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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
12/27/2016 2:46:32 PM
[i]Within a few minutes, they arrived at a small two-story home outside of Dojoville, the house undecorated despite the holidays, the lights off. Approaching, the man unlocked and opened his door, holding it to allow the two to enter.[/i] "Take her to the kitchen. The table in there should do. Keep pressure on the wound, make sure she's not losing tons of blood." [i]He said.[/i]

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  • "Well, that i know already. Ive had some medical training, but nothing fancy.." he said as he took her to the kitchen and did as he said.

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  • "Great... then we're in the same boat." [i]He said dryly. Pacing upstairs, he finally found his phone, and sent a message to the individual he spoke of earlier. Sliding the phone in his pocket, he returned downstairs with a trauma kit.[/i] "She's on her way. I'll do what I can until she arrives." [i]In the light, the two could tell that the man looked absolutely wiped out, like he'd been awake all night. His hair was more of a mess than usual, his clothes appeared to be merely tossed on, and he certainly sounded exhausted. Approaching with the kit, he set it down on the table beside the injured individual, and began looking for the necessary tools to clean the wound, along with painkiller.[/i]

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  • Mari was holding her brother's hand tightly, whimpering as she kept her eyes squeezed shut. "Hey, you're gonna be ok, just try to stay calm, ok?" he said to her, along with other reassurances. She was definitely smaller then Kari, only being around five feet tall, whereas Kari was seven feet, six if he slouched.

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  • "How long ago was she shot?" [i]He said, preparing a shot of morphine, keeping it away from the female's eyes as he wasn't quite sure how she'd react to needles. He figured that carrying on conversation would be beneficial to her taking her mind off the pain, but he was worried about her keeping the leg if she had been wounded for some time. Walking around to it, he inspected the wound carefully, to see what all would need done. [/i]

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  • "Around an hour ago, why?" he asked. Her leg looked fine for her condition, but her orange fur was tainted red around the area where she was shot. From what he could tell, she was shot around her thigh, right into the muscle.

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  • "Good news is, she'll likely going to survive. You're lucky that the round didn't get the femoral, else she would've been dead within ten minutes of being shot." [i]He said, injecting the morphine into her arm as he spoke.[/i] "You're going to start feeling really out of it in a few minutes. I'm going to clean it up and let my friend handle getting it out. We are going to have to shave the hair off of this part of your leg. Don't want to risk infection." [i]He explained as calmly as he could. Quickly, he then headed upstairs to see if he could find something to get the hair away from the wound.[/i]

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  • Mari simply nodded when he spoke to her, as if she couldn't talk. Kari continued holding her hand, doing his best to keep her calm.

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  • [i]The man disappeared upstairs, and returned roughly five minutes later with a set of electric clippers and he appropriate attachments. There was a knock on the door, and after setting the clippers down, he went to the door, opening it and allowing whoever was there to enter. Coming in to the room, he was followed by a woman in a hoodie and sweatpants. She had a backpack over her shoulder and a duffle bag in hand, her hair tied back behind her head in a ponytail. She was shorter than him, built like a runner rather than a soldier. Her hair was a lighter shade of blonde, her skin fair and her eyes a pale blue. Unlike him, she didn't look wiped out. Setting her gear down, she set about getting to work. Washing her hands, she put on a pair of surgical gloves she pulled forth from her backpack, along with a case of surgical tools. Setting them on the table, she opened the case and selected the tools she needed, setting them aside for sterilization. Pulling out the set of clippers that were already on the table, she set to work, cleaning the hair off of the wounded area of the female's leg. She finished quickly, pushing the fur to the floor. Sterilizing her tools using a solution in her kit, she quickly set to work on removing the round which had lodged itself in the flesh. Carefully, she extracted it, and set the bloody bit of metal on the table. Cleaning her tools, she then retrieved stitches from her kit along with another solution to clean the wound out. The morphine prevented the patient from feeling all of this, thankfully. Upon cleaning the wound out, she carefully stitched it back together, taking her time to ensure it was done properly.[/i]

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  • Mari had kept her eyes shut all the while, not wanting to watch. She had nearly fallen asleep by the time they were done. Kari looked at the woman. "Thank you..really." he said, still holding his sister's hand.

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  • [i]Throwing away her gloves and packing her gear up, the woman smiled, a friendly and genuine smile, and spoke.[/i] "It is Christmas. Nobody deserves to lose anyone on this day." [i]There was a clear and soft French accent to her voice, but after she spoke, her smile faded as she glanced over at the man, who was leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed and eyes closed. [/i]

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  • He looked over at him for a moment. "Im guessing that he... you know.." he said, implying he lost someone.

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  • [i]She shot him a glance that clearly said yes, but she did not say anything more. The man said nothing himself, almost appearing as if he had not heard them speak.[/i]

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  • He nods, looking quite worn. "Would it be better not to ask?" whispers.

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  • [i]She nodded extremely discretely, mouthing the words "I will explain later." Looking over to the man, she spoke, voice calm and soft.[/i] "Monsieur Wolfe, you do not need to stay awake. Please get some rest." [i]He looked up at her, and smiled weakly. [/i] "I'll take you up on that, Doc." [i]Heading out of the room, he went upstairs, and the woman continued to clean up her work area.[/i]

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  • Kari nuzzled Mari, happy she was safe. "Thank you." he said again.

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  • "You are welcome." [i]She replied, cleaning up the fur and the bullet. The blood was easy, and she sanitized the table and the floor afterwards, moving her gear.[/i]

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  • Mari slowly comes to, groaning a little. Kari looks down at her and props her head up with his hand. "Hey, you're ok now." he says to her as she yawns.

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  • "Is she your sister?" [i]The woman asked, continuing to pack up her gear.[/i] "Or your significant other?"

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  • "She's my sister. She can't talk, yet. She's still learning." Mari nods, yawning again.

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  • "You are a good brother for protecting her." [i]She said, smiling.[/i] "Some of us are too protective at times. The pain of others becomes ours, we hurt for others sometimes even when we do not need to. At least you were able to help your sister." [i]She paused a moment, and then spoke.[/i] "The man who found you, I cannot help. His loss is something that only he alone can get over, and despite that, I empathize with him, I want to help."

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  • He sniffled, a tear running down his muzzle as he closed his eyes. "Would I still be a good brother if she was the only one I could protect?..." he asked, his voice shaky.

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  • [i]She was silent for a moment.[/i] "Sometimes we cannot be as strong as we want. Sometimes we are not strong enough, no matter what we want to believe, to stand in the way of fate. Even the single life saved is still a life." [i]She said quietly. She was not good at consoling people, but she tried her best to not say anything that could be taken the wrong way.[/i]

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  • He nodded understandingly. "Y-yeah...that m-makes sense..." he said, sniffling.

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  • "Do not cry for the ones you've lost, be happy with the ones you've saved." [i]She replied. [/i]

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  • He nods again. "Y-you're right...but...still..." His eyes water up some as Mari holds his hand.

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