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1/15/2017 2:50:34 PM

Which of the three main Borderlands was the best?

Borderlands 1


Borderlands 2


Borderlands The Pre Sequel


What did you like about each one that made them stand out to you? Personally, I have a mix between 2 and TPS.

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  • Wow, kinda feel in the minority now as I prefer the first game. I can't exactly pin it down why I prefer Borderlands 1 over 2 as theoretically 2 should be the superior game. The graphics are improved, it introduced memorable new characters, environments are more varied, theres new weapon types and the character skills are better thought out and more fun to use. However the Borderlands series to me has always been about two things, the shooting and the looting; and I feel like Borderlands 2 fundamentally failed on both these aspects especially when compared to the original. The shooting felt subpar mainly because of the ridiculous enemy scaling. You'd find a weapon at the appropriate level and it would do well against enemies; however give it a level or two and then it suddenly becomes useless and you're back to struggling until you can find the next gun. This only got worse as more difficulty levels were added such as the OP Levels but I'll discuss more of that later. In Borderlands 1, the enemies didn't scale to the levels it does in 2; you could find a gun and have it continue to be effective even way past it's level. An example of this would be a Combustion Hellfire I found at level 14, I continued to use it all the way up until the Destroyer and it still melted enemies. This may just be due to it being a Combustion motherf*cking Hellfire (which we all know is borderline OP in Borderlands 1) however the same still applies to most other weapons to a lesser extent. The looting is the main thing that got me about this game. In the first game, legendaries dropped a bit more frequently and from more sources; this helped the journey through the game to continue smoothly and getting a legendary randomly from a chest was a great feeling. In Borderlands 2 though, most legendary weapons were given designated boss drop locations which meant you were very unlikely to get a legendary unless it dropped from a boss and even then you know what you're going to get unless it's your first time playing through the game. Making the bosses drop designated legendaries kinda took the random element/surpise of getting a weapon from a boss and just made the game feel grindy as a result. It was annoying farming a boss for a particular item for an extended period of time, levelling up and having the item become near obsolete and then have to go and farm for a new weapon all over again. Going back to the OP Levels, Borderlands 2 annoys me in the fact that you need a specific setup at the higher difficulties if you still want to do well. Some characters like Axton even become irrelevant at the higher levels of play because his ability and skills just scale worse. All I'll say is if you're not a Gunzerker running the Grog Nozzle, good luck because you'll need it.

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