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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
12/19/2016 9:39:31 PM
[b][i]The land had burned to ash, the bodies poised on stakes as the House of Wrath claimed the citadel... All that was left of the once beautiful land was brimstone and constant darkness...[/i][/b] // [b]Chloe did her best to wipe the blood and ash from her skin... It clung like a rancid disease. Her hands shook as she tried to calm her nerves. Hell had broken loose, and all her eyes could see were the fields of bodies. Khazz had taken the throne and claimed the land... The young dictator inciting an iron fist and slaughtering the House of Wisdom. Not even Aurox would have stood a chance.[/b] [b]She sat under the floating shrooms of the swamp, the fungi giving off a bright blue glow as the stalk swayed ever so slightly. Long strands hung from the sides giving off a faint glow... This place was far from the capital, and wild animals did not roam here. The shrooms gave off an intimidating presence that only the Elune seemed to appreciate. Crystal clear water and glowing plants were everywhere... Which would have been beautiful had there been no fire in the sky. She had found respite here... If only for a moment.[/b] [b]She was too exhausted to heal herself, the lines barely visible, receding all the way to just her fingertips. But the wounds were bad. One along her side still running over with the last reserves of her blood. Not to mention the sprained arm, singed hair, and multiple other gashes. The only sign it was still her were her bright eyes... Well, not bright anymore. Their glow had faded until they were a muted red. Tear marks slid down her face emphasized next to the ash and blood soaked cheeks.[/b] [b]She felt alone and helpless... An exile against an entire regime... She had no chance in hell. She had been too late... She had failed. It wasn't the fact her parents were dead... No... It was the men, women, and children that Khazz now campaigned against in a brutal genocide. Anyone with skin not white as summer snow, and eyes deep and blue were targets... And that was a hefty number. Farms were burned, citadel towers collapsed, and even the prayer gardens had been ravaged. Chloe had no home.[/b] [b]She peeled off her royal robe and hood, quickly slipping on her black vest and pants, doing her best to wash up and find her strength. Everything ached... A week in a cell with nothing but some water... She had lost weight... Khazz had made sure to torture her personally, and he was a sadist. Pain is what he thrived on. The House of Wrath wasn't even a real political group. The name was an ironic twist to a clan of murderers and criminals... And yet now... They had claimed this world. Now, she was too weak to survive out her on her own... And she didn't know how to anyways.[/b] [b]By the time she had left the side of the small pool, she looked fairly normal. Hair returning to its orange sheen, skin's soft glow brightening... But her eyes remained vacant and empty.[/b] [b]She had to leave... There was nothing here for her... Her old life had gone up in flames. Khazz had won.[/b] // [b]Her return was quiet. She had nowhere else to go... No place she knew of. Her bare feet landed safely on the grass as the portal closed above her. She couldn't fight a loosing battle... And now, she was merely a lucky statistic.[/b] [b]She had been right too, she had always been able to find Desmond. She eventually made her way towards the place he was resting, her steps having become dead silent. She had changed so much in such a short time. But she had made sure to fix what she could. Her wounds were hidden, and she did her best to put on a gentle smile.[/b] [b]She eventually kneeled down next to him, hands resting gently on her knees. She said nothing, afraid her voice wouldn't come. How she had managed to make her way to the roof was a mystery, but she was resilient...[/b] [b]Not even her breathing was audible. She had trained herself to be silent, to play dead... It had worked. Khazz had dumped into the pile of bodies headed to the furnaces. Even then, what really broke her was the walls... Concentration camps packed full of thousands of innocents, some lines up for slaughter, some being burned alive. She had lost her very sanity in a single moment. If Khazz had claimed her body, the genocide had broken her mind. All she had left was her faith, but spiritual connection only went so far when your faith was stolen every other hour.[/b] [b]She didn't even look at Desmond, almost forgetting his company... All she wanted to the comfort of some place familiar... Someone familiar. From a happier time.[/b]

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  • "That counts for a lot more than you think. And I hope you know the same goes for you too." [i]He says, and chuckles at her statement.[/i] "Yeah..the Ka'kari is as lonely as I am, but if the plants do mind..I probably wouldn't care anyway." [i] He says, leaning back on the bench and gazing at the stars above, clouds drifting through the blue-purple sky.[/i]

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  • [i]"I'll admit, Desmond. I've never understood you. I saved you, but you really didn't owe me anything. You tagged around despite being so different than I... Why? Why stay at all? Loyalty? I don't take you for the attached kind."[/i] [b]She raised an eyebrow looking at him as if she were discovering herself as well. At least, understanding herself. She wondered why she even let him follow in the first place. A relative stranger that for all she knew could have ended her life. She had been less wise back then... But... The point still stood. What was fate getting at here?[/b]

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  • [i] He turned to look at her..really, look at her this time, his eyes boring into her with an intensity that only Desmond could manage.[/i] "I use to think I owed you something. Back then, I didn't know you were the kind of person who would save someone's life and not think twice about it..people like that don't exist in Midycru. Everything you do for someone there, incurs a debt. And I was paying mine off." "Until I realized that you didn't need me anymore, didn't want me there, but I still stayed. I guess..I just really wanted a friend." [i] He said, and his voice broke. Something so uncharacteristic for Desmond. No tears shown, but his eyes were filled with anguish. What else had he been through to get eyes like those? [/i] "And I thank you for it. Despite how different I am from you, and how many times I'm sure you've wished I would just leave."

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  • [i]"That's where you were wrong, Desmond. I never wanted you to leave... I was afraid... I don't know what I feared. Maybe myself... Maybe because I knew deep down I would have to return and I didn't want to become attached... But I never wanted to hurt you. Maybe it went farther than that... But I'm not sure myself..."[/i] [b]She sighed, the lines along her arms fading to a deep blue. She even gave off a feeling of regret, like the air around her would bend to her emotions... Elune were such strange creatures... Fueled by feeling over thought.[/b] [i]"I don't know what I feel anymore."[/i]

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  • "Yeah..neither do I." [i] He says quietly, running his hands through his hair and sighing gently.[/i] "Though..maybe we can figure it out..together." [i] It was half statement, half question, but it was clear what he was trying to do. He still wanted her friendship, and hoped she felt the same. They were equal in terms of having nothing, besides each other. And he didn't wanna change that. [/i]

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  • [i]"I don't see why not... Not like I have anything else to loose."[/i] [b]Chloe gave a weak smile, the lines along her body returning to the green they usually were.[/b] [i]"What now, what do we start with?"[/i]

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  • "I don't know..most people are sleeping right now. But that doesn't go for you." [i] Desmond says with a smile. He didn't mention the fact he was still going after the people who'd tried to kill him. [/i] "What about the man who usurped your throne? Do you ever plan to get it back?" [i] What he didn't say, was he would help her if she did. He'd butcher crowds of traitorous bastards for her.[/i]

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  • [i]"Khazz...? I can't... He's become to powerful. I watched him for a week while he destroyed my home. He doesn't have many in his House... Maybe a few dozen... And yet they destroyed our warships and troops... There's nothing left to rule, nothing left to save."[/i] [b]Khazzavon Trendrike. The Emperor... He wasn't the boy Chloe once knew... He had changed into a cold blooded monster. A damn abomination. She wanted to bring him down... But he alone took the entirety to Elusia.[/b] [i]"Two isn't enough, Desmond. Khazz won."[/i]

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  • "And yet you don't want vengeance? You don't want to watch the light fade from his eyes, the man who took everything from you? You don't want to exact justice upon him?" [i] Desmond says, looking sideways at her. He knew revenge wasn't for everyone, but he saw it as just another form of Justice.[/i]

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  • [i]"Even if did, I don't think he can be killed... He's beyond us now... You can't understand unless you see him... He's... Strong."[/i] [b]Chloe couldn't describe what she had seen. A man able to destroy, utterly annihilate the entire inquisitor force, along with what little army the Elune had. They were a peaceful people. Maybe they had a maximum of a few hundred troops... But that had all gone up in flames.[/b] [i]"He's not like me... He's... Evolved."[/i]

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  • "Everything can die, Chloephina." [i] He says, and if Chloe had never heard him say something he was sure of, that statement was certainly one of them. [/i] "Everything has a weakness to be exploited, and when you do, that's when you put a bullet in it." [i] He recited, most likely Durzo's words.[/i]

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  • [i]"That's messing with a predator as prey. Sometimes you have to know when it's a lost cause."[/i] [b]Chloe shrugged, not trying to think about it. Even if Desmond wanted to help... He wasn't Elune... He couldn't access their world.[/b]

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  • "In the bitter business Chloephina..I'm never prey." [i] He said. [/i] "But if you don't want to do anything about it, than I'll respect your wishes."

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  • [i]"And what of you? And the men that tried to kill you? What will become of them? You are clearly one to let go of a grudge."[/i] [b]Live and let go probably wasn't Desmond's style. And she knew that he was a killer... She understood it more now... Even if she wished she didn't. If Desmond was going after them, she wouldn't take a side, but she'd try to make sure Desmond stayed safe... However that would work.[/b]

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  • "They're going to get theirs." [i] Desmond said quietly. [/i] "But they'll be back for me and Lucien, before I can go after them. They'll be back for vengeance after what Lucien did to their infiltrator. She was barely alive once he got done with her." [i] Desmond said. Lucien had severed most of her right side from her, and melted the skin to her bones. But after seeing some their abilities..he had no doubt she was alive, and they'd want revenge.[/i] "Not to mention that man called Revenant, with the Red Ka'kari. He's going to have to answer some question before I rip that thing from his corpse." [i] He growled. Durzo had destroyed the Red, and created Mount Amarath, a volcano back in Midycru. So why the hell was it here...?[/i]

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  • [i]"I see... Well... I wish you luck. I don't know what help I could be. I'm not one for conflict."[/i] [b]She remarked, assuming she'd be better off staying out of the way.[/b] [i]"Just be safe..."[/i]

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  • "Yeah I know." [i] Once she tells him to be safe, he scoffs and grins.[/i] "What fun would that be though?" [i] He chides.[/i]

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  • [i]"It's not about fun, Desmond... Without you... I don't know what I have left."[/i] [b]It wasn't exactly what she wanted to admit, but Desmond was the last thing she cared about, the last thing that had any value.[/b] [b]She took a deep breath, shuffling her legs like a nervous child, using her free hand to push her hair away from her face and over her ear.[/b] [i]"I guess I shouldn't burden you... I just don't want you to be hurt."[/i]

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  • [i]Desmond nods.[/i] ''I know. And i won't die, i can promise you that for certain.'' [i]Not with the Ka'kari's consequences on the line, no..he wouldn't die. He didn't care what it took.[/i] ''You aren't a burden, Chloephina. You are far from it.'' [i]He says, with a rare genuine smile across his lips. He brushes his fingertips across the back of her hand in a comforting motion, and then leans his head back against the bench, shutting his eyes with a sigh.[/i]

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  • [b]Chloe looks at her hand, green lines swirling where Desmond had touched. Funny... Her skin rarely reacted like that.[/b] [i]"Well... I'll need to get another room... And I'm sure the sun isn't far behind."[/i] [b]With a silent glance towards the horizon, Chloe slips her hands into the pockets of her pants.[/b] [i]"Hope my old one didn't get replaced."[/i]

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  • "It didn't." [i] He said quietly, eyes still closed and head tilted to the sky. He didn't offer up why he knew that, and he didn't show any signs of telling her.[/i]

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  • [i]"Well, I'll make my way back... I'm going to get up early tomorrow to walk... Enjoy the dawn while I can."[/i] [b]She rubbed her eyes slowly, not because she was tired, but just to get out the remaining grief that hung in the glossy gaze.[/b]

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  • "I'll be around if you need me." [i] He sent a silent prayer to Nysos that she did, for some odd reason.[/i] "My room is still next to yours." [i] he says quietly, opening his eyes and running his hands over his face; sitting up from the bench. He needed sleep.[/i]

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  • [i]"I'll make sure to knock if I need anything..."[/i] [b]She too got up, rubbing her left arm and letting her head hang.[/b] [i]"Probably not my best day. I don't even feel tired..."[/i] [b]More like she was afraid to sleep, but she wasn't about to say that out loud. Rather, she began her quiet walk through the building out into the courts, arm still clutched in the other.[/b] [i]"I can't believe this is the closest thing to a home I have..."[/i] [b]She whispered to herself, feeling out of place... Half these people were one man armies... And she was...? The odd on out.[/b]

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  • [spoiler]end?[/spoiler]

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