Now, I have the time, to explain everything..."
Bookmark this, like this, hate this, but mark my words... This is how they will be starting up the hype. You heard it hear first.
Edit: Some masterminds on Reddit (and probably here too) already made a thread similar to this. For those who haven't seen those: You heard it here first, so remember me... plz.
E3 presentation. "A new evil appeared, prepare to fight it together with your loyal hacker ghost, beware the DROGS guardian! *you see dregs but with glowing sticks on*" Your space lover is hear our guardian saying NOOO for the first time ever...crowd starts crying. Showing pvp content: guns who kill and guns who dont montage. Everything but the loading screen is included in our 40$ season pass. Preorder now to get oryxs special exotic that is overpowered by any legendary, an exotic shiny ghost that does nothing and the best looking class item where it shows Bungie stealing your wallet. Only for 60$ Legendary edition 80$ Deluxe edition 110$ Created by Money Bingie