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Edited by StaticalBear12: 12/14/2015 12:30:43 AM

Sign and like if you want SRL to be PERMANENT!! (FEEDBACK THREAD ALSO)

Sparrow racing is so fun, especially after you get bored of shooting stuff. I think that it would be a shame to have all this hard work by Bungie go to waste by only making it a three week event. If it does become permanent we need more maps! The two we have right now are great, but I would love to see some more variety with the obstacles and scenery. Imagine having to avoid land mines, or electrical currents! Also, I think it would be awesome if there was a pikes mode! It would be an amazing competition that tests guardians' skill with racing, and steady aim. This would probably be a whole separate mode, because I know people would want to play the original. I feel like sparrows should have more to them than the archetype and aesthetics. We should be able to tinker with them, and tweak the stats. For example, you could sacrifice some of your handling to increase speed, and vice versa. There is so much potential with this mode. Adding it permanently to the game and adding some of the features I mentioned above would make me, and many other players much more motivated to play the game. Please bungie, I know you have a lot to deal with now, but there is no reason not to make this event last for ever. Edit: something should be done about the "bumper car" physics. There is no way to reliably tell how strafing into someone will plan out. Because of this, sometimes you will go off course and sometimes your opponent will, which makes it a bit unfair. Edit: Here is some more insight from other members of the community: [quote]Sparrow Racing must become a permanent member of the multiplayer game. It is frankly infinitely more entertaining than Salvage, and so if you need to kill a game type to make room, well, there ya go. At the least it should come back every so often like Iron Banner. Also, it does need a few more tracks (how about one per planet plus the dreadnaught?) and maybe a rotation in which gear gets dropped with high light numbers (so instead of always being helmets and class items, maybe we get say gauntlets next time?) While I disagree about a Pike's mode (because we can't get our own Pikes; if we could I'd agree in a second) how about a gate-less mode where you only rebuild your side boosts by doing tricks. Maybe doing bigger, harder tricks (say flips or rolls with an emote trick in the mix) also gives you a short speed boost after you land it? Also, some more variety in the tricks (perhaps by way of equipping unique emotes) would be cool. But all in all this is a great addition to the Destiny universe and it should absolutely become a permanent or at least semi-permanent (like Iron Banner) addition. Sincerely signed and liked, NYtransplant [/quote] [quote] Oh, and one last thought- Exotic Sparrows! Specifically, I think exotic sparrows should have the ability to super-boost and do tricks (ie when on the ground, it boosts to pull the second trigger; in the air, the second trigger acts like a destabilizer so you can do rolls and flips). I could also see doing exotic sparrows that have some form of light weaponry or ways to sabotage your opponent. Or I could also see adding sparrow racing related perks to new exotic armors (probably class items) where the exotic perk would be something like "any time an opponent bumps you, their sparrow takes damage" or "your sparrow respawns instantly when destroyed" or "hitting gates doubles your side boost bonus". Another thought- how about Sparrow Supers? Each class gets a unique super to use while on your sparrow, and the super is built by hitting gates and killing enemies along the track (as well as by your normal intelligence over time method). For example: Hunters: Golden Gun Hunters get to fire two shots from their sparrow directly forward that will destroy a sparrow in front of them. Blade Dancers get to destroy sparrows by bumping them. Void-Bow hunters get to fire a tether that makes any Sparrow that gets caught in the tether slow down dramatically and take more damage from incoming enemy fire. Titans: Solar Titans get to throw two hammers from their Sparrow, which destroy any Sparrow they hit. Void Titans get a bubble around their sparrow that makes them immune to all incoming damage including from enemy supers. The bubble can be destroyed by a single golden gun shot, or solar titan hammer, or void bomb from a warlock, or titan smash from arc titans. Bubbles last until they are destroyed. Arc Titans get to Sparrow Fist of Havoc with a modified "death from above" (it isn't quite as aim-able as the real version) or smash the ground around them destroying any nearby sparrows or with the area damage lingering perk that if it hits a bubbled titan, would either take away the bubble (if the fist of havoc didn't do so already) or kill the bubbled titan (if the titan loses his bubble courtesy of the fist of havoc.) Warlocks: Solar Warlocks get to throw the grenades of their choice from their Sparrow. Fusion grenades would one hit kill any sparrow except a bubbled titan unless they are inside the bubble when they stick the Titan; if they stick the bubble rather than the Titan the grenade destroys the bubble. Solar grenades would act as traps that detonate whenever a player runs over them and does enough damage to kill a damaged sparrow or damage a full health sparrow. Firebolt grenades would shoot off as bolts of fire in all directions, again doing enough damage to damage a healthy sparrow or kill a damaged one. Solar Warlocks also take less damage during their super at the expense of shortening its length and get a small speed boost and/or have no restraint on use of side boosts during their super. Void Warlocks get to Nova Bomb in whatever direction they are facing. Nova bomb can be either split into 3 or can be set to the type that leaves a lingering bomb where it detonates. The latter type is the only one that kills bubbled titans; the split bomb takes away the titan's bubble on the first hit and kills the titan if it hits twice. Arc Warlocks shoot off arc current in all directions. First hit damages a healthy sparrow or kills a damaged one. Any sparrow can be hit repeatedly during the duration of a single super. I think this would be particularly cool because it would incorporate a lot of the game's core mechanics into the racing mode. I could also see there being two modes for racing, based on the ability to use supers in one and just have pure hardcore racing in the other. There's a lot of room for creativity in this, and the game play itself is fun and balanced so why not try and add onto it, especially if the add on is consistent with Destiny Universe? Sincerely, NYtransplant [/quote] jakob: [quote] It should be permanent and I want more grimoire! Who are Cron-8, Marcus Ren, Tyla Sola? What made them such great racers? What sparrows did they use? Can we get said sparrows? They could be the first 3 exotic sparrows. Is SRL always going to be an event or can we have it all the time? I'm in favor of the latter. What is Amanda Holiday's connection with the SRL?[/quote] xPRx WOLF [quote] It needs to stay, they should add power ups instead of boosters & turn it into a death race , like the last player gets a gjallarhorn power up that locks on player 1 & blows it out to orbit :D[/quote] See you star side!

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