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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
12/29/2016 6:27:42 AM

[i]Writings of a Blind Scholar - Chapter One - What Drives Us.[/i] [i]"What fuels us to commit the actions that we believe are correct and true, at least when compared to other actions committed by other beings, exactly?"[/i] [i]"Is it power?[/i] [i]Knowing that as you deliver the devastating killing blow, through a piercing of the enemy's heart, a decapitation, it doesn't matter at all - you assert your dominance over another living being, thus showing all that you are the stronger one - the worthier one - the one that has shown why they should exist and prosper as they please as the other is defeated, and thus ceases to exist? Is life a constant contest of showing off one's greatness and bragging how much strength you hold over other beings, similar to how a child would compare his muscular, looming father to another child's weaker, shorter father? Is this why some seek might and strength other overs? Perhaps through power, you will gain wisdom - or through power, true happiness, whatever that may be to some." [/i] [i]"Perhaps it isn't about earning might or control over others, for some - perhaps what drives other to commit their actions is their ideas, their thought process - that they are good, that they will help others prosper through their own actions. Perhaps some believe that what they do will change things for the better - a noble thought process, is it not? One that a hero or knight would seek out - as they delved into the fires and blades of chaos, their hearts unwilling to surrender as their fiery souls burn and blaze with determination, their goal being the victory of "good", and the downfall of "evil", in their minds at least."[/i] [i]"I must also consider those that perhaps do not think or consider actions carefully - maybe they only wish to see the world burn, or even set their own path, for their own personal development and benefit for themselves and themselves alone. This would be the path taken by those that some would call "evil" in some cases - but is it truly evil, in this case?"[/i] [i]"Before I proceed onwards with my beliefs on "good" and "evil" - those shall be covered in my writings later on - I must ask you, oh Reader, who hath read this 'til the end... What do you consider yourself? The one that seeks power and strength, as if they think that they will become wiser, stronger, or simply happier from their own gain? Perhaps you are the one that is driven by a heroic act, whether out of love or nobleness, your brave heart driving you to commit your deeds until death? Or...Are you none of those things? One free from those concepts, those thought processes? I know what I am, of the three - It is your turn to pick." [/i] [u]-End of Chapter One[/u] [spoiler]Basically a mini-series of writings referring to what could be a future plot. Suggestions and such are appreciated.[/spoiler]

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