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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Sanctus Caesar: 1/2/2017 9:48:14 PM
[b]It's A Wonderful Life: Ku Rudo Mountains 12:47 PM[/b] [i]A lone man scales one of the many mountains behind the Dojo, leaving the smoking ruins behind him. The others might not have noted the date, or maybe they didn't care enough. Mostly, he believed that in the midst of such carnage and wanton destruction, they were either trying to survive, or were celebrating quietly and in their own way. His hands are tucked into his coat pockets as he trudges through the snow, which slowly builds as a light storm comes from the southeast. Strangely, the man does not shiver as he scales the mountain, despite wearing only combat boots, jeans, a blue t-shirt, and a leather jacket. There is also no puff of exhalation, no miniature cloud formed from the heat of his breath. His eyes looked to the peak of the mountain, but held that glazed appearance of one looking beyond their surrounding's, back into their memory. His right hand pulled out of his pocket in a fist, clenching something fiercely, as though it were as precious as his own life. His fist opened until his fingers were in a hooked sort of shape. Out of his palm falls what looks like a necklace, a crucifix at the head, and beads leading behind it some before splitting to form a circle of neatly spaced beads. He raises his hand with the beaded sacramental, now looped around his crooked fingers to his head. Then, speaking against the wind so that the sound produced only a mutter, he made the sign of a Cross, dropping his hand first to his midsection, then bringing it up and to the left to meet his left shoulder, before ending by bringing it across to his right shoulder. He finished his sign as he reached the summit, coming out to a flat top covered in new snow. He walked to the center, before falling to his knees, his left hand coming out to join his right in front of his chest. And thus, Fenrir, the Wolf of God, began to pray.[/i] "[b]God...thank You. I thank You for the people I've known.[/b]" [u]A small bar with a round table, five figures of varying sizes and shapes seated around laughing and speaking loudly. A large wall, patrolled by comparatively small men in groups of four, huddled around a fire and sharing in their silent companionship. A single figure atop a broken hill, the very earth bleeding and casting the figure into shadow. A barren expanse, filled with monsters and mayhem, the ebbs and flows of a massive battle. Various obscure figures fight together in a circle. A quiet plain on either side of an endless road, a single man, the same man? He holds on his back a sleeping youth, determinedly pacing on. A massive army moving on a single ship, beset by an equal force. In the midst of the opposition, a single figure cuts a swath for those behind them. A small town, various images of a life lived quietly, in service to others. A life lived well, ended without a death, but with a departure in the night. A snowy graveyard, two figures speaking quietly in front of a large memorial, etched with hundreds of names of fallen soldiers. Two old soldiers seated on rocks in a forest clearing, sharing stories as they clean their blades amidst a snowy day. A clash of blades, two figures fighting, one in the guise of some warped angel, the other wreathed in white flames.[/u] "[b]I thank You for the trials I have faced, that I may know You better.[/b]" [u]The table, empty. The wall, broken. The earth, shattered. The circle, broken. The child, dead. The army, scattered. The town, destitute. The graveyard, desecrated. The soldiers, fighting. The figures, unrelenting.[/u] "[b]I thank You for the opportunities You have given me.[/b]" [u]A broken man, seated atop an ashen hill, beset on all sides by monsters and demons. The man rises, meeting their challenge with brutal cruelty and unrelenting fury. No quarter drawn, no mercy given. He succumbs to his madness, fighting anything that approaches, wanting only to burn it all to the ground. The same man, walking with purpose over a frozen lake, no light shines, yet still he can be seen. His sword is weathered, missing chunks and dulled. His armor is bloodied, torn and rent. His face is wild, yet the face of one who has rediscovered some cherished item. His hair is matted and greasy, clumped shaggily. A single ray of light drops as from the top to the bottom of a very long, large hole. It drops on the man, circling him, warming him. Flames issue from his eyes suddenly, from his mouth, too. Soon, they spout from every orifice of the upper part of his body, white fire erupting, steadily tinging to blue flames. He looks skyward, laughing of pure joy.[/u] "[b]I thank You for the forgiveness of my many mistakes.[/b]" [u]A burning city, screams and cries emanating from the survivors and refugees. Lining the side are charred bodies, burning buildings, and slaughtered avengers. Walking the streets is a single man, red flame originating from him as he walks on through the rubble and the death. He is challenged many times, but all are repelled, or killed. He bears the same armor as the figure before, but his expression is one of neutral apathy, his face as uncaring as the flames that billowed from his eyes.[/u] "[b]Mostly, Lord, I thank You for the gift of You and Your mercy in granting us eternal Salvation. Thank you, Lord Christ. And, though I know it is not truly the same date, for what I do know, Happy Birthday, Lord.[/b]" [i]He kneels for a time, praying first a Rosary of the Joyful Mysteries, than a Divine Mercy Chaplet. When he finishes with his spoken prayer, he kneels amidst the storm, quietly listening as adoring his God. He remains there, silently sharing in the love between he and his Lord. As such, he does not hear the newcomer to his summit, continuing to quietly adore.[/i] [spoiler]Open. Also would not mind hearing thoughts on the post.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]I declare this post the dankest of reads[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]dude that was fu[i]c[/i]king pro man. Good work. [/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Quincy_Frost: 12/27/2016 12:42:33 PM
    ((OH MY GOSH I GET THE REFERENCE!!!)) ((BEST MOVIE EVAHHHHH)) Edit: (The title reference, that is.)

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    [spoiler]Probably one of the best posts I've ever read, tp be honest. It really shows a lot about Fenrir - about his past, about his experiences. Magnificient post.[/spoiler] [i]As the man completed his prayer and sat silently upon the summit of the Ko Rudo mountains, another being began to climb the treachorous slopes and rocks of the ageless cliffs, as if they were attempting to reach Fenrir himself, a longing to meet the hardened, glorious warrior and man driving them to keep going. And through the raging blizzard and dastardly winds...they approached, as their ferocity grew with each step taken. [/i] [i]The approaching figure was somewhat feminine in their posture, her body hidden away by the thick layers of a white fabric and wool longcoat jacket. wrapped around her body and insulating heat for her trip to the summit of the mountain. Her hands were hidden away by thick wool gloves that covered her fingers, the same could be said for her legs and feet - a hood was pulled over her head, as she bore a facemask to cover up her facial features and nose, although some parts of her face could be seen. Smooth pale skin, the color of snow itself, covered her skull as her stern silver eyes looked forwards, as she found herself laying them upon...Fenrir.[/i] [i]Upon the young woman's neck was a leather-bound stone cross, an object that seemed to have been crafted years ago, when she was still young and back at her home - the edges and design were smooth yet sharp, simple yet surprisingly exquisite at the same time. It was bound to her neck by a leather string, which was aged yet still held the object with it's remaining strength. The woman bore no forms of weaponry upon her body - no fancy swords or highly valued firearms or enchanted staffs - absolutely nothing. She would not need them.[/i] [i]The shuffling of light wool boots could be heard stomping through snow and dirt as the woman made her way to Fenrir, before stopping next to the praying warrior. She looked down upon him, not with a look of spite or displeasure, but with a faint apologetic look - as if she had disturbed his ceremony with her very arrival, as if she believed that her very presence would bother him.[/i] [i]As the howling winds of the mountains whistled in the background, the woman kneeled down next to Fenrir, as she looked over at him with curious silver eyes.[/i] "Excuse me, sir," [i]She spoke with a slight British accent, her young voice light and filled with responsibility.[/i] "...Do you mind if I pray alongside you this holy day, instead of spending it senselessly fighting my fellow man and woman? I hope you do not, although I wouldn't mind if you did." [i]She spoke kindly, as she removed the cross necklace and clasped it tightly between her gloved fingers.[/i]

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  • [spoiler]Good read, fam. What I think one of your greatest strengths is would be the ability convey description. As you described each scene and then warped back to it, it really reminded me of a PTSD-like flashback contrasted by each line of Fenrir's prayer. And I gotta say, that was pretty good. Although each flashback was ambiguous and related to Fenrir's past in its own way it still got the message across. And I like that. Also, kudos to the warped angel and the white fire figure fighting. Wonder who that is?[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Solid. Good recap of Fenrir's life with the references and metaphors. My only complaint with this is the beginning and your tenses. You seem to shift tenses in the same sentence in certain places. If you want to eliminate that, read your post out loud, or reread it a few times to see what you can find on your own. I usually try that with my stuff and clean it up a couple of times before posting it here.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Thanks. I'll keep that in mind the next time I post.[/spoiler]

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  • Quincy silently wipes a tear from his face, huddled in a nearby bush. He had come this way for the winter roses that he planted when he first arrived, and wound up hearing something... testimonial. He remained quiet, not wanting to surprise and embarrass him.

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  • [spoiler]Really, really good read [/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Thank you.[/spoiler]

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