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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
1/16/2017 8:51:16 PM
[b][u] Echoes of the past[/u][/b] A woman slowly walks up to the doors of the dojo. Her slow pace and shallow breathing made her injuries obvious to any on lookers. She managed to make it to the gates before collapsing. At this time Vince happened to be walking out of the building. He reacted quickly when he saw the collapsed woman and ran to check on her. "Ma'am, are you...," he trailed off as he realized who she was. He checked for a pulse and found she was still alive, but fading. "What are you doing here Altar. Why now?" He picked her up and slung her over his shoulder. "Let's get you patched up." Suddenly a massive form emerged from the shadows. "My master will not allow it. He requires her magic." It was what appeared to be a massive suit of black armor. The only hint as to the being inside were two orange points.of light in the helmet. Vince gently put Altar down and turned around, gripping his cane. "Tell your master that her magic doesn't belong to him." [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]

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  • "Well your master gonna be disappointed then im afraid"says lola [i]standing behind vince were three women two the same height and appearance. The two smaller women had bluish green scale long jet black hair but one had hers in a braid and the other didn't. Both of them had to different colored eyes one blue grey and the other bright green. One had a staff the other had a sword that had electricity running through it. The third and final one was a woman who stood a good 8'9" in height. She was in no means small in any way. She had lightly tanned skin , lots of tiny freckles, silvery sea blue eyes and strawberry blonde hair. She said nothing as she glared down at the man who was making trouble. She had one hand on her sword waiting to see what he will do next.[/i]

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  • "Can one of you get her somewhere safe?" Vince said featuring to the unconscious woman. The knight roared and a pack of black wolves emerged from the shadows. "Obstacles will perish!"

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  • "Lizzie take her she be safe with you"says lola "Oh look wolves"says leyla [i]the very woman bends over and picks up the small woman carrying here in her arms. While lola's twin leyla just whistles and a very large solid wolf four times bigger with glowing red eyes appears growling at the smaller ones. as lizzie heads away with the woman to inside the dojo. [/i] "Sic em aiyanna"says leyla [i] the wolf growls getting even closer two the smaller ones with its teeth bared.[/i] [spoiler]just saying this now aiyanna isn't a normal wolf at all but more of a ghost that can take solid form[/spoiler]

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  • The knight growled and rushed the group, summoning two massive hammers. The wolves began circling the massive one, each growling fiercely. Vince engaged the knight, but he was quickly put on the defensive against the 9'0", dual hammer wielding behemoth.

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  • [i]the large wolf manages to catch one of theones that ventures more too close as it sinks it large jaws into it's back producing a very loud sickening crunching as it bites down as it shakes its head side to side before throwing it to the side. The two sisters draw their weapons both were equally skilled with magic. One sister covered the other as the other chated a spell before large boulders rained down on the man [/i]

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  • Some of the other wolves leap into the larger ones back and start tearing at it. The knights armor is dented by the boulders but he does not waver, swinging his massive hammers wildly. Vince rolls out of the way, panting. "We need something harder!"

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  • [i]the large wolf seized one by it leg crushing it in its jaws as it pulls one of it back. [/i] "You want something heavier that can be done"says leyla [i]the next spell that is cast is done by the both of them. But this spell pretty much increases that gravity ten fold as literary crushes the large brute into the ground making it very to move as it effects him.[/i] "Why don't lie there for a bit kay"says Lola [spoiler]this isn't permanent but it last three turns[/spoiler]

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  • Out of the armor seeped what seemed to be a purple mist. Eventually it condensed forming a skeletal phantom. "I am not bound by your logic" The wolves continued to mob the larger one. Vince began unloading repeater rounds into the phantom but they just passed right through.

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  • [i]the huge wolf has such thick fur that alot of their bites dont really faze the wolf. It shake sending some of the wolves flying. But one that closest meets a grizzly end as the large one crushes its neck with its jaws that clamp down.[/i] "-blam!- logic its boring i use magic you stupid ghost"says lola [i]little did he know her sister chanting something in dragon and snaps fingers. Something along the lines oh holy magic is cast forcing the foul creature back.[/i]

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  • The phantom wails in agony from the holy magic. "No!" In a last ditch effort it begins rapidly throwing massive hammers in their direction. The wolves swiftly retreat to the shadows, regrouping. Vince dodges hammers.

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  • [i]they both the hammers quickly both of them are fairly fast for their small size as they dodge in opposite directions. Both sister are chanting again very quickly and both them snap there fingers. Then just like that a huge beacon of holy light comes down from the sky above.[/i] "Divine light"shouts leyla [i]its much stronger than one before because the two of them are working together. This one causes great pain as its bathed in holy light from their spell.[/i]

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  • The phantom wails and fades into nothing. "Good, it's gone. Where did she go?" Vince says, barely winded.

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  • "Who lizzie she probably in the dojo with the woman dont worry that woman is in safe hands"says lola [i]which was true cause the giant woman was carefully holding her in her arms keeping her safe. Which was probably the safest spot for her right now.[/i]

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  • He goes inside to find her.

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  • [i]the three of them follow. It didn't take very long to find her cause she sticks out like a sore thumb. Lizzie was sitting on a bench that was slowly buckling under her weight as she waited for them to return from their fight with who ever it was.[/i]

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  • It is at the point everyone notices the massive injury in the unconscious woman's side and decide to get her some medical attention.

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  • [i]lizzie walks with her in her arms to the infirmary so she can get much needed help. It doesn't take her very long cause her of long legs. But she has to duck when she walks in cause the does to low. [/i]

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  • [b]A grenade lands in between the men.[/b] "WATCH OUT!"

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  • Vince rolled back. "What the heck!?" The knight jumped back and summoned a shield.

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  • [b]The grenade explodes and leaves a sizable crater in the ground. Fortis rushes over to see what happened.[/b] "Sorry about that, everyone ok?"

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  • Vince looked at him. "I'm fine. What was that about?"

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  • "I accidentally threw a grenade. My bad."

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  • "How!?"

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  • "That is indeed a very good question, in which I may or may not have the answer to. What are you doing on this otherwise fine day?"

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  • "Well, my friend here is unconscious from bad injuries and there's a big, obvious shadow Knight of death over there. So..."

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