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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
12/10/2016 7:31:06 PM
Vernon sees Rhys notch and fire the first arrow, pulling his cannon away from the arrow's course. Unfortunately, he didn't see the second because of this. The arrow hits JJ diagonally in the chest, cutting through four layers of armor. "Jesus Christ, that wasn't pleasant. I have my own heat to dish out, though!" The orange energy inside of Vernon's cannon becomes red, and heat waves are visibly warping the air around Vernon's cannon. He fires a charged shot at the right shoulder of the flying Rhys, followed by three uncharged shots to his left.

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  • Rhys twirls in the air, dodging the shot to his right shoulder. Then, in a hurry, he creates a wall of lightning, which takes one of the shots, but the other two pass through hitting him. Those shots knock him back, but his wrist thrusters help him restabilize. He then rids himself of the bow, then takes the cylinders off of his chest. Blades construct themselves from what seems to be a hilt - which them cover themselves in lightning and... fire. Rhys blasts forward with incredible speed, plummeting towards the ground; his impact sending a shockwave of electricity. He stands, holding his blades in an 'X' fashion.

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  • Vernon leaps over the lightning shockwave, but it still arcs upward to collide with him. While it causes some damage to the circuits within the outer layers, the titanium layer keeps the electricity from harming Vernon directly. To retaliate, Vernon begins to back away as his visor swaps to a green color. Then, he dropped to one knee as a small missile rack appeared from his left shoulder. The missile was small, with a grey warhead, but it was still an explosive. Vernon fired said missile nearly as soon as the rack had fully extended. The missile roared towards Rhys, seeming to track his position. Vernon had a lock on Rhys.

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  • Rhys instinctively let out a stream of lightning at the missile, hoping to destroy it. Then due to the cover of the explosion, he notches another arrow, and fires it at Vernon's visor. Though to close the distance, he lunges forward at Vernon, punching him in the ribs multiple times with his spiked power gauntlets.

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  • Vernon ducks under the arrow, narrowly dodging certain death. However, the gauntlets do connect, causing massive damage to the first five layers of the suit, just shy of the titanium layer, puncturing in multiple places. Vernon manages to gather himself enough to deliver a point-blank charged shot to Rhys's chest; which would at least produce enough force to make Rhys lose hit footing, if not sending him a couple of feet back. Luckily for Rhys, it wasn't a plasma shot. Vernon then quickly follows his defense up with an attack, transforming his cannon back into a gauntlet. Grabbing the hilt of his sword, he charges forward, fingering something just above the opening of the sheathe.

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  • Edited by Old Man Kent: 12/11/2016 8:57:19 AM
    As Rhys falls back, his thrusters help him gain his balance. Then, almost immediately after, he shoots forward at Vernon's stomach - like a bullet. His sword blades acting as the tip. Electricity and fire now both on the weapons.

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  • As Rhys begins his lunge, Vernon takes action to prevent being impaled. He presses a small red button on the top of his sheathe, activating the explosive trigger and sending his sword flying out of its sheathe. Thanks to his suit, Vernon is able to control the momentum of the sword, batting the two swords of Rhys aside. He then follows up by attempting to hit Rhys in the stomach with his knee.

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  • Rhys takes the hit to the stomach, knocking him down to the ground. Quickly, he stands, tapping the pommel's on his swords. The vibranium blades, now become bladed chains - electricity and fire still moving around the weapons. Rhys begins to twirl them in front of himself, crisscrossing them in the shape of an 'X' at an extremely high speed. As he does this, he slowly walks towards Vernon, the chains not only working as a weapon of their own, but they are sending out waves of fire and electricity.

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  • "Not getting past that..." Vernon whispered to himself. Vernon steps back from the waves, taking advantage of the X-shape. He passes his sword to his offhand, and reforms his arm cannon. He fires six shots at Rhy's chest.

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  • Rhys forms the chains into blades almost instantly, using his thrusters to flip over the shots to his chest. He lands on the ground with one knee, then stands. A long rod is now visible on his back, directly next to where a medium-sized cylindrical box rests. Rhys grabs the rod, and connects it to the box - the lining of the metal begins to glow a bright orange, and seems to have a deep humming noise to it. He brings it from around his back, and holds it in his hands. It seems to be some form of sledgehammer... just, larger. From the front, Vernon can see that the hammer is vibrating at a rapid pace, but the rod is staying perfectly still. Fire and lightning engulf the box, making the humming noise grow even louder.

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  • Vernon's blade seems to take on a form of rock, like its encased in earth, with sharp rocks jutting out from the sides. "Huh. Never used this sword before. Whaddaya say we take it for a test run?" Vernon charges forward, firing at the hammer with his cannon, while performing a diagonal slash with his sword in the offhand. [spoiler]FYI, since I just got this sword from the tourney, all I was told is that the earth mode can crush armor. That's all I know.[/spoiler]

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  • Rhys swings the hammer at the cannon shot, the energy on the hammer shoots it back towards Vernon, hitting his chest. Rhys then swings the hammer up in an arcing manor towards Vernon's chest, rattling his bones while simultaneously knocking him back a few meters. [spoiler]This is the hammer Luis and I were talking about... I think you were there. It's essentially a beefed up version of a gravity hammer, that ignores all armor.[/spoiler] [spoiler]Btw, my replies will be coming in slower until later today.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Alright, I'll make due.[/spoiler] The energy causes Vernon to stumble backwards a few paces before falling. He climbs back to his feet after a short coughing fit. "That was an interesting, and quite painful, experience... Tell me how you like this." Vernon diverts all remaining energy in his suit to his cannon, severely overcharging it. He fires all of this energy as his suit begins to fall away, and a giant orange ball of energy flies toward Rhys.

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  • Rhys swings at the energy once more, but this time it only stops it mid air, causing Rhys to fly back several feet. He struggles to get up, but manages - releasing a large wall of fire and electricity at Vernon; multiple walls, actually, in several different locations in case he decided to dodge them.

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  • "Crap..." The armor had completely fallen away, revealing Vernon's body and clothing. But this meant he had practically no way to escape the walls because of this. "Well, I guess it worked for Geronimo." Vernon tried to find a spot in one of the walls where it was mostly flame, and then ran directly at it. He leapt through the wall, praying he wouldn't be shocked, and landed on the other side. He immediately began to put out the flames on his clothing as a red aura began to form around him. He then dropped into a battle stance, although he looked a little shaken thanks to the fact that he just jumped through fire and lightning.

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  • Edited by Old Man Kent: 12/13/2016 2:35:01 AM
    Rhys slams the warhammer on the ground, causing the earth to shake and crack beneath Vernon. The cracks erect huge spires of fire and lightning. He then slams the hammer down once more, creating a kinetic shockwave that went every direction around Rhys.

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  • The aura forms at last, creating Rage and Despair. With the armor formed, Vernon throws Despair through the shockwave, using his own influence over it to battle against it. The sword passes through as Vernon backs away while avoiding cracks, and Despair is headed straight for Rhys' chest.

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  • Rhys flies into the air, avoiding Despair, while at the same time, hurling lightning bolts towards Vernon. He flies around Vernon at all angles, waiting for any of his attacks.

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  • Vernon frantically attempts to avoid the bolts, but catches a few. Rage helps to dissipate the shock, but it still hurts Vernon somewhat. Meanwhile, Vernon calls Despair back, but influences it upward. The blade is flying directly into Rhys' flight path, and'll hit him unless something's done.

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  • Rhys hurls towards the ground in front of Vernon, creating a massive shockwave of kinetic energy to push him back. Rhys then continues to move, just in case if Despair was still following him.

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  • Vernon stumbles back, disoriented from the shockwave. But he recovers. As Rhys starts to rise again after dodging Despair, Vernon teleports to the sword. He then throws it at Rhys' left wing just far enough ahead to try and intercept him.

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  • Due to the wings only being exoskeletons, Despair passes right through the lightning - and Rhys charges at Vernon with a fast motion swinging the hammer at his head.

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  • Seeing the incoming charge, Vernon waits until what attack Rhys is planning is apparent, then rolls away from it. All the while, he's called Despair back to his hand. So once the attack lands, Vernon rushes back in with a diagonal slash against whatever part of the left wing's exoskeleton that holds it together.

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  • Despair cuts through the wing, destroying it. Rhys didn't seem too bothered though as he quickly turned around and hit Vernon in the side of the head with the warhammer. He then closes what's left of his wings, and gets ready to dodge whatever attack is next.

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  • The strike sends Vernon flying, causing him to bounce along the ground before stopping. He staggers to his feet, and holds his head. "You... little shit." He shakes his head, still trying to recover. He then throws Despair at Rhys, but screws up the throw. He winds up hitting Rhys in the thigh with the hilt of the sword.

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  • The swords bounces off of his leg, Rhys looks up at Vernon, surprised. "Woo! Takin' it like a champ!" He runs up to Vernon as he's disoriented and sweeps the warhammer under his legs, then smacks his stomach while he's in the air. Slamming him into the ground.

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