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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by NightBloomsFell: 1/4/2017 10:22:43 PM
[b]the encounter[/b] [i]arvira was wandering around looking at the different people most just ignored her and left her be thinking that she was someone's kid. But in truth she wasn't she had arrived only less than a couple of days ago. She was at the moment just looking at the different people when a huge shadow crossed of hers. She went to look to see who was standing behind her when she heard a small a growl as something big sniffed at her. She completely turn around and seen a huge wolf but it was huge much bigger than a normal sized wolf it had bright red eyes.she could see that it had a collar around its neck.[/i] "Your a big doggie you wanna treat"says the girl [i]she was a huge sucker for anything that was furry and fluffy. She always carried a small bag of treats for any creatures she encountered more often than not though she ends up coaxing a good majority of them in the strange box of hers. The wolf watched as the girl fishes a biscuit out of her pocket and holds it out for it to take. The wolf does but in doing so knows by what its senses that this wasn't a normal girl. She watches the wolf take it from her hand gently. When it does she pets him. After a couple of hours Interacting with the wolf. a woman with bluish green scales covering her skin comes walking up to them and the wolf perks up.[/i] "I see that your playing nicely aiyanna"says the woman "Who are you?"says the girl "Im her owner little girl im serenity"she says "Oh thats a pretty name and i like your doggy"says the girl "Thank you"says serenity "Your a little young to be on your own wheres your parents"says Serenity [i] serenity was getting a strange vibe from this kid like she wasn't normal at all[/i] "My parents are dead but im never alone..."says the girl "Huh..what do you mean by that.."says serenity "Its a secret...cant tell you.."says the girl "Why not.."says serenity "Cause i dont wanna cause then its not a secret.."says the girl [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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  • "Oh joy, scissors. Hey dragon, do you mind helping me?" [b]Destanius says before throwing more holy water.[/b]

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  • [i]serenity really didn't want any part of this cause it didn't seem right to her. Cause when she looked at the shadowed figure all she could see was the little girl and her terrified face. The figure glanced back at her before jumping to dodge the holy water. [/i] "You know know the girl will die if you kill me right?" [i]the voice that spoke was deep and unnatural. [/i]

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  • "You know that if the girl lives so do you, right? Besides, one little girl is very little compared to the many lives you have claimed. I can sense the death that those blades carry with them. Girl or no girl, you must die." [b]Destanius pulls out a rifle and opens fire on the demon.[/b]

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  • "Im not going can try though"says azusa "I can't get involved i have kids her age"says serenity "Good..choice dragon..."says Azusa [i]Azusa takes the shot in the shoulder and just like that the figure teleports behind him. With one quick slash it cuts his back deeply before teleporting again[/i]

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  • "Oh joy, a teleporting demon with scissors. I know what this calls for..." [b]Destanius drinks another vial. He transforms back into regular Destanius, except his body is made of a viscous, opaque green fluid.[/b] "Try and cut me now!" [b]He throws a holy hand grenade he got from the pope.[/b]

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  • [i]the blast knocks the figure back and to the ground near serenity feet. Serenity could see in the demon's eyes that it wanted to live more than anything. Although serenity herself was actually engaged to a demon so she was torn cause she wanted to help but didn't want to pick sides.[/i] ""says the demon [i]the figure gets up with a groan putting the scissors away.[/i]

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  • "I mean, that seemed pretty effect full, so heck yeah." [b]Destanius lifts his sword and slices at her head.[/b]

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  • [i]its skin hisses as part of its body burns as stares at the man with burning hatred. Serenity watches as she sees it throw up its arms as he brings is sword down. The demon laughing as he hits metal plating that on the its arms under its sleeves. It quickly teleports again it clearly doesn't want serenity to get hurt.[/i]

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  • "Well, It seems that I am leaving. Nice meeting you and your dog." [b]Destanius said to Serenity before chasing the demon girl.[/b]

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  • [i]the demon just kept teleporting away from him. But little did he know that she had a lot of different tricks up its sleeve. The demon was laughing as it teleported. [/i] "I have dealed with many like you before but you will not be able to stop me human so catch me if you can"says the demon [i]after while the demon is no longer seen the only thing that is a giant the same one that was seen with her last time but this time its open just slightly. But its opened enough to where it looks like someone had went inside of it to hide. Which begs the question where the hell did the demon go?.[/i]

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  • "Did you just call me a human? Do I look like a human to you?" [b]Destanius switched his sword for his gun, entering the structure.[/b]

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  • [i]when he entered the box it was a door to a separate realm entirely cause he was standing in a strange dark forest. The whole area was bathed in a gray light the place was beautiful in own strange way. [/i] "I care not... but have fun finding me in here"says the demon. [i]off in distance a black unicorn is seen running away clearly spooked by his presence. Appearently this box also housed all sorts of creatures so who knows what he will find in here.[/i]

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  • "Well this certainly is an interesting world. I would hate to destroy it. How about this, you let me explore your exotic world in peace and I will let you go."

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  • "I will let as long as you promise not harm any of the creatures within this realm"says the demon [i]little did he know that the demon was watching him closely but it was hidden from his site.[/i] "Your the second person ever to set foot in this realm the girl was the first. But know this these creatures are docile in here so do not attack them"says the demon

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  • "I wasn't going to. Perhaps take some DNA samples, but certainly not harm them."

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  • "Good luck but know this some are more shy than others so becareful how you approach"says the demon [i]just as the demon is talking a large pegus touches down nearby and is looking at him curiously. The creature is the color of fresh honey and its eyes were bright green. It whinnies softly at him before walking slowly closer. [/i]

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  • [b]Destanius takes a potion and becomes invisible. He quickly sneaks up to the creature.[/b]

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  • [i]the Pegasus just lowers it head starts eating some the grass completely unaware that it was being snuck up on. The creature just peaceful munched on grass. But before too long the one unicorn that ran away earlier return and was munching on the grass as well. [/i]

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  • [b]Destanius plucked a hair from each of the creatures before waking back out through the box.[/b]

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  • [i]when does a loud crunch of trees behind him and a loud sniffing. Behind emerging from the trees was a Griffin a very large one. It notices the the door is open and it chrips excitedly[/i] "Careful now on dont wanna let him out..."says the demon

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  • "Don't worry, I got this." [b]Destanius plucks a feather from the griffin before firing his gun in the air, trying to scare the Grifin in the other direction.[/b]

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  • [spoiler][/spoiler] [i]the Griffin gets spooked by the shot and bolts the opposite direction of the doorway running back into the wood.[/i] "Just so you know this box was given to the little because she the only one i would trust with my box."says the demon [i]the demon appears in front him and she is holding a very small dragon in her hands she was petting the small dragon. The dragon then flew out her hands and then landed on his shoulder. The tiny creature just chirped at him while wagging the tip of its glowing tail at him.[/i] "This place is a sanctuary to all creatures no matter how big or small"says demon

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