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Edited by Talia Sendua: 12/12/2016 4:06:46 PM

My Story about Destiny

[b]Important: I wrote that post under pressure of time so the text will maybe sounds sometimes strange or not completely correct in the grammar. But I hope you understand my Story![/b] Hello, My Name is Jannis and I want to tell you (the Community and Bungie) my Story hwo I get to Destiny. Let's start. The first Time I have heared something about Destiny was 2 and 5 Months ago. At this Time I played active GTA Online on my Xbox 360 together with my friends. At one day, in the evening, a friend asked me: "Do you want a clsed Beta-Code for Destiny?" I sayed to him: "No thanks, Destiny is garantued the worsest game ever. I don't need a Code!"... I couldn't imagine that Destiny become 2 Months later to my favourite Game after I played my first day in the Open Beta. After the Beta starts the time about my torture, because Destiny was for me so good that I couldn't wait longer like someone who is depend of his drugs. I preorderd my Destiny Version for Xbox 360 and take it from the GameStop in my Home Town Konstanz. I could say that I camped at 7.45 AM in front of the store to get the game. At Home then I installed it instant and enjoyed the "unfinished" Destiny. That was the greatest Time for me in Destiny: Year One. In Year Two with the Drop of TTK some Things changed and it was hard to agree with the changes, but hey I got a Hammer of Sol. Now we are actuall in Year 3 and I enjoy the game like I never done. Destiny is my importantst part in my Life and I spended more then 200 Hours in the Game. My Dreams at night are about Destiny and if I would choose in what Kind of reality I would want to live, I would choose the Destiny Universe. This Wallpicture at the Top is my Provement about my Love to this Game and I'm very excited about the coming Destiny 2. So Bungie, thank you for that great Game! Greetings, Jannis.

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