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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Sardonyx: 2/25/2017 5:37:59 AM
"Operation Freedom's Sentinel...?" [b]Out Atmosphere. Broadcast on all outlets. ==========================[/b] [b]The screens, radios, and other forms of news outlets fizzled, turning to a white static and buzzing for a second, then flipped to a new image. A finely dressed man appeared, older, possibly roughly in his sixties by the way his bald head and grayish white beard looked. He was in uniform, an odd navy blue color with steel trimmings and metal decorations. A symbol was seen on his zip up tunic, possibly his rank. Then, he cleared his throat, and spoke, sounding all too serious, yet oddly helpful, charismatic, and open.[/b] "People of the, eh, Dojo-?" [b]He sounded unsure, saying the name uneasily.[/b] "I am Admiral James Cutter, of the Intergalactic Fleet, IF, of the eastern region of the galaxy. The Dread menace that has attacked you, has also raided several other planets. One of them being a colony world under the jurisdiction of the government and military I work for. After said raid, we sought the menace, and have in turn helped each world ransacked by them rebuild. So, as per our promise, here we are. The IF fleet will be within your atmosphere within the hour, a few carriers to start with. We do not wish to impede on your nation or your beliefs, only wishing to help you rebuild and possibly go farther than where you where before the Dread attacked. The way we plan to do this, is by working with your current leaders to devise a work force consisting of your peoples, paying them in kind, and putting them to work using the raw materials, devises, and schematics we provide. This will in turn stop your society from collapsing, and as well aid in rebuilding what once was your world. Any issues or problems that turn up will hopefully be solved diplomatically, and if not, we will in turn leave your planet be, withdraw, and leave you to your own means of rebuilding." [b]At the last not, he looks slightly down, his head tilting but his eyes remaining looking at the recording device. Then, he looked back up [/b] "Now then, if any issues arise, simply send a message by bouncing our signal back at us. For now though. Admiral Cutter, signing off." [b]At that, he looked down at the desk he sat at, hitting a button as the view screen shut off, then flicked to an image of an odd bird like creature holding rifles in its talons, and several planets under it. The words IF and DSI on each side of it. After a minute, the image cleared, and everything went back to normal. Hours later, a frigate appeared in orbit, remaining there as dropships where sent to what was presumed as the main government building of the Dojo. News stations got feed going of the main frigate, and any ships departing or boarding it. Some going as far as to call the whole situation "Operation Freedom's Sentinel."[/b] [spoiler]Open to character reactions only Dojo leaders if possible[/spoiler]

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  • "Boss..." "[i]no[/i], Cravis. I am the one who makes the decisions here." "But... boss.... don't you think it isn't the most sociable course of action once you make contact with an advanced people to [i]rifle through their databases to see if they have anything to hide[/i]? What if they're listening in on us?" "I've fully shielded everything here to everything but me. And since when am I a welcoming host?" "Boss..." "[i]no.[/i]"

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  • Mau shakes his head and sighs right when he sees the broadcast. He was walking down the street when he noticed the broadcast through the window of a store. The man doesn't seem to happy with what he heard. "Damnit. More sh*t that can get in the way. I hope they'll be gone before White Matter Corp. gets here or sh*t might hit the fan in truck loads. Hmm.....Maybe I should call them and see." [i]He grabs a small communications devices out of a pouch and signals the source of the message.[/i]

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  • [b]The signal routed, unknown to him was the fact an AI in an instant had rifled through his files and systems. Then its voice responded, sounding cool and collected. It was a feminine voice, but he couldn't tell the difference between human and AI immediately.[/b] "Hello. I am Meridia, AI to the Intergalactic Fleet and the Deep Space Investigation Division. I have been tasked with dealing with any problems and concerns that may appear with our latest efforts. How may I help you?"

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  • [i]There are little to no files or systems to go through inside the small device that only communicates. He speaks as friendly as he can.[/i] "Hello, Meridia. May I ask where your fleet came from."

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  • "Information classified until further relations with the Dojo government are made and stabilized. As per orders of DSID, no coordinates or locations are to be given at the current moment."

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  • "Uh huh...." [i]He thinks for a second before asking something else.[/i] "What's the purpose behind helping a place as small as the Dojo again?"

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  • "The Dojo is not a small place. There are several other nations and cities located on the planet, all of which have been destroyed by the Dread invasion. The IF made it their goal to end the Dread for good, and help any victims they have claimed."

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  • "That doesn't make sense." [i]He gets a little annoyed at the answer.[/i] "With something this big there's always a greedy reason for the big person helping the small one. You're helping victims to get something out of them, aren't you? I've dealt with this stuff before...been on both ends honestly."

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  • "I am an AI, I do not know what the Admiral's goal is aside from actual compassion as to the people who suffer at the hands of the Dread. If needed, footage can be shown. Other than the Admiral, Jorge Rahkam runs the DSID, and his intentions I do not know."

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  • [i]Mau sighs and takes a deep breath. [/i] "You're a heavily limited AI. I won't get anything out of you. I think I'm done with my questions. Hopefully everything works out. Goodbye." [i]He hangs up.[/i]

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  • [b]A bug was slipped into his device then, going about unnoticed and undetectable due to the foreign programming it originated from. It broadcasted back to DSID what went on within the device, the connections, and any other thing it could worm IRS way into.[/b] [spoiler]end[/spoiler]

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  • [i]The extremely paranoid man was counting on it...[/i]

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  • The red armoured samurai listened to the broadcast eagerly. An entire armada here to help? What could possibly go wrong? However they really did not have too much to fix. Dojoville was by no means massive, and on average has 5000 people present. It was the major cities that seemed to be safe from any form of attack that were actually large. So this seemed like a short temporary deal that Tesuto could take advantage of. He messaged the source back through his own communicator. "Hello?" He greeted. "This is Tesuto, Gatekeeper of the Dojo."

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  • [b]The signal routed, unknown to him was the fact an AI in an instant had rifled through his files and systems. Then its voice responded, sounding cool and collected. It was a feminine voice, but he couldn't tell the difference between human and AI immediately.[/b] "Hello. I am Meridia, AI to the Intergalactic Fleet and the Deep Space Investigation Division. I have been tasked with dealing with any problems and concerns that may appear with our latest efforts. How may I help you?"

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  • Edited by Inflatablepants: 2/25/2017 2:21:34 PM
    Any files it found could be found on the internet. Nothing significant was uncovered. Considering Tesuto was also an A.I of sorts, and not some dumb cuck running on windows 10, he actually did take notice of this quick infiltration. Making him much more suspicious of this fleets intentions. "You seek to assist in the finding of raw materials and construction crews to help build the cities and towns back up, is that correct?" He asked.

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  • "Yes. Materials and resources will be provided, as well as mining will go on to provide more in the case the fleet runs out. The goal is to rebuild most of the planet, and then move on to track the Dread again."

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  • "We've seen large attacks before, however. We have always rebuilt. I'm curious as to what you can find in it for yourselves if you assist in this matter. Do you seek the planets resources?"

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  • "The planets under IF control supply enough resources. The reason why we chose to help is due to the fact most civilizations are destroyed by the Dread."

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  • "But there must be some profit in it for you. Do not understand me, it is not out of suspicious that I ask you this. But your company will be spending a LOT of money in assisting the planet without any form of return. Even the largest organizations have fallen for less." While Tesuto said this, the fact was he actually was suspicious of how a company that came from seamlessly no where wants to assist in such a matter.

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  • "We are not a company. The planets under IF jurisdiction supply the rest the galactic empire. We have more than enough to be doing this. The only thing expected in return is an easy leave and possible trade."

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  • "Well you would definitely have a fantastic advertisement once you leave." Tesuto put. "Helping an entire planet rebuild will do that."

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  • "Then hopefully nothing bad comes out of this whole ordeal."

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  • "Do you think something will?" The samurai asked. "How have cases on other planets resorted themselves?"

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  • "We always expect some form of resistance. It has happened sometimes on other planets we chose to help. Usually patriots who only see the image, not the whole picture."

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  • "Considering Tatakai is not even close to being unified, you would likely have to deal with that city by city. As long as your intentions are honourable i see no reason to turn you away."

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