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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
12/19/2016 9:39:31 PM
[b][i]The land had burned to ash, the bodies poised on stakes as the House of Wrath claimed the citadel... All that was left of the once beautiful land was brimstone and constant darkness...[/i][/b] // [b]Chloe did her best to wipe the blood and ash from her skin... It clung like a rancid disease. Her hands shook as she tried to calm her nerves. Hell had broken loose, and all her eyes could see were the fields of bodies. Khazz had taken the throne and claimed the land... The young dictator inciting an iron fist and slaughtering the House of Wisdom. Not even Aurox would have stood a chance.[/b] [b]She sat under the floating shrooms of the swamp, the fungi giving off a bright blue glow as the stalk swayed ever so slightly. Long strands hung from the sides giving off a faint glow... This place was far from the capital, and wild animals did not roam here. The shrooms gave off an intimidating presence that only the Elune seemed to appreciate. Crystal clear water and glowing plants were everywhere... Which would have been beautiful had there been no fire in the sky. She had found respite here... If only for a moment.[/b] [b]She was too exhausted to heal herself, the lines barely visible, receding all the way to just her fingertips. But the wounds were bad. One along her side still running over with the last reserves of her blood. Not to mention the sprained arm, singed hair, and multiple other gashes. The only sign it was still her were her bright eyes... Well, not bright anymore. Their glow had faded until they were a muted red. Tear marks slid down her face emphasized next to the ash and blood soaked cheeks.[/b] [b]She felt alone and helpless... An exile against an entire regime... She had no chance in hell. She had been too late... She had failed. It wasn't the fact her parents were dead... No... It was the men, women, and children that Khazz now campaigned against in a brutal genocide. Anyone with skin not white as summer snow, and eyes deep and blue were targets... And that was a hefty number. Farms were burned, citadel towers collapsed, and even the prayer gardens had been ravaged. Chloe had no home.[/b] [b]She peeled off her royal robe and hood, quickly slipping on her black vest and pants, doing her best to wash up and find her strength. Everything ached... A week in a cell with nothing but some water... She had lost weight... Khazz had made sure to torture her personally, and he was a sadist. Pain is what he thrived on. The House of Wrath wasn't even a real political group. The name was an ironic twist to a clan of murderers and criminals... And yet now... They had claimed this world. Now, she was too weak to survive out her on her own... And she didn't know how to anyways.[/b] [b]By the time she had left the side of the small pool, she looked fairly normal. Hair returning to its orange sheen, skin's soft glow brightening... But her eyes remained vacant and empty.[/b] [b]She had to leave... There was nothing here for her... Her old life had gone up in flames. Khazz had won.[/b] // [b]Her return was quiet. She had nowhere else to go... No place she knew of. Her bare feet landed safely on the grass as the portal closed above her. She couldn't fight a loosing battle... And now, she was merely a lucky statistic.[/b] [b]She had been right too, she had always been able to find Desmond. She eventually made her way towards the place he was resting, her steps having become dead silent. She had changed so much in such a short time. But she had made sure to fix what she could. Her wounds were hidden, and she did her best to put on a gentle smile.[/b] [b]She eventually kneeled down next to him, hands resting gently on her knees. She said nothing, afraid her voice wouldn't come. How she had managed to make her way to the roof was a mystery, but she was resilient...[/b] [b]Not even her breathing was audible. She had trained herself to be silent, to play dead... It had worked. Khazz had dumped into the pile of bodies headed to the furnaces. Even then, what really broke her was the walls... Concentration camps packed full of thousands of innocents, some lines up for slaughter, some being burned alive. She had lost her very sanity in a single moment. If Khazz had claimed her body, the genocide had broken her mind. All she had left was her faith, but spiritual connection only went so far when your faith was stolen every other hour.[/b] [b]She didn't even look at Desmond, almost forgetting his company... All she wanted to the comfort of some place familiar... Someone familiar. From a happier time.[/b]

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  • [i]Desmond had lain on the rooftop, staring at the stars for several hours now, taking drinks from the bottle of scotch every so often. The Ka'kari wouldn't let him get drunk, he healed too fast and the Ka'kari expelled poisons from his body; alcohol included. Durzo once upon a time would drink like a fish, the only way to actually become intoxicated with the black Ka'kari, drowning yourself in it. He wasn't in that kind of predicament though. He was simply alone with his thoughts and needed something to take the edge off. He wasn't nearly as surprised at Chloe's arrival as he should've been. But if Durzo had taught him anything, it was that people were predictable. He knew Chloe would show back up, there wasn't that sense of finality when they'd parted last time. The question was, why had she come back..? [/i] "What brought you back Chloephina?" [i] Desmond said plainly, eyes looking towards her. An ever present cigarette lay between his lips, not even lit. His dark, chocolate brown eyes bore into her with their same intensity as always. She wasn't wearing her robes, but the pants and vest he'd only barely grown used to seeing before she'd left. [/i]

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  • [i]"I got tired of home again."[/i] [b]She lied, her red eyes staring ahead with a empty glaze. She forced herself to sound normal, if not much more quiet than before. She could only change her looks so much, unable to remove physical wear and tear that had removed most her shape. But she had done a good job, built to fool anyone. The only thing that was missing was the glowing lines, the soft glow, and her eye color. The Elune species was strange like that...[/b] [b]Unfortunately, she had nothing else to say... She didn't so much as move or shuffle. Rigid and cold, like a protective wall now encased her. The exploits of the world had quickly been locked up as Chloe's eyes had been opened. All she could see was a black haze.[/b]

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  • "What happened to you?" [i] He asks quietly, focusing his eyes on hers..those bottomless pools of darkness full of warmth and protectiveness, oddly enough. At least, that's the vibe he gave off anyway. He wasn't so cold and jaded at the moment, perhaps it was the alcohol, or perhaps he'd missed her. No..Desmond didn't have feelings, he didn't miss people. Did he? [/i] "Don't lie to me." [i] He added on, that same tone of his a ghostly whisper, barely audible over the wind at the height they were. It didn't take a genius to know something about her was off. She was more closed off than normal, more reluctant to say anything. The Ka'kari helped, giving Desmond hints at when something was amiss with..well, anything. Kind of like a sixth sense, the perks of having another consciousness inside of you: it'd saved his life more times than he could count. [/i]

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  • [i]"It's not your burden to bare."[/i] [b]She remarked, surprisingly cold. It wasn't intentional, but she didn't want to describe what had happened. She was safe now and wasn't going to look back. She didn't so much as turn to Desmond, even her personality seemed to bend away from him.[/b] [b]But for once, the real difference between her and the other Elune began to shine through. Chloe had been so full of life and so hopeful... So much so that her eyes glowed a bright orange. Now, they were the plain red most other Elune shared. Even her skin had lost it's pale light. She was a husk of her former self... And now, she had closed off.[/b]

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  • "I don't care whether it is or not. Something happened to you, your skin and eyes don't even look the same, like a candle that's been snuffed out." [i] He said with more than a little annoyance in his voice. He hated that something was obviously wrong but she wouldn't let him in and talk to him. He was the last person to criticize someone about letting people in, but he didn't care if he was being hypocritical. He'd be damned if she just sat there like she was enduring a personal hell and he didn't even make an attempt. [/i] "What did this to you Chloephina?"

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  • [i]"My home is gone..."[/i] [b]She didn't need to say more. It carried a lot of weight as it was. She had lost everything... Well, except Desmond... Which is why she had decided to come back.[/b]

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  • "And everyone with it." [i] He stated, not a question. She wouldn't be here if she had anything remaining back home for her.[/i] "Those people that Aurox said were trying to seize control, they did, didn't they?"

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  • [i]"Yes. All that's left is their House. The leader used to be a childhood friend... But we came from very different places..."[/i] [b]She sighed, her eyes closing as she let her shoulders slump and head hang. She was tired and still in pain. It would be awhile before she could close her wounds...[/b]

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  • Edited by Will: 12/19/2016 11:33:22 PM
    "What did he do to you?" [i] This time, Desmond emphasized the word "you." He wanted to know if she'd been personally harmed or sought out. If she had been..Desmond wouldn't be a happy camper. [/i]

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  • Edited by Chesh I Guess: 12/20/2016 1:39:20 AM
    [i]"I told you it's not your burden to bare."[/i] [b]She repeats, much more firm this time, as if a nerve had been struck. Anger was unusual for her. Desmond hadn't ever seen her more than concerned or upset. But anger? It was like Chloe's antithesis.[/b] [b]But the way her neck muscles tensed, her fingers curling up into small fists... This was anger.[/b]

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  • [i] Desmond sighs and runs his hands over his face. She was beyond frustrating. Not because she was trying to be, but because she was the exact opposite of him and he had no idea how to talk to her. He reached down to his side and grabbed the bottle of scotch, rearing back and hurling off the rooftop. A second later, the shatter of glass could be heard, only slightly satisfying Desmond's temper. [/i] [quote]That relieving at all?[/quote] [i][b]A bit.[/b][/i]

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  • [b]She watched the bottle as it went with a crash, wincing at the sound of glass scattering upon impact.[/b] [b]She wasn't sure what to do now, after all... Her entirety had been pulled out from under her. Stay here? Rebuild what she had? Or do something else entirely...[/b] [i]"One day I'll find the courage to leave nothing unsaid..."[/i] [b]She mumbled, moreso repeating a phrase long since taught in the past.[/b] [i]"Is this all you do...? Sit?"[/i] [b]She asked, realizing how much Desmond tended to... Well, do nothing. She had never been one for idle meditation unless she could multitask.[/b]

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  • Edited by Will: 12/20/2016 2:05:13 AM
    "I don't have much to do. You leaving and me almost dying, I've grown fond of the quiet." [i] What he didn't tell her was what he was using that quiet time for. He would get his vengeance on the men who'd tried to kill him and Lucien, the men who'd forced him to turn his body into a host for the Black Ram, and he'd rip the Red Ka'kari from that Ka'Karifers corpse. He also didn't mention the fact that most of his time there had been spent shadowing Chloe for her safety. Without that to occupy him, well..he didn't have anything to do. [/i]

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  • [i]"I see. I hope I didn't disturb it too much."[/i] [b]Chloe rubbed her left shoulder, her joints still tense. She wanted to lay down, but she didn't even trust the ground beneath her. She wasn't even sure if she could trust Desmond. When she thought about it, she didn't know much about him... And he didn't know much about her. And the more she thought, the more angry and confused she became. What was her motivation? What was his?[/b] [b]Eventually, she picked herself up on wobbly legs, taking in a deep breath as she searched her arms and legs for any trace of her lost energy. She had never been so weak to loose something so important... But this felt different too. It was if her power had been sucked away, devoured even.[/b] [i]"I don't know what to do..."[/i] [b]She admitted, the helplessness apparent in her voice.[/b]

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  • "I haven't known what to do for the past five years, Chloephina." [i] He says quietly, standing up next to her, shoulders almost brushing. He wasn't that much taller than her, he was built like a wetboy. Short and lithe. Only about 5'8", his presence was more than imposing for people who took his build for a joke. [/i] "The first moment of purpose I've seen, was when I met you." "Even if you don't know what to do, I'm here to help you with that. I make for lousy company but I like to think I'm a decent times." [i] Was this..compassion from Desmond? Such odd words to hear from him. It wasn't pity, no, his words were genuine. [/i]

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  • [i]"You need a new purpose."[/i] [b]She responded harshly, the tables slowly turning. Right now, she didn't want protection. She didn't want to be watched. If anything, she just wanted a companion.[/b] [i]"Things change, Desmond. People change. Find something more productive. I just want a friend... It's all I ever really wanted... Not a guard..."[/i] [b]She presses her hands to her face, applying pressure as to block out the bad memories. Everything had fallen apart... Desmond was the only constant, but Chloe wasn't even sure if that was a positive.[/b]

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  • Edited by Will: 12/20/2016 3:23:09 AM
    "No one said you needed a guard." [i] He said, digging the heels of his palms into the area right above his eyes like he had a headache he was trying to get rid of. Chloe frustrated the living hell out of him sometimes.[/i] If you want productivity, I'll gladly go hunt down the men that tried to kill me and skin them alive for what they did. Productive enough?" [i]He paused.[/i] "I want to be your friend Chloephina." [i] He said quietly, resting his elbows on his knees and his head on his hands. He really wished he hadn't thrown that scotch. [/i]

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  • [i]"Then that's good enough... Not much else left."[/i] [b]She peeled her hands away, looking out over the Dojo-scape. Was it real? This life she was living?[/b] [i]"So what now? I can't stay here... I need to find something to do. Make myself useful."[/i] [b]She wasn't in a condition to be useful, but she'd be damned if she didn't try.[/b]

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  • "Well before you go off trying to find your life's calling, How about we see to whatever wounds you have right now, first? You're wincing each time you move." [i] He said dryly. She couldn't tell, but he was extremely displeased with the fact. [/i]

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  • [i]"What do you propose...?"[/i] [b]She asked, not hiding the fact that she was in fact in heavy pain.[/b] [i]"You don't seem like a doctor."[/i] [b]She grimaced and pressed her side which caused her to wince, the wound still there. She was surprised though, the bleeding had stopped and it wasn't soaking through.[/b]

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  • "I'm not." [quote]But I am.[/quote] [i] The Ka'kari said, it's lazy and drawling voice audible to the both of them. [/i] [quote]Well, not entirely a doctor, but you get the idea. Where are the wounds, Chloe?[/quote] [i] Odd how Desmond called her Chloephina and the Ka'kari called her Chloe.[/i] [i]But wasn't the Ka'kari bonded to Desmond? How would this even work? [/i]

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  • [b]Slowly, she peeled up the vest, revealing a large gash from a serrated weapon right above her stomach. It stretched across part of her back where the bottom of a black tattoo showed ever so slightly. Hard to make out what it was...[/b] [b]The second wound was just above her right hip, a burn mark. Those were the most significant... But smaller cuts, bruises, and wounds littered her body. But it proved something. She was strong willed. Not many could handle such pain. Lots would buckle under the aches and searing feeling.[/b] [b]She felt exposed, having to move her vest and pants ever so slightly. But she figured it was all to relieve her ailments.[/b]

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  • [i] Desmond gritted his teeth at the sight of her wounds, but didn't say anything. There was nothing he could do except heal them for her. [/i] "Congratulations, Chloephina. You get to feel what it's like to wield a Ka'kari." [i] Desmond says, holding out his palm. The familiar oily black substance begins to seep through his fingers and palm, eventually forming into the well known, runic covered orb Chloe and grown accustomed to seeing from time to time: the Black [url=]Ka'kari[/url].[/i] "The Ka'kari, all six of them are able to be wielded by those who can acquire them, but only some can make the full use of their abilities by forming a symbiotic bond with them: these people are called Ka'karifers and they are few and far between." [i] So there were six of these magical artifacts? Interesting to know.[/i] [quote]One of my capabilities is healing at an accelerated rate, which is what's going to heal those nasty wounds.[/quote] [i]Desmond held out his palm, the orb pulsing with magical energy like a bomb. Chloe could practically feel the archaic magical power this Ka'kari possessed. [/i]

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  • [b]She shivered at the strange thought of being healed by something other than her own powers. Oh well, better than nothing.[/b] [i]"I hope this doesn't hurt..."[/i] [b]She mumbled, guessing that it didn't matter either way... Khazz's marks hurt... And she doubted the Ka'Kari could do much worse at this point.[/b]

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  • [quote]It won't. Probably.[/quote] [i] The Ka'kari said audibly, chuckling in that same echoing voice as Desmond rolled his eyes and placed the Ka'kari into her hands. The Ka'kari was cold and metallic feeling, with grooves etched into it all over. Immediately, the runic orb began to melt and stretch its way over her skin, crawling over her body. It wasn't painful like it had joked, but it certainly felt strange. Warm with magical energy, and very smooth feeling along with having the consistency of molten plastic, almost. It seemed to attach to her skin in a way like it was a second skin, swarming over her flesh until every thing from her neck down was covered in the sleek, oily black substance. The sensation that came with it though, was the most interesting. Or abysmal, rather. It felt like Chloe was staring into an endless void, thoughts lost into a dark abyss where no light every reached and nothing crawled out of it. That was the sensation that came over her, one of emptiness and quite frankly, a bottomless pit. Was this what Desmond felt all the time..? [/i]

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