTUTE OBSERVATION, GOOD SQUIRE! NOW, HOW SHALL YOU OVERCOME SUCH ADVERSITY?" *Ventis turns away, deep in thought* Ventis: "Well sir, we can't win them at range, since there are 3 of them. I will wait for RJ to respawn, and we will try to get as close as possible, which will decrease the effectiveness of their snipers, giving us the upper hand. How is that plan, Professor?" *Ventis turns back, coming face to face with a Ornate Ghost" Lusciouscookies: "A MOST EXCELLENT STRATEGY, YOUNG VENTIS! A ROUND OF APPLAUSE IS IN ORDER, BUT UNFORTUNATELY, THAT DASTARDLY SNIPER MADE MY HEAD EXPLODE!" Ventis: " Wait, wha-" *A sniper bullet zips by Ventis's head, causing him to scurry away* "OH SHIT!" Lusciouscookies: "YOU ARE QUITE RIGHT TO GET CLOSER, BUT I WOULD SUGGEST YOU PROCEED WITH HASTE, GOOD SIR!" *The Ghost disappears, leaving Ventis all alone.* Ventis: "Professor, wait!" *Bullets whizz by his head* "Oh crap." *Lusciouscookies respawns near Dawn, who is crying and hiding in a corner* Lusciouscookies PRAISES THE LIGHT: "DAWN, GOOD SQUIRE! HO-" Dawn: "AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEE!!!!" *Empties her entire auto-rifle clip into Lusciouscookies* Lusciouscookies: "DAWN, GOOD LASS, WHAT EVER WERE YOU THINKING?" Dawn: "I-I-I'm sorry!" Lusciouscookies: "A TITAN WITHOUT A SHOTGUN?! PREPOSTEROUS!" *Hands Dawn a shotgun* Lusciouscookies: "HERE, TRY AGAIN! THIS TIME WITH FEELING!" *Dawn nervously takes it* Dawn: "B-b-but, P-professor, I've never u-used one before..." Lusciouscookies: " GOOD DAWN, THERE IS NOTHING TO FRET! A TITAN WILL ALWAYS KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH A SHOTGUN, IT IS IN THEIR BLOOD, PASSED DOWN FROM GENERATIONS!" Dawn: "B-b-but sir, d-don't you need it?" *Lusciouscookies pulls out a wicked looking weapon, an alien-looking thing that Dawn doesn't recognise* Lusciouscookies: "NONSENSE DAWN, I WILL BE FINE! NOW FIND YOUR FRIENDS, I HAVE AN IMPORTANT PARTY TO ATTEND!" *Back in the building, the 3 enemy Guardians, 2 Hunters and a Titan, unloaded round after round, still taking potshots at Ventis* Guardian 1: "HAH! Look at that noob, I bet he doesn't even have a ELO score over 1000." Guardian 2: "Yeah, this scrub is easy points. Isn't he too young to be in Crucible anyway?" Guardian 3: "Who cares, we are owning these noobs, let's just farm them for ELO and-" *Hssst!* *The Lord of Wolves sputtered​ to life behind them, the flames from the barrel casting a fiery glow on Lusciouscookies* Lusciouscookies: "Hello." *The 3 Guardians immediately turned around, reaching for their other weapons.* Lusciouscookies: "Goodbye." The weapon roared once, and a Hunter fell with a scream, his body riddled with shrapnel. The weapon roared twice, but this time, the second Hunter had his handcannon out, and popped a round into Luscious's shoulder before his head was shredded clean off. It was enough to jar Luscious's aim, however, despite his shield preventing any lasting harm. The third burst sailed clean over the Titan's head, as he tackled him to the ground, sending the Lord of Wolves clattering away. The Titan went to work, raining thunderous blows on Luscious, each electrically-charged strike even more deadly than actual bullets. His shields was shredded like paper, and Luscious's armour served little defence against the assault, caving in like his EXO body as if he was a tin can. It was times like this, Lusciouscookies wondered why EXOs were programmed to feel pain. "You trying to mess my ELO, scrub?" The Titan sneered, shattering Luscious's hand (and the knife it held) in a fluid motion. Charging his hands full of electricity, the Titan stood over the broken, but miraculously alive EXO. "Just so you know, you are gonna get T-bagged sooo hard!" The Titan sneered, as his fist cried hav- *SPUNCH!* The electricity abruptly faded away, as the Titan fell flat next to Lusciouscookies, minus his head. "NOOOOOOO -blam!-IN', SCOOOOOOOOOPE!!!!!" RJ screamed in ecstasy, running over with a sniper rifle to admire his handiwork. Lusciouscookies: "A MOST EXCELLENT SHOT, RJ! YOU SHOT HIM, AND YOU SHOT HIM GOOD!" RJ looked at Lusciouscookies, who was slowly recovering from his battering, then back at the Ghost hovering over the slain Titan. RJ: "Can I....?" Lusciouscookies: "WELL YOUNG RJ, I DO CONDONE THE DASTARDLY BAGS, BUT I THINK YOU EARNED THIS ONE!" RJ, tears welling in his face, gave a nod as he went to the Titan, undoing his pants. Dead Titan: "Don't you -blam!-ing dare." "DON'T YOU -blam!-ING DARE, KID!" "DON'T!" "NO!" "NOOOOOOO!!!"

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  • [quote] RJ, tears welling in his face, gave a nod as he went to the Titan, undoing his pants. Dead Titan: "Don't you -blam!-ing dare." "DON'T YOU -blam!-ING DARE, KID!" "DON'T!" "NO!" "NOOOOOOO!!!"[/quote] HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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  • Epic! Easy choice for Bravecole. [spoiler]this time with feeling[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by lusciouscookies: 2/28/2017 1:38:52 AM
    The 2 other solo guardians looked at each other. "Did those guys just shout "Gape my Ass"???" The Warlock whispers incredulously.

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