Kinderguardians are being put on hold. They'll be back very soon though. Maybe a couple days.
Cool, they are great stories, keep up the good work!
It's kinda hard to keep us down hehe [spoiler]especially Dawn [b][i]shudders[/i][/b][/spoiler]
Then it dawns on you that Cole will probably make our stories 2 days after this post
Hehe [b]dawns[/b]🤣🤣🤣😂
pun intended. a similar joke is when someone had a ward of dawn instead of a smash. it dawned on him. literally
That happens when I play a Titan way too often
I propped hammers in WoTM when i shoulda put bubble, and my teammate died. WIPE i propped bubble when i should have cleared ads in Siege Engine. WIPE (bubble misplace) I prop Smash on Aksis when im supposed to put bubble. WIPE (I dont even have smash yet) I get insta killed by a sniper shank. WIPE (i had no ammo and no time)